THE 18TH FLOOR (6 page)

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Authors: Margie Church

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Sebastian handed her a glass of wine and dropped into the lounge chair next to her. “How long have you been at Greggerson?"

"They recruited me in grad school at Caltech, so I came right after graduation, a little over two years ago. I like Parsons. I grew up in Mesa, Arizona, but I'd never been to this part of Utah. It's close enough to have my parents visit and far enough away..."

"Far enough from Darius?"

"He can't find me. He's in my past with
written all over it. I probably should have pressed charges. My parents wanted me to, but I didn't feel strong enough to get through it and I had a scholarship waiting for me. I took off for Pasadena and never went back."

"You've never gone home in like five or six years?"

She shook her head.

Sebi laced his fingers through hers. “I'm sorry he hurt you. I hope he gets punished somehow."

"He got in trouble with the cops a few times after I left. He was a druggie. My folks used to mention when they heard something about him. I asked them to stop. I want to put all the bad memories behind me."

He drew a deep, slow breath. “And here we are dragging it in front of you again. Let's change the subject. Do you ski?"

Her expression brightened. “Cross country only. I have a need, strange as it may seem, to avoid killing myself. I'm not that graceful. Even cross country is a real challenge."

Her candor made him laugh. “I have a place in Tahoe I like to go to. Maybe we can go together this winter. It's a great place to relax. I can strap on the narrow boards and go with you."

"Does that mean you want to keep me around even if I'm not going to turn into your sex slave?"

The lilt in her voice let him know she was pleased about the invitation. “I hope you'll be around for a long time."

Laughter came from a nearby boat. The sun had set and soon, everyone would come out to play. A shot of anxiety rushed into Sebi's gut but he disregarded it.
This is what it's about. She'll have to decide.

They sat in silence, sipping wine, as the evening unfolded. Some soft applause drifted on the evening air.

Alexa turned in the direction of the sounds. She rose and looked off the starboard side of the boat. Her hand went to her throat. “Oh, wow."

His gaze followed her.

"She's having fun."

He didn't move. He didn't need to. He knew whose boat she was looking at. Her reaction to what was going on was more important.

Alexa returned to her seat, her face tense.

He wondered how long it would take for her to say, fire the engines, we're getting out of here.

Soft moans and single words of encouragement wafted on the night air. “Come on. Do it. More. Ah."

Giving her a sidelong glance, Sebastian sipped his wine.

And waited.

After a lusty outcry, Alexa shifted her weight and reached for her glass.

He heard an unladylike gulp. And detected a shuddering breath afterward. He hoped the activities in the neighboring boats were having a positive effect on her, rather than making her want to jump out of her skin.

Alexa tossed back the last of her wine in down-the-hatch fashion. The bottom of the goblet scraped the tabletop before she let go.

Shadows played games with her expressions, and he couldn't be sure what she was thinking. “Are you okay?” He hoped the anxiety in his body wasn't evident in his voice. “Would you like to leave?"

She rose without replying. At the foot of his chair, she paused, seriousness written all over her face. “I'll be right back."

The grunts and moans, soft whistles of appreciation and words of encouragement increased. Sebi's cock swelled. He really wanted to watch tonight's action and join in, but didn't out of respect for Alexa's feelings. He'd never brought somebody out here that wasn't in the lifestyle. But bringing Alexa was a risk he had to take. If they were going to have any kind of romantic relationship, he couldn't keep this important part of himself a secret.
I hope she comes around, because I'm not ready to let her go. Could I abandon my true desires for her?

Soft footsteps sounded on the stairs. His head turned in that direction and he expected to see her wearing the clothes she'd arrived in and carrying her overnight bag. Instead, she looked the same as when she'd left.

Except for the bottle of wine in her hand.

His libido fired up.
We aren't leaving.
He schooled his features to be calm.
Patience, Sebastian.

She indicated his wine glass. “Would you like a refill?"

"Absolutely, thank you.” He watched her like a hawk. She seemed utterly calm.
What's her game?

Alexa poured wine into her glass and then faced him with her hand extended. “This is for you.” Her fingers uncurled, revealing the small remote.

