The Alexandra Series (53 page)

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Authors: Lizbeth Dusseau

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Alexandra Series
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“I’m looking for someone to have my ass,” she said.

“There’s no one here?” Reggie responded in disbelief.

“Oh, but no one like you, darling,” she purred.

“I’m here just showing Jocelyn around,” he said, as a way of introducing the woman on his arm.

“Oh, you’re taken,” the blonde said, sadly disappointed.

Reggie smiled. “Be a love and get us drinks, two Schnapps.”

“Sure,” she said, and she swaggered away, giving her affections as easily to the next man that passed by.

“Reg, where’ve you been!” Another welcome greeting, this time from Hans, a man in full leather regalia, pants, vest and arm band. A studded collar at his throat. He was Reggie’s height, and of similar build, but dark where Reggie was blond and fair. “Look at her,” Hans said, turning to Jocelyn. His hand went to her face and stroked it gently as if she was a pet. “And she’s available?” he asked.

Reggie looked at Jocelyn, her infinitely cool expression a little surprised by Hans’ meaning.

“She’s not ready,” Reggie replied.

“Ah, too bad. Does she take it up the ass?”

“Very well,” Reggie replied smugly, as if he was the only one that was going to know that.

Hans placed his hand on Jocelyn’s rear, and gave it a few teasing pats. “You’ll have to go behind the wall later, I’ve got something perfectly heinous planned.”

“We wouldn’t miss it,” Reggie said, as he moved off, leading Jocelyn to the empty table without another interruption.

“What did he mean, am I available?” Jocelyn asked when she could finally comment on their welcoming. “And I’m not ready?”

“Shared submissives are common in this place,” he said, looking at her face to see what kind of expression appeared there.

“You’d share me with another man? Give me away to be screwed by someone else?”

“I’ve done it dozens of times,” he said.

“But with me?”

“Why would you be any different?” he asked, becoming colder than he’d been in some hours. She was different, he knew that, but he wasn’t planning to tell her.

“But I’m not ready?” she wondered at that comment.

“No. You can count yourself lucky for tonight.”

The blonde was at their table serving their drinks, and with the jazz band playing they listened.

“What makes me ready?” Jocelyn asked, still curious about the odd conversation with Hans.

“You are when I decide you are, if you’ll ever be ready,” he added. “You reminded me a few days ago that you hadn’t balked, don’t count on that continuing.”

She seemed to take the comment at face value, and he watched her body begin to move with the music. She seemed caught up in the sounds, and for several minutes he saw her mood change with the changing rhythms. Suddenly turning back to him, Jocelyn grabbed his hand.

“Let’s dance,” she said. Already on her feet before he could launch a protest, she had him standing, and since they were practically in the middle of the dance floor anyway, they were moving body to body seconds later.

She was like a cat, eyes of savage hue in the smoky gray light of the room. Her sensual gyrations provoked an instantaneous response in his crotch. Damn! The woman would have him creaming his pants like a schoolboy if he didn’t watch out.

“You move really well,” she whispered, all her seductive allure was on the outside beckoning him to come inside her mystic aura.

“Been a long time,” he admitted, kissing her offered lips.

“I bet,” she said, pulling away.

“You’re smashed, aren’t you?” Reggie said, seeing Jocelyn become more bold.

“No. Just happy,” she retorted. “This place isn’t that bad at all.”

“You haven’t seen everything yet.” He smiled. Happy was rarely a word he used for himself, in fact he didn’t think much about his state of being. He just went on the same way day after day. But there were things about Jocelyn that lightened his mood, when he let them. Seeing her provocative body in dark green leather, deliberately seducing him with every lusty move, was one.

“Things are getting hot behind the wall, Reg.” Hans was whispering the message in his ear, just when he was in the middle of being mesmerized by the dancing woman in front of him.

Reggie nodded and grabbed Jocelyn’s hand, pulling her to the back of the nightclub to the brick wall, and the small door that took them into the ‘bowels,’ as the place was affectionately called.

