Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult, #Short Stories, #Erotica, #Anthologies (Multiple Authors), #Fantasy Fiction; American, #Erotic Stories; American, #Literary Collections, #Canadian

BOOK: Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage
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Emerald Envisage



An Anthology by



eXtasy’s Collective Mind


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Emerald Envisage

Copyright © 2009 eXtasy’s Collective Mind

ISBN: 978-1-55487-251-0

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To our faithful readers…













As Alcandor approached the cave, screams of anguish bellowed from it, like the mountain itself was in pain. He jerked his head toward the sound, hesitated, but moved forward, intent on his purpose. The wail of the one inside beckoned to him, for he knew of the torment she had harboured on his lover. An eternal hurt, a hurt he had come to mend. To set right.

He also knew of the danger.

welled up inside him and, as he clutched the crocus flower he knew she liked so much, he proceeded. He stepped forward cautiously, trying not to disturb the loose rocks underfoot for fear of giving himself away before he had even begun.

Alcandor approached like an expectant suitor would to a black-widow spider. One foot placed tentatively in front of the other, he moved deliberately and with purpose in his stride. Even the gentle flap of a bird’s wing taking flight or the chirp of a cicada wanting to mate, could mean his demise.

He wasn’t deterred. He had to see her, to get her to release his Demetrious. He was so alone without him and so lost since his lover had been taken by her. His heart ached to be in his man’s strong arms once more.

Alcandor had to make it known there was a way for her, this Medusa, to let Demetrious go without diluting any of the legend she had become. He knew her reputation was important to her, but he also knew of her stubbornness. Alcandor stepped cautiously forward, using his hands on the rocks to keep himself balanced.

If only he could get her to see his reason before she destroyed him.

Perspiration had beaded on his brow and stained his tunic where his skin had come close to the cloth. The midday sun was so intense, so unrelenting, that it drained out the colours of the land like too many washed clothes. He licked his lips to try and moisten his dry mouth. He had to admit, he was nervous.

He looked down to the little flower in his hand and began to worry that it would wilt before his mission was complete. His brow furrowed, directing his sweat down his temples. Would a wilted flower anger her beyond reason?

Alcandor moved forward.

The stench from the cave made him retch. To make matters worse, the odour stuck to him like the cold sweat he produced in volumes. Alcandor then felt sadness wash over him. His Demetrious was trapped in such a place. That thought alone chilled him to his soul.

Demetrious didn’t deserve to be here. No one did. How could she treat sentient beings like they were possessions to collect as one would jewels or buttons or slave boys? But this terrible thought did not deter Alcandor. He knew Medusa was not beyond redemption. He had a plan.

Placing his foot inside the mouth of the cave, he proceeded, cautiously but with purpose set in his heart. The gloom within the cave consumed him, and his eyes, unable to focus immediately, became soaked in the darkness beyond the sunlight.

“Who dares enter my domain?” a voice from behind the veil of shadow shrilled.

Alcandor spun on the spot. He tried to see where she was, but couldn’t. The darkness and the dust he had just kicked up conspired against him. He didn’t have time to answer her, could do nothing else but try and make out what was inside the cave.

Once the dust settled, he stepped into the cave proper. The dark enveloped him and he found that he could just make out objects in the murkiness. He heard movement, stopped and then stared wide-eyed in the direction the sound had come from.

And stare he did. Right at her. At first he saw the emerald shimmer created by the scales on the snake-like part of her body. Then as she moved closer, the evil temptress Medusa herself became apparent from the darkness. He could not help but be awed by her presence. She was beautiful, contrary to all the legends, the rumours and the whispers from the village.

Alcandor then gasped.

He had also seen his Demetrious. His lover was a stone cold statue, set with the look of pain, arms outstretched, pleading for his life. His pleas obviously hadn’t worked. Alcandor’s heart sank.

Alcandor scrambled to get into the position that he thought might be his salvation, unable to tear his eyes from her, for to do so would be to lose where she was. Not a tactical move he wanted to suffer, especially in the presence of the enemy’s home.

On bended knee, and with the crocus extended out in hope, he was about to speak, to bargain for not only his, but his lover’s life as well, when his words became lost to him. His lips couldn’t even form the words his lungs gave air to. He was struck with fear.

She came closer. The light from the cave mouth illuminated her features even more. The light reflected off her body was now an intense green. He remembered not to look into her eyes for he would suffer the same fate as his lover if he did. Fear boiled within him.

“You offer me flowers, little man?”

“Yes,” Alcandor replied, his voice but a mere wisp of wind from his lips.

“So you can trick me? Take my treasure no doubt. Just like all the others who have come to my house before you. Now I have seen it all. Flowers. Bah!”

“No. I have only come for—” Alcandor cut himself short. Should he tell her the truth? Would she believe him?

“Speak! Or you will suffer the same fate as all the others that have entered my domain. You will become a part of my collection forever more.”

Alcandor decided to tell her the truth. What did he have to lose? He swallowed hard and then said, “I have come to rescue my lover and in exchange I offer you this flower as my gift.”

The still air of the cave was pierced with the cackle of her laugher, like brittle wood cracking in a fire. “There are only thieves and soldiers with me here. How can you have a lover amongst these men?”

“His name is Demetrious. He is over there and he’s a captain,” Alcandor answered with pride.

Then there was silence.

“A man loving another man? Now I know you are lying. Men who come here cannot resist me. Why would a man lover come to see the great Medusa, if not to try and court her or take her riches?”

It was then, when Alcandor was about to protest, that he forgot himself. He wanted to explain to her that love is boundless. That love between two people is sacred, no matter what form they take. He looked up into her eyes.

Alcandor was turned to stone.


Light filtered in from the eternal darkness Alcandor was consumed within. He blinked vigorously to try and regain his vision, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose. He couldn’t focus and, no matter how much he tried, knew he would have to wait until the effects of being turned to stone had returned his body back to normal. He coughed.

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