Territory - Prequel (33 page)

Read Territory - Prequel Online

Authors: Susan A. Bliler

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Territory - Prequel
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She dropped her arm when her body dipped and Dell had to shift her weight to pull her tighter in his grip.  Suddenly, the wolves outside howled in unison and
when she blinked the pain was gone. 

Voices carried to her, but they weren’t spoken they were in her head.  “
Welcome daughter
.”  She recognized Mama’s voice instantly.  Before she could process the words, a flood of welcoming sentiments flooded her brain.  “
Welcome sister

Welcome Aunty

Welcome friend
.”  She recognized Cindy’s voice and
, but there were also several other voices that she didn’t recognize at all.  It took her a moment to realize that the welcoming words were being conveyed to her through the pack ties that now bound her to the Blackbird pack. 

For long moments she lay in Dell’s arms trying to catch her breath.  Finally after long moments he pulled back and smiled down at her with tears in his eyes.  “My Chloe.”  His eyes traveled down her frame, “My wolf.”

He released her and she rolled to her hands and feet.  She was suddenly aware of at least a dozen scents inside the small space.  Dell’s tears, her pain,
, sage, smoke,
the scent of
several people
who’d previously occupied the lodge
.  She could smell it all. 

Dell slowly stood and crossed to the flap before pulling it open as he smiled down at her.  He seemed so much taller now. 
He stepped out of the sweat lodge and motioned for her to follow. 

She stepped out into the cool night air, but it wasn’t as cool as it had been earlier.  In fact it wasn’t cool at all.  It felt similar to the temperature inside the sweat lodge. 

The wolves had stopped howling and stared at her as she exited the lodge.  Her eyes found her mothers and she opened her mouth to speak to her but nothing came out. 

Beside her Dell touched the top of her head and when she turned to look at him he shifted, dropping down to his wolf form but still towering over her.  She stared at him and wanted to ask what had happened, but didn’t have to.  She saw the answer reflected in the amber liquid of his eyes where she stared
into the reflective pools and
a small brown wolf stared back. 

Startled she backed up a step.  Before taking a calming breath and approaching to stare at her reflection in Dell’s eyes again. 
I’m a wolf!  Holy shit…
  She looked at her mother again but Bea simply stood with her hands clamped over her lips crying and nodding in approval. 

Chloe let her eyes drift down her frame and was stupefied to be staring at what she knew
were her
feet and hands but
were displayed as
four small paws.

Beside her Dell nudged her with his head.  She looked up and couldn’t control herself.  She jumped up and bit his ear.  When he growled at her she pulled back and flashed what she thought was a smile but was reflected in his eyes as a showing of many pointed teeth. 

Behind her one of the wolves whined and she cast a look over her shoulder before she turned, caught Dell by surprise
and bit him on the shoulder before she bolted for the
moon bathed

As she raced away she saw him following and recognized the smile in his eyes. 
The pack hesitated for only a moment before letting loose and racing with Chloe and Dell through the forest on her first run as a member of their pack…their family. 


Walking hand in hand by the
frozen stream
, Chloe smiled brightly as the warm sun shone down
her and Dell.

Two months
had passed since the wedding and things were slowly settling down into a normal routine.  She’d moved into the compound and her mother was delighted that her only daughter had finally found someone
to share her life with

The pack too seemed delighted that their Alpha had finally taken a mate and much to Chloe’s trepidation they welcomed her into the family with open arms.  She and Cindy had even become extremely close friends.  So close in fact that Dell
often commented that he wasn’t sure he approved of the relationship.  It was a comment that both Cindy and Chloe chose to ignore.

“You know,” Dell laughed
eyeing the stream
, “when you were going through the change, Mama told me that you were like a parched creek bed that needed to be filled to become what you were meant to be.”

Her smile widened as she peeked up at him, “Is that true?”

“Yes.  That’s something you’ll come to learn is that Mama is quite the word-smith.”

Chloe giggled and wrapped an arm around Dell’s bicep
leaning in to rub her cheek on his
thickly coated arm
.  “Well that’s good.  Words are very powerful.”

“And dangerous,” he supplied.

They walked in amiable silence a few moments
, their feet crunching in the snow,
before Dell stopped and turned her to him. 
“No more secrets love.  Nothing between us ever again.
Preferably, that would include
clothing as well.

  He winked at her
and pulled her close

Chloe caught her bottom lip between her even teeth. 

leaned down to kiss her cheek then
nuzzle her neck, “Mmm?”

“I have one more secret.”

He stilled, before slowly lifting his face to frown at her.

” she began then flushed

“Christ, how do I

“Say it,” he demanded.

“I snuck into town last week.  I met with someone,” she felt his body tensing against hers.  “He…”

His teeth were clamped together and the word came out on a growl.

needed his help.  I was having
problems, and I couldn’t go to you.”

frowned down at her.
“You sought out another male
rather than coming to me?”

She shook her head vigorously, “It wasn’t like that Dell I just needed his…”

“His what?”
Dell demanded harshly, his eyes darkening dangerously. 

Did he touch you?”

Chloe backed up a step, “Yes, but…”

Dell thr
back his head and growled ferociously.

Chloe backed up further, “Dell stop!  You’re being an idiot!”

