Teacher's Pet Complete Series (14 page)

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I stifled a scream by biting down hard on my lower lip as Simon increased the speed of his motion. His finger slipped in and out of the wetness of my passage, curving up so he could hit that special spot. I shook. The scream broke free of its bondage and my flower milked its sweet sex nectar in his palm.

Wave after wave of unforgiving pleasure washed over my body, cleansing me of all concerns. I had to push him away. I fell and rocked back in the seat of my chair, and I could barely get words out. “I’m done.” Through a rush of quick, shortened breaths. That was all I could take. I had nothing left to give.

Simon ignored me. He dropped his boxers to the floor and stepped out of them as he moved between my legs. His manhood hung in my face. It was thick, eager and unbelievably hard. I wrapped both my hands around it. My arms felt like noodles, but I stroked as rhythmically as I could, increasing my speed and squeezing the tip of his head.

“Stop!” he demanded.

I didn’t, so he grabbed both my wrists and pushed them away, pinning them to my waist. He then lifted my body effortlessly and turned me around on my knees in the chair. My head faced the door, and I wrapped my arms around the chair, hugging it tight like it was another lover. Simon got a firm grasp on the sides of my hips and slowly entered my folds with his blunt, swollen tip, thrusting shallowly in the beginning and teasing me until I was just shy of losing my mind.

I wanted to push my hips back and deepen the penetration—I tried—but Simon stopped me by stiffening his arms. He wanted to be in control, and as he took it fully, my hunger grew. He reached from around my back and cupped my breasts in his hands. With him leaning over me I felt the warmth of his body, the sweat settled on his cheek and his want growing stiffer inside me.

His thrust became deep. He pushed himself within me to the hilt. I bit the edge of my chair, not wanting to scream and have it heard in the hall. His pace quickened as he pounded me from behind with a strong, hurried purpose. I backed my hips up against him, accepting his ferocity. Another moan escaped his lips and his fingers dug into the thick of my flesh, so I knew what was coming, but I couldn’t let him spill inside me. I pushed forward and turned around, grasping him in my hands, and kept the same pace, stroking his shaft as fast as I could.

“Please, I can’t hold it,” he shouted. “I ca… can’t… hold it!” Simon let out a deep and guttural growl. I squeezed around his head to slow the building force, but it turned out to be a spilled mess; such a beautiful, pearlescent spilled mess. Simon fell down in a heap on the surface of his desk. I got up on wobbly legs and teetered next to him, pulling a bundle of Kleenex from a little blue box.

I wiped my hands with it, wiped myself clean, tightened the sweats around my waist and opened the door. “I suggest you give me my job back and soon, Mr. Foster—or your cock, as you call it, won’t feel that from me ever again.” I saw a smile on his face as I slammed the door behind me. His smile was as wide or wider than mine.

Lesson # 5
Always be dressed to impress

“I felt like Cinderella. I did. I know that sounds corny, but it’s the truth.” -Lynora Minnelli


I smelled his scent all over me. It traveled up my nose and encompassed my mind to the point where he was all I could think about. I was walking to my room with a smile across my face as a true and sincere expression of happiness. I gave Simon the sugar and then I gave him hell. Bobbi would be proud of how I handled myself.

As the fly that was meant to lay victim to the spider, I escaped scot-free, leaving him wanting. I was in control now instead of him, and it felt great. I didn’t have to wonder and be miserable. I would decide what happened next and when it happened next.

I opened the door to my room quietly. I wouldn’t consider it late, but Sonja kept an odd schedule, so I never knew when she’d be fast asleep.

There was something on my bed. My eyes went directly to the black box wrapped in thin golden ribbon. It stood out in my room like an elephant. It wasn’t a large box by any means. It was small and round in shape, but it was more than enough to pique the hell out of my interest. That was when I saw Sonja with a smile on her face, sitting on her bed, her eyes trained on me. I looked at her, expecting she would say the box was hers, but a slight shrug told me it wasn’t.

“It was waiting by the door when I got here.” She stood up. “I don’t know how it was delivered. There are no postmarks on it or return address. It’s exciting, huh?”

