Tell Me Why (22 page)

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Authors: Sydney Snow

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Cheeks heating furiously, I elbowed him in the ribs. “And you called me a nympho.”

He laughed. “There’s nothing wrong with that. I’m really looking forward to a repeat performance tonight, truth be told.”

Sighing, I shook my head. “You really are going to be the death of me. I can tell already.”

He laughed again, squeezing me harder, but our playful banter was cut off as we entered the elevator with everyone else.

Doing my best to be attentive to Stone as he described several things about the music business, I couldn’t help but let my mind wander back to last n
ight and this morning. The way I’d felt wrapped in Caleb’s arms had been magical. I loved him so much. I never wanted to be without him again. I knew this whole band thing had the potential to change our lives significantly, but none of it really mattered to me. The only thing I wanted was to be with him. He was the one thing that made my life complete. Being without him for all these weeks had proven that.

Stepping off the elevator, we followed Stone into a small studio space. I didn’t know why, but for some reason it was much smaller than I
’d thought it would be. The instruments were all set up and ready to go.

“Caleb,” Stone said, from where he stood behind a glass partition next to the sound board. “You said you wrote a new song. Let’s hear it.”

“We haven’t had much time to perfect it yet, so it’s still pretty rough,” he responded.

“That’s okay. Do it anyway. Then
, when you’re finished, do one with Anna.”

Caleb nodded and I took a seat on a stool in the corner to listen to the new song. The intro was smooth and as soon as Caleb opened his mouth, I knew this song was about what he’d been going through with me.


The color drains away, my life begins to ebb,

Only I can’t really die, because I’m trapped inside my head.

Mistakes are looming large,

Widening into ugly scars,

But I don’t know how to stop the


Bleeding …

It’s running out of me

For all the world to see

This can’t end happily,

Because I just keep


It’s a loss of my soul,

And the one I want to hold,

I’ll regret this till I’m old,

I’m bleed, bleed, bleed, bleeding


Tears filled my eyes as the sorrowful words of his heartbreak hit me. I felt selfish, having only considered my own pain when I ran, and not what he was going through.


Time is not my friend, it drags on so slow,

Everyday a reminder, of what I’ll never know.

The look inside your eyes,

Shows the horror of my lies,

But I don’t know how to stop the




My thoughts ran together as he began the chorus anew. It was as if I could hear the pain leaking out of him. Pain I wanted to prevent from ever happening, again. His voice bled into the refrain, catching my attention once more.


Is there any hope?

An escape from purgatory.

Can I somehow make amends?

Get a chance to try again.

Or is this all that’s left?

This dead ache inside of me.

Staring at my blood red sins,

For the rest of eternity


I don’t know how to stop the




As soon as the song faded out
I stood, not waiting for anyone to say it was okay. Making my way to Caleb, I threw my arms around him and kissed him hard. “I’m so sorry I left you. It was wrong. Please forgive me,” I whispered against his mouth.

“There’s nothing to forgive,” he replied, pushing his guitar out of the way so he could drag me closer to him. “You’re here now. That’s all that matters.” He kissed me again and the rest of the guys started whooping and clapping.

“It’s about time,” Stix said, and we broke apart laughing.

Everything was going to be okay now. Caleb and I were together. We could deal with whatever the world had in store for us.



Chapter Thirty



“Ladies and gentleman,” the announcer called. “I now present to you the number one band rockin’ the planet these days . . . Fringe!” The sold out crowd roared its approval as we ran out onto the stage, taking our places.

“Hello, Las Vegas!” Anna yelled into the microphone and the screams grew louder as Stix pounded out the drumbeat to start our first song, Something Beautiful.

Anna’s crystal voice filled the stadium and thousands of voices joined her, singing along to the music. Fists were pumping into the air as people danced up front, surging toward the railing in their bid to get closer. Big, burly bouncers and bodyguards pushed back, attempting to keep the wild crowd in order.

The bass thumped loudly, making the
stage floor vibrate beneath my feet. I loved the way it felt and how the music rumbled through my body, as if I was one with it. I briefly wondered if the others felt the same way I did.

Recording in the studio was something I loved
; but nothing beat performing in front of thousands. It was a surreal experience to watch other people get so worked up over the music I had written, acting as if it were their own words from their own souls.

Bright lights swooshed over the stage, temporarily blinding me before turning in another direction. The stadium glittered with camera flashes as we rocked the house
, and I felt the adrenaline race through my blood at the response of our fans. 

That wasn’t the only reason my adrenaline was pumping though, and I had to concentrate heavily to keep my hands from shaking.

When it came time for my guitar solo, I tossed my guitar behind my back and strode over to Anna, grabbing the microphone from her. Staring at me in shock, she watched as I sank to my knee in front of her, the other instruments dwindling to a stop when they saw me extend a flashing diamond ring toward her.

“Anna Vasquez, I do believe the two of us could be something beautiful together and I’m wondering if you’d be will
ing to do me the honor of becoming my wife?” I spoke into the microphone.

Girls began screaming in the audience and the crowd took up the chant. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” they repeated over and over again as Anna covered her mouth with her hands, clearly stunned. I’d told no one I was doing this tonight.

Glancing at the crowd she started laughing and held her hand for the microphone. “I’m getting the impression they want me to say yes,” she responded, egging the crowd on as they cheered even louder. Looking at me, she smiled widely. “Caleb, I thought you’d never ask,” she replied, repeating the words I’d said to her the first time we’d slept together.

“Is that a yes?” I shouted back to her over the din, smiling widely.

“That’s a yes!”

Standing, I grabbed her in my arms and kissed her as I twirled her around. “Thank you, baby. I love you so much!” I had to yell to be heard.

“I love you too!” she shouted in reply.

“I have one more request,” I said as I held her close.

“What’s that?”

“We’re in Vegas. I want to get married here tonight. We can go home and plan a big
reception to share with everyone else, but I want it to just be us, right now, without all the mayhem and paparazzi. Will you do it?”

She hugged me tighter. “Yes, Caleb! A thousand times
, yes!”

I couldn’t help my laughter. “Then let’s get this concert finished. We’ve got plans for later!”

“I love you,” she replied into her microphone, as we broke apart.

Returning to mine
, I replied. “I love you. Now let’s rock the world!”

Stix beat out a rhythm and we started the song over. I spent the rest of the concert unable to take my eyes off Anna. She was definitely something beautiful to me and I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her.




Coming Soon!

Get more FRINGE stories in the upcoming companion novel,


Releasing in 2014!

Stix Durham is living the dream. Playing the drums for the number one rock band, Fringe, he’s ready to experience all the rockstar life has to offer – wine, women, and song.

However, Stix’s dream takes a startling turn when he breaks his arm after a show. The band scrambles to find a replacement for him, hiring a new drummer named Dax.

But when Dax arrives, Stix is surprised to find out Dax isn’t a guy, but a smokin’ hot girl. Not only that, she’s also and amazing musician too. Even though it appears she is gunning for his job, Stix can’t seem to stay away . . .



About the Author:

Sydney Snow is the adult pen name for
USA Today
bestselling author Lacey Weatherford. Lacey is the author of the popular young adult paranormal romance series, Of Witches and Warlocks, and Book of Shadows, as well as contemporary series, Chase Walker, and Crush.  She has always had a love of books and wanted to become a writer ever since reading her first Nancy Drew novel at the age of eight.


Lacey resides in the beautiful White Mountains of Arizona.  She lives with her wonderful husband and children along with their dog, Sophie, and cat, Minx. When she’s not out supporting one of her kids at their sporting/music events, she spends her time reading, writing, and visiting with readers on her social media accounts.


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Sydney Snow

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