Tangled in a Web of Lies (29 page)

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Authors: Jesse Johnson

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I blurt out a laugh, and Shannon smiles. By the time we finish the day, I’m a pro in rough estimates.




Devil’s Cut

Odin rides out with Micah, Cole, Damien, Felix, Jr. and Nikko. Nikko is just getting back on his bike after taking a bullet to the ribs. They’re going to secure a new business deal with some guy from Hollywood, looking to expand his gentleman’s club to the Bandit’s turf in Santa Monica.

There’s a lot of money to be made in pussy, so new clubs aren’t too much competition, as long as they pay their dues to the MC.

They meet up with a Russian guy named Yuri, and a few of his Russian friends. Yuri introduces himself as an heir to one of the most profitable pussy markets in Russia.

Odin rolls his eyes, imagining what kind of sex slave trade Yuri probably has his fingers in.

“Are your dancers all legal?” asks Micah, with the same thought as Odin.

“A majority of our dancers are exotic. They all have paperwork though. I run very clean clubs.

“Any of your joints ever been busted by the feds?” asks Odin, winning himself a less then friendly scowl from one of Yuri’s accomplices.

“Gentleman, Your Uncle Sam loves harassing strip clubs. I’ve had plenty of threats, and even been under an investigation. But I come out squeaky clean every time. It’s no problem, I assure you.”

By ‘coming out squeaky clean’ Odin has a feeling that means every time there’s been an issue, they illuminated it, or her, before it became a real problem. He casts Micah a glance with a sarcastic look on his face, letting Micah know he thinks what Yuri is spilling is bullshit.

“It ain’t any of our business how you run your clubs. You pay us our dues in cash, under the table. As far as Uncle Sam’s concerned, we ain’t got nothing to do with you. Of course, as far as the rest of Santa Monica is concerned, you’re under our protection. But I got to warn you, shit gets heated, that protection starts to cost more. We don’t condone the illegal sale of pussy and we got a big problem with underage girls being abused. So I suggest, you keep it legal my friend, and I think our arrangement will work out just fine.” Felix cuts straight though the bull shit, laying it on the line.

Cole spits on the ground, obviously not thrilled with the idea of working with Yuri. Odin has the same feeling, and no doubt so does Micah, but they don’t say as much.

“Okay. And what does protection cost me?” asks Yuri, more worried about his pocket book than his business.

The Bandits take a step back for a moment to converse where Yuri and his crew can’t overhear them.

“This guy reeks of illegal girls. We get anywhere near him, we’re gonna feel that heat from the feds,” says Odin, and Micah and Cole are quick to agree.

“What Yuri does behind the curtain of his own club, won’t affect us much, as long as he keeps it behind the curtain. This guy has numerous clubs in Vegas, New York, Dallas, Nashville. I did my homework, they all make bank. They take in a lot, and their overhead is small.”

“Yeah, probably because they don’t have to pay half their employees,” Cole interjects. He’s absolutely right. You buy girls from the Russian black market, force them to work your club in exchange for room and board. It’s paradise compared to what their used to, and it’s cost efficient. Yuri’s not the only one who’s figured out how to work the all too ugly system.

“It’s dirty, but it could be profitable. The question is, how much profit makes turning a blind eye well worth it for us?” Felix seems insistent on getting to the point, knowing they have Yuri in a bind. He has to accept any offer the Bandits toss his way, otherwise they’ll burn his clubs down faster than he can build a clientele. 

“I’m thinking at least 10 grand a month,” Jr. starts throwing out numbers.

Odin takes a glance at Yuri, wearing a fine tailored grey Armani suit, sporting a Rolex, standing in front of a brand new Mercedes Benz.

“Looks like Yuri over there can afford more,” Odin nods in his direction. “I like 15k.”

“Now you’re talking!” Cole agrees.

“Yeah, I think we can get the club on board with illegal Russian girls for 15k.”

“That’s a pretty high protection price,” says Felix shrugging.

“Well, running a strip club full of black market pussy don’t come cheap. Yuri wants to expand to Santa Monica, he’ll pay it.” Micah folds his arms, looking around to see that everyone agrees.

