The 900 Days (102 page)

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Authors: Harrison Salisbury

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Grigoryev, A. M.
Grishin, Kolya
Gromadin, Maj. Gen. M. S.
Grozny (mine layer)
Grozyashchi (destroyer)
Gubchevsky, Pavel
Guderian, Gen. Heinz
Gumilev, Lev
Gumilev, Nikolai
Gurevich, Rebekka
Gurevich, Tatanya
Gusev, Maj. Gen. D. N.
Gvozdkov, Gen. A. B.
Haider, Col. Gen. Franz
    on encirclement of Leningrad
    estimate of Soviet air losses by
    on Leningrad front
    on Luga line
    preparation for invasion and
    on starvation of Leningrad (Dec. 1941)
    on success of offensive (1941)
Hannalainen, Edik
Hannalainen, Hilma S.
Harms, Daniel
Hassell, Ulrich von
Hermitage Museum

    evacuation of
    life in
Herzen, Alexander
Hess, Rudolf
Heusinger, Gen. Adolf
Hilger, Gustav
    invasion warnings and
Hitler, Adolf
    bestiality of
    destruction of Baltic Fleet ordered by .failure of objective of

    invasion and
        concern about
        first success in
        strategic goals in
    invasion intentions of
        Russian miscalculation of

Stalin's view of, as surprise to Stalin,

"Lebensraum" theories of
Leningrad and
    directive No. 45 to capture (June

       extermination orders of
       fall of Leningrad and
       on Leningrad
       Leningrad as subsidiary front for
       stabilization of front and
       summer offensive (1942) and
   Stalin's view of
   Tikhvin and
   von Leeb and
    Zhdanov's view of
Hoffmann, Heinrich
Hopkins, Harry
Hoppner, Gen. Erich
    invasion and
   in Luga line
Hoth, Col. Gen. Hermann
    of children
    diseases and death resulting from
    Inber and
        on hunger

       search for food and
    sex-drive and birth decline and
   See also Black market; Cannibalism;
            Crimes; Food supplies
Ilin, L. A.
Ilinsky, Commander A. P.
Ilin-Zhenevsky, Aleksandr
Inber, Vera
    bombings and
    burning of warehouses witnessed by
    children's remarks recorded by
    concert (Aug. 1942) and
    on electric power failure
    fear for her husband's life
    on humor
    on hunger
    Ladoga route and
    Leningrad and
        on liberation of
        on suffering in
    medal given to
    mice and
    New Year's celebration of
    presence of death and
        hospitals and
    rations and
        loss of ration cards and
    recapture of Shlisselburg and
    shellings (1943) and
    Solyany Park exhibition and
    Vishnevsky's play and
Inge, Yelena V.
Inge, Yuri
Invasion (June 1941)
    Baltic Fleet and, see Baltic Fleet—invasion
                         threat and
    Hitler and
        concern of
        first success
        strategic goals of
    Hitler's intentions of,
        Russian miscalculation of
        Stalin's view of
        as surprise to Stalin, 8ow
    Leningrad's reaction to
        confusion in
        mixed feelings about
        patriotic reaction
        See also Leningrad
    Manstein on
    Stalin and
        collapse of Stalin
        diplomatic objective of Stalin
       expected by
        responsible for catastrophe
        viewed as provocation by
    start of (June 1941)
        first report
        mining of Rukhno
        news spread of
    threat of
        alert of army
        diplomatic efforts to stave off
        diplomatic warnings of,
        easing of tension of
        fears of Russian people
        fleet alerted
        German mine laying for, ijn
        intelligence reports and
        Sorge's reports
    See also specific fleets, fronts, and military
Intelligence, see NKGB
 Iordan, Olga
Isakov, Adm. I. S.
     defense of Leningrad and
 Iskra operation (1943)
     battles (Jan.)
     delays in
     formal orders on (Dec. 1942)
     planning of
 Ivan Kalita (Czar)
 Ivan Papanin (transport)
 Ivan the Terrible (Czar)
 Ivanov, Capt.
 Ivanov, Maj. Gen. F. S.
 Ivanov, Maj. Gen. M. M.counteroffensive of (June 1941)
     defense preparations of
 Ivanov, Mikhail
 Ivanov, Maj. Nikolai
 Ivanov, P. A.
 Ivanov, V. N.
 Ivanovna, Anna (Czarina)
 Ivanovna, Yevfrosinya
 Ivushkin, Col. N. B.
 Izvestiya (magazine)
 Jodl, Col. Gen. Alfred
 Kabanov, Gen. S. I.
 Kaganovich, L. M.
  Kalachev (Deputy Political Chief)
  Kalinin, Gen. M. I.
Kalinin, Mikhail, I.
    Govoroy and
   supply of Leningrad and proposal of
Kalinin, Lt. Gen. S. A., in
Kalinin, V. V.
Kalinin (mine layer)
Kalitayev, Capt. Vyacheslav n
Kamensky, Aleksandr
Kanashin, Ivan
    anniversary of Revolution and (1941)
    formation of youth fighting groups and
Kantorovich, Lev
Kapustin, Ya. F.
    Iskra operation and
Karasev, A. V.
    estimate of deaths by (Jan. 1942)
Karavayev, Adm. A. T.
Karmen, Roman
Karyakin (Commissar)
Kashin, Capt.
Kassirov, A. V.
Kazakhstan (transport)
Kazakov, Gen. M. I.
Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm
Keller, Col. Gen. Alfred
Kerensky, Alexsandr
Ketlinskaya, Vera
    bombings and
    friendship with O. Berggolts
    idea for book by
    Luknitsky and
    novel by
    rationing and
    on war
    war effort of Writers Union and
 Ketlinsky, Serezha
 Khazelevich, Lt. Gen. M. G.
 Khlopov (deputy attache)
 Khmelnitsky, Sergei
 Khozin, Lt. Gen. M. S.
     anniversary of Revolution (1942) and
     conference with Stalin (Dec. 1941)
     in defense of Leningrad
     in defense of Volkhov
     encirclement of Second Shock Army and
             (Mar.-Apr. 1942)
     Kulik replaced by
     Ladoga supply route and
     named commander of Leningrad and
             Volkhov front
     Russian plans for destruction of city and
     in winter 1942 Russian operations
 Khrapchenko, M.
 Khrulev, Gen. A. V.

