The Alexandra Series (55 page)

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Authors: Lizbeth Dusseau

Tags: #Erotica

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He eyed her for some time before he spoke again.

“So, what conclusions did your hours of contemplation bring you to?” he asked.

She hedged, realizing that being open with Reggie wasn’t easy, and the longer she was with him, the more she opened herself to be hurt.

“I do want a relationship with you,” she confirmed. “I don’t know what else to say right now. The other night alarmed me, but it didn’t scare me away.”

“Then perhaps we should spend more time communicating our feelings, rather than guarding them.”

“Strange to hear you say that,” she said.

“I don’t think so. I’m a practical man, communicating seems the most practical solution. But you start this running away crap again, and I’ll be tanning your ass more than you can bear.”

“I’m glad I shake you up,” she said.

“You do that,” he agreed. “You may think I’m a cold and emotionally distant, but sometimes, Jocelyn Killian, you’re as enigmatic as a spring wind.”

“Doesn’t that make me more endearing?”

“Infuriating perhaps, endearing, I’m not sure. I do know that you are, without a doubt, the most brilliantly creative business women I know, and side by side with that is the most perplexing streak of mischievous brat I’ve run into in a long time. And yesterday, you managed to add reckless into your pot of screwball tricks.”

“I think I’m self sufficient, and I forget there are people that care about me. It’s happened before.”

“Well, it’s not going to happen with me again, you hear. I’ll go for the cane next time, and it will not be love taps. There will be welts on that butt of yours. I swear.”


“Yes, welts. Speaking of which, come here and turn around I want to see your ass.”

She obeyed readily, presenting her bottom to him, for him to stroke and caress. There was no trace of the spanking by that time, except the elevated warmth of her bottom cheeks and sensations that were continuing to flame her sexual heat. Moving from her ass cheeks to her anal cleft, his hand pressed tightly to the moist sexual places.

He stood to have a better angle. And when he slipped his fingers into her juicing cunt, she fell back on him letting the waves of pleasure move through her. Her female nectar moistened her back door, so two fingers could easily slip beyond the sphincter.

“Oh gawd!” she gasped.

“I want you here, go climb on the bed.”

Jocelyn wanted him anyway he’d take her. Though the thought of him inside her rear again made her shiver thinking how wild those sensations were. She climbed on the bed, positioning herself on hands and knees then waited for him to return.

Reggie was as gentle with her as he’d been the time before. He greased her then worked his fingers inside. Only then did he back off and press the head of his cock inside her rear door. By then the entry was easy, and the fuck that followed a savage violation.

“Oh, my god! Damn it fuck me!” she roared, hardly aware of what she was saying.

He answered with his swift sure prodding prick going deep into the dark channel.

Sharp bursts of energy ripped through her. She was cumming in seconds, and crying and whimpering, and moving back against him with an obscene eagerness. His prick was nearly as fast responding, and within a few seconds, the two were collapsed together on the bed in a sweaty heap, completely worn out.

“Maybe I should run out on you more often, for this kind of result.”

“You’re forgetting your ass?”

“No, I’m not forgetting my ass. I rather liked that,” she said. “You held me on your lap and spanked me, that was awfully intimate for a cold, cruel dominant. And it was very sexy.”

“Trust me, you give me cause to do it again for something that stupid, and it will not be sexy.”

“We’ll see,” she replied saucily.

“You’re going to behave, my darling,” he advised her.

“Oh, you never know,” she mused aloud. “You said yourself, I’m a mischievous brat.”

“And I’ve already warned you, recklessness in women is not a favorite trait.”

She tried a smile for good measure, thinking his mood should be softening. “Recklessness is what happens when I’m in love,” she said. It was the second time she’d mentioned love to him, she wondered if his response would change.

He turned over on his side, and made her do the same, so that they were face to face and he could look her in the eye.

“Loving you is not going to be easy for me, Jocelyn,” he said. “I’m not ready to say those words.” He wasn’t cold at all, but he was serious and completely honest.

“Then I won’t ask you to, not yet,” she said simply. That was okay for Jocelyn. It wouldn’t be okay forever, but his simple honesty was enough for now.

Chapter Seven

Reggie came to her door at seven.

“My goodness this feels like a real date,” she exclaimed. She was wiping dusting powder off her black dress.

“We can pretend it’s not,” he said.

“Oh, heavens no!” She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a wet kiss. “You don’t suppose we could spend a few moments…maybe…the bed’s warm.” Her expectant face was almost too much for him to resist. Her smile and her green eyes were what had gotten him into the relationship in the first place.

“My, you are horny,” he said.


“Finish getting dressed,” he said, as he walked her into the living room.

She sighed, retreating to her bedroom.

Reggie sat down on her couch and began thumbing through a magazine.

“So who are these people I’m meeting tonight?” she called to him from the bedroom.

“Will and Alexandra.”

“You’ve known them long?”

“Will forever, Alexandra…” he stopped suddenly and didn’t finish his answer.

Jocelyn came to the door and looked at him.

“Alexandra what?” she wondered. She wanted to see his face when he replied, though he wasn’t likely to give anything away. “A lover maybe?”

“No. A submissive. She’s always been Will’s.”

“But you had some kind of relationship?” Her curiosity was piqued.

“I trained her,” he said.

“Trained?” Her eyes widened in wonder.

“I’m a sexual dominant, Jocelyn. I think that was one of the first things I ever told you about myself.”

She remembered.