Felix looks to Jr. who has been pushing for his senior patch. “I’ll let you work it out,” he says with a smile, handing the negotiating rights over to Jr.

Everyone smiles at Jr. knowing this is a test for him. He wastes no time walking back to where Yuri and his men are waiting for the answer.

“I have to be honest with you Yuri. When I bring this proposal back to my club, they aren’t going get on board with illegal girls without enough cash to line their pockets. I know what your clubs can potentially bring in a month, and I know you’ve got a pretty low overhead with all the free help.”

Yuri rolls his eyes, glancing at Micah, then at Felix. But neither of them gives anything away, letting Jr. finish the deal.

“We’ll take 15K every month. Buys your protection, and we turn a blind eye to where you get your girls, as long as they’re at least 18.”

“That’s bullshit,” says Yuri in a Russian accent.

“That’s business,” says Jr. with a grin. “You want to do business in my town, you make it work. I’ll be nice, and I won’t charge you anything while you’re under construction. But I’ll expect the first payment the day the doors open. And I’ll be sending my guys in to check things out. You better be hospitable. If you don’t like my terms, you can build your club in someone else’s town. But I think you’ll turn a good profit here.”

Yuri and one of his buddies have a quick discussion in Russian. It’s clear they’re not happy about having to fork over 15 thousand a month, or that their strip club will be under the Bandits watch, but he reluctantly agrees.

“Fine. Deal.” Yuri holds out a hand to Jr. who shakes on it.

“I’ll call you tomorrow to let you know what my club decides. I have a good feeling you’ll be opening up shop. I look forward to working with you,” says Jr. finishing up the meeting.

Everyone is pretty proud of him as Yuri and his guys take off in their Mercedes.

“Not bad,” says Micah patting Jr. on the back. The guys mount their bikes and head back for the clubhouse to let the rest of the members in on the deal.

When they arrive, Odin lags in the lot with Micah and Cole while Felix and his sons head inside.

“I need some help getting my guest room cleared out tomorrow. I’m hoping to move Lila in sooner rather than later. I could use some help getting her stuff too. I don’t want her left alone over there.”

“What are you going to do with the furniture from the guest room?” asks Cole.

Odin turns an irritated glare at him. “Why?”

“I’m just saying, it doesn’t look like Keila’s gonna let me come home any time soon. I might be looking at grabbing a little place while we figure our shit out.”

Odin rolls his eyes, fighting the urge to put his fist though Cole’s face.

“The only thing you need to figure out is whether or not that baby is yours. If it is, there ain’t shit to figure out, you’re fucked! How many times have I told you, if you’re going to sleep around, put a god damned condom on!” Micah chastises Cole like he’s an errant child and Odin smiles.

“You don’t have to tell me I fucked up. I didn’t want this to happen. I don’t even remember half the nights I spent with Brandy. She says she’s sure it’s mine, wants me to be involved, whatever the fuck that means.”

“She’s got no right having your babies  She ain’t your old lady,” says Micah, irritated.

“What am I supposed to do? She says it’s too late to get an abortion.”

“That’s fucking convenient. Sounds like she planned that shit,” says Odin.

“Probably thinks you’re going to leave your wife for her. You prepared for that?” Micah stares at his son with a serious expression.

“That’s between me and Keila. If I still have a fighting chance to make things work with her, I want to. Fuck Brandy. I’ll do what I gotta do for the baby, but I don’t wanna be with her.”

“And if Keila tells you to go fuck yourself?” asks Micah.

“Then I guess there’s no harm in trying things out with Brandy. It makes sense.”

Odin shakes his head, having heard enough. “Right now, I think I’d rather burn my spare furniture than give it to you. I’ll say it again, you’re a fucking selfish dumb ass!”

“Yeah, thanks bro.” Cole glares at Odin. Micah says nothing, shaking his head.

“Get Nathan and Damien to help Lila move. Good call on keeping a tail on her. Last I heard, Rick was making inquiries, burning bridges quick with the Kings. It’s only a matter of time before he makes a move on them. But that don’t mean shit, keep Lila close.”

