The Age of Wonder (83 page)

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Authors: Richard Holmes

Tags: #History, #Modern, #19th Century, #Biography & Autobiography, #Science & Technology, #Science, #Philosophy & Social Aspects, #Fiction

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Le Départ du Rêve,
Grand Palais exhibition catalogue, Paris, 1985

Erasmus Darwin,
The Botanic Garden,

Audoin Dollfuss,
Pilâtre de Rozier,
Association Francaise pour l’Avancement des Sciences, Paris, 1993

Raymonde Fontaine,
La Manche en Ballon,
Paris, 1982

The Gentleman’s Magazine
- accounts of Lunardi’s ascents in 1784-85, and Sadler’s ascents in 1810-17

Charles Gillispie,
The Montgolfier Brothers,
Princeton UP, 1983

James Glaisher, with Camille Flammarion, Wilfred de Fonvielle and Gaston Tissandier,
Travels in the Air,
London, 1871

Charles Green,
The Flight of the Nassau Balloon,

Richard Hamblyn,
The Invention of Clouds,
Picador, 2001

Georgette Heyer,
(a novel containing an excellent account of a balloon ascent), E.P. Dutton, 1965

J.E. Hodgson,
History of Aeronautics in Great Britain,
OUP, 1924

Dr John Jeffries,
Narrative of Two Aerial Voyages with M. Blanchard as Presented to the Royal Society,

Vincent Lunardi,
My Aerial Voyages in England,
1785; and
Five Aerial Voyages in Scotland,

Thomas Monck Mason,

Thomas Mayhew,
An Account of a Balloon Flight,

Edgar Allan Poe, ‘The Great Balloon Hoax’ (story),
New York Sun,

Gavin Pretor-Pinney,
The Cloud Spotter’s Guide,
Sceptre, 2006

L.T.C. Rolt,
The Aeronauts,
Longman, 1966

James Sadler,
An Authentic Account of the Aerial Voyage,

James Sadler,
Across the Irish Channel,

Windham Sadler,

Mrs Sage,
A Letter by Mrs Sage, the First English Female Aerial Traveller, on Her Voyage in Lunardi’s Balloon,
1785, British Library catalogue 1417.g.24

Gaston Tissandier,
Histoire des Ballons et Aeronauts Célèbres 1783-1890,
2 vols, Paris, 1890

Mungo Park

William Feaver,
The Paintings of John Martin,
OUP, 1975. This includes a dramatic full-page colour reproduction of
Sadak in Search of the Waters of Oblivion
(1812, Southampton Art Gallery)

Tim Fulford, Debbie Lee and Peter J. Kitson, ‘Mental Travellers: Banks and African Exploration’, in
Literature, Science and Exploration in the Romantic Era,
CUP, 2004,

The Gentleman’s Magazine,
long review of ‘Mr Park’s Travels’, with illustrations from Rennell, August 1799

Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, ‘A Negro Song’, 1799

Lewis Gibbons,
Niger and Mungo Park,

Stephen Gwynn,
Mungo Park and the Quest for the Niger,

BH (anon),
The Life of Mungo Park,
1835, British Library catalogue 615.a.12

John Keats, ‘Nile Sonnets’, 1818

Kenneth Lupton,
Mungo Park, African Traveller,
OUP, 1979

Mungo Park,
2 vols, edited anonymously, including ‘A Journal of Park’s Last Voyage’, ‘A madi Fatoumi’s Journal’ and a Memoir by W. Wishaw, 1815

Mungo Park,
Travels in the Interior of Africa,
1799, 1860; Nonsuch, 2005

Kira Salak,
The Cruellest Journey: 6,000 Miles by Canoe to the Legendary City of Timbuktu,
Bantam Books, 2005

Anthony Sattin,
The Gates of Africa: Death, Discovery and the Search for Timbuktu,
HarperCollins, 2003

Percy Bysshe Shelley,
(poem), 1815; and ‘Nile Sonnets’, 1818

Robert Southey, ‘Note on Mungo Park’, in

Alfred Tennyson, ‘Timbucto’ (poem), 1827

Joseph Thomson,
Mungo Park and the Niger,

Charles Waterton,
Wanderings in South America,

William Wordsworth, rejected passage on Mungo Park, from
The Prelude,

Humphry Davy

Thomas Beddoes and James Watt,
Considerations on the Medical Use of Factitious Airs,
J. Johnson, 1794, British Library catalogue B. Tracts. 489

