Tempting the Jaguar (13 page)

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Authors: Katie Reus

BOOK: Tempting the Jaguar
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didn’t need to expand, knowing

she’d understand. Before they’d

realized who those vampires were

he’d been ready to bring the entire

building down around their heads.

“I know.”

“Does that scare you?”

She shook her head sending her

curls bouncing. “No.”

That was all he needed to know

because if the time ever arose that

he had to defend her again, he

wouldn’t pause to kill for her.

Estrella was his.

Dipping his head between her

legs, he licked the length of her wet

pussy and couldn’t bite back a

satisfied groan when she gasped at

his sudden onslaught.

He wanted to make her scream

his name. As he teased her, his

entire body shuddered at her taste.

She was sweet perfection.

Her legs trembled around his

head, squeezing him with each

stroke of his tongue. He kept his

teasing light and playful.

When she tunneled her fingers

through his hair and gripped his

head, he grinned against her

compliant body. Her breathing had

turned erratic and the scent of lust

that rolled off her nearly drowned


“Skip foreplay,” she demanded.

Grinning, he shook his head as

he zeroed in on her clit. Pressing his

tongue against the bundle of nerves,

he exerted more pressure than he

had so far. Her hips rolled against

his face as she let out a yelp of

surprise and pleasure.

Since it was clear she was ready

for him, he slid two fingers inside

her without warning.

“Rainer,” she moaned his name

as she tore her hands from his head

and clutched the bedding

underneath her.

Her inner walls clenched

convulsively around his fingers so

he slowed his movements. The first

time she came tonight would be

when he was inside her. And there

would definitely be more than one

time. He’d make sure of it.

Slowly, he dragged his fingers

along her inner walls and savored

the desperate sounds she made.

Though he hated to tear his mouth

away from her, he lifted his head.

“What did you say? I didn’t quite

hear that,” he murmured.

“Make love to me now,” she

demanded, her voice full of

desperation. As she spoke, her

inner walls tightened around him

even more.

Those words had an immediate

effect on him. Unwilling—and

unable—to tease her any longer, he

withdrew his fingers and covered

her body with his. The heels from

her shoes dug into his ass as she

wrapped her legs around him.

The slight pain gave way to

pleasure as he rocked into her.

When she let out a sigh of relief, it

nearly unraveled him. Knowing she

was just as desperate to be with him

as he was with her soothed the most

primal part of him while it

simultaneously unleashed him.

Palming her breasts, he tweaked

and teased her hard nipples. The

tiny buds had drawn tight and each

time he rubbed one, her inner walls

tightened even more around his


Burying his face against her neck,

he nipped and kissed her, savoring

her natural jasmine scent. She was

so close he could feel it with each


Thank God because he was close

to coming, too. As he continued to

pump into her, they found a frantic

rhythm until finally he reached

between them and rubbed her clit,

hoping to push her over the edge.

With a cry, she dug her fingers

into his back and let out a moan

that pierced him soul deep. He’d

given her that pleasure. No one

else. And no one else would ever

touch what was his.

It was too soon, but he couldn’t

stop himself from saying the words

“I love you,” as he climaxed. His

orgasm was harsh and anything but

graceful. His entire body shook as

he emptied himself inside her.

Rainer wasn’t sure how much

time passed as they lay wrapped in

each other’s arms, but eventually

Estrella toed her shoes off and

wrapped her legs completely

around him. She gently nuzzled his

neck, nipping at him with her teeth

and then following up with soft

kisses. Feeling too raw and open to

look her in the eye, he kept his face

buried against her neck.

Finally, she dug her fingers into

his back, pinching him. “Look at

me,” she demanded. When he lifted

his head, all he saw was love and

lust in her hot gaze. “I love you,


He blinked once, unsure he’d

heard right.

She cupped his cheek, pulling

him so his face was an inch from

hers. “When we met, it’s like a

missing piece of a puzzle fell into

place inside me. I know we have a

hell of a lot to learn about each

other, but what I know so far is

enough for me. You’re mine and

I’m not letting go.”

His inner wolf howled in

satisfaction. He wasn’t letting her go

either. No matter what. They

belonged together and that was that.

He breathed out a sigh of relief he

hadn’t even realized he’d been

holding on to at her words.

Covering her mouth with his again,

he rolled so that she was straddling

him. It didn’t matter that soon

people would be arriving to meet

Estrella, he wasn’t letting her out of

his bed for a good, long time.

* * * * *

Sink your teeth into more sensual

paranormal romance by Katie

Reus, available now from

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Protector’s Mate

A Jaguar’s Kiss

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Heart of the Jaguar

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A Jaguar’s Kiss
by Katie Reus

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ISBN: 978-14592-3120-7

Tempting the Jaguar

Copyright © 2012 by Katie Reus

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