Odin nods before starting his bike and leaving Cole and Micah in the lot.

Fucking Cole! Anyone with a wife as sweet, and giving as Keila should be content. Odin can’t imagine desiring any girl the way he desires Lila.



The next two weeks pass by with a new routine. Work all day with Shannon, put up with Cole moping around Odin’s house while he figures out what he’s doing next, slowly move my things to Odin’s house, and of course, get used to having Nathan as a permanent side kick when Odin isn’t hovering over me.

I get a chance to visit Keila, and she’s an emotional wreck.

“Part of this is my fault. Cole and I have been trying to have a baby for a while with no luck.”

“That doesn’t give him the right to cheat on you with a stripper whore!” I put my arm around Keila as she pulls more tissues from a box conveniently placed on the coffee table.

“It’s driving me crazy, every day I wake up and I’m alone. I just want him to come back, he’s everything to me. But if I let him come home, then I accept everything he’s done. And I can’t do that either. I need to get out of here for a while, and clear my head. I can’t fucking think when everywhere I look in this house, all I can see is him.”

“So take a trip,” I suggest. “I’ve ditched town a few times when things got to be too much.”

“I’m scared to go anywhere by myself. And I don’t really have a lot of friends, I have Cole. He’s my whole life. My friends are all club girls. Hanging out with Shannon, or Ashley, doesn’t make it any easier to not think about Cole.”

“Well, I was going to try and talk Odin into going to my brother’s in Colorado for Thanksgiving. Maybe me and you can go instead, like a girls getaway. Nothing real exciting, but it gets us out of here.”

“I would love that! I don’t want to go out and get drunk and party, I want to go somewhere quiet where Cole isn’t constantly texting me and showing up on the doorstep like a kicked puppy. I just need to breathe.”

I know exactly how she feels.

“Well, I’ll talk to Odin about a ladies getaway trip to Colorado. In the meantime, stick to your guns. You shouldn’t have to be forced to make peace with some stripper’s baby. Cole’s a fucking dick, let him be miserable for a while,” I encourage her. I feel a little bad, knowing Cole is at Odin’s house in total emotional wreck mode. But poor Keila really thinks it’s her fault for not being able to get pregnant herself, and that’s just so fucked up.

Nathan is parked on his bike in front of Keila’s house, and he follows me back to Odin’s.

The next few days are the same, working in the office with Shannon, learning how to do new things. My old expertise in building houses on the Sims as a teenager comes in handy when it comes to mastering the blueprint program. Odin insists on taking me to work and picking me up, and when he’s busy, he has Nathan or Damien follow me.

If Rick does have any eyes on me, I’m sure I look suspicious. On the days Odin doesn’t pick me up, I stop by Keila’s house. The poor thing is so lonely. I’d ask her to stay with me, but Cole is still residing in Odin’s guest room. Odin wants him gone, and so do I.

I ride behind Damien on his bike, back to Odin’s house. Cole and Odin are downstairs, having some sort of heated discussion when we come in through the front door. They glare at each other, but drop it as Odin moves his gaze towards me.

“How’d it go today?” he asks me.

“Great. I totally dominated the blue print program,” I smile like I accomplished some huge thing.

“That’s awesome. Keila hates the blue print program,” says Cole and I turn to look at him. He has a drunken smile on his face, and a bottle of whiskey in front of him.

“I stopped by and said hi to Keila,” I say to Odin, purposefully ignoring Cole.

“That’s good. Thanks babe.” Odin leans down and kisses me. I smile and head up to his room to relax for a bit before I make dinner.

Shannon told me not to come in until noon tomorrow because no one will be in the office. That gives me and Odin a chance to sleep in together for the first time since we made it home from our trip.

Odin wakes me up with two fingers, gently grazing along my clit. I open my legs for him, and he moves around to my front, laying himself between my legs as his hand still teases my pussy.

He makes me cum before finally sinking his erection inside of me. When he does, I’m already so lit up inside that every drag of his cock in and out of me makes my body tense. I squeeze his upper arms, bracing myself for every forward movement of his hips.

