That Moment (9 page)

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Authors: Emily Prior

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: That Moment
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Kurt wet the washcloth, wrung out the extra water and placed it on Jessica's forehead. He noticed that her cheeks were flushed a deep pink. He called her name again as he bathed her face with the cool water. She moaned a bit and her eyelids fluttered open, then they closed again. Kurt called her name again, "Jessica! Wake up for me, baby! Come on, sweetheart! It's me, Kurt! Open your eyes and look at me, honey!" Her eyes fluttered open again and she blinked several times, a confused look on her face. "Honey, are you alright?" he asked her, his voice full of worry.


"Ummm, yeah, I guess so. What happened?" she asked.


Kurt wiped her face with the washcloth again and said, "You passed out, baby. You had a huge orgasm and passed out on me. Does that happen a lot to you, honey?


"I...I...I don't know. I've never had that happen to me before, Kurt. That was the first time." she told him, "I feel so dizzy, Kurt."


"That's from the adrenaline rush, baby. Just lay there awhile and rest. We can make love later, if you're up to it. Ok honey?" he said as he mopped her brow and flushed cheeks with the cold wet washcloth.


"Ok Kurt. I hope you're not upset with me, dear." she said.


Kurt kissed her cheek and said, "Of course I'm not upset baby. You had me worried and scared for you, honey. I don't want to lose you, ever. I love you very much baby, don't you ever forget that."


Then he pulled one of the blankets up over her and tucked her in. "Get some rest now baby. I'll go check on the horses and find some more firewood for tonight, ok? I love you Jessica." he said tenderly as he kissed her on the lips.


"I love you too, Kurt. Please don't be gone long, my love." she said, then her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep. Kurt sat there with her for a few moments, then finished getting dressed, taking off his boots and pants so he could put on his underwear again first. He went over to the dresser and blew out all 4 candles, but he left the lamp above the table lit. He went outside, leaving the door open part-way so if Jessica yelled for him, he'd hear her.


He went to the pond with the other two buckets and filled them with water. He carried them to the corral and dumped the water into the barrel for the horses. He went to the back of the shelter and scooped some grain into each of the two tubs for the horses to eat, carried the dishes out and placed them on the ground in front of the horses. He watched the horses eat, but his mind was not on the magnificent animals before him. Kurt kept glancing over at the door to the cabin where his beloved Jessica slept. He was very worried about her. He had never had any woman pass out on him during sex like she did.


Kurt took the grain dishes from the corral when the horses were done eating, rinsing them out at the pond before putting them back in the shed with the grain barrel. He went back to the cabin, quietly went inside and checked on Jessica. She was still sleeping, but her face was still slightly flushed. He gently laid a hand on her forehead. She wasn't feverish, but he wet the washcloth again and laid it on her forehead. He leaned down and kissed her, then went outside to gather more firewood. He made sure to stay within sight of the cabin in case Jessica awoke and yelled for him. Luckily there were many trees and branches on the ground that only needed to be chopped into pieces and split.


He found a nice log and started chopping it into shorter lengths with the axe. His muscles rippled and flexed with each swing of the axe and the sweat trickled down his face and back from his exertions. When he had about twenty large chunks cut, he split them into smaller pieces, then carried the chunks in arm loads to the cabin, stacking them along the wall between the door and the box where the saddles were stored. When he had a pile about eight feet long and five feet high, he decided that was enough wood.


He went to the pond and splashed some water on his sweaty face and back, then went to check on Jessica. She was awake, laying on the bed. She smiled as Kurt came through the door. He took a cup from the shelf and scooped some water from the bucket for her to drink. He sat on the side of the bed and helped her sit up. She took the cup and slowly drank the fresh cold water. As Jessica sat up, the blanket slid down, exposing her luscious breasts to Kurt's loving gaze. She made no move to pull it up again and Kurt smiled. He asked her, "Are you feeling better, baby? You really had me worried there."


She reached over and took his hand in hers, "Yes, my love. I'm feeling much better now, thank you. The nap and the water helped a lot." Kurt leaned over and kissed her tenderly on the lips, pulling her close and hugging her. She kissed him back gently and said, "I love you very much, Kurt. You are my whole life and I'd die if anything ever happened to you."