There was already action going on in the dimly lit room, a tiny crying German wench was draped over a padded bar, with a dominant applying a strap to her naked ass. Jocelyn cringed the instant she saw the scene, the girl’s wildly red behind, and her thighs as crimson as her butt.

A thick wooden dildo had been shoved in her pussy, and she was mercilessly fucked with it until she let out a different kind of wail, in tribute to her cunt grinding against the leather bar as she came. Lifted from the apparatus, the girl was happily limp, falling into another woman’s arms. The other woman stroked her kindly. “You learn a good lesson, Else,” she admonished her.

As the two passed by Reggie, the older and dominant woman smiled at him. “You bring your wench to get strapped, Reg?”

“To watch,” he said.

“Train her, she could use it,” the woman remarked, as she gave Jocelyn a quick but thorough inspection. “Remember what I taught you.” She led her just punished submissive away, as Reggie and Jocelyn moved further into the room.

There was a stage at one end with chairs in front in a semi-circle. Other punishment paraphernalia, like the bar the young woman had been bound to, was scattered haphazardly about. However, the scene about to play for them would be on stage, Hans’ Theatre of the Dark, as he called it.

The room quickly filled with people from the outer nightclub, watchers of an absurd play. When the curtain rose on the small elevated platform, there were two players, two women, sitting in chairs. Each wore a leather skirt, and leather halters that left little to the imagination. Their large breasts seemed to be bursting from the tiny garments. Their arms were tied behind their chairs so that the prominent bobbing tits stuck out lewdly from the women’s torsos. One was blonde, the other brunette, other than that, they were quite similar with tousled curls atop their heads, mountains of flashy eye makeup, and brash red lipstick. There were black boots on their feet to match their skirts.

As the light dropped on the audience, the spotlight blazed on the bound women. Hans wandered toward the stage from the audience with a riding crop dangling from one hand. He took his place on the platform before the two women, acting as if he was inspecting them. Swiftly, going behind the brunette’s chair, he tugged at the ropes, which appeared to release the woman enough for her to rise from her chair. Hans jerked her to her feet with her hands remaining bound. Led to a crude sawhorse on the other side of the stage, she was thrust over the top, and to everyone’s surprise the leather skirt was one-sided. Her bare ass hung out, her pussy showed, and it was obvious to all that there was a substantial dildo in her rear.

Once Hans had secured the woman to the sawhorse, he moved on the blonde. In like fashion, she was untied, pulled to her feet and thrust over the wooden bar. Like the brunette there was no backside to her skirt, and a hefty dildo violated her ass end.

Two taut rears, side by side. One more generous than the other, but there was plenty of flesh to redden on both.

“Ladies, and gentlemen,” Hans said turning around. “My submissives, my brats, my lusty wenches for your consideration. They’re to be chastised tonight for foul crimes, both recently guilty of disobeying me, and having the audacity to challenge me to this affair tonight. You see how meek they are now; like little lambs, they’ll play for your sympathy. But know, they’re saucy wenches in need of discipline. I should like to lay this riding crop on their asses later. But only after they’ve been strapped or paddled. I’ll leave that up to you.” He smiled playfully, though there was something foul in his eyes. “Who’ll be the first? Pick your implement and give them each a good ten.”

There was a flurry of conversation in the room, and then one fierce looking man stood up, and sauntered toward the stage. Brusquely picking up a wooden paddle, without a word, even a single comment, without an instant’s hesitation, he laid the paddle on the brunette first, with ten fast paced smacks. Moving on to the blonde, he repeated the process. Handing the paddle to Hans, he returned to his seat.

The two women on the platform had shrieked at the severity of the quick sustained blows; though they calmed quickly when it was over. What was not so quick to calm was the red on their ass ends, for the most part appearing in one specific section of their bottoms. This dominant didn’t care about making the whole flesh burn as much as he wanted the punishment to be painful.