Henry Brougham, ‘Sir Humphry Davy’, in
The Lives of the Philosophers in the Time of George III,
London, 1855

George I. Brown,
Count Rumford: The Extraordinary Life of a Scientific Genius,
Sutton, 1999

Lord Byron,
Don Juan
(poem in 16 cantos), 1819-24

F.F. Cartwright,
The English Pioneers of Anaesthesia,
Simpkin Marshall, 1952

Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
Collected Letters,
edited by E.L. Griggs, vols 1-2, OUP

Humphry Davy,
Collected Works,
edited by John Davy, 9 vols, 1839-40

Humphry Davy,
Fragmentary Remains,
edited by John Davy, 1858

John Davy,
The Life of Sir Humphry Davy,
2 vols, 1836

John Davy,
Memoirs of Sir Humphry Davy,
in Humphry Davy,
Collected Works,
Vol I, 1839

Sophie Forgan (editor),
Science and the Sons of Genius: Studies on Humphry Davy
(essays), Science Reviews Ltd, 1980

June Z. Fullmer,
Young Humphry Davy,
American Philosophical Society, 2000

James Hamilton,
Michael Faraday: The Life,
HarperCollins, 2002

Harold Hartley,
Humphry Davy,
Open University, 1966

Richard Holmes,
Coleridge: Early Visions,
Hodder & Stoughton, 1989

Richard Holmes,
Coleridge: Darker Reflections,
HarperCollins, 1998

David Knight,
Humphry Davy: Vision and Power,
Blackwell Science Biographies, 1992

Davy Lamont-Brown,
Humphry Davy: Life Beyond the Lamp,
History Press, 2004

John Ayrton Paris,
The Life of Sir Humphry Davy,
2 vols, 1831

Roy Porter,
The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity,
HarperCollins, 1997

Nicholas Roe (editor),
Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the Sciences of Life,
OUP, 2001,

W.D.A. Smith,
Under the Influence: A History of Nitreous Oxide and Oxygen Anaesthesia,
Macmillan, 1982

Robert Southey,
The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey,
edited by C.C. Southey, vols 1-2, 1849

Dorothy A. Stansfield,
Thomas Beddoes MD: Chemist, Physician, Democrat,
Reidel Publishing, Boston, 1984

Thomas Thorpe,
Humphry Davy, Poet and Philosopher,

Anne Treneer,
The Mercurial Chemist: A Life of Sir Humphry Davy,
Methuen, 1963


A Collection of all Letters in Newcastle papers relating to Safety Lamps,
London, 1817. See British Library catalogue Tracts 8708.i.2 (1)

Humphry Davy,
On the Safety Lamp for Preventing Explosions,
London, 1825 (contains an Appendix on the use of his safety lamps in Europe)

Humphry Davy,
On the Safety Lamp for Coal Miners, with Some Researches into Flame
(6 papers), London, 1818. See also his revised version in
Collected Works,
Vol 6, 1840

J.H.H. Holmes,
A Treatise on Coalmining of Durham and Northumberland and the Explosions of Firedamp in the last 20 Years,
London, 1816, British Library catalogue 726.e.37

Frank A.J.L. James, ‘How Big is a Hole? The Problems of the Practical Application of Science in the Invention of the Miners’ Safety Lamp by Humphry Davy and George Stephenson in Late Regency England’, in
Transactions of the Newcomen Society
75, 2005, pp.175-227

John Playfair, ‘Sir Humphry Davy’s Safety Lamp’, in
Edinburgh Review
LI, 1816, pp.230-40

‘Report of the Select Committee on Accidents in Mines’, in
Parliamentary Papers,
1835, vol 5, September 1835. British Library (Science) Series Parliamentary Papers 1835

Samuel Smiles,
George Stephenson,

Stephenson’s Lamp now at Killingworth compared to Humphry Davy’s Lamp
(2 pamphlets), London, 1817, British Library catalogue 8708.i.2 (5)

Dr Frankenstein and the Soul

John Abernethy,
An Enquiry into Mr Hunter’s Theory of Life Lectures,

John Abernethy,
A General View of Mr Hunter’s Physiology,

John Abernethy,
The Hunterian Oration for 1819,

John Abernethy, ‘Letters to George Kerr 1814-1822’, in
St Bart’s Hospital Journal, 1930-1,
vol 38, edited by A.W. Franklin

Xavier Bichat,
Physiological Researches on Life and Death
(translated by F. Gold), 1816

