Terror on the Beach (18 page)

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Authors: Peggy Holloway

BOOK: Terror on the Beach
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“Kevin, where did you say we were going?”

“Why are you still calling me Kevin? I already told you that they found the real artist and that’s how they caught me. When they started calling me Bucky, I knew I was busted. But not for long thanks to you.”

“It was a joke, Bucky, lighten up.
Anyway it was fun playing all those jokes on pitiful little Sarah. It turned me on.” I hoped I wasn’t laying it on too thickly but apparently I wasn’t. He seemed to be eating it up. It seemed my Elizabeth personality was over the top.

“Well, love of my life, are you going to give me a blow job or not?
You were headed for that when we got interrupted were you not?”

“I was,” I said like I couldn’t wait.
“Just get through it,” I kept telling myself. “Just do it. Put your mind in reverse.” I knew my very survival depended on this blow job. I had never done one before as me, Sarah, and hoped I would do it well enough so he would be convinced I was Elizabeth.

I hoped Beth wouldn’t come out or that mute boy.
My entire life depended on whether or not I could do this blow job and pretend to be Elizabeth while I remained Sarah.

I unzipped him and pulled his pants down.
I noticed he wasn’t wearing any underwear. Without thinking about it I took him into my mouth and he spread out his legs to give himself more balance.

I silently apologized to Robert because I would never do this for him and he should have been the first one to do it to.
It was very mechanical for me. I sucked and licked and caressed his balls and he came almost immediately.

I zipped him back up while concentrating on not throwing up
. When I got up from my knees he hugged me hard and pinched my nipple again, “God Damn, woman, that was the best you’ve ever done. You think it’s the sea or the fact we’re finally alone or what?”

“Probably some of everything, I guess.”

He pulled me against him and he was so tender it was hard to imagine he was the same person that had brutally murdered so many. I wondered if he had more than one personality too.

“Aren’t you going to ask me when it’s your turn?”
He said breaking into my thoughts.

“Well, when is it?” I asked trying to sound tough.

He kissed the top of my head and said, “As soon as we get to the island.”

“What’s the name of it again?”

“It’s called Korshoba Island, you forgetful little bitch.”

“Well, it’s not an easy name to remember.”
I was saying it over and over in my mind so I could remember it.





It took almost the rest of the night to get there.
We took turns steering. Once when Bucky had gone below to sleep I thought about turning the boat around but I knew there was nowhere to go. He had chosen well. The island was so secluded I thought no one would ever find us.

The sun was co
ming up and painted the sand, pink. It was beautiful. Later I saw that the sand was white as snow and the water was clear blue. I was going to be stuck on this paradise island with a monster and I was terrified I would give myself away.

He put his arm around me, “Isn’t it wonderful, baby?
There is no law here. We can rule this place like we’re their king and queen and they’re our subjects. This is what I’ve always dreamed of having with you.”

“I love it,” I said.
“How did you find it?”

He laughed, “You remember that time I left for about two months, about three and half years ago, and you thought I
had abandoned you? You were so mad when I came home, you wouldn’t have anything to do with me. But I caught you leaving the house one day to go shopping and I grabbed you and pulled you under the house.

“As soon as I took your panties off I knew you were mine again.
Anyway it was during those three months that I found this island. I knew right away it was the place for us.”

“How many people live here?” I asked as I looked up and down the beach and saw only a few shacks.

“Not even a hundred. It’s like going back in time, Elizabeth. No T.V., no cell phones, hell there’s not even any radios. There’s a man who thinks he chief here but he’s a joke. I talked to him for awhile and he’s stupid and too gentle for his own good.”

“What if one of us gets sick, Bucky?”

“We won’t get sick. I keep telling you over and over, I’m invincible. But if there is an emergency, there’s an old man who lives on that old houseboat down there who has a short wave radio. Don’t worry. Everything is going to be perfect.”

I noticed that there were docks all up and down the beach and most of them had their own boat.
I thought this would be a perfect place for criminals, like Bucky, to hide out. It could be a dangerous place.

I know it sounds absolutely crazy to even say this but if I had to be stranded in a place like this I was glad I
had Bucky to protect me. I knew I had to be tough and I was almost as scared of Elizabeth as I was of Bucky. I was afraid that Beth or the mute kid would come out and Bucky would then kill them, me.

Bucky took me up through a grove of coconut palms to a house hidden from the water.
There was white sand everywhere. The houses were far apart but I could see that none of them had lawns.

“I paid cash for this house, Elizabeth,” Bucky said.
“Did I tell you we have all of your parent’s money? You can have anything you want. I know how you like to shop.”

This gave me a ray of hope.
If I could get him to take me where there were shops then maybe I could escape or at least make a phone call. “Are there any shops here, Bucky?”

“Nope, but don’t worry.
I made friends with a drug dealer who lives here. He makes regular trips to Miami and flies under the radar. He offered for us to fly with him. Do you like the house?”

It was small but was cute.
It was a wooden house painted yellow with white shutters and a white front porch. There was white wicker furniture on the porch, including a swing.

“You wouldn’t believe how cheap this house was, Elizabeth.
The guy who owned it is in prison. He was stupid enough to get caught so he’ll be there a long time.

“I bought it from his family through many layers of other people.
Aren’t you proud of me, Elizabeth? It’s taken me a long time to put this together.”

