Tempting The Manny (4 page)

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Authors: Lacey Wolfe

BOOK: Tempting The Manny
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Between breaths, he said, “You started it. And I finished it.”

She laughed. “Glad I did.”

Her legs
felt cramped and she really wanted to move off him in order to stretch, but wasn’t sure she was ready to face reality and look at him. She’d really let loose with him.

The pain in her legs won and she slid off his lap into a sitting position next to him. He didn’t immediately cover himself like she expected. Instead he sat there, naked and
covered with their juices.

Her stomach let out a loud growl, bring
ing her focus back to his face.

“Hungry?” h
e asked.

Oh yeah, she’d really worked up an appetite fucking him.
“Yes, before you got here I was trying to convince myself to get up and find something to eat.”

“Why don’t you go clean up and I will make us some sandwiches

“That sounds like music to my ears.” Standing
, she started to walk toward her bedroom. She yelped as his hand came out and gave her a pat on the butt.

“Hey, you wiggled it.” He
winked with a sexy as hell smirk.

Olivia laughed
and grinned from ear to ear as she almost skipped to her room.


Jamie finished up the sandwiches right as Olivia came in.

“Wow, it smells amazing in here. You didn’t just make a regular ol’ham and cheese, did you?”

“Go have a seat at the dining room table and you’ll find out.” He pointed toward the kitchen doorway.

look of delight crossed her face and she sauntered out of the kitchen. A squeal was what he heard next when he knew she’d discovered the candles he lit in the center of the table. It was cheesy, but she deserved it.

He met her in the dining room with two plates in hand. He set
one in front of her. “It was nice to see you finally got some groceries in here.”

“You and me both.”

He took a seat across from her. “I hope you don’t mind I opened a bottle of wine.”

She grabbed her glass and took a sip. “I don’t mind at all. So tell me, what is this
sandwich you made?” Setting the glass down, she lifted the sandwich, studying it.

“I just used your
mini-grill and buttered the bread. Its cheese, bacon, ham, and tomato. I thought it would all taste good together.” He took a bite into his.

he took one too. “It’s good. Perhaps I should reconsider and keep you and make you a live in manny.”

was joking, he knew. Being with her and the kids…he was going to miss it. He knew them not being in a working relationship was the right thing to do, but he still hated the idea. There was something about her and the kids that made him feel whole and like this was where he belonged. It was absolutely crazy. He had only known them a short time, and yet it had already felt like a lifetime.

“So, tell me, how did
you get into this profession?” she asked.

He shrugged.
“Well, I love kids. I like being able to play all day. I could easily be a happy member of one of those kid’s show where the men dance around and sing. I know this is not the ideal job for a man and believe me, there have been many who didn’t want me for the reason I was a man. I have overcome the obstacles of being judged for the most part and slowly I think it’s becoming a little more acceptable for a man to be, as you call it, a manny.” He sipped his wine.

“If you love
children so much, how come you’re not married and have a dozen yourself?”

set his glass down and locked his eyes with hers. “I hadn’t met the right woman.”

Her face went bla
nk and he knew he had most likely implied too much for her. She had just gone through a nasty break-up and here he was insinuating that she might be something more to him.

Anyway.” He needed to change the subject. “Have you heard about the job?”

She set her sandwich down.
“Oh, yes. I start Monday. So, until they find a replacement, I’ll need you here bright and early.”

How about all night?

For the rest of dinner, they had light talk. He could tell she was tired. He wanted to have her curled into him as he held her all night, making her feel safe, but he knew it would be too much too fast.

After cleaning up
, he met her back in the living room. She lay on the couch, looking peaceful. She reached out to him, pulling him down next to her. He snuggled in, enjoying how soft she was in his arms. Inhaling, her floral body wash greeted his senses. It was intoxicating and he could easily get drunk on it.