Another orgasm approaches quickly, sweeping through my body as Odin cock hardens deep inside my core. He pushes faster, and the muscles in my lower abs contract, my pussy clenching down around him. He groans, cumming deep inside me as my body pulls him in.

He stills, finishing with a look on his face so hot I lose my breath beneath him. I move my fingers through his damp hair and he leans down to plant a gentle kiss on my breast.

My hearts beats heavy in my chest, and my breath is still harsh as he sucks my nipple into his mouth.

“I need to get up,” I whisper.

“Not yet.”

“I need to go to the bathroom,” I say, wishing I didn’t.

Odin’s lips smile around my breast, and when he brings his head up to gaze at me, there is an antagonizing look on his face.

Oh no! Odin kisses my sternum between my breasts, then trails kisses down my body.

“Odin!” I pull my legs shut, hiding my already overly stimulated sex from him.

“If you want to get to the bathroom, you better corporate,” he teases. He presses his hand between my knees, and I reluctantly let my legs open. Odin’s head lowers, and he lays a kiss on the shaven skin between my thighs. His tongue snakes across my clit, and I gasp at the warm, wet sensation.

I don’t know what to think about Odin eating me out after fucking me, but as his fingers press into my soaking wet entrance, and my eyes roll back into my head, I don’t complain. His tongue glides along my clit, as three strong fingers gently stroke my insides.

“Oh,” I moan. My full bladder, full pussy, and overworked clit, throb as one, creating a dark, desire that starts at my sex, and burns though my body. I grasp the sheets in my fists, and my back arches. I find myself pushing myself into Odin’s hands, burning with need.

The sensation between my legs hurts, having already cum twice. But still the fire inside me grows hotter, scorching every nerve I have. His tongue flicks quickly up and down, and I feel the flutter of sensation shake my body.

My muscles tighten down again around his deep thrusting fingers, and his tongue takes me over the edge. I moan wildly, begging for more as I cum hard for the third time, shaking and trembling beneath his touch. I keep expecting to come down, for my body to give in, but it doesn’t. I ride the orgasm for miles, letting it pulse though my veins and seep out my mouth in harsh, pleading whispers.

Odin groans against my clit, and the vibration pierces through my orgasm, the shock so violent, I reach down and grasp Odin’s head in my hands.

“Mmm,” he murmurs, as his tongue laps at my sex. I take two fistfuls of his hair between my fingers, smashing his face against my swollen sex so hard, he can barely move his tongue anymore. I moan in ecstasy as he continues to eat me.

“Please,” I beg him to stop, unable to stand anymore stimulation. I’m so sensitive that just the slight movement of him leaning away from me makes me cringe.

He presses his lips to my inner thigh and it tickles horribly. I pant loudly, holding his face in my palm as I stare up at the ceiling in shock.

Odin sighs before pulling himself off of me, and moving toward the bathroom. I take a minute to catch my breath, and before long, Odin comes back out to get changed.

After a quick shower, I get dressed and head downstairs to join him. Cole is moping on the couch, watching TV and Odin is making food in the kitchen.

“What’s his problem?” I ask Odin, taking a seat at the breakfast bar across from him.

“Keila called this morning.” Odin glances up at the back of Cole’s head, not saying anything else.”

It’s almost 11:00 when Odin starts dishing out eggs onto two separate plates, and the door bell rings.

“I’ll get that,” I offer since Odin has his hands full, and Cole is oblivious to the world.

I can feel Odin eyeing me from behind as I make my way to the front door. I take one look at the dolled up blonde on the front door step with her i-Phone in one hand and the other holding onto the bulge in her belly. She is wearing a pink sweat suit and a white tank top, and has a designer bag hanging over her shoulder. She looks well manicured from her French tip toenails, to the platinum highlights in her hair. This must be Brandy.

“Can I help you?” I ask rudely, appalled that she would show up here.

“Is Cole here?” She leans on one hip, flicking her cheap hair over her shoulder.