“Confusing is more like it.” I approached the box cautiously. Not because I thought it was dangerous, but because I don’t do well with surprises. I sat down hard on my bed. The box bounced up, tipped and rolled toward my thighs. I had a bad feeling about where the box came from. It wasn’t something I wanted to be greeted with right after what I had just done with Simon.

I looked up at Sonja, who was standing over me, more anxious for me to open the box than I was. “Are you going to open it or not?” she pushed. “It’s not a bomb. What are you afraid of?”

“I’m not afraid. I’m trying to figure out who sent it.” I picked it up and turned it over in my hands. It felt super light, almost empty. “Do you think Simon sent it?”

“I guess it could’ve been him—to make up for your fight—but how will you know until you open it?”

“You’re right,” I conceded. I pulled the ribbon quickly and decisively.

The knot loosened and unraveled with a pop; my excitement was building. Simon must’ve sent the box before I went to see him. It made me feel like the time we spent in his office was all the more special. However rough he was, there was an apparent sweet side to him as well. I pushed the top, and it fell away to the side. The box was filled with a bunch of white tissue gift paper. I fished to the bottom and found a card. The card was made of metal and gold to match the ribbon, with embossed black letters that read:

A car is waiting outside.

Sonja looked as confused as I was. “Is that it?”

I turned the box upside down and shook it until everything fell out on my bed. I spread the paper around and came up empty. “Yup, looks like it.”

“Flip the card over.” She made a gesture with her finger. “Let’s see if it says anything else.”

On the other side of the card was the same embossed writing, but this time it read:

Hand this card to the driver.

I let Sonja inspect the card. She flipped it over twice in her hand and was struck with a keen look of wonder on her face. “I think I’ve seen something like this in a movie. It’s, like, mysterious, but also romantic. You should go and see what happens.”

“Go where? Do you know how big this campus is? If there’s a car waiting for me it could be anywhere.”

Sonja shook her head and sighed, blurted out a few choice Serbian curse words, grabbed me by the arm and then lifted until I rose. “Come on.” Sonja opened the door and practically dragged me down the hall by my arm. She shouldered through the double doors that lead out to the garden pass.

“There… you see!” She pointed.

At the bottom of the garden pass, parked by the curb, was a long black limousine and a driver standing by the passenger door. He was an older guy—mid-forties—in a classic chauffer’s uniform, including the hat and a slim black suit. I gave him the card as I approached him. He accepted the card, opened the passenger door and bent at the waist, prompting me to get in.

I turned to Sonja. “So what happens now?”

She had her hands in a tent near her lips. “What happens is you will get in the car and I will worry about you until you come back. Hopefully you’ll have a smile on your face.” She shot her thumb toward the sky like a hitchhiker. “Tell Professor Foster good job. I’m impressed.”

I gave Sonja a hug and slid in the back seat. Once I settled inside the car, the chauffer closed the door behind me and I was there all alone with my thoughts again, in wonder. On the seat to my left was a large white box wrapped in red ribbon with a bow. I pulled the top off. I didn’t hesitate this time because I didn’t want to overthink it or be afraid of whatever gift was placed inside.

In the box were a dozen long-stemmed roses that were lying in groups of three rows across and four rows down. They were the most beautiful and vividly lush red roses I had ever seen in my life. I picked one up and brought it to my face, inhaled the sweet smell and let it linger in my nose.

The driver rolled down the partition that separated us. “Ma’am, we’re coming up on our first stop. I’ll wait for however long it takes, but please keep in mind that we’re on a tight schedule.”

“Okay, but are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

“All I’m allowed to say is we’ll be there in about an hour from the time you come back. I’m sorry to be so vague, but—“

“It’s okay. I understand.”

The driver rolled up the glass. I found myself getting a bit shaky and nervous. Who was it that was doing this? I wanted it to be Simon, of course, but what if it wasn’t? He did have a nice side—I’d seen it—but that didn’t mean it was him. At that point, with the way the last few days had been going, it could’ve been anyone. My curiosity was through the roof, as well as my nervousness.