His cock grew as arousal began taking over his body.
Her tight little ass was firmly pressed against his crotch. Licking his lips, he was tempted to begin pressing his lips to the back of her neck, right under her hair line. He was going to lightly blow where his moist kiss had been. At his thoughts, his erection pressed hard into his jeans. He lifted her hair and just as he was about to lean in for the kiss he had been imagining, she made a slight snoring sound. Letting her blonde hair fall back in place, he leaned over her and saw her eyes closed and her lips parted. She was sound asleep.

Deciding it was best to just let her sleep, he rolled off the edge of the couch.
Jamie lifted her off the couch and carried her to her bedroom. Laying her across the unmade bed, he tucked her in. Her eyes opened and looked at him.

“Ssh.” He
put a finger to his mouth. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Get some rest.” He kissed her on the cheek and turned to leave.

At the doorway, he
glanced back and saw she had already fallen back to sleep. More than anything he wanted to climb into that bed with her. Soon.

Chapter Six


Opening her eyes,
Olivia looked around her bedroom sleepily. It was bright, very bright actually. In fact, the house didn’t usually look this bright until it was lunch time. Propping up onto her elbow, she glanced at the alarm clock on the end table. Twelve fifteen. Wow, she’d slept past noon. Lying back against the crisp pillow, she couldn’t remember the last time she had made it past eight thirty.

It then crossed her mind
; she had nothing to do today. All day. No kids. Mixed feelings swept through her. It was nice to have no one to make demands of her, but what was she going to do all day? She supposed a good cleaning was in order. Lord knew that hadn’t been done since Emily was born. Perhaps cranking the radio up loud and getting her clean on would pass the day. That would only leave her with tomorrow to once again figure out what to do.

She tossed the sheets off and
slid off the bed. Stretching her arms toward the ceiling, she wiggled her toes across the carpet. She did a little jiggle and made her way to the kitchen. Heading for the coffee maker, she paused. She felt so well rested, that coffee didn’t seem fitting. Shrugging, she opened the refrigerator and decided on a coke instead for her caffeine jolt.

grabbed a granola bar and headed for the couch to enjoy her breakfast. Her mind flashed back to last night. It had been good with Jaime. Very good. She hadn’t expected it to be so hot. Being with Jamie made her feel young and desirable again. Watching him pleasure her had aroused her to a point she didn’t know existed.  She now understood why men liked to watch a woman please them. If they continued down this path, having him take her in front of a mirror was a fantasy she wanted to come true.

As she finished her granola bar, she decided to get the cleaning kicked into high gear. If she was fortunate, she just might get to see Jamie again today and see what other things they just might be able to try.

Almost two hours later, she was just about finished. All that was left was a quick vacuum over the rooms and to carry out the trash. Pulling off her yellow cleaning gloves, she laid them on the counter. Olivia then chugged down an entire bottle of water. After replacing the lid, she heard the doorbell. Glancing down at her white shirt covered with dirty smudges, she wished like hell it wasn’t Jamie coming to surprise her.

She opened the door and
a small twinge of disappointment washed over her when she saw it was Kelly. Then again, she’d been expecting her to show up at anytime.

“Good afternoon
, Olivia. I see you’ve been busy.” She eyed Jaime up and down, while she herself was dressed all prim and proper.

“Yes, getting some cleaning done while I have the time.”

“Care if I come in and interrupt you for a bit?” Kelly stepped in anyway and took a glance around. “Wow, you have quite a bit of cleaning left, huh?”

It took everything in Olivia to bit
e her tongue. Her home would never look like Kelly’s, but she was starting to be okay with that. At least her kids could feel comfortable playing and not worry mommy might have a meltdown that a crumb got on the white carpet.

“What can I do for you?” Olivia asked, trying to not leave the foyer so Kelly wouldn’t stay too long.

“Well, I saw Eric come and pick up the kids yesterday. He didn’t return last night. I haven’t seen him around here either. I feel hurt you couldn’t be honest and tell me that he left you.” She put a hand to her chest as she fully played the victim.

“It isn’t like I want everyone knowing my business. Its personal, you know?”

“I understand, but still. I could have had my service send over some meals for you.”

