Terror on the Beach (20 page)

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Authors: Peggy Holloway

BOOK: Terror on the Beach
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Bucky sulked for almost a week and slept on the sofa.
I guess he thought he was punishing me but I couldn’t have been happier about the sleeping arrangement.

During this week when I would get up in the mornings he was already gone and I wondered what he was up to.
In the meantime I explored the attic and found a lot of clothes, both men’s and women’s.

The men’s clothes were huge but the women’s were about Noah’s size.
I didn’t think they would need any alterations and they were the kinds of clothes he would want, things like jeans, shorts, tee shirts, and I found one medium weight jacket. Then I found the pea jacket and on impulse reached into the pocket.

I pulled out the piece of paper and on it was written coordinates of the island.
I always had a good memory for some reason but I didn’t want to trust my memory. I took the paper into the kitchen and got a zip lock bag and put it in there and taped it under the sink.

I spent the rest of the day packing clothes in a large garbage bag which I also hid under the kitchen sink.





I thought Elizabeth would be enough and I think she was for awhile. But I need more excitement. I need to hurt someone. If I can have my appetite satiated by some blood every now and then I think I can be happy with Elizabeth.

I didn’t want to use anyone on the island because, with so few people here, I would surely get caught.
I need to go into Miami, but I need to find an excuse to give Elizabeth to go alone.

I’m going to need to rent a hotel room and take my next feast up there and spend some real quality time with them.
I may even need more than one.

Elizabeth is going to be madder than a wet hen when she finds out I
plan to go into Miami alone. She’s going to want to go and have her own excitement with drinking, shopping and attacking me all day long to get her rocks off.

She needs me all the time, that’s why I decided to punish her by ignoring her for awhile.
She pretends it doesn’t bother her but she doesn’t have me fooled.

Of course I never told anyone this but I’m scared of Elizabeth, that’s why I can’t use her like the others.
She would probably end up killing me.





Ten days had passed before Bucky moved back into the master bedroom and I began to realize he was afraid of Elizabeth.

He approached me like a shy little boy and I decided to treat him like a parent would treat a naughty boy.

When he crawled in beside me I said, “Where the hell have you been all day every day and why have you been sleeping on the couch?”

His voice got very whinny as he said, “I’m sorry, Elizabeth. I was jealous of you and Noah. I thought about killing him so he wouldn’t get between us again.”

“When have I ever wanted anyone else but you, you stupid fool?
I’ve been going crazy in here every night while you brooded on the sofa. But I wasn’t about to come in there and beg. You know I don’t beg, ever.”

“I’m sorry,” he said and as he tried to pull up my gown, his hand was trembling.
I slapped his hand away. “I’m in charge tonight,” I said.

“Okay, baby, okay, whatever you say.
I love you so much. I want you so much.”

“Then you know what to do,” I said playing it by ear.

Without another word he got out of bed and knelt on the floor by the bed. Taking my feet in his hands he began to lick the bottoms. I’ve always been very ticklish on the bottom of my feet but suspected Elizabeth was not.

My first impulse was to draw my feet away but that would give me away.
I tolerated it by screaming as if it was turning me on. I hoped the screaming covered the laughter.

It didn’t last long and he was grinning like a small boy when he got back up onto the bed.
Without warning he took hold of the hem of my gown and ripped it off me.

I must be a better actress than I ever thought or else
he mistook my gasp for passion. Before I knew what was happening he had made me come over and over again. I know it sounds sick and I felt like I was betraying Robert, but I couldn’t help it. Elizabeth was part of me after all.

We had sex all night and I never knew I could be this wild.
“Robert’s going to love this part of me,” I remember thinking to myself.

When morning came he brought me breakfast in bed.
We propped up on the pillows and ate and he told me he wanted to go to Miami.

“Oh, I can’t wait,” I said and I was thinking about maybe finding a telephone when he wasn’t looking.

“Uh, Elizabeth, please don’t take this wrong but I want to go by myself. Will you be mad at me if I go by myself?”

I knew I should try to give him a hard time about going without me and it was very hard to do.
I couldn’t wait to get rid of him.

“What are you going to do there all by yourself?”

“I just want to get off the island for awhile.”

“Maybe I do too.”

He jumped up and actually stomped his feet, “Damn it, Elizabeth, I’m going by myself and I don’t have to explain it to you. You’re not my mother. And when I come back, if you try to shut me out I will hurt you.”

“And I’ll hurt you back,” I heard myself saying and watched him as his face turned white and he began to shake and I real
ized he really was scared of me, of Elizabeth.

“Oh, go on by yourself if you want.
I don’t care. But next time I get to go and you’ll have to spend a lot of money on me.”

He grinned like a pleased little boy and thanked me.
He left shortly afterward saying he had to tell Josh to get the plane ready. He came back and packed and left after kissing me goodbye.

I waited until I saw the plane in the air before I threw on a pair of shorts and tee shirt, grabbed the garbage bag full of clothes and pulled the piece of paper from under the sink.

I walked over to the houseboat and called to Noah but no one answered. I jumped down from the dock onto the deck of the houseboat and called again. Usually when I had gone walking along the beach I had always seen Noah sitting on the deck working on something.