“I’m sorry, I don’t remember hiring a pregnant stripper.” I fold my arms in front of me, with no intention of letting her in.

“Real nice,” she sneers, rolling her eyes at me.

“Lila, who is it?” I hear Odin call from the kitchen.

“You better tell your brother to come take care of his shit!” I lean my head and yell toward the kitchen. Cole comes around the corner, and Odin grabs him by his shoulder.

“Get rid of her,” I see Odin say to Cole. Cole just nods.

“Brandy, what are you doing here?” asks Cole as I step away.

“You were supposed to pick me up for an ultrasound this morning. You said you’d be there,” I hear her say before Cole steps out and closes the door. I let out an irritated growl where no one can hear me. “Fucking slut!” I whisper under my breath.

Odin and I are trying to enjoy breakfast when Cole comes back inside. Odin stares down his back, and Cole is careful to avoid looking at us.

“He needs to go,” says Odin, taking the last bite of his breakfast sandwich.

“Why don’t I let him stay at my apartment? I’m never there, and the rent’s paid up for the month. We’re thinking of living out the lease anyhow. Let him sulk, and turn his life to shit over there. But tell him that whore isn’t welcome in my house.”

Odin nods, liking my idea. “I’ll talk to him.”

“Good. I have to go to work.” I take our plates to the sink and head upstairs for my shoes. Odin gives me a ride to the office, and pinches my ass as I walk toward the front door. I jump, and swat playfully at his hand. He walks me in, and says hi to Shannon before leaving.

I get right to work on making blue prints, already feeling like I own the place.


A week later, all my clothing has been moved to Odin’s, and things at the office are coming around. Cole is staying at my condo, helping me sell off my larger furniture, and all the things I don’t need living with Odin.

Odin comes home after a run, and I can tell he’s in a bad mood. I grab him a beer from the fridge and sit on his lap in his lazy boy chair with a joint. After lighting it up, and taking a few hits I pass it to Odin. He rests his cold beer against my leg, taking a drag.

“Rick’s in county,” says Odin in a neutral tone.

“That’s good.”

“Not good enough.” Odin exhales a large gust of smoke, and it bellows into the room around us.

“I need to ride up to Washington this weekend,” he says, and now I know what the mood is about. He hates leaving me alone. As much as Odin loves to ride, he hasn’t been able to get home to me fast enough since I moved in. I know it’s unhealthy. Going on a run will be good for him.

“For what?” I ask, expecting him to just say business.

“Omaha charter reached out. They need some help. Micah can’t go, and Cole’s too distracted to handle shit. Micah needs me to go up there with Jr., Damien and Jay.”

“Sounds like fun, wish I could get away from here for a few days.” I take a hit from the joint, breathing in a cloud of thick smoke. Odin’s hand rubs my calf and I lay a kiss on his lips, exhaling my hit into his mouth.

“I wish I could bring you. But shit could get ugly. It’s never a good sign when other charters are reaching out for more bodies.”

“Well maybe me and Keila can take a little ladies away weekend together while you’re gone. Lord knows she needs some away time. It’s so sad watching them go through this. They belong together, they’re miserable without each other, but Cole fucked up and he can’t take it back.”

“Yeah, I know.” Odin takes another hit and chases it down with a swig of beer. “Where you guys gonna go?”

“I talked to my brother about two weeks ago, he mentioned us coming out for Thanksgiving. It’s only two weeks early. Dustin’s got a nice cabin in the woods, and the casino is only a few miles from him.”

“Sounds like you got it all planned out,” he jokes, his hand skimming up my arm. I hold the joint to the side and Odin leaves a lazy kiss on my lips.

“Take my truck. You’ll probably hit snow driving through the Rockies.”

I look down at Odin with an excited smile. “Really?”

“Yeah. Go get poor Keila laid or something. Be safe.”

I’m almost surprised. Then I feel his erection thickening beneath me, the one I’ve been subtly grinding my ass on since I sat down. I take another hit, lean forward and press my lips against Odin’s.

His tongue plunges into my mouth. I hand the joint to him, while I switch positions, straddling him in his chair.

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