That Girl (15 page)

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Authors: H.J. Bellus

BOOK: That Girl
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In slow motion, I feel Lincoln sink down onto my hips, and my legs spread for him to settle in. He watches my face as he pushes down against me. The sensation of him between my legs and rubbing against my core is overwhelming. I push more firmly against him, and that’s when I feel his very hard cock push back. I throw my head back and let out a cry of pleasure. Lincoln continues to drive against me. Even though we are both clothed, I can feel him and the pleasure he’s sending through me.

Lincoln’s mouth drops to my exposed neck, biting and nipping at my skin. It causes me to cry out again and buck harder against him.

“Let me take you all the way,” he pleads.

I’m unable to answer him due to the coursing need rampaging throughout my body. My only reaction is to push harder. I feel Lincoln’s hand run down between us, and it’s at the edge of my panties again. I’m safe under his body and clothed in his scent. I’m safe. This is a first, and I want it.

His hand stops before going any further. I send my hand along the same trail his hand had taken, and when I meet his, I urge it to go deeper underneath my panties. His fingers lightly drag across my skin, causing me to gasp. His finger slides into me when I buck up once more to meet him, and then I really cry out. Lincoln covers my mouth with his. His mouth and fingers are working me over like a magician, causing my hands to fly back up to his shoulders and dig in with delight.

The sensation is overwhelming, and I’m about to implode. I’ve never felt anything like this in my life. I can’t catch my breath and have to pull away from his lips to get an ounce of air. With my head tilted to the side, Lincoln bites my exposed neck, sending my whole being sailing off a cliff without a worry in the world. Every tissue within me tingles with euphoria, and I scream as I fall back down to earth.

Lincoln collapses on me.

“That’s what I wanted to give you, baby girl,” he whispers into my ear.

“It was perfect,” I reply breathlessly.

His phone goes off, and it’s the ringtone of Coach Uni.

“Shit, I gotta get this.”

Lincoln climbs out of bed clothed only in his boxers, and grabs his phone while running his fingers through his messy hair. I love his hair all shaggy and ruffled. A ball cap typically hides the beautiful mess.

“I’ll be there in thirty. Thanks, Coach,” he says, hanging up his phone.

“Everything okay?” I ask.

“Perfect,” he replies, standing in front of me.

I notice his very tented boxers and suddenly feel like a piece of shit. I may not know a bunch about sex, but I do know the man isn’t supposed to be left with a raging erection.

“What about that?” I ask, pointing to his crotch.

“Baby, don’t worry about me. All in time, we’ll get there.”

“Thank you,” I murmur, realizing I can’t quit repeating those two words to him.

“I’m going to jump in the shower. Okay?”

“Okay. Want a bowl of cereal? It’s all I have to offer.”

“Hell yes, I do. I hear you can mix up one hell of a bowl of cereal,” he says, kissing me and heading for the tiny shower.

Like I said, I don’t know much about sexuality and the ways it all can go down, but I do know the man needs to be relieved of pressure, and I’ve heard the shower is a great place. If only I could be a fly on the wall to watch. The thought of Lincoln pleasuring himself and seeing his completely naked body instantly turns me on, and I want his hands all over me again.

Focus, focus on cereal, that is.

Lincoln showers, we share a couple bowls of cereal, and our time is up.

“I’ve have to go.”

“I know,” I sigh.

“Come here,” he says pulling me into his lap, “I’m going to miss you today, but I’ll be over for dinner. I won’t be able to stay the night again, but I’ll be here as long as I can. This week is going to be crazy with our first big game on Saturday.”


I soak in his words while fiddling with a button on his shirt to avoid making eye contact. I want to be selfish and beg him to stay. The fact is his life is on campus with his teammates and friends, and my life is surviving to make it by working three jobs.

“Oh shit,” I blurt.


“I have to work until seven tonight at the diner.”

“My curfew is at ten. I’ll pick you up at work.”


After a pause, he says, “Quit the diner.”

“What? I can’t.”

“You can,” he insists.

“Maybe,” I reply in a thoughtful tone.

Really, the third job has always been useful to distract me from having so much free time on my hands, and now I’m scrambling for free time to be with him. I just wish he had more free time to match up with mine.

“Why are you so sad?” he asks snapping me back to real time.

Shrugging, I don’t respond.

“Knock it off,” he says. “I know what you’re doing. We’re going to make this work.”

“Just kiss me,” I say.

Lincoln leans down, meeting my lips. It’s short and sweet.

“I have to go,” he says, pulling away.

“I know.”

We both walk to the door, and I follow him to his truck. I can tell he’s having a hard time leaving me, so I decide to make it easier.

“Get on with your bad self.” I add a swat to his ass for emphasis.

He chuckles and finally climbs up into his truck, flashing me a quick wink.

“I love you,” he says out his window.

Waving, I watch him back out of the parking lot, and a dreadful tingling takes over my body. The kind of sensation that preempts a panic attack, and I realize I’ve fallen way too hard for Lincoln Wilks.

He slams his truck into park before hitting the pavement, causing a dust storm to engulf the black vehicle. I hear his door slam, and then see him running toward me with that damn ball cap on backward.

“What are you doing?” I squeal.

“I bought this for you. I forgot to give it to you last night. Love you, Oakley.”

He puts something in my hands and bends down, leaving me with one tender kiss, and then jogs back to his truck with his shorts bouncing up and down. The man is completely adorable.

