Tenacious Trents 03 - A Reluctant Rake (23 page)

Read Tenacious Trents 03 - A Reluctant Rake Online

Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency tenacious trents england historical

BOOK: Tenacious Trents 03 - A Reluctant Rake
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Audrey scrunched into the corner of the
seat, practically hugging the wall of the carriage. The scent of
horses filled the air and she was certain it came from both of
them. What may be offensive to some was comforting to her. The
smell reminded her of home. His sandalwood scent was mixed with the
aroma and made the air all the more sweeter. This was the worst
idea. She couldn’t ride all the way back to London with Trent. Not
like this. Not sitting this close to his person.

Audrey sighed and looked out the
window. It had been a long day and as invigorated as she had been
earlier while riding, her body grew tired in the comfort of the
conveyance. It had been too long since she had exercised with
horses. “I think I am going to stay home and avoid the musicale

“Then I am free as well.”

What did he mean by that? Audrey turned
looked over to Trent. Surely he hadn’t planned on attending. Few
men attended musicals, much to the disappointment of mothers with
debutants everywhere, and never gentlemen with Mr. Trent’s
reputation. That was one of the reasons she had planned on
attending. When she had accepted the invitation it was because she
knew it would be a place Trent would not be present and thought the
break of seeing him at balls would be a relief.

“I was only going because you were
going to be in attendance.”

Audrey simply shook her head and
glanced out the window again. He was the most confusing gentleman
alive. “I don’t see that it matters what events I attend. You are
free to go where you wish.”

A low chuckle rumbled from his side of
the carriage and she snuck a look at him from beneath her

“I only wish to be where you

She laughed this time. If
that were the case then he would not have been at a brothel the
evening before or spent two nights with Lady Rothsbury. Were the
young ladies of the
so gullible that they believed such lies told to

Mr. Trent reached over and grasped her
hand in his. Oh, why hadn’t she remembered to put her gloves back
on? His warm skin against hers was far too intimate for her state
of mind, especially in an enclosed carriage.

He lifted her hand, studying the palm
before he ran his thumb over her callouses. Few people knew they
existed and they had lessened over the month because she had not
been riding. Audrey wanted to yank her hand away. Young ladies in
society were to have smooth skin, even on their palms. Her hands
hadn’t been without callouses since she was twelve.

Trent lifted it higher and much to her
horror kissed each one on her palm at the base of the fingers. Heat
ignited within. He was a wicked man.

She had to gain control of the
situation or who knew what he would attempt in this hour they were
alone together and Trent hadn’t been above kissing her senseless
before. What else would he try given the opportunity?

A part of her wanted to know but
thankfully the sensible part of her won out and she yanked her hand

“Why did you do that?”

“I wished to.” He smiled and that
blasted dimple peeked out at her.

“Do you do everything you wish to

His grin widened. “No, but I will in

What did he mean by that? “I see no
purpose in you kissing my hand so please do not do so

He had her flustered and that was a
state she could not afford to be in while with Trent.

He scooted closer to her and their
thighs touched. It didn’t matter that there were layers of clothing
between them because she could still feel the heat and hard length
of his leg. Her breath hitched.

Trent brought a hand up and smoothed
his thumb along her cheek. “Has anyone ever told you how beautiful
you are?”

Oh dear, this was not good and how did
one answer such a question?

Before she could think of a response
his lips were on hers and Audrey knew she was lost. She had sworn
she would never let him kiss her again, but how could she deny
herself the pleasure. His breath mingled with hers and she smiled
against his kiss.

Trent pulled back and looked at her, a
bit confused.

“Cake. You taste like cake.” She found
herself laughing but it didn’t last long because he was kissing her
again. A hand at her back kept her upright as his mouth plundered
hers, delving and taking. Audrey grasped his shoulders to find
purchase so she didn’t fly away from the pleasure of his

His tongue mated with hers and Audrey
mimicked his actions wondering if he would find it as enjoyable.
Trent only groaned and pulled her tighter. Oh goodness. If he
kissed her all the way to London she would expire before they

Trent’s hand smoothed up her side,
slipping beneath her jacket, burning her skin with only the chemise
and top between his fingers and her flesh. Her breasts tingled,
grew heavy and began to ache. What was happening to her? His hand
slipped further up until his palm lifted one of the globes as if
testing the weight before a thumb smoothed across a nipple. She was
going to expire long before they reached Town.

His lips moved from her mouth and
trailed a blaze across her cheek, jaw and down her neck until they
skimmed the sensitive skin above her chemise. Audrey’s eyes flew
open. When and how had he opened her jacked and loosened her shirt.
She was almost unclothed and hadn’t uttered one word of objection.
He was turning her into a wanton and part of her didn’t

She should make him stop, but the heat
flowing in her veins was an altogether new experience. Her skin was
so sensitive and her breasts wanted more of his attention. Was this

Trent’s lips closed around a nipple
through her chemise and Audrey groaned as his tongue circled, his
teeth nipped and he suckled. No wonder women wanted him. Is this
how he made Lady Rothsbury and Angelique feel?

The thought of those two women had the
same effect as ice through her veins. Audrey straightened and
pushed at his shoulders. “Stop.”

He did instantly and looked up at her.
“Are you not enjoying yourself?”

“I will not be another conquest.” She
quickly pulled her shirt back into place and started to button her


“I will not be another lady in your
line of lovers, if that is what you call them.”

