Tempted (26 page)

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Authors: Cj Paul

BOOK: Tempted
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“God I love hearing you
so wildly euphoric
Breathe, Sugar.
I’m not nearly through with you.
Slide a finger across your clit.
Press down, move it from side to side, circle a little, tease the opening of your yoni and travel up, back across and around your clit.
Feel your slippery fingers:
my tongue devouring you.
Pinch yourself between your fingers and tug:
my lips gripping and pulling you toward ecstasy.”

“Toward?” I rasp incredulously, now loins-deep in ecstasy.

“Grab your breast roughly.
If you knew how much I want you right now, any lesser woman would be afraid.
But your legs part willingly for me.
Plunge your fingers inside you.
Lift your knees to your chest.
Feel me inside, feel me hungry, insatiable, plundering with heat and muscle and strength.
Feel me filling you, touching each sacred nerve, igniting and inflaming you.
Feel me grow and swell and pulse.
Feel me taking you, stretching your lush clenching loins, again and again, with rabid intensity and utter abandon.
Feel me.
Come for me.”

And then it happens.
My yoni, my clit, my core all explode together in a rapturous triumvirate of orgasm.

“Nothing make
s me happier than making you come
. You should know that I have every intention of making the rest of your life one continuous, mind-blowing orgasm.
Of course, when you’re here, I won’t have to ask you to come, I’ll simply throw you over my shoulder and take you.
And make you come.

Someone’s at the door.
Sorry, Sugar, gotta run.”

You’re leaving me?
Like this?”

Just then
the phone rings again.
Another ‘Number Unavailable.’
My still trembling hands at last locate the phone’s on-button.
Smiling, I whisper naughtily, “
Mmmm, back for more, lover
I mean, S


how are you, David?”

Chapter Twenty-One

He knows me in a way no one ever has and always seems to sense when something is amiss.
, I really shouldn’
t have been surprised to hear from David following Danielle’s death.
It turns out some of the phone hang-ups have been from him.
He felt something was going on with me the very night I got the call about Danielle, and didn’t want to just leave a message asking what was wrong.

Of the eight years my show was broadcast over the airwaves, Danielle served as producer for seven.
When the station switched formats
and we were both instantly
, we quipped that it was just as well because
we were both getting the seven-year-
itch and tiring of one another.
We both knew we were lying
and would have stayed together till the death of the show did us part, which is pretty much what happened.

Danielle was a force of nature.
Nearly six feet tall
she always wore heels and had a strut that could stop an angry mob in its tracks.
Outweighing most buff men her height by about eighty pounds, she was all woman, with curves like the Autobahn.
Her voluptuous figure and contagious laugh made her a favorite at the NorCal Renaissance Festival
where she volunteered each year.
Aside from Faire, she never went anywhere without wear
ing a sassy amount of black eye
liner on her upper lids, and the reddest lipstick she could find at Sephora.

We were quite a pair.  S
a classic extrovert, and I
an “introvert wrapped in a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a mystery
” as she’d so often tell me.
I don’t think a single weekend went by when she didn’t wage a mighty struggle to get me to go out on the town to mix and mingle instead of shutting myself up in the house with the menagerie and a book.
When things started up with David, she was as excited as I was

that is, till I found out he was in a relationship.
Then she became a lioness whose only cub had just been attacked.
Worst of all, she was crazy about David
and was even more crushed than I when he slipped off his pedestal.
For his part, he thought she was pretty swell too and was saddened she had cut off all contact.
She just couldn’t forgive him, and was none too plea
sed that I not only forgave him
resumed communications with him.

All of these thoughts meander through my mind during my phone call with David.
He tells me how sorry he is for my loss, and goes on to extol
many virtues.

“How are you holding up, Cece?” he asks kindly.

“I’m fine, D.
Mostly sad that I have not stayed in touch with her as I should,” I lament.

“Yeh, I know what you mean.
But don’t let that get to you.
She knows you l

Just then my phone alerts me to an incoming call from Alex
and I gasp.