He left me with a package wrapped in red paper. With my curiosity peaked, I tear away the shiny paper and hear a little jingle go off before opening the box. Turning to see who is standing behind me, I see no one. I must be hearing things. I try opening the corner of the brown box when I hear the jingle again. Then I hear the song
Hanging by a Moment
start to play and realize it’s all coming from the box. My hands work faster to tear it open. Lincoln’s face with ball cap on backward and light stubble fills the screen of an iPhone. It takes a few moments before I realize he gave me a phone and is now calling me. With shaky fingers, I slide the bar across to answer it.

“Hello?” My greeting comes out more as a question from sheer shock.

“Hey, baby!”



I can’t help it, I giggle. “I can’t believe you. You bought me a phone.”

“I did. I want to call and text my girlfriend. You know, get my full stalker mode on.”

“I’m speechless,” I say as a couple tears well in my eyes.

“There are a few more surprises on there for you.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything, and go get your ass ready for work. I’ll be at the diner around 6:30-ish.”


“Bye, Oakley Ann.”

“Bye, Lincoln Wilks.”

Hanging up, I stare at the lime green phone in my hands, still wondering if all this just really happened. Walking back into my room, I let out a very girly squeal and belly flop onto my bed, burying my nose in the sheets and soaking up Lincoln’s lingering scent. Rolling over onto my back, I slide open the lock screen to start exploring my new phone. It sounds silly, but I’ve never had anything like this, ever. Lincoln has the home screen set to a selfie of us. He’s always snapping pictures of me on his phone, and sometimes he wraps his arm around me and takes one. It’s a picture of us sitting outside on the picnic table eating pizza. He caught me with a slice of cheese pizza entering my mouth.

I tap on the icon with a music note, and I really squeal. All of his music is there, right down to his playlists. Tears build up and begin to roll down my face when I even see the playlist named Oakley. The phone dings, alerting me to a text, and I know it can only be one person.


Lincoln: Do you like it?


It takes me a few seconds to steady myself with all the right keys. Then I realize it’s a real bitch to type, because my fat thumb keeps hitting the wrong damn letters. Feeling like a hippo on skates, I laugh out loud at the learning curve ahead of me. After several minutes I manage to text back.


Me: No, I love it.


Lincoln: Did you find your music?


Me: Yes, first thing.


Lincoln: The pictures?


Me: Not yet. I duck at texting.


I reread my last message and die laughing at the word duck.


Me: I meant suck.


Lincoln: You’ll get the hang of it.


Me: I jopr so.


Lincoln: LOL… I’ll set up auto-correct for you tonight.


Me: Shut, that was supposed to be hope.


Lincoln: LMFAO


Me: I give ip


Lincoln: Love you


Me: Pizza


Tapping on the picture icon, I see all the selfies Lincoln has taken and the pictures of me he has snapped. He even has shots of the field and him in the locker room. A couple of them are worth drooling over and fanning yourself, because they are downright freaking hot. If I had to guess, he was being a little tease.

This texting is a real bitch. I've watched Lincoln fire off texts right and left, not blinking an eye. It's a good thing he can't see me try and type out a message. He'd get a real good laugh.
I turn on his pre-game playlist and rock out while I shower and get ready for work. Today I'm in the coffee shop until four, and then the diner. Jenni is covering in the bakery for a few hours today. I'm sure she'll have to come get the scoop from me. I saw her yesterday at the barbecue. We never spoke because of the different crowds we were running in. She was in full blast glitter mode and definitely stood out.

She had several players surrounding her and her sparkly group of friends. With any luck, she landed one of the boys. I'm sure I'll soon find out.




I check the window again to see if there are picket signs outside. It’s been so dead. Three customers in two hours. Usually, I’m slammed on a Monday. The minutes drag on and on. I’ve cleaned the shack from ceiling to floor. I’ve checked my phone about a hundred times, and no more texts from Lincoln.

“Hey, girl, hey.” Jenni busts into the shack in her full, shining glory. I wonder how long it takes her to spray all of her makeup on and pick out her perfect outfits. She’s never not put together.

“Hi,” I say.

“So?” She questions, sitting down on one of the barstools.

“So, what?” I counter. I know damn well what she’s digging for. She wants all the details from my first public date with Lincoln.

“So, how did it go? Are you in love? Are you ready to lay down and have his babies?”

I can’t help but laugh at her ridiculous questions. The funniest part is the dead serious look covering her face.

“It was fine,” I lie.

“Just fine?” she prods.

“Okay, better than fine,” I concede. “Enough about me, I want to know about you.”

“I’m in fucking love, Oakley. Like head over heels in love with Ryan. He’s on the team, but mostly second string until next year because he’s only a freshman, but I’m in love. We met last night at the barbecue.”

“How do you know?” I ask in astonishment at her confession.

“Know what?”

“How do you know you’re in love?”

“He’s amazing and super sweet. He just stole my heart, like in five minutes.”

I choke on the water going down my throat.

“Is this the first time you’ve fallen in love?” I ask.

“Oh, hell no, I’ve loved and lost several men, but Ryan’s different. I can feel it.”

“Just be careful, Jenni.”

She’s annoying as hell and can outshine a strobe light with all her glitter, but deep down she’s a very softhearted person who clearly loves big.

“So, what base did you make it to last night?”

Shaking my head, I say, “Didn’t even play the bases.”

Nobody will ever know the moments Lincoln and I shared last night. I’m not sure they’d even understand the range of emotions we experienced in just a handful of hours.

“Well, you little prude, I made it all the way home.”

This time I spit out the water I’m drinking and begin coughing.

“Holy shit, you had sex,” I declare.

“Well, no, but what I did I consider home base, baby, and some men even like it better than sex.”

She has my curiosity peaked, and everything in me is dying to ask questions, but common sense tells me to change the subject swiftly.

Before I have the chance to sidetrack Jenni, she lets it all fly.

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