Oh yeah, that’s just what Olivia needed. This woman was a piece of work.
“Thanks, but we’re okay.”

stepped closer. “I also saw that manny of yours here late last night. Are you having an affair with him? I don’t blame you one bit if you are. He’s hot.”

’s cheeks burned as Kelly studied her. As much as she shouldn’t care what others thought of her, she did. “He’s just a friend.”

“Oh darling, I don’t believe that. A man who looks that good could never be your friend, well, unless he’s gay.” Her face lit up. “He’s gay, isn’t he?”

Olivia knew she was going to regret this, but she nodded. It was bad enough people would know now that Eric left her, she didn’t want them to know she was also sleeping with the manny. She hoped like hell it never got back to Jamie. He would be heartbroken.

“Well, that makes sense. Any straight man would
have a different job. I bet he’s coming over here helping you with a makeover too. Making you beautiful so you can get back out there. Listen, when he is finished with your makeover, maybe I can find a divorcee from John’s work to set you up with. One that’s loaded and you can continue with your current lifestyle. Shame though about Eric’s demotion, looks like you won’t get as much money.”

“Yeah, I know.” Olivia smiled, glad at least that
rumor had stuck. “Listen, I’ve got to finish getting this place clean, as you can see.”

“Oh yes, let me get out of your wa
y.” She headed toward the door. “Would you like the card to my cleaning service?”

“No, I got it. Thanks though.”

“Anytime. Really, anything you need, just call. Bye.” Kelly gave her best Miss. America wave and trotted down the walk way.

Olivia shut the door and let out a sigh of relief that she was gone. Then the guilt came. Everyone was going to think Jamie was gay now and when she let him go, how was that going to come across? She was beginning to spin a web of lies all to keep herself looking good. It then dawned on her that she shouldn’t have to worry too much about Jamie finding out what she had agreed to. It wasn’t like anyone was going to come right out and talk about him being gay. On top of that, even though she was now concerned how it would look to let him go, she was getting a new nanny and he wouldn’t be around to hear any rumors.


Jamie waited patiently at the tiny take-out Japanese restaurant. When he called Olivia earlier, he told her he would be there at six and it was already almost six thirty. Being late was one pet peeve of his, so when he was late, he turned into an instant grouch.

Finally, the order was ready. Thanking the man for the food, he scooted out the door. On his drive to Olivia’s, he was lost in thought. She was amazing
. He had only known her a short time, but she was someone he could see himself with. She just made him feel whole.  He wasn’t really able to explain how. Just that, when he was with her, he knew he was where he belonged. Perhaps he finally found the one. She was genuine, real, honest, and sexy. An amazing mother. He could picture them having a huge family with lots of kids all around the tree on Christmas morning.

Shaking his head, he knew he was getting ahead of himself. He had no idea where she stood with what was going on with them. She had just been left by a long-term boyfriend and was juggling going back to work and being a single mother. He wanted to be there for her though. He could be patient.

As he pulled up to her house, he took note that the grass needed to be cut. Perhaps he could take care of that tomorrow before the girls got home. A grin crossed his face. Yard work. He currently lived in an apartment and he couldn’t wait for the day that he had his own lawn to tend to.

He lightly knocked on the door before entering. The house smell
ed of lemon. There was a sparkle and he could see she had been busy all day cleaning. Kicking his shoes off, he made his way to the dining room. He called out to her and heard her mumble she would be out in a moment. He decided to grab plates and get everything set for dinner. As he finished with the table, Olivia came to greet him.

She looked stunning. She wore a light brown sleevel
ess dress with a very low neck line. His eyes drifted down her body, taking in her curves until his eyes landed on her bare feet. Something about her being barefoot melted his heart. She was so at home.

Reaching out, he pulled her to him and let his lips take a taste of hers. He
kissed her slowly, just enjoying the feel of her in his arms. She opened her mouth to him, letting his tongue in. The taste of mint greeted him. As much as he wanted to stay here and see where this was going, he also wanted to eat their food while it was still warm.

stopped kissing her and stared into her eyes. “I missed you.”

cheeks reddened. “I missed you too.”

pulled out her chair so she could take a seat. He then took his seat directly in front of her. “You look amazing tonight.” He complimented.

