The Alexandra Series (30 page)

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Authors: Lizbeth Dusseau

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Alexandra Series
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“If you don’t surrender yourself any better than this, you’re in for one very long correction.”

He was genuinely angry with me, and that made me doubly embarrassed. This was certainly not what I’d intended to do, but I wasn’t given the opportunity to discuss it further.

Reggie quickly rose from the chair. “I have to go, and so will you. If I decide to help you take care of your predicament, I’ll call you. But don’t hold your breath, I may not call at all.”

“You don’t mean that?” I queried, now very worried that I had blown this chance with him.

“It all seems rather tedious, my dear, I’m not sure that taking you in hand will do anything for me. You’ll just have to hope I’ll find some reason to enjoy the punishment you suggest. Now get on, I have places to go.”

I was unceremoniously dismissed. All the while I found myself pushed back in time to when we’d been together before, when he was haughty and arrogant, giving me mere flashes of himself, always making me feel extraordinarily submissive to his designs and his inexplicable needs.

I left the office, walking through the reception area to see his young blonde secretary staring at me. I could sense she’d heard the sounds of my woe rising from Reggie’s office. I expected her to snicker, even just a little, but she didn’t. Instead the young secretary smiled.

“Is there anything I can get for you?” she said smiling.

“No, nothing,” I stammered.

“If it helps at all, you know, you’re not alone,” she said kindly.

Looking at her face I could see that. She’d been over Reggie’s lap, or at least over a desk at some time. I could see the fact written distinctly on her face.

Reggie made me wait. He made me sweat out the next week, wondering all the while if he would call me back and begin the lengthy punishment necessary to please Will’s sense of justice. I couldn’t be certain, but I really believed that he was bluffing me, when he suggested that the task would be tedious. This was Reggie’s life, his fire. Being dominant to a submissive woman was what drove him. It was what fired any real lust that he had. I couldn’t imagine that he’d decide I was too ‘far gone’ to help anymore. He knew that he could find all kinds of triumph in the attempt, and could still throw me out on my ear if I became too difficult to deal with.

I thought about the possibilities incessantly. I obsessed on what he might have in mind for me on subsequent sessions. I knew that he would be inventive, dramatic and very severe. That was what made being under Reggie’s domination such exquisite torment. For all the horrors of it, for all the possible pain, there was a delicious mental torture that was fascinating and erotic. I masturbated a dozen times to thoughts of him, my mind filled with possibilities.

Nine days after our meeting Reggie finally called and ordered me to meet with him again. Chapter Three

Two days after his call, I sat in Reggie’s office as I had nearly two weeks before. This time, he was out when I arrived at the appointed time. His secretary was rather vague about where he was, and when he’d return, so I remained anxiously waiting for him to arrive.

When Reggie finally entered the room, I was so nervous I could hardly talk; although Reggie saved me from my travail, changing the mood entirely to one much more upbeat that I envisioned.

“Have you had lunch?” he asked.

“No,” I said a little bewildered. He took my breath away seeing him dressed in the formal black suit, neat as pin, nothing out of place on this impeccable man. Reggie never had a problem commanding a certain power, but in these clothes it was even more formidable. I felt rather slutty dressed in a short clinging dress. But since he asked me to dress this way, I guess he was pleased; though he didn’t say so.

“Let’s go then,” he said. Taking me by the hand, he led me through the building, downstairs to his limousine. I was thankful for the quick change, as it gave me a little welcome breathing room. On our ride to the restaurant, I was put at ease by the casual conversation, not a single mention of Will, the punishment, his final decision, or anything else I’d been worrying about over the last couple of weeks.

The limo stopped at a quaint ‘hole in the wall’ cafe where we dined on the balcony, in the front window looking out on the street below.

Halfway through my spinach soufflé, Reggie’s deep blue eyes caught mine, and I was instantly transported back into my submissive pose by a haughty cold stare that hadn’t been there before.

“Are you wearing underwear?” he asked.

“No, I’m not.”

“Raise your skirt and sit on your bare ass,” he ordered me.

This was a command I should have expected, though in the midst of a genteel lunch, it startled me. I obeyed nonetheless, knowing it was just another test like many others I had endured under his training.

Thankfully, my dress was not so tight that I’d be sitting with it bunched at my waist in order to have my bottom bared on the wooden seat. The short A-line had to be hiked a bit, modest enough to suit me and have the effect Reggie intended. I understood what he was after – a protocol established that would remind me that my bottom was clearly the focus of this meeting.

“I’ve been thinking,” he began, after a long silence. He spoke in the same stern voice, his eyes not wavering from mine even for an instant. “As much as this comes at a busy time, I’ll take your chastisement as a project. That is, as long as I can expect your compliance to the letter. Any wavering or disobedience and it’s over. I don’t have time to waste on a tentative novice. You should be far beyond that, despite your apparent relapse. You understand?”

“I do.”

“So, when I want you, you make arrangements, no questions, no hesitation.”

“I understand.”

“I’ll likely do most of this on a whim, when I fancy it, not according to any specific plan.”

I nodded, knowing that Reggie was creature of his whims, even if on the surface he appeared very calculating. The casual conversation over, Reggie’s reign over me began.

“Have you talked to Will?” I ventured, when we were nearly finished. The question had been burning in my mind for days.

“No,” he stated flatly. I knew he was telling the truth, and for that I was disappointed. “If you think I’m going to strike some deal for you with Will, that won’t happen. You’re on your own with him. Tell him what you’re doing, recount to him the details of your sessions, and then I suppose you’ll have to let him decide if this is just penance for your crimes. Frankly, Alex, I’d be surprised if he does take you back. I certainly wouldn’t.”

“You’re not Will,” I said emphatically.