"Baby, there's no need to worry. Nothing will ever happen to me. I'm going to be here for you for eternity. I love you, my beautiful Jessica." he said quietly, then asked her, "Baby, do you feel up for a swim? It's quite warm in here and the cool air and water might help you feel even better."


Jessica nodded, then Kurt got off the bed and walked to the trunk where he took out two towels, handing them to her. Then Kurt scooped Jessica up and carried her, blanket and towels together, to the bank of the pond. He sat her down on the ground, making sure the blanket was beneath her bottom. Kurt uncovered her and took her hands, pulling her to her feet. She took a step and almost fell. She was still weak from passing out, so Kurt told her to sit back down for a moment while he undressed. He tossed his boots, pants and underwear on the ground by the blanket. When he was standing before her in all his naked muscled glory, Jessica looked up at him and smiled.


Kurt pulled Jessica to her feet then lifted her in his arms, one arm under her back and the other under her knees. He carried her to the edge of the pond, then slowly walked into the cool clear water. When he was in waist deep, the water came up to Jessica's bottom and she gasped as the cold water touched her heated flesh. Kurt laughed gently as he moved further into the water and it moved up over her hot love nest, just above Kurt's arm. Kurt stopped when the water was lapping at her lush breasts, her nipples were hard points, sticking out and tempting him as the water splashed on and dripped from them.

He released her legs and she stood shakily, her arms still around his neck for support. His arm went around her waist and his hand slid slowly down her back to cup her firm bottom, squeezing it gently. She stretched up and kissed him deeply while pressing herself against his hardening shaft. Jessica raised up just enough and moved her legs apart slightly so his penis was rubbing between the lips of her woman's mound and getting harder by the second. Kurt groaned at that sweet torture he felt as her mound lips opened to slide along the length of his shaft. He slid his hands down along her sides, over her bottom and down to her thighs, lifting her off her feet.


His rock-hard shaft slipped right into her hot love canal as she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. He rammed his shaft into her slowly at first, then gradually increased speed as he plunged into her soft slick flesh harder, faster and deeper. The water was splashing around them with every movement. It was dripping from her breasts and her hard nipples. Kurt bent his head down and licked the drops of water from her breasts, lovingly caressing her nipples with his tongue. She arched her back, pressing closer to him as he continued thrusting his hard throbbing shaft into her. He suckled hungrily on both of her breasts with their rosy areolas and nipples, causing her to moan loudly.


Jessica threw her head back and her hair spread out over the surface of the water behind her, saying Kurt's name over and over in a low silky sounding purr of contentment. Within moments, they both reached such a high point of climax that they both were panting and breathless from the amazing orgasms that racked their bodies like a tidal wave. Kurt released his load deep inside Jessica's wet hot sheath as he growled her name and held her tight to him. After a few minutes, Kurt carried Jessica to the shore, his penis still deep inside Jessica's throbbing, pulsating vagina, her legs still around his waist. "Are you ok, honey?" he asked as they laid down on the blanket.


"Yes dearest, I'm fine. I'm so happy being here with you, Kurt. I love this place and I love you so very much. Thank you for everything, sweetheart!" she replied as he dried her off with one of the towels after withdrawing his now limp member from her body.


Kurt dried off, then slid on his underwear and boots. He wrapped Jessica up in the blanket, then laid the towels and his jeans on her lap. He picked her up, blanket and all, and carried her back into the cabin, laying her gently on the bed. She unwrapped the wet blanket from her body and gave Kurt the towels and his pants. He took the blanket and the towels outside and laid them on the wood pile to dry. He came back inside and pulled back the other blankets so Jessica could get under them.. He pulled the blanket up to her waist, and tucked it around her legs. She was sitting up so he took another towel and dried her hair for her with it.