“Thanks. I was ha
ppy I could fit in it. Maybe I’m finally losing the last of this baby weight.”

Women with a little extra weight were attractive to him, not stick thin women.
“I think you look perfect the way you are.”

She laughed.
“I don’t know how you aren’t married. You love kids, an amazing lover, and you really know how to make a girl feel special.”

He winked.
“I plan on sticking around, so get used to it.”

Her expression looked panic
ked but quickly softened. “I hope you do.”

“So, how are you doing without the girls here?”

“I’m making it. Eric let them call earlier, and they seemed fine. I could hear Emily cooing in the background and she was happy. I guess he can handle them. Which truthfully, pissed me off. I had hoped he would have brought them back by now telling me how hard it was.”  She shrugged. “One can wish.”

“You never know, he could have timed the call.”

Olivia’s grin spread. “Good point.”

For the rest of
dinner, they enjoyed light talk, then cleaned up together. It was fun and felt so normal with her. Seeing her smile warmed his heart.

“Let’s watch a movie,”
Olivia suggested.

“Whatever your heart desires.” However, he had no intention on watching a movie.

“How about we use the TV in my bedroom?”

Her thoughts were right along with him. “Perfect.”

They entered the bedroom and he stood back as she shuffled through a stack of movies. She turned to him. “How about this one?” She held up an Adam Sandler movie.

“Perfect. I’ve seen it a million times.”

She shook her head and giggled. “You’re bad.” Olivia dropped the movie on the end of the bed then crawled on. “Why even put the movie on if you’re not going to watch it?”

“You suggested the movie, I didn’t. I’d rather explore your body again. I have yet to taste you.”

Her eyes lit up as she realized what he’d meant. “You want to go down there?”

“Very much so.”

Olivia sucked in her bottom lip. Most women loved a man who wanted to go down on them and lavish in their sweet juices. Was this something she and the ex hadn’t done?

Going over to the bed, he wiggled a finger in her direction. “Come here.
” When she got close, he climbed on the bed and tugged her to him. “Lay back.”

pushed her dress up, exposing her thong. He lightly rubbed her thighs, moving his hand closer to her core. Her body was still tense. He knew just how to fix that. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to hers, hoping he could melt away her nerves. She opened her mouth immediately to him. He pressed his finger into her wet mound and she began to relax. When her hands started to explore him, he knew she was ready.

Yanking at her thong, he was able to wiggle it off her and toss it to the floor.
He spread her thighs open wide and bent her knees.

“You’re beautiful.”
She was tense again, but he knew once his lips met her wet pussy she wouldn’t be. He spread her private lips open and let his tongue lick in all the crevasses, tasting the creamy goodness. She was as sweet as he imagined she would be. Inserting a digit into her again, he flicked her clit with his tongue, and then drew it into his mouth sucking.

Her back arched and she panted.
She was enjoying. Jamie inserted another finger and increased the rhythm. He wanted to make sure she came before she had time to think about it. It didn’t take long either. Her hands gripped at the bedspread and her cream drenched his fingers. He licked up all her juices from her pussy to his fingers. It was too good to waste.

Kissing his way up her body now, he l
ied next to her.

“That was really good,” she said
under her heavy lashes.

“Glad you liked it. I plan to do it often.”

She wrapped her hand around his neck and kissed him. He knew she could taste herself and that turned him on more.

“Stay the night and make love to me?” she

He wanted nothing more.
“Are you sure?”




Olivia rolled over, curling a little more in Jamie’s side. The feel of his warm body next to her was heavenly. She hadn’t realized just how much she missed having someone to share the bed with. Even before Eric left, she had spent many nights alone, longing for some type of intimacy. Smiling, she pressed a kiss across the back of his neck. He groaned and started to roll over toward her.

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