Trent pulled back and studied her.
“I’ve never viewed you as a conquest, nor any lady for the

Of course he didn’t. He simply charmed
whoever caught his attention at the moment into allowing him
whichever liberties he wished to take.

Trent grabbed her hand again and Audrey
yanked it away.

“Why are you doing this? What purpose
does it serve in kissing me?”

“I want to kiss you and I am courting
you.” He said the words slowly as if explaining to a child, or
because he was confused.

“Courting me?” She had wanted him to do
so, and on a few occasions it appeared as if he were, but he hadn’t
spoken to her uncle to gain permission and then there were the
other women.

“Yes, what did you think I was

“I don’t know but certainly not that,
nor do I wish you to.”

Trent stilled. “You don’t want me.”
Hurt flashed in his eyes and his jaw tensed as if he was taken
completely by surprise.

“I don’t wish any gentlemen to court me
who also remain with widows through the night and visits brothels
on a regular basis.”

He opened his mouth up as if he was
going to speak but Audrey held up her hand.

“I assume when a gentlemen is courting
a lady it is for the purpose of marriage.”

Trent nodded.

“If a gentleman continues taking lovers
through the courtship who is to say he will not do the same after
marriage. I will not be treated in the same manner in which
Millicent treats Lydell.”

“I can explain.”

Audrey cut him off. “I’ve listen to
married ladies complain about their husbands being with other women
and I simply won’t allow it.”

“There was a very good reason I visited
Lady Rothsbury at such a time.”

Audrey crossed her arms across her
chest. It was purely to keep her defenses up. No doubt Trent had a
ready excuse for situations such as these and she was not going to
be that gullible innocent lady who ended up ruined because of a
silver-tongued devil.

“First, you must keep my confidence.
You must swear never to tell a soul.”

She blew out a breath and frowned at
him. The only reason he would demand such a promise was because if
she did ask she may find out he was lying to her. She nodded in
agreement. It didn’t mean she would believe him but she wanted to
hear his excuses.

Trent thrust his fingers through his
thick, dark curls. “As you know, I am a solicitor.”


“I pride myself on keeping the affairs
of my client’s private.”

Was he honestly going to claim he was
working for Lady Rothsbury and the brothel? Audrey stifled a snort.
This should be enjoyable.

“Lady Rothsbury’s brother-in-law is the
guardian of her sons and in charge of the estate.”

This was not a surprise. Ladies were
never given control of their own children, especially when a son
was also the heir.

“Creighton, the brother-in-law, has
been gambling away the child’s future.”

This was not the type of story she
expected, but it still didn’t explain the late night to early
morning visits.

“I’ve been helping her break the
guardianship so that her brother can take over.”

“And you can only meet with her at such
odd hours?”

Trent shook his head and sighed. “After
Lady Rothsbury explained her concerns I went to find Creighton to
see if he was doing what she accused him of. I found him in a
gaming hell about to gamble away a piece of property he did not
own. I hauled him away and gave him a warning.”

“I don’t think he listened to you,” she
said dryly, remembering the night Creighton had come to the ball
full of anger.

“No, he didn’t, but that is beside the
point. After that incident I was on my way home and noticed lights
in almost every room of Lady Rothsbury’s house so instead of
waiting to call on her later I took my chance to see if she was
still awake.”

Though plausible, it did seem rather
unlikely. “What about the second morning you left?”

His eyebrows shot up. “Your curtains
were closed.”

She had him this time. How quickly
could he make up an excuse? “I only closed them after I saw you
crossing the square.”

His eyes narrowed on her.

“Were you delivering more news of
Creighton that couldn’t wait?” Her tone, dry with

His jaw clenched and the muscles
twitched. Was he angry with her? It didn’t matter. It was better to
know the truth so they didn’t have this farce of a courtship
between them.

“No,” he said coldly. “I was summoned
because Lady Rothsbury had been attacked and we assumed it was

Audrey’s arms fell to her lap.
Attacked? How? Wouldn’t she have learned about it?

“That is why you have not seen her in
public nor will you for some time. Whoever broke into her home cut
her face from here to here.” He trailed an index finger not far
from the corner of his eye to almost his lips.

As jealous as she was of Lady Rothsbury
and her supposed claim on Trent, Audrey would never wish the lady
ill. “Who would do such a thing?”

“We assumed Creighton hired someone but
have nothing to prove that he did.”

A chill ran down her spine. She
certainly hoped that was the case. It was better than thinking a
complete stranger had broken in and done such a thing. Lady
Rothsbury’s home was directly across the square and if it were a
stranger, it could have easily been her. Maybe she wasn’t as safe
as she believed.

“I hope they find whoever did such a
horrible thing and he is punished.”

“As do I.” Jordan slumped back against
his seat.

He may have been able to explain his
visits to Lady Rothsbury, but he had said nothing about the
brothel. Audrey glanced at him and tilted her head. “Are you in
love with Angelique?” There, she had asked the question that had
plagued her since she overheard those two gentlemen speaking. She
needed to know, even if it shattered her heart.

Trent chocked. “What?”

“I heard rumor that there was a woman
at the brothel, by the name of Angelique, that you were in love
with. Is that true?”

He chuckled and Audrey’s anger spiked.
This was a serious discussion and he was taking it too lightly for
her tastes.

“I did love her, or thought I did, at
one time.”

Pain ceased her heart. She should have
never asked.

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