I hadn’t been on his boat since Bucky had gotten mad at me when he saw me there before, but I had always waved to him.
I knocked on his door and marveled at how much the boat looked like a small house with the deck being a porch.

I knocked and called to him several times before looking into the window at the top of the door.
I could see him lying on the floor. I opened the door and went to him.

had been shot and the gun was lying beside him. It was made to look like a suicide but I didn’t believe it. He had come to this island to escape something and he seemed happy here.

He was bleeding badly from the head and he was dead.
I thought about calling the police but remembered there was no law here on this island. I looked around for the short-wave radio. I thought if I could figure out how to use it I could contact someone from the mainland.

The radio had been smashed and I thought I knew who had killed him.
Bucky must have done this before he headed off to Miami. He was afraid Sarah would come here and get Noah to help her escape.

I could think of nothing else to do except get out of there.
I knew now that my escape was hopeless and I would probably spend the rest of my life here with Bucky playing our little games with each other.

My only hope was to get away from him next time we went to Miami, if he ever took me to Miami again.





I was lucky. I found my next pleasure release in the form of a young run-away girl named Tina. She was a doll with naturally blond hair and deep green eyes. She wrinkled up her nose when she smiled with her oversized lips. She had the smallest waist I’ve ever seen on a woman. She was only sixteen and was a virgin like I suspected.

The day had been really busy, starting with me fixing breakfast for Elizabeth and the
n making sure I blocked any escape in case Sarah tried to ruin things for us like she did before. I had wished I could have taken my time with ole Noah, but it had to be quick.

Josh got me to Miami and I checked into a small out of the
way hotel and went on the prowl. I was lucky. I found her on the street corner counting the change in her purse and knew she must be a run-away.

I bought her lunch and as we ate she talked a little about herself.
She said she was from some town up north in Pennsylvania that I had never heard of and had always wanted to come to Florida.

She opened up to me and I let the trust build.
I could tell she was naïve and knew she would bring me great satisfaction.

I took her shopping and bought her a lot of pretty clothes knowing she would never get to wear them.
But it was money well spent. She flirted with me the whole time and I could tell she was used to having boys admire her. She kept flipping her long blond ponytail over her shoulder and fluffing her bangs.

We had been together about three hours and were in the park not far from my hotel when she timidly put her hand on my arm.
I had made no moves on her before then.

I patted her hand like an uncle would his niece and I think that made her become more bold.
We were sitting on a park bench watching some ducks in the small pond there when she put her head on my shoulder.

I tilted her chin up with my middl
e finger and kissed her, what I call a cousin kiss. When I ended the kiss, she pulled my head back down and French kissed me. I asked if she wanted to go across the street and have a drink with me.

I could tell she was green as grass as she tried to act sophisticated when she ordered a martini.
I doubted she had ever had anything to drink. She made a face when she took her first sip.

I called the waiter ove
r and ordered a gold Cadillac. She liked it and drank it down. She said it tasted like a chocolate milkshake. It appeared to me that she had decided to lose her virginity that night because she kept trying to come on to me and it turned me off.

After she had had a couple of drinks,
she asked me to take her to my hotel. We walked down the street to my hotel. There was no one in the lobby.

As soon as we got inside my room I grabbed her and put my hand over her mouth.
I could see the panic in her eyes and I said, “Yeah, I’m the kind of man your mama warned you about. Did you think I was one of your high school boys waiting with his tongue hanging out for you to pay attention him?”

I told her I would rem
ove my hand from her mouth but if she made any noise I would kill her. I didn’t have to tell her twice. She became quiet as a mouse. I knew I would miss the screaming that usually turned me on so much, but tonight I was going to try some different things.

It had been so long, if you don’t count Elizabeth which
is an entirely different thing. I wanted it to last a long time. It was like going to a buffet where you have so many choices you don’t know what to eat.

“Take off your clothes,” I told her and she did so with shaky hands.
I noticed she was wearing black lace panties and bra like she was ready for action. For someone so small, she had large breasts and my mouth started watering.

“Is this one of those S and M games?” She asked and I cracked up.
She was so naïve. She didn’t look scared any longer and climbed up on the bed.

“Did I tell you to get on the bed?” I asked and she blushed and got off the bed.
I unzipped and told her to get on her knees and she actually grinned. She stripped off my jeans and under shorts and went to work on me with her mouth but it was too easy and I lost my erection.

She looked up at me with a question in her eyes and the innocent look turned me back on.
I jerked her up off her knees and threw her on the bed. I bit her nipple hard without breaking the skin. She whimpered but did not cry out. There was terror in her eyes.

I kept biting her but without breaking the skin and she continued to whimper.
This wasn’t satisfying me and so I tied her spread eagle to the bed and gagged her and went out for drinks. I knew she would try to escape but she wouldn’t be able to.

I had a few
drinks and left the bar and went back up to the room. She had been crying and her eye makeup was smeared all over her face.

I cut her loose and told her to get into the bath tub.
I ran her a bubble bath and soaped her up good. I got in with her and I was getting turned on again and ordered her to suck me off. As soon as she put me in her mouth I again lost my erection and I was boiling mad.

I seemed to scare her and she asked if she could try again
. I told her no and pushed her back into the tub and held her head under water a few minutes. That didn’t do it for me so I pulled her back up. She choked and coughed.

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