Before the next dominant approached the platform, Reggie looked at Jocelyn’s mesmerized face. Taking her hand in his, he squeezed it so she would acknowledge him. Her look was inquisitive and cautious. She didn’t know what to think. He dropped her hand, so she could resume her observations, though she leaned over to Reggie and whispered, “You’d do that to me?”

“I already have, haven’t I?” he said. He thought of the train when she was tied being similar enough. These two would be ass-fucked before the night was out.

She didn’t reply, but turned her attention back to the stage.

A second dominant was already aiming a broad strap at the two behinds. His plan was different than the other man’s. He alternated between the rosy rears, letting leather fly and land with sharp cracks against their jiggling flesh. The cries were woeful, though there was plenty of time for each woman to recoup before the next cut hit.

The scene went on with the bratty wenches feeling the force of six dominants, two woman and four men wielding their fastest, best and most fierce blows across the offered asses. When the preliminaries were complete, their buttocks and thighs were blazing red, top to bottom, ghastly raw in some places. It was hard to believe that Hans would allow more, but there was. His riding crop was the last insult to play across the punished flesh. The women screamed, though by then, there was a quality to their agony that was not so dire as erotic. They moved within their bonds in such a way that had the audience squirming.

Jocelyn was squirming in her chair, blushing as if it had been her. Her entire being was flushed and wanting, Reggie finding it difficult himself to stay to the end for wanting her.

After a dozen swishes of the crop on each rear end, Hans and another lucky dom moved to the two women and planted cocks at their pleasure. When the dildos dropped it was clear where they’d thrust their pricks, though it was not easy to see from the angle of the audience. As the fucking commences, the crowd began to disperse – many were too hot to wait, and took their partners to private rooms within the club. Others remained in the theatre and let the crowd watch.

Having had enough himself, and knowing that Jocelyn had had enough as well, Reggie grabbed her hand and led her from the steamy room out a back door and down a corridor that led to the back exit. They were in a brick alcove where the basement stairs led to an alley, not the street. Stopping there, Reggie bared her behind and felt for her crotch, finding her sopping wet. He would have preferred to have taken her ass, but he knew she was sore from the day before. Her pussy would do for his swelling prick. Leaning her back against the brick wall, he picked her up by the ass so she was at the appropriate height for fucking, and then withdrawing his erection, he thrust inside her, listening to her sweet gasp of pleasure as he nestled inside her steamy hole. Jocelyn wrapped her arms around him so he could feel her hot body against his. She fell into him completely, no protests, no woeful sounds issuing from her lips. So compliant and open and willing, he thought he was melting into nirvana.

She breathed hard for a few minutes, an orgasm mounting; and with a sumptuous sigh she squeezed against his cock. Her body tightened and then released. Reggie climaxed in the midst of a pounding fuck, and kissed her as he came, their mouths meeting without design or plan. It seemed the way it should be, this unexpected intimacy not waiting for them to think about it to make it happen. It was a natural product of a bond that was rapidly taking control in the tentative relationship.


Waking the next morning, Jocelyn found Reggie sleeping peacefully in the bed beside her. She remembered collapsing from exhaustion, not as much a need to sleep, as a need to repair her psyche with the thoughtlessness and emptiness of sleep. Emotions on overload, there was so little to say and so little energy to speak. She and Reggie had said almost nothing after they left the alley behind the nightclub.

In the light of morning, throwing on a pair of sweats, she munched an apple while she wrote him a brief note. Grabbing a hastily packed bag, she left.

It was odd being in a foreign country when she wanted comfort. There were no well remembered streets, no landscapes that she’d gazed on so often that she knew every inch of them by memory, their familiarity a solace. Each new thing that caught her eye threatened to take her mind from her mood and her quandary. But at least she was away from the boiling pot and the small place of madness that had grown inside her unannounced. Some decisions you make foolishly, she decided, without thinking them through. Hadn’t he warned her? Hadn’t that dear man warned her?

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