Khrushchev, Nikita S.
    attempts at ousting (1957)
    code name for
    de-Stalinization and
    purges and
    on Stalin
    bombing of
    fall of (Oct. 1941)
Kiev Military District
    combat alert of
    defensive preparations of
    destruction of air force of
Kirov, Sergei
    death of, and purge
    evocation of
Kirov (cruiser)

Kirponos, Col. Gen. M. P.invasion threat and

    shifting of
Kladt, A. B.
Klementyev, N. N.
Klenov, Lt. Gen. P. S.
    dismissal of
Klevensky, Capt. Mikhail S.
Klimenov, Sergei I.
Klimov, Col. I. D.
Klimovsky, Maj. Gen, V. Ye.
Klyuyeva, Irina
Knyazev, Filipp
Kobulov, Bogdan
Kochetov, Vera
Kochetov, Vsevolod
    alarmism of
    disposal of corpses and
    hunger and
    "open city" proposal and (Sept. 1941)

    ration card lost by
    as war correspondent
        in Leningrad
        in Luga line
Kochurov, Yuri
Kokorev, Gen. P. I.
Kokovtsev, P. K.
 Kolchak, Adm. Aleksandr V.
 Kolitilov, A. I.
 Kollontai, Madame
Koln (cruiser)
 Kolpakov (railroad official)
 Koltsov (agent)
 Komarevtsev, Nikolai
KomsomolskayaFravda (newspaper)

 Konashevich, Vladimir
 Konev, Lt. Gen. I. S.

Konstantinov, Dmitri
    political ideas of
Konstruktor (gunboat)
Konushkin, Nikolai
Kopets, Lt. Gen.
Kopolev, Lev
Koptsov, Gen. Vasily A.
    wounding of
Korkodin, Col.
Korkodinov, Maj. Gen. P.
Korneyev, Col.
Korobkov, Maj. Gen. A. A.
Korzhenevich, F. K.
Kosygin, Aleksei N.
    career of, in balance
    evacuation of Leningrad and (Jan. 1942)

    Ladoga route and
Kotin, Z. Y.
Kovalev, Col. I. N.
Kovno, bombing of
Kozakova, M.
Kozin, Mikhail
Kozlovsky, A. K.
Kozlovsky, Mikhail
Kraisky, A. P.
Krambol (trawler)
Krasnaya Nov (magazine)
Krasnov (regimental commander)
Krasnovitsky, Y. I.
KrasnyKavkaz (cruiser)
Kravchenko, G.
Krebs, Col. Hans
Krestovsky, Vsevolod
Kretschmer, Col. Alfred
Kron, Aleksandr
    burials and
    intellectual activity and
    on A. Lebedev
    New Year's party (1943) and
    view of Radio House
    mining of
    operation to raze
    plans to level
Kroshin, Ilya
Kruglov, Konstantin
Krutikov, Ivan
Kruzenstern, Adm. Adam von
Krykov, Lt. Gen. N. K.replacement of

    winter 1942 offensive and
Krylov, Vice Adm. F. I.
KTS-709 (trawler)
Kucherov, Vice Adm. S. G.
 Kuchler, Field Marshal Georg von
    assumes command of Army Group Nord
             (Jan. 1942)
    as commander
    Iskra operation and
    liberation of Leningrad and
Kulik, Marshal G. I.
    as bully
    incompetence of
    Adm. Kuznetsov and
Kulnev, Gen.
Kumari (transport)
Kuprin, Aleksandr I.
Kurakina, Lyubov N.
Kutuzov, Gen. Mikhail
Kuusinen, Otto
K. Voldemars (icebreaker)
Kuznetsov, Aleksei A.