“So what did you do?” she asked. She was intensely curious about what he meant by sexual dominant, submissive, trained…the words were intriguing. She knew a lot about the sexual part, she knew what she’d seen in the German nightclub, but there were still pieces of the puzzle missing and until now she’d been too afraid to ask.

“Why don’t you ask Alex?” he said.

“I don’t even know her,” Jocelyn replied.

“You will tonight. You ready to go?”

“Just about,” she said. She went back into the bedroom to finish her hair and contemplate the mystery of her lover’s other life.


Alexandra rushed in the door, seeing Will busy in the kitchen.

“What the hell are doing, you’re late, you look like shit, and we have company coming in a half hour.”

“Oh my god, Will, I forgot.”

“You forgot Reggie? That’s bull shit. We talked about it this morning.”

“Well, I forgot anyway,” she snapped.

“What is going on with you?” he asked, moving away from a cutting board where he was chopping vegetables.

“I’ve got a splitting headache, and I’m not really interested in this dinner party you’ve arranged.”

“You know, you’ve been snapping at me for two days. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that Reggie’s showing up has got you spooked.”

“It does not.”

“Stands to reason, doesn’t it?” he went on. “First time you’ve seen him since the wedding. In fact, we’ve hardly seen him since we got back together. You and me entertaining him in our new apartment. And a girlfriend no less. Could it be you’re jealous?”

“If I were jealous of every woman that Reggie was with, I’d have turned green a long time ago. Besides, I don’t know how you can say that when I very deliberately chose you – and it wasn’t even a tough decision.”

“Come on, Alex. You’ve always fancied that you had a place in his heart.”

“What heart?” she replied sarcastically.

“I think that bothers you.”


“That Reggie just might have a heart after all. And you weren’t the one that found it.”

“You’ve got to be kidding.”

“I think I’m right.”

“Well, you’re wrong, Will Kozak, you’re dead wrong. Reggie was a phase and that was all. It’s over. I can’t understand why you’d think that I still have something for him.”

“You’re still not completely comfortable being a submissive, Alex, and Reggie always pushes that button.”

“Oh, you think you so?”

He smiled.

“Don’t you smirk at me like that,” she snapped, her voice rising in volume, pitch and intensity.

“Alex! Cool it! You’re sounding like a fuckin’ shrew.”

“I’ll be a shrew if I want to!” she blared angrily. “And as far as I’m concerned, I may not come out of my room all night.”

For all his patience, Will was pissed.

“That’s enough. You march yourself into the bedroom, and be ready and out here in five minutes or…”

“Or what?” she snarled. She turned on her heel and walked off.

Will never liked her turning her back on him, especially during an argument. And this one he considered one of the most stupid they’d ever had. It was obvious what the problem was. She was sometimes too damned stubborn to admit it.

“Get your ass back here!” he ordered.

“NO!” the angry response came from the bedroom.

“You’ve got ten seconds, brat.”

This time she didn’t respond. But the door slammed, and that was all that Will was going to take. Damn it! The brat could be as mature and level headed as anyone he knew, but when it came to sexual matters it was like playing Russian roulette. This time he’d had enough.

Grabbing a wooden spoon from the kitchen counter he stormed through the bedroom door, finding Alex fuming on the other side. He was sure that she was just waiting for him to arrive. Taking her arm, he rudely pushed her ‘bottoms up’ over the end of the overstuffed bedroom chair, and began spanking the living daylights out of her behind. After a dozen good hearty swats, he stopped.

“Unbuckle your jeans,” he ordered.

“Will, please, I’m sorry.”

“Good. You’ll be even more sorry when I’m finished. Unbuckle your jeans.”

Reluctantly rising from her spot, she looked back at him with a half angry, half sorry pout.

“Do it!” He glared at her for good measure.

She saw little choice, there was no way out of this mess, without enduring it. Undoing her belt, the button, and the zipper, she let her jeans drop to her feet.

“The underwear,” he added.

She drew her fingers under the waistband and pushed her underwear down her hips. It got stuck halfway down her legs at her knees, but that was enough.

Will pushed her over the chair again and began to paddle her naked rear cheeks with a savage intent. They were already blushing pink when he began again, but that was hardly the color they would remain; they were well on their way to a wild shade of crimson. And if he wasn’t satisfied, and she wasn’t bawling like a baby, he might go all the way to purple.

It didn’t take long to reach the crimson stage with the furious smacks of the wooden spoon peppering her bottom. The sting was fierce, the heat unbearable, and Alex was crying like a child in no time.

“Oh, I’m really sorry, I really am,” she wailed when she had the chance.

The spirited dance of the wooden spoon continued for several more sharp smacks, and finally Will stopped.

“If we didn’t have company coming in a few minutes, I’d keep going.”

“Oh please!” she pleaded softly, using the very sweetest voice she had.

He gave her two hot whacks just for good measure and then pulled her to her feet.

“Now my fine bitchy brat, you get dressed, put a smile on your face, and act a gracious hostess to both of them. And if there’s one miffed remark, one nasty retort, I’ll cane your ass when they leave, better yet, I might just do it while they’re still here. I’m sure Reggie won’t mind at all.” She looked her most penitent. He was just one wrong word away from starting all over, so his expression suggested. But she wouldn’t let that happen, and have him punishing her through their guests’ arrival.

“I am sorry, hon, you’re probably right about Reg.”

“I know I’m right, but we’ll talk about it later.”

He turned to go back the kitchen. “And wear a skirt, something hot and sexy,” he yelled to her as he left.


Reggie pushed the doorbell at Will’s door; seconds later his friend answered.

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