Confidence swept through him. Sebi took the control with one hand while pulling her onto his lap with the other.

"You have no idea how happy you've made me. I know this is a huge step for you, but I hope you'll have no regrets."

She gave him a languid kiss. “I have fantasies too, you know."

He liked the sound of that. Placing her hair behind her ear, he smiled. “I hope you'll share them with me and let me try to make them come true."

"In time.” She straightened an imaginary wrinkle in his shirt collar. “So, how's this game played?"

"It's not so much a game as a process of bringing you to a sexual peak. I'm going to control the vibrator and we're going to watch some of the scenes going on in the nearby boats. In fact, I'm going to pull us closer. I'm not usually anchored this far away. I wanted to give you some privacy until you made up your mind."

"So we're going to watch other people have sex and my clit's going to throb from this little gadget while you do what?"

Her soft bottom surrounded his cock, which swelled from her body heat and the seductive silkiness of her voice.

"Part of this adventure is the unknown. As long as you understand you will not come before I tell you, and I agree not to take you farther than you're willing. Let's let the rest happen naturally. That way there'll be no unrealistic expectations, disappointments, or anxiety. Okay?"

She reached for her wine.

Her shifting weight made him ache with desire. The lesson needed to begin. When she tipped the glass to her lips, he pressed the remote button.

Her eyes flew open; her spine stiffened. And she uttered a little squeak.

"How does that feel?” He didn't turn off the pleasure instrument.

She worried the corner of her lower lip with her teeth. “Pretty damned good, actually."

Chortling, he released the button.

Her body relaxed against his.

"This is a cool present."

"The dress?"

She took his hand, placed it on her mons, and met his eyes with hers. “This."

"So I've heard. Let me get up. I want you to watch what's happening on the other yachts while I maneuver us into a closer position.” His gaze was unwavering as his command. “You will stay here the entire time. Even if you're embarrassed, you will watch. The other players expect you to do so. Do you understand?"

Alexa swallowed her smirk and nodded. While sliding off his lap, she pointed to the spot where she'd stood earlier. “I'll be right over there."

Sebi rose and walked into the cockpit, never looking back to make sure she obeyed.

Holding onto the flybridge mounting, shivers of excitement built inside her. She looked across the water to the neighboring boats where deck lighting provided excellent illumination on the erotic games going on. She didn't know what to expect.

Deepest Pleasure's engines burped to life. A soft clanking indicated the anchor was being raised. Then, the diesel monsters expelled gurgling water as they were shifted into gear and backed down.

Alexa rose on her tiptoes, eager to better see the man and woman on their rear deck. What an appropriate term, for he was planted firmly in her. She nibbled her index fingernail while her eyes remained glued to the couple fucking their brains out. Deepest Pleasure's engines drowned out the sounds of their fun, making them appear like a vignette. The hot scene made her body temperature rise, and Alexa was grateful for the cooling breeze generated by their moving boat.

Sebi backed in a smooth, unhurried fashion until Deepest Pleasure joined the other five already anchored. The vessel stopped and dropped anchor in a center spot Alexa thought seemed reserved for them. With the Deepest Pleasure in place, the six boats’ aft decks faced each other, giving Alexa an unfettered view of everything.

Now within twenty-five feet of the couple, Alexa could see the woman wore a ball gag. Her wild expression flipped between deep concentration and pleasure while her partner's cock plunged into her pussy.

Alexa jumped when Sebi touched her shoulder.

"Do you like what you see?"

Swallowing hard, she nodded. “Why does she wear the collar?"

"This couple, Steven and Kia, has been together a long time. When a dominant really wants to express his affection and care for a submissive, they often offer a collar almost like a wedding ring.” He whispered into her ear. “She belongs to him. It's an honor to wear one."

His body heat mingled with hers through her thin, silk dress. His masculine scent filled her nostrils. His soft voice and warm breath on her neck further heightened her senses. She turned, needing his hard body pressed against hers.

