Teen Mom Confidential: Secrets & Scandals From MTV's Most Controversial Shows (19 page)

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That's when Jennifer says Josh pushed her into a fence and then disappeared inside the house - returning a few minutes later with a ripped shirt and bloody nose. She later told
that Josh called the cops because it was “her turn to go to jail” - “payback,” she says, for an explosive incident months earlier when she had him arrested. In March 2011, Jennifer filed a restraining order against her long-ago love, claiming he had been “harassing and threatening” her and “saying he will have [her] raped.” Josh “has attempted to kidnap [the] children,” she claimed, adding that “due to [his] violence [she] is frightened for her life and children's life.”


* * * *

Whitney's Mom Caught With Crystal Meth
June 5, 2011
April Michelle Purvis - the mother of Whitney Purvis - enjoyed her own 15 minutes of fame after being popped for possession of meth and marijuana. April, 37, was pulled over by police near her home in Rome, Georgia, during a random road check.

According to the
Rome News Tribune

“The officer noted that Purvis smelled of marijuana and, after a K9 search of her vehicle, the officer found marijuana between the driver's and passenger seat of the car. Upon further inspection, suspected meth was found in the pocketbook of Purvis. Purvis is charged with felony possession of methamphetamines and misdemeanor possession of less than one ounce marijuana. Victor Lamar Clement, 48...was also arrested. He is charged with misdemeanor possession of less than one ounce of marijuana. Neither party arrested admitted to whether the pot was theirs.”

After the arrest, Whitney told
: “What my mom does, does not effect me. I'm nothing like [my] parents. I do not want my son to grow up how I did.” April was featured prominently in Whitney's episode of
16 and Pregnant
, as both mother and daughter were expecting at the same time.


* * * *

Cops Called After Domestic Disturbance
August 28, 2011
Cleondra (of
16 and Pregnant
season three) and her normally even-tempered baby daddy, Mario Escovedo, spent the night in separate cinderblock cells after cops responded to a loud domestic disturbance at their Horn Lake, Mississippi home.

“Mario and I are still together,” Cleondra revealed in an interview just weeks before the double arrest. “It was rocky but we just had to figure out how to juggle each other and Kylee
with us both working full-time jobs, but we're good now.” According to the
Desoto Times
Tribune, both were charged with domestic assault and released on bail (his, $1,000; hers, $500). “Mario and I did not press charges against each other,” she says. “So we just had to pay court fines. It did not go on our permanent records.”


* * * *

Locked Up After Botched Robbery
August 28, 2011

Some people just aren't cut out for a life of crime! 18 year-old Kianna and her underage fiancé, Zak Hegab, both landed in the clink (along with five other knuckleheads) after a botched robbery attempt at an elderly woman's house in Texas. Apparently no one seemed to notice that the lady was home!

To make matters worse, Zak - who was just 16 at the time - was caught with a loaded 9mm in his pants. Kianna, from
16 and Pregnant
season three, was charged with two counts of burglary and eventually sprung free on a $40,000 bond. She ended up getting ten years probation but returned to jail in Tarrant County, Texas on December 14, 2012 on a violation that county officials say “stemmed from the original arrest.”

Kianna was released on March 27, 2013 and immediately began posting half-naked photos of herself on Instagram along with the message “Free My Husband.” Zak is expected to be a guest of the Lone Star State Department of Corrections until 2027. In the meantime, Zak's mom has been helping out with baby Kay'den.

* * * *

Steals Pregnancy Tests From Walmart
March 1, 2012

Whitney was detained in a Georgia Walmart for applying the five finger discount to a First Response pregnancy test - and using it in the store! The 20-year-old first time offender stashed the $15.98 kit in a hooded jacket, according to police reports, then “took it to the restroom with her.” She was busted by store security and placed under citizen's arrest after trying to sneak out of a side door. "My boyfriend was with me and he had money - but I didn't want to freak him out,” she later revealed. “I was just being stupid with my decisions. I wish I would have handled the situation better."

Whitney received a free ride to the nearby police station where she was booked for misdemeanor theft and shoplifting. The pregnancy test turned up negative, which was good news for the cash-strapped single mom. “I was excited because I didn't want another kid,” she said. “I already have one.”

The results of Whitney's legal drama were also quite positive. “My charges are officially dropped!” she wrote on
on March 16, 2012. “Whoop, whoop, thank you baby Jesus.” [sic]

Whitney's celebration was short-lived, however. In December 2012, she was arrested again, alongside her baby-daddy, Weston Gosa, on a charge of criminal trespassing.
reported that warrants were issued for Weston and Whitney's arrests after they allegedly smashed someone's cell phone and laptop.


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Charged With Assaulting Grandmother
July 7, 2012

The girl who once dreamed of becoming an attorney ended up needing one herself, when she was arrested after getting into a physical fight with her grandmother. Four months after pleading guilty to an unrelated assault charge, Danielle, who appeared on the third season of
16 and Pregnant
) offered this explanation: “My grandma isn't some frail old lady, she's only 53… She locked me and Jamie Jr. out of the house in 100-degree weather so I started freaking out, pounding on the door as I had a right to. She ended up throwing my purse in my face and saying I'll never be nothing. She pushed me into a bedroom so I pushed her out. She freaked out and called the cops. And I got to go to jail.” Danielle pled not guilty to the charge of disorderly conduct. She was released two days later and ordered to stay away from her grandmother. The charges were later downgraded and she received one year of probation for her crimes.


* * * *

Arrested For D.U.I.
March 18, 2013

Farrah didn't exactly have the luck of the Irish when she was pulled over on her way home from a St. Patrick's Day celebration in Omaha, Nebraska. What might have been a routine celebrity D.U.I. escalated into an embarrassing public relations nightmare, as Farrah took to Twitter and the tabloids insisting she did nothing wrong.

“It's Amazing what people believe & makeup (LOVE MY LIFE) #Thank #God #I'mSuccessful & I don't care about drama! #HaveAGreatDay.” she tweeted before telling her side of the warped story to
In Touch
magazine: “I was out with my sister. I did not plan to drink because I was sick, so I took the role of being in charge and making sure my sister and I would return home together and safely,” she explained. “At 10 p.m., I tried to leave, and at that time, my sister was not ready to leave, so I had been sipping on drinks to pass the time.”

What Farrah failed to mention was that when she went to retrieve her car, she nearly crashed into a police cruiser! The official police report says the belligerent reality star intentionally bit the Breathalyzer device to prevent it from functioning properly and repeatedly banged her head against the window of the squad car she was placed in.

“My hands were, like, behind my back and I play soccer so I'm like, 'Well, if I can't use my hands, I have to use my head,'” she told
. “I was clearly trying to get the attention of the police officer who was talking to my friend at the time…I was wondering, why are they not talking to me?”

And that .147 she blew, which was almost twice the legal limit?

“Because I'm sick, I could not give an accurate Breathalyzer test, due to coughing and shortage of breath,” she says. “I have a lawyer and all will work out with my ticket.”

Naturally, not many people bought Farrah's story. One person close to her told
: "She can say what she wants, but the truth is that her sister Ashley and her friends were miles away by the time Farrah got arrested," said the source, who noted that several local businesses were sponsoring free cab rides home in the area. "A friend of Farrah's offered to give her a ride home before they left, but Farrah didn't take it."

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