Kurt walked to the dresser and opened the top drawer. He took out a hair brush, a comb, and a small hand-held mirror. He went back over to the bed and sat down. Jessica turned so her back was to him, and he began brushing her long shiny hair. He wanted her to be very happy in every way, so he thought that she might enjoy having him brush her hair for her. He was right. He heard her sigh deeply and felt her body starting to relax. After a few minutes, he had her lay on her tummy, making it easier for him to brush her hair, since it was so long. Several minutes later, Jessica's hair was tangle-free, shiny and silky smooth. He braided it for her and secured the end with one of her pony tail holders that was in the drawer, then put away the brush, comb and mirror.


Jessica had relaxed so completely that she had unintentionally fallen asleep. Kurt looked at her face, relaxed in sleep, with a small smile on her rosy lips. Her eyelashes were spread like twin fans over her golden tanned cheeks. He got up from the bed and walked over to the door. He looked outside and saw that it was dark out now, so he closed the door. He took off his boots and underwear, then turned out the lamp above the table after making sure there were matches on the table and dresser. He slid into bed beside her and pulled the blankets up over their naked bodies. He pulled her close, her back to his belly, kissed her cheek and fell asleep with his arm over her waist.


Jessica was having a wonderful dream as she slept. She was dreaming of her wedding day with all the flowers, her wedding gown, and Kurt wearing a black tuxedo. She dreamed of the ceremony, standing with Kurt in the front of the church, all their friends and family watching them, exchanging their vows and that deep passionate kiss to unite them forever. She dreamed of the reception, the band playing her favorite song as she and Kurt danced the first dance as husband and wife. She dreamed about their honeymoon, which she decided, she wanted to have here at the cabin, unless Kurt wanted to go some other place for the honeymoon. They would talk about it later, but she felt that Kurt would agree to it.


Kurt was still concerned for Jessica. It scared him when she passed out on him earlier in the evening. He decided to talk to his doctor about it. He also decided to go slower with her when they made love. He didn't want her passing out on him again when she reached her climax. He woke up several times during the night to check on her, lighting only one candle so as not to wake her. He thought she looked like an angel laying there with the braid of her hair wrapped around her arm. He gently placed his hand on her forehead and pushed her hair out of her face. He kissed her cheek, whispered "I love you, Jessica." as she smiled and sighed, then he blew out the candle. He pulled the blankets back up over them, pulled her close again and fell back to sleep each time.


It could have been minutes or hours that Kurt slept there beside Jessica, only to slowly come awake at the feel of her fingers playfully circling his nipples. He was enjoying the attention, so he kept his eyes closed and his breathing regular, pretending to be asleep. He felt her lips press a kiss to his own, and tried very hard not to move. He felt her lips move to his stubbly cheek and place gentle kisses on both of his cheeks, then she moved her kisses up to his nose, eyes and forehead, before moving back to his lips. He had all he could do not to smile when he heard her little whimper of disappointment when he didn't open his eyes.


He felt her move the blankets down to their feet. She ran her hand up his leg, over his thigh, across his partially erect penis, up his six-pack muscled tummy, over his chest and stopped to tickle his nipples again. His chest muscles flinched slightly and Jessica smiled. She leaned down and kissed his chest with light loving kisses, her tongue lightly caressing his dark nipples. He felt her hand slide down to his belly. She tickled his navel with a fingernail, and his stomach muscles flinched. Jessica giggled and did that again. Kurt was trying very hard not to laugh at her playful antics this morning.


Her hand moved down along the trail of hair below his belly button to caress his now stiff member. She kissed it and it jerked in her hand. Kurt peeked at her through slitted eyes, trying to keep his breathing slow against the sweet torture of her hand and lips on his erect organ. He could feel his heart pounding like a thousand horses hooves racing across the prairie. He felt Jessica's lips and mouth close over his hard shaft, her tongue gently caressing him. Her teeth scraped along the top and bottom of his cock and that was all he could take. His eyes shot open and he reached down, pulling her up over his body.


Within seconds, his hard shaft was buried deep inside her hot swollen flesh as she straddled his thighs and waist. He was thrusting, pounding, ramming himself into her again and again, sending her higher and higher on that wave of ecstasy that she had set into motion with her playing. He slowed a bit to let her catch her breath and let her heart slow down. She looked at him with confused eyes. He saw her confusion and said, "Baby, I don't want you to pass out on me again, so we're gonna slow down a bit, ok honey?"

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