We drove for ten more minutes and eventually stopped in front of a boutique with the lights still on, but they were turned down low to a soft romantic glow. A beautiful older woman was waiting in the doorway. She was tall, with a head full of salt-and-pepper hair worn on top of her head in a high French twist. She had flawless, creamy skin, wore gold half-hoop earrings and smiled as I stepped out the limousine.

“Hello, my name is Gladys.” She shook my hand. “It’s very nice to meet you, Lynn, and welcome to my store.”

Her canary-yellow ankle-length dress hung loosely from her shoulders with small spaghetti straps. She reminded me of my mother in a happier time when she wore pretty dresses and stylish shoes. It made me feel a little calmer just being around this woman. I decided to just go with the flow.

“Please,” the lady said as she stepped to the side. “Come in. I have some items you’ll want to see.” She led me toward a dress that was on display in the middle of the store. It was draped on a mannequin; it was sleeveless, black and sexy. “I hope it’s to your liking.” Gladys smiled with a mouth full of pearly white teeth. “The gentleman that called us earlier wasn’t exactly sure of your size, but by the looks of you I think he might’ve gotten it right.”

She removed the dress and held it close to my body. I ran my hands over the expensively soft material and felt like at any moment I would cry.

“There’s a dressing room past that door to the right. Try the dress on and see how it fits.”

I walked to the dressing room and closed the door behind me. I stood in the mirror and slipped the dress over my head. My hair was in a ponytail, so I untied and shook it out, teased it with my fingers and let it free fall down to my shoulders.

I had to practically roll down the dress over my body, but I admit that the dress looked great. It fit me like a new skin, accentuating my curves but not really leaving much to the imagination. It was cut low in the front and very open in the back, not much but enough to get attention. I had to remove my bra for it to work, but it was worth it. The freedom of the girls felt amazing.

Once I walked out the dressing room, I did a twirl in my dress for Gladys. She nodded her approval with her arms folded across her chest. “You look incredible.” She stepped back to study me and check the dress for flaws. “Oh, one last thing.”

Gladys walked behind the register and handed me a box. I opened it to see a pair of black leather silver-studded pumps. “We can’t have a lady going barefoot, now, can we?” Gladys looked like a proud mother sending her daughter down the aisle.

After another one of Gladys’ quality checks, I was set. I waved my goodbyes, and made my way out of the store and back to the car with a smile on my face. It was a beautiful night. The moon was full, shedding its light on the world, and the stars were out twinkling in assistance. I felt like Cinderella. I did. I know that sounds corny, but it’s the truth. I could hardly contain my excitement. I was in a limousine for the first time in my life, feeling like a princess on my way to rendezvous with my prince. I started to feel even better about going to Simon’s office that afternoon. If he was doing all this for me, I had clearly made the right decision.

I didn’t want to focus on any negative things, like I had no makeup on or I hadn’t painted my toenails in a month. So what I did was make a conscious decision to accept what I had was just what I had, sit back and enjoy the rest of the ride.

We took the more scenic 280 freeway, as opposed to the more industrial 101. Before long we were driving through the city of San Francisco. The bridges were lit. The lights reflecting on the water were a beautiful sight for me to witness. No one had ever gone to such lengths for me before. It was an all-new experience, and every minute that passed brought a new and welcome surprise.

We pulled up in front of a tall building that looked like a hotel, but not commercially so. There were no signs displaying the brand or bellboys at the door handling luggage for the guests. In fact, there wasn’t even valet parking. I was confused as to what we were doing there. It looked dead, with no lights on except for on the very top floor.

The driver parked alongside the curb that was sectioned off by four orange cones. He walked out, opened the door for me and looked at the building in front of us. “Well, this is where we part ways it seems, young lady.”

He bowed at the waist.

“All you have to do is walk to the door and press the button on the intercom. The rest is simple. It was truly a pleasure meeting you, miss. You have a good night.”

I shook the driver’s hand and walked up to the door. There were several intercom buttons on the wall, but only one button that was painted bright red. I pressed it. Nothing happened. It didn’t make a sound when I pressed the button, and no voice came from the speaker. Maybe it was broken. I thought. I pressed the button again, left my finger on it and waited. After a few seconds, the door buzzed open. I grabbed the handle, pushed and walked my way through.

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