“Do you need to take that, Cece?”


ll let you go, but real quick, i
s there going to be a service for her?”

“Yes, next Tuesday at the National Cemetery in the Presidio.”

“Then that’s where I’ll be next Tuesday too!
See you then, Cece.
Ciao, bella.” And with that he hangs up.

Wait, see me?
I click over to answer Alex’s call and instantly for
get my conversation with what’s-his-
It’s only been a couple of days since our cyber-sex on the first date messages, but I am already completely under this man’s spell.
I would be constantly shaking my head in disbelief like a bobble-head doll
if it were not that things seem so easy and natural with Alex.
This is the most organic relationship I’ve ever had with someone, at least with someone I lust after.

Alex and I only talk for a few moments while he drives to a kiddy restaurant to attend a fifth birthday party for one of his many nephews.
Minutes later
he is already texting me.
I’m convinced he will be thrown out of the place and branded a sex offender if anyone glances at his phone’s text display.
I inquire about the food and he bemoans the cardboard, ketchup and imitation cheese version of a pizza that is served.
He says he’s craving sushi and I can’t resist tempting his palate:


Imagine eating simple California rolls.... rice, crab, avo.... off of my tummy.... w
ith soy sauce for dunking,
in my navel


Mmmmm. That sounds delicioso


Just then I am interrupted by the sound of the neighborhood trash truck.


I forgot to take the trash out.
See the effect you have on me?


Go for it. I'll be here.



Think of ways you want to defile me, in my absence


Wow. I usually do all of that spontaneously. I do want to bend you over the kitchen table, and tug your hair, and watch you watching me make you moan and quake.

I want to sit you on the countertop and b
ury my face in your folds, and F
rench kiss you below while you spasm and grind into my eager mouth.

And then kiss your mouth after, so you can taste your sweetness on my lips and tongue.


I love all of it!
..... and I love that you want to do it

and I am smiling

and...... pulsing


I wish you were pulsing in my mouth. Squeezing my tongue as it probes and samples you


Funny... I wish you were in MY mouth... throbbing
. pushing my tongue as it curls around you.... my lips taking turns stroking and sucking you..... my hands running figure 8s around your shaft, sort of like serving as background singers heehee


Wow. I love your descriptions. Maybe we should get together, write some trashy sex romance Harlequin thing.
But we’ll see if you’re still joking as I massage you ‘til you squirt buckets, dear.


I would be proud to drench you... in thanks for your handiwork

fear we are not going to be able to handle this intensity while there is no plan as to how t
o realize our passion..... and I
don't just mean physical passion........ and yes, I am actually speaking for myself


You speak for me as well. But I don't really fear that. I think we're creative and communicative, and that that will suffice for the time that it must. When I'm not so tired I do want to have message sex with you. Not just random descriptions, but both of us, naked, together, making love via messages.

And I think that would be way hot.

Might be hard to type...LOL But I'm sure we'd manage.


Beyond hot

and I
am all in


Uh oh.
Mom is asking to use my phone. Lol.
Chatter later, lover!


It is hours before he texts again, and then, only to say that he has been called upon to play referee in a family scuffle that started at the kiddy restaurant and escalated back at his sister’s house.
His mom has been using his phone nonstop
and it is completely out of juice.
But I’m not out of juice.
Far from it.

However will I get through an entire ev
ening without my new vice, Alex?
Hmmmm ‘vice
Isn’t that the word that connected us in the first place?
That innocuous Lincoln quote on April’s wall about vices and virtues?
I decide to turn in early, not only to call dibs on the bedding before the pets
stake their
, but because I want to repos
e in goose down comfort and count my blessings.

Going over the events of the day I am grateful for David’s call.
It really was sweet of him to keep calling till he reached me person to person.
Now that I have my wits about me
and am not all atwitter trying to nab Alex’s call, I realize exactly what David’s last comment about the funeral meant: “Then that’s where I’ll be next Friday too!”
I smile.

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