    abilities of
    advance of, in power structure
    anniversary of Revolution (1942) and

    in defense of Leningrad,
        assignment of Fedyuninsky
        fortifications work of
        replacement of Voroshilov and
        Russian plans for destruction of city
    fuel famine and
    German bombings and
    invasion alert given by
    Iskra operation and
    Ladoga route and
    Luga line and
        creation of
        crumbling of
    meals of
    purge of
    reconstruction of city and
    Russian summer offensive (1942) and
    Stalin and
    statistics on deaths and
    on Volkhov offensive (summer 1942)
    Voroshilov supported by
    war production efforts and
 Kuznetsov, A. N.
 Kuznetsov, Col. Gen. F. I.
    abilities of
     Baltic defense and
         defense of Libau and
         defensive positions of
     contact with front lost by (July 1941)

     counteroffensive of (June 1941)

     evacuation plans of
    predicament of (June-July 1941)
    relieved of command
Kuznetsov, Adm. Nikolai G., no
    Baltic defenses and
    defense of Baltic Fleet and
    in defense of Leningrad

    in defense of Tallinn
        evacuation and
    friendship with Zhdanov of
    invasion and
        alert of fleet
        deployment of ships by
        interdictory fire ordered by
        Kuznetsov's views on possibility of invasion
        maneuvers of fleet prior to
        nervousness of
        orders to resist
        questions about
        report by
    invasion threat and
        meeting with Stalin
        propaganda work ordered by
        reconnaissance ordered by
    on Mekhlis
    scuttling of Baltic Fleet and
    Stalin and
    Stavka and
Kuznetsov, Lt. Gen. V. I.
Kuznetsov, V. V.

Ladoga Lake supply route
    deliveries along (late 1941)
    deliveries through (1942),
    evacuations along (Jan.-Apr. 1942)
    failure of
    improvement of (Jan. 1942)
    losses of machines on
    moving of supplies on (Nov. 1941)
    new land route to
    recapture of Tikhvin and
    statistics on performance of (Nov. 1941-Apr. 1942)
Lagunov, Lt. Gen. F. N.
    Ladoga supply route and
Lagutkin, Col. Ye. S.
Lancelle, Maj. Gen. Otto
Lapshonkov, Ivan
Larin, Ivan
Lauristan, Johannes (YuhanMadarik)
Lavrenov, Boris

Lavrionovich, Maj. Gen.
Lebedev, Lt. Aleksei
    death of
    Navoi festival and
    loss of husband and
Lebedeva, A. P.
Leeb, Field Marshal WilhelmRitter von
    offensive of (1941)
        crossing of Neva (Sept.)
        on Leningrad (Sept.),

        Luga line falls (Aug.)
    replacement of
Leipzig (cruiser)
Lelyushenko, Gen. D. D.
    counter offensive of (July 1941)
Lenin, Vladimir I.

    coup d'etat of (Oct. 1917)
    operation Iskra and
    opinion of Leningrad of
    on socialist order
    background of
        postrevolutionary past of
        revolutionary past of
    Baltic Fleet and
        artillery support by
        marine units of
    black market in, see Black Market
    bombing of

        beginning of
        as support of German assault
    Bychevsky and, see Bychevsky, Lt. Gen.
            B. V.cats and birds in

    cleaning of (March 1942)
    condition of (Dec. 1941-Jan. 1942)
    continued pressure on (1943)
    convalescent stations in
    corridor of death to
    crimes for food in
    deaths in
        corpse disposal
        daily toll
        hospitals and
        Markevich on
        of scholars and artists
        statistics on over-ail
        statistics (Nov. 1941-Feb. 1942)
    defense of
        Baltic states and
       Beria's role in
       fortifications for
       German decision to raze
       panic and uncertainty
       police force in
       preparations for
       Russian plans to destroy
       stabilization of front and
       State Defense Committee and
   diseases in, see Diseases
   electric power failure in (Jan. 1942)

       power return (Mar. 1942)
       radio silenced by
   evacuations from
       June 1941
       statistics (Jan.-Apr. 1942)
   food supplies for
       dwindling (Nov. 1941)
       loss of ration cards and
       organization of; see also Ladoga
           Lake supply route
       shipment of; see also Ladoga
           Lake supply route
       tonnage available (Jan. 1942)
   fuel famine in
       fires as result of
   Haider on starvation of
   Haymarket as crime center in
   Hitler and, see Hitler—Leningrad and
   hunger in
   importance in Operation Barbarossa of
   as industrial center
   Iskra operation and (1943)
   Kuznetsov and, see Kuznetsov, Aleksei A. liberation of (1944)

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