He dropped his head and stalked her, “
did he touch you?”

Her cheeks flamed and
at the telling sign
Dell lunged.  He caught her around the waist and yanked her into him as one hand
gently fisted her hair.  “You let him touch you intimately,” he accused on a snarl.

Her cheeks bright with indignation
Chloe relaxed in his hold.  “Yes. 
my doctor.”

Suddenly, Dell’s angry sneer disappeared.  His nostrils flared and he inhaled deeply, his brows furrowing in concern, “Are you well?”

“No,” shoving at his chest until he released her she stalked a few paces from him
before she turned and lifted her chin, “
I took a pregnancy test Dell

His mouth fell open and his eyes grew wide
.  He was frozen for several long moments
before his lips slowly curled into a wide smile.  “Pregnant?”  He rushed to her and lifted her into his arms, spinning in a tight circle.  “We’re going to have a baby?”  He pressed his lips to hers and pulled back to yell, “WE’RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!”


He dropped his delighted eyes to hers.

“We a
having a baby.”

Trepidation stole over him only to be quickly replaced by fear.  “We’re…”

A brilliant smile split Chloe’s features as she lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck
, her lips found his and instead of kissing him she whispered
against his mouth
, “We’re having two.”

Exclusive Excerpt


Skin Walkers: 


Susan A. Bliler


Aries kept her head down as she was led down the long narrow corridor.  She rubbed at her arms in an attempt to ward off the chill that had crept over her when she’d envisioned the damp cold cell she anticipated being kept in. 

Conn pulled her to a halt and grabbed the front of his shirt, ripping it open and sending buttons bouncing on the linoleum floor.  He pulled his arms free and wrapped the shirt around Aries’ shoulders.  “Sorry if it smells bad.”

It still held warmth from his body and Aries pulled it tighter around herself, whispering a “thank you” before noticing the earthy, spicy scent she now knew to be his.  She inhaled deeply finding an odd comfort in the scent even as her eyes slid to stare at the form fitting white under shirt that clung to his chiseled torso like a second skin.

His arms were huge, bulging with thickly corded muscle.  The deep tan of his skin only added emphasis to the stark contours.  Several scars resembling claw marks marred one rounded shoulder.  Aries wondered if the same creature was the one to leave the long scar down his face as well.  She liked the scar on his face it made him seem fierce. 
Hell, he’d seem fierce without it.

She was led out double swinging doors as they entered what appeared to be a fancy hotel lobby before she was steered to a glass elevator.  Conn followed her in, his hand still clamped—not roughly—on her arm. 

As they rode up, Aries lifted her head to stare at the beautiful manor and out the large picture windows that dotted the front of the building.  It was night time, dark outside, and the
lights were low and dim inside.  In the night she could just make out thick fluffy flakes as they drifted gently to the earth.  She sucked in a sharp breath. 

It’d been six years since she’d last seen snow, and she’d missed it more than she ever could have imagined.  The sharp sting of tears at her eyes had her lifting a hand and placing it on the glass of the elevator.  She could almost feel the snow in her hand.  She didn’t know that Conn watched her curiously.

The elevator went up to the third floor and stopped before the doors slid open.  They exited onto a beautiful navy carpet with gold designs that covered the expanse of the third floor.  The hall was long with dark oak doors alternating on either side of the hall.  Again she couldn’t help but feel that the estate felt more like a luxury resort than the hide-out for Walkers….
whatever in the hell a Walker is!

At the end of the hall Conn pulled a key card from his pocket and scanned it quickly on the security sensor.  The door didn’t beep, simply clicked open.  

Conn placed a hand on Aries’ shoulder to keep her from entering.  He strode past her and inspected the room before turning to her, “It’s clear.”

Outside the door, Aries balked.  Her mind was going a mile-a-minute.  She’d seen a grandiose staircase in the center of the building.  Her eyes flicked to the door knob.  If she jerked the door closed, it might just buy her enough time to make it to the stairs. 
But it’s fucking freezing outside. Even if I did escape, I’d die of exposure.

The corner of Conn’s mouth lifted, “You might make it to the second floor, but that’d be it.  The manor houses many Walkers, and at least one of
men is quartered on each floor.”

When Aries didn’t move Conn’s smile disappeared, “Not to mention that the drugs are still in your system and you haven’t eaten.  Your too weak
don’t try it.”

He was right, but it didn’t keep her from lifting her chin defiantly and contemplating slamming the door in his face just to piss him off.

Dissatisfied with her lack of movement Conn dropped his head to eye her, the lines of his body now taut with challenge, “You have two seconds to get your ass in this room.”

Aries’ voice was soft, “And if I don’t.”

Conn did something than that surprised and shocked her.  His typically angry features broke into a heart stopping smile, revealing perfect white teeth and an air of youth that made him, for once, seem not so harsh, but his next words dispelled any hope.  His challenge was simple.  “Find out.”

Aries pulled his oversized shirt tighter around her before stepping into the room.

Conn locked the door behind her before crossing the room and drawing the blinds closed.  The suite was elegant.  Dimly lit lamps dotted the main sitting room and a small chandelier hung over a cherry wood table to her left in the small dining and kitchen area.

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