"Watch.” Grasping her shoulders he turned her back toward the other boat. “You will not turn away unless you want to sleep alone. And if you have ideas about going to bed and masturbating, think again. I'll know, Alexa.” His voice wasn't threatening, but confident. “You'll tell me if you disobey, and there'll be consequences."

From the other boat, Steven's staccato words floated on the otherwise silent air. “I love fucking your tight pussy.” He threw back his head, a Herculean groan leaving him.

The vibrator turned on, connecting the erotic scene physically with Alexa. In no time, a new puddle of wetness dampened the thin panty she wore.

When silence reigned again, Sebi continued speaking. “If you disobey, not only will you sleep alone, I won't make love to you until you've learned your lesson."

The vibrator nestled against her clit caressed her electronically. Alexa's body betrayed her. Her body tensed as the heat mounted between her thighs. Her breath strangled in her lungs.
This is going to be more challenging than I thought.

"Do you understand?"

She nodded.

"Answer me."

"I understand. I hope I can do what you asked."

"You will or face the consequences. It's as simple as that."

Easy for you to say, you're not the one being driven wild with a vibrator.
“Turn it off."

He kissed her cheek and complied. “Good girl."

Steven and Kia embraced and he removed the gag. Afterward, he covered her face in kisses.

Sebi applauded, signaling the end of the scene and others joined him, including Alexa. Then he turned her attention to the boat on their right.

Trembling from her near-orgasm state, she held onto Sebi's arm as he led her to the other side of the deck.

Alexa drew a sharp breath and covered her mouth with her hand.

A dark-haired man, wearing only knee-high, black leather boots was being lashed to a metal frame by his wrists and ankles. By day, one might surmise the apparatus was for fishing gear or a sunbonnet.

Getting a clear picture of what its after-dusk purpose was, she struggled to steady her quaking knees. Wide-eyed with curiosity, she asked, “Is he going to do what I think he's going to do?"


An imposing-looking man finished tying the ankle bonds and stood. A tattoo covered his back and shoulders like an ink mantle. His tawny hair, braided into a single plait, lay between his shoulder blades. Leather, assless chaps molded to his hips and long legs.

It didn't take twenty-twenty vision for Alexa to see how well-endowed he was.

On closer scrutiny, Alexa noticed the bound man was also blindfolded. A mix of excitement and dread skipped through her.

"He knows what's going to happen?"

"He does, as do you."

Unblinking, Alexa watched the top run his hands down the bottom's back and flanks. Black-painted fingernails contrasted with his olive tone skin, which glistened in the lantern-lit night as though oiled. He kissed his way across his captive's shoulders and then moved with no urgency down his back. His hands slid down his partner's torso.

Alexa nibbled inside her bottom lip while anticipating the Dom's teeth on the bound man's muscled ass.

He gripped the sub's ass cheeks, spread them and dove in with loving, loud licks.

Her pussy throbbed with hot pleasure. A groan escaped her lips. “What are their names?"

"Rex is the top; Parker the bottom. They love performing for us."

Appearing to enjoy the ministrations thoroughly, Parker's head rolled against his shoulders. When his hips canted backward and he moaned loudly, no doubt remained in Alexa's mind.

Black leather surrounded Rex's cock, which seemed to strain his black G-string. Every time he moved, muscles bulged in his arms and legs. His powerful physique suited his role.

Alexa concluded Rex and Parker definitely turned each other on.

Rex stood, gliding his hand up Parker's ass in the reverse path of his lips. When he tugged Parker's earlobe with his teeth, Rex's head turned in Alexa's direction. A lazy smile curled Rex's lips with Parker's ear still firmly snagged between his white teeth.

Rex opened his eyes and looked right into Alexa's. Her breath stalled in her lungs. His penetrating gaze conveyed seduction, expectation, and allure. The way he looked at her seemed like an invitation to be next.

Alexa’ dragged her eyes away from Rex's hypnotic glare and watched Parker. His spine arched while Rex worked over his body. She wondered about the man who'd willingly let himself be tied and flogged in front of everyone. And dare she say, enjoy? His erection was proof. She clenched and unclenched her fists, captivated by the sights and sounds the two men made.

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