Tempt the Devil (The Devil of Ponong series #3) (38 page)

BOOK: Tempt the Devil (The Devil of Ponong series #3)
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Names of Places



Dragon Bridge
– a small stone bridge over a ravine that separates the toniest
Thampurian neighborhood where exiled
live from the Quarter of Delights

Dragon Pearl
– a casino and black lotus den owned by the Ingosolian information broker

fortress, the
– A round building on the end of a breakwater at the sea edge of the
harbor. It is a prison, but also a place of refuge for Thampurians, should the
Ponongese ever revolt against their occupation.

government building,
– Sits on the southern side of the town square. The entire
colonial government, except the militia, is run from this massive three-story
building with a center atrium.

Jupoli Gorge
– A deep gorge cut by the Pha River. It separates the north shore from
the majority of the island of Ponong.

Jupoli Gorge Bridge
– A stone bridge over the Jupoli Gorge built by the Thampurians to help
bring jellyfish from the upslope aqua plantations down to the harbor. One
hundred seven Ponongese died during construction.


Capital of the colonial government on Ponong. Home to about 1800 Thampurians
and 8000 or more Ponongese, as well as a several thousand people from the
continent. It sits on cliffs high above the harbor, which can be reached by a
winding road or funicular. While it is the largest town on Ponong, it occupies
only a small fraction of the island. Other than the coastal and mountain
plantations, few Thampurians dare wander far from this outpost.

marketplace, the
– The most democratic place on the island, where all races and castes mix
together to buy and sell goods. As most Ponongese are not allowed in Thampurian
shops, it is the only place they can buy many goods, and the only place they
are allowed to gather to sell theirs.

Old Levapur

The hillside slums where the Pha clan live after letting the Thampurians take
their lands.

Petrof’s Lair
– A remote house cantilevered over the edge of the southern rim of the
Jupoli Gorge. It served as the den for the werewolves, who preferred to live in
the jungle where they could run rather than in Levapur.

Pha River
– A river that begins in a wide inland valley. By the time it reaches the
Jupoli Gorge, it is a fast moving torrent.

– A brothel. Known for its Ponongese workers.

Pink Orchid
– A brothel in the Quarter of Delights owned by a Houltan emigre It also
has a small casino for low-stakes tile games.

is the
largest island in the Ponong Archipelago. The north side has a large protected
natural harbor.

Ponongese Quarter

Far upslope on the outskirts of Levapur, bordering on the Jupoli Gorge. This
area is extremely steep. At its highest point, it sits five hundred feet above
the town square.

Quarter of Delights
– casinos, bars, brothels, cafés, and black lotus dens are concentrated
in this section of Levapur, although others exist outside it

Quarter of the
– A mixed neighborhood with a high concentration of exiles
from the continent.

Quarter of the
– A neighborhood of lowest caste Thampurians on the backside
of the hill the Quarter of Delights is on.


The true home of the Qui. An island thought to be uninhabited. QuiTai’s estate
is hidden on this island.

QuiYalin Province
– A place that exists only in folktales, said to be the homeland of the
Qui clan.

Red Happiness
– the brothel Jezereet and QuiTai built when they retired from the stage
and moved to Levapur with their daughter. This pink building is ringed by
verandas on both stories. It is popular with people from the continent.

Suin’s Pâtisserie
– The best Thampurian-style bakery in Levapur.

Thampurian Quarter
– The posh neighborhoods built on the only flat land in Levapur.

The Home Port
– A Thampurian bar in Levapur that tries very hard to pretend it’s in

town square, the
– The center of life in Levapur. The marketplace is held here every day.
The northern edge is a cliff that drops several hundred feet to the Sea of
Erykoli. The southern edge is the government building. The bank and shops line
the eastern edge.
Site of the Rice
Riot, and the mob dismemberment of the werewolves thought to be guilty of the
Full Moon Massacre.

West Levapur
– A cluster of apartment buildings past Old Levapur where middle class
Thampurians live if they can’t afford to get into the posher neighborhoods.


The Continent

Great Malisium
– Separates Ravidia from most of the other countries on the
continent. It is brutally hot and arid, with alkaline sands that can burn human


A country on the continent. Ingosol is known for its culture, arts, and love of

Lirhumet Canal
– A high-end shopping area in Surrayya.


The capital of Ingosol.

Salt Plains of
– The driest, most desolate section of the Great Malisium

– The capital of Thampur. This city is built on thousands of tiny islands
connected by canals and bridges. Some islands are as small as a family
compound. Others are much larger. It is a cold, windy port on the northern
shore of the Sea of Erykoli.

Suvat Park
– A park between the palace and the Lirhumet Canal, popular with wealthy
Thampurians as a place to stroll.

– Thampur’s elite military academy.


Oceans and

Cay Rhi

An island off the eastern coast of Ponong.

Li Islands
(formally known as the
Lisudtan Islands
– This cluster of volcanic islands sit several thousand miles south east
of Ponong in the middle of the Te’Am Ocean. This island group was also claimed
by Thampur. It is home to the Li people, and the only source of juam nut oil.

Ponong Archipelago
– A long chain of tropical islands that separates the Sea of Erykoli from
the Te’Am Ocean.

Ponong Fangs

The only deep water passage between islands (Ponong and Quinong) in the Ponong
Archipelago. This treacherous passage features rapidly shifting currents where
the Sea of Erykoli and Te’Am Oceans meet, as well as many submerged monolith

Te’Am Ocean
– This ocean separates “the continent” from the southern continent. It
lies south of the Ponong Archipelago.

Sea of Erykoli

This sea is separated from the Te’Am Ocean by the Ponong Archipelago. The
northern and eastern borders are “The Continent,” which is more correctly
called the northern continent. Thampur, Ingosol, and Ravidia, as well as
several smaller nations, border this sea on the north and west. It is named
after the Goddess Erykoli.


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