I agreed that it was amazing but the more he talked the more hopeless I felt.
Also, things were looking fuzzy around the edges and I wondered if I was going to blackout. It had never happened that way before and I wondered what it meant.





“I said, which one do you like the best?”

I was standing in a men’s clothing store and Bucky was holding up two different shirts. The last thing I had remembered was that we were getting ready to go into the house he had bought. I had blacked out again and I had no idea what I had done during the blackout.

I had to pretend to be Elizabeth.
“I don’t like either one. Let me pick one out.”

I picked a shirt out for him and he held it up to himself and studied himself in the mirror, “I’ll take it,” he said.

I noticed I had several shopping bags over my arm and I was holding a lit cigarette. I saw an ash tray just outside the door and I stepped out to put it out, taking one last drag the way I had seen smokers do.

I stifled a cough and looked around to see if Bucky had noticed but he was standing in front of the mirror holding up a pair of ripped jeans.
He was like a little boy in a candy store and I began to see the side of him that Elizabeth found lovable.

I had read about the Stockholm
syndrome where a hostage begins to mistake the lack of abuse by the captive as love. The term comes from the famous case in Stockholm where two bank robbers held the bank employees hostage for five days. Some of the hostages began to identify with the robbers and feel affection for them.

“I love Robert,” I reminded myself.
“This guy here is a monster. He’s killed a lot of people including my parents and has taken their money.”

I was beginning to remember a little bit about him and I remembered a boy with two sides, one cruel and one caring.
I had a vague memory of him hurting me badly.

He kept looking over at me and winking and I gave him a smirk I hoped was Elizabeth’s reaction.
I was beginning to understand what Dr. Anna had said about me developing different personalities in order to survive.

Apparently Elizabeth and Bucky were a lot alike.
That’s why they loved each other. The other thing I was thinking about was the way I had blacked out this time. If I could begin to integrate like Dr. Anna said she would help me do, then I could pull this off.

I wondered if I could do this without Dr. Anna and knew I had to, but I had to remember what she said about the personalities and the integration process.

“Come on, Elizabeth,” Bucky broke into my thoughts. “Let’s find a place to have supper before we have to meet Josh at the air strip.”

We went to a fine restaurant and had good food and wine.
I didn’t drink much because I wanted to keep my wits about me.

Of course Bucky noticed, “What happened to my favorite lush?
Drink up, girl. Here finish up this bottle while I go pee.”

I was glad the wine was white and I poured it into the bucket with the ice.
Our meal came before Bucky got back and I considered making a run for it but I knew I couldn’t get far.

The food looked delicious.
It looked like a crab dish with cheese over rice with tiny peas and peach slices. He pulled out his chair and sat down as I was studying the food.

“You finish all that wine?
You want another bottle?”

“No, I’m good.”

“Well, you know what I want? I want some sweet iced tea.” He motioned the waiter over and ordered the tea.

When we finished the meal he paid the tab and we went outside where he flagged down a cab.
“You like Miami, Elizabeth?”

“I really do, Bucky.

“Next time we come, we’ll make sure it’s one of Josh’s longer trips and we can spend the night and go dancing, maybe take several days.
In fact he can take us to some of the other islands. They don’t have as much as Miami but they have restaurants etc.”

“That sounds great, Bucky.”

“You sure are agreeable,” he said, looking at me suspiciously. “You usually give me a hard time about everything before you agree to it.”

“Not everything,” I said.
Then changing the subject I said, “You know what I want to do when we get home? I want to go on a moonlight swim.”

“Now you’re talking.
Let’s take all our clothes off and swim naked.”

I was beginning to see that Bucky was very easily distracted.
That would surely come in handy.

The airstrip was an old abandoned one about 15 miles from Miami.
It was overgrown with weeds and there was a small plane sitting on the runway.

Bucky gave the cab driver a hundred dollar bill and as we were getting out
of the cab a handsome man got out of the plane. He had sandy hair and a full beard and mustache a shade darker. His hair was shoulder length and was very curly.

He came toward us and held out his hand to Bucky, “Good timing, man.
Let’s get out of here. I’ve already refueled.”

He smiled at me and I gave him a nod and a smirk.
He seemed to find it amusing. Bucky was looking on smiling at us. Josh grabbed our bags and threw them in the back, swung into his seat and we took off.

Bucky started pinching my nipples as soon as we got in the air and I saw Josh watching us and smirking.
When Bucky noticed him watching he put his mouth to my ear and whispered, “You want a threesome? We never did that yet.”

“Not with that son-of-a-bitch,” I said out loud and Bucky laughed.

“Sorry, Josh,” he said, “Maybe another time.”

When we landed, Josh held out his hand to Bucky.
“Sorry, pal, but you owe me double since you didn’t come across with the tender meat.”

Bucky handed over a wad of bills and we headed off toward the house.
I had never seen the inside of this house but I had to remember that Elizabeth had.

I followed Bucky into the kitchen which was a small room off the living room.
We put up the groceries and then I lagged behind so he could lead the way. He didn’t seem to notice. I followed him into the bedroom which was huge. It had a California king-sized bed but the covers were a hodge-podge of colors like I had noticed in the living room.

Bucky eyed the bed and eyed me and he looked unhappy.
It occurred to me that there was no way I or any other woman could keep him happy. He would soon grow tired of me and need something more, something involving blood.

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