Fred Botting (editor),
New Casebooks: Frankenstein,
Palgrave, 1995

Druin Burch,
Digging up the Dead: The Life and Times of Astley Cooper,
Chatto & Windus, 2007

Fanny Burney,
The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (Madame d’Arblay),
vol 6, edited by Joyce Hemlow, Oxford, 1975

Richard Carlile,
Address to the Men of Science,

F.F. Cartwright,
The English Pioneers of Anaesthesia,
Simpkin Marshall, 1952

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (with James Gillman and J.H. Green),
Notes Towards a More Comprehensive Theory of Life,
1816-19; edited by Seth B. Watson MD, 1848

Nora Crook and Derek Guiton,
Shelley’s Venomed Melody,
CUP, 1986

Humphry Davy,
Elements of Agricultural Chemistry,

Hermione de Almeida,
Romantic Medicine and John Keats,
OUP, 1991

Thomas De Quincey,
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater,

Thomas De Quincey, ‘Animal Magnetism’ (essay), 1840

Adrian Desmond,
The Politics of Evolution: Medicine in Radical London,
Chicago, 1989

George D’Oyly, ‘An Enquiry into the Probability of Mr Hunter’s Theory of Life’ (The Vitality Debate), in
Quarterly Review,
1819, vol 43, pp.1-34. Usefully reprinted in Oxford World’s Classics edition of Mary Shelley’s
Appendix B

Tim Fulford, Debbie Lee and Peter J. Kitson, ‘Exploration, Headhunting and Race Theory’, in
Literature, Science and Exploration,
CUP, 2004

Jan Golinski,
Science as Public Culture: Chemistry and Enlightenment in Britain 1760-1820,
CUP, 1992

Carl Grabo,
A Newton Among Poets: Shelley’s Use of Science in Prometheus Unbound,
University of North Carolina Press, 1931

John Keats, ‘Lamia’ (poem), 1820

William Lawrence,
A Short System of Comparative Anatomy by JF Blumenbach
(translated with an Introduction by Lawrence), 1807

William Lawrence,
An Introduction to Comparative Anatomy: Two Lectures,

William Lawrence,
The Natural History of Man
(Lectures on Physiology and Zoology), 1819

William Lawrence, ‘On Life’,
Rees’s Cyclopaedia,

William Lawrence, ‘On Man’,
Rees’s Cyclopaedia,

Trevor H. Levere,
Poetry Realized in Nature: Coleridge and Early Nineteenth Century Science,
CUP, 1981

Helen MacDonald,
Human Remains: Dissection and its Histories,
Yale UP, 2006

Anne K. Mellor, ‘A Feminist Critique of Science’, in
Mary Shelley: Her Life, Her Fictions, Her Monsters,
Routledge, 1988

Peter Mudford, ‘William Lawrence’, in
Journal of the History of Ideas
29, 1968

Roy Porter and G. Rousseau (editors),
The Ferment of Knowledge,
CUP, 1980

Nicholas Roe, ‘John Thelwall’s Essay on Animal Vitality’, in
The Politics of Nature,
Palgrave, 2002

Sharon Ruston,
Shelley and Vitality,
Palgrave, 2005

Mary Shelley,
Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus,
1818; the 1818 edition reprinted in Oxford World’s Classics, edited by Marilyn Butler, 1993; 2nd edition, 1831, reprinted as composite edition, Penguin Classics, edited by Maurice Hindle, 1992

Percy Bysshe Shelley, essays ‘On Life’, ‘On Love’, ‘On Dreams’, ‘On a Future State’, ‘On the Devil and Devils’, ‘On Christianity’ (1814-18), in
Shelley’s Prose, or The Trumpet of a Prophecy,
edited by David Lee Clark, Fourth Estate, 1988

Walter Wetzels, ‘Johann Wilhelm Ritter: Romantic Physics in Germany’, in
Romanticsm and the Sciences,
edited by Andrew Cunningham and Nicholas Jardine, CUP, 1990

Sorcerer and Apprentice; and Young Scientists

Charles Babbage,
The Decline of Science in England,

David Brewster,
Life of Isaac Newton,
Murray’s Family Library, 1831

The British Association for the Advancement of Science: Early Correspondence,
edited by Jack Morrell and Arnold Thackray, The Camden Society, 1984

Janet Browne,
Charles Darwin: Volume I: Voyaging,
Volume 2: The Power of Place,
Pimlico, 1995 and 2000

Gunther Buttman,
In the Shadow of the Telescope: A Biography of John Herschel,
Lutterworth Press, 1974

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