“No, I’m not. I’ve tried to be like Will,” Reggie admitted. “But I suppose it’s my fatal flaw, I can’t be that nice to any woman.”

I wouldn’t tell him so, but I agreed wholeheartedly with his assessment of himself.

He looked at me rather intently, quizzically, as if he was really taking time to consider my relationship with my ex-lover. “You know my dear, I don’t think you appreciate what sacrifices Will made when he first brought you to me four years ago. Now, to have nothing to show for it, I think it would be frustrating, infuriating.” He shook his head in a gesture of empathy.

“I’ll have to let Will decide that,” I said.

“At least you know what you need. A lot of women would never subject themselves to the kind of agony you’ll go through.”

“Many women don’t know what they need,” I offered.

“And isn’t that the problem with you? You found out what you need, what your heart and libido and mind desire, and then you immediately turned your back on it.” His statement was accusatory, delivered with a degree of irritation I wasn’t used to from him.

“Do you think you failed Will?” I asked.

He chuckled. “I know where you’re leading, but it’s not even a feasible line of questioning. If I’m annoyed by you, it’s because you fail to appreciate your own desires. I’m hardly going to take any responsibility for your failures.”

“Perhaps it was stupid to suggest that,” I admitted.

“It was,” he said.

Moments later, we were back in the limo speeding away through the city, though obscure streets, through the financial district on our way toward the old manufacturing district. Though I was wondering where we were going, it became apparent that a destination was not the point of our drive.

We sat in facing seats, so we could look easily at each other. I waited while Reggie stared at me from head to toe, a position that was not unfamiliar with him. It was hard to tell what he was thinking. I had automatically raised my skirt when I sat down in the seat, assuming that was what he would want. But it was soon evident that he had something altogether different in mind than what I imagined.

“On the floor,” he announced. As surprised as I was by the command, I complied. On hands and knees in front of him, I waited for more.

“You know, Alexandra, your up turned rear has always fascinated me.” He was raising my skirt as he spoke, baring my bottom right there in the limo. I could be thankful that the windows were darkened so that people on the street couldn’t see. This was not completely private however, since the window between us and the driver left Reggie’s chauffeur with a clear view through his rear view mirror. I’d have to forget about that for the next half hour, with much more important things to concentrate on.

Leaning forward, Reggie’s right hand massaged my ass hard. “Such abuse a good posterior takes.” He ran his hand along the fleshy part of my cheeks, then to the cleft that was already moist. “I gave this quite the treatment I recall, and not a mark. Nothing permanent remains, just the memory. It’s so white and unblemished now.” I could just imagine what he was thinking, what new abuse he’d find to wreck on my poor bottom.

Reggie backed off for an instant and I couldn’t see what he was doing, especially when he pushed my head to the floor. Seconds later however, I discovered the nature of his pause, when a cool liquid lubricated me deep into my anal cleft. The liquid was rapidly followed by his latex covered fingers probing my rear channel. The first thrust in that tight hole was a shocking jolt. First one finger, then a second gained entrance. Reggie slipped in and out gently, the humiliation of such base sexual taking not lost on me. He knew, despite any protest I might raise, this would stir me as I’d often been before.

“As I recall, Will likes your ass,” he said.

“Yes,” I gasped a reply, hardly able to speak. It was certainly true, at Will’s prompting, my anal eroticism had been a focus of my earlier training with Reggie.

“And have you allowed him the opportunity to have you here?” Reggie asked me.

“Not often,” I admitted.

His fingers continued to probe me, going deeper and deeper, bringing me a soft seductive pleasure. I didn’t want him to stop.

“When was the last time?” he asked me.

I hesitated to confess the truth.

“Don’t lie,” he instructed me sternly, knowing why I was reluctant to respond.

“Likely a year,” I replied.

His next penetration with his fingers was abrupt, the deepest yet; maybe not by any particular design, though I think it was quite deliberate, a response to my woeful lack of consideration for Will. It was doubly worse when the limo suddenly jerked to a halt.

“Ouch!” I squirmed with the jarring discomfort.

“I’ll have to break you in again,” Reggie observed. “I’m surprised Will didn’t leave you before now, you fractious little tart.”

With a quick jerk, Reggie withdrew his fingers, an act I resented. Once he initially penetrated my rear, I was reminded that I did enjoy such attention. I was clamoring for sexual release, though it would have surprised me if Reggie allowed me any kind of sexual satisfaction.

I heard the sharp sound of the latex ripped from his hand. With the glove tossed to the floor, he turned his focus to a more immediate requirement, as he began an earnest and vibrant spanking with his bare hand.

I was astonished.

Yet, I didn’t have time to think about this very intimate chastisement. Each smack was hard, an instantaneous heat rising on my bottom. He was ruthless, as ruthless as he’d been with the leather paddle. I heard each smack as it vibrated through me and the air around us. I wondered if the driver heard as well as saw my plight. The very idea traversing the streets of the city while my bottom was getting royally spanked was a stunning thought in itself. Reggie’s hand covered my backside everywhere, with my ass cheeks swaying lewdly at his feet. They were raised high above my head, which made Reggie’s job all the more easy.

He laid several swats against my upper thighs, as ruthless as ones against my fleshier cheeks. I howled – it burned like hell. Others smacks landing on the side of my ass were equally painful. Everywhere my rear was not covered with a natural cushion hurt the most, and he knew it.

“Ouch! Please!” I wailed. I wasn’t proud at all anymore. I know the driver must have heard me. I was livid, enraged, this hurt so bad.

“Hush!” Reggie answered me harshly.

Though I didn’t stop my protests. “Enough please!” I tried once more.

But Reggie was adamant. My poor bottom must have been scarlet. It felt like a flame had been lit in me that would never go out.

When he paused for a moment, I knew he wasn’t done. He was moving around behind me. I heard a quick discernible snap of something.

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