The Alexandra Series (71 page)

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Authors: Lizbeth Dusseau

Tags: #Erotica

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“Yes, ma’am,” she replied.

“You say a word to anyone,” she went on to warn, “I’ll blister your ass and violate your backside, and it won’t be any fun at all.”

At the sound of the threat, the girl’s eyes widened and so did Alex’s.

“You’ve spanked her?” Alex whispered.

“No, but I don’t see why I shouldn’t,” Jocelyn said, eyeing the girl. “I’ve watched Reggie punish her. And seeing how aroused she is, I think it might be something she wants.”

Though their conversation was hushed, Helena could hear every word.

“Be a dear now,” Jocelyn directed the maid, “get us some lemonade”

To that request, the young woman scampered off, and Jocelyn returned her attentions to Alex.

Both women realized this particular afternoon was a minor awakening of sorts, Jocelyn finding pieces of her personality as yet undiscovered, and Alex finding herself increasingly aroused by the new prospects this relationship suggested.

When it was too hot in the sun, they moved into the house, up the stairs and into the cool of the master bedroom.

“You’ve never been here, have you?” Jocelyn said, drawing Alex into the impressive room, that unlike the rest of the house was like a vision from an old world dream, adorned with tapestries and an ornate hand-carved bed, furnished to take the mind deeper into a time and place far from the mundane present. “It’s magical,” she murmured bringing Alex to the cool surface of the bed’s satiny comforter.

“Is it magical, or what happens here that is?” Alex said, for the first time feeling Reggie’s presence inescapable, a sudden impression felt deep, realizing that she smelled his distinctive scent in the room. Another thousand memories triggered, she might have climbed inside them in her mind, except that Jocelyn was holding her hands above her, kissing her forearms and elbows and the tender sides of the most tender skin, and her armpits—all before she reached her breasts.

“Keep your hands there,” Jocelyn told her. “I want you vulnerable to me.”

Vulnerable, hardly a difficult command to follow. Though Jocelyn was much gentler than her other dominants had been.

The redhead bobbed about, tasting her everywhere, making a thorough examination of her skin and any point when fondling or kissing or nibbling made her wince or shriek or moan. By the time she reached her furrowed slit, so much had already happened that the climax came in ready waves, Alex whimpering softly as Jocelyn sucked her clit.

Jocelyn’s sex was sweet, still fragrant from the earlier lovemaking, and turning pungent. Alex could imagine satisfying the blushing pink pussy the remainder of the day, until the evening, maybe the night. Maybe she’d call Will and tell him she was staying over that night. He’d been much too busy with work to bother about her. He probably wouldn’t bat an eye at her impromptu vacation from the apartment, the way he was when he was working on layouts and the designs weren’t right, and he was a bear to be with. He’d be happy to have her happily elsewhere, unless of course, he needed her body to alleviate his physical tension.

Such ideas came to mind as she let her tongue commence its journey about the fragrant flower that was Jocelyn’s sex. She heard the murmuring sounds of arousal draw her in. She lightly pinched her nipples, gave her pussy a gentle smack or two, and with the tips of her nails drew red lines along the flesh of her thighs. Eventually they’d get around to really deviant things, how could they not when they were both so intimate with the darker bounds of sexual expression? Naturals in the unnatural arena, celebrating the fact made the unnatural as essential as fucking cunts and cocks. For now however, their love was simply filled with promises and expectations and the joys of hearing the other pleasuring in simple sexual things.

In the waning light of day, the two dozed, wrapped in arms and tangled within a pile of sheets that surrounded them like a cocoon. Long shadows made the room even more a reflection of old and dying things, the two woman appearing like one of the erotic tapestries on the walls that depicted carnal satisfaction in the nude bodies of voluptuous old world hedonists exposing their private treasures for waiting lovers. A gentle breeze that blew the sheer curtains at the window tickled their soft hairs as they went from dozing into a peaceful slumber. And in that slumber they let their minds drift into the magic lands where the remainder of their lascivious thirsts were being quenched.


“My, what do have we here?”

The sound of his voice raised two disparate yet similarly anxious responses, as Jocelyn and Alex awakened to discover Reggie standing at the doorway of his bedroom, gazing at them. Jocelyn instinctively pulled up the sheet to cover them, as if she was protecting them from an unwanted stare.

“Pull the covers away, Jocelyn,” Reggie abruptly demanded. “There’s not an inch on either one of you I haven’t seen. Although I must say, I haven’t seen you together.”

“Reg, please,” Jocelyn was the first of the two to speak.

“Pull the covers aside,” Reg repeated sharply when her wife neglected to heed his command.

She hesitated a second, then pushed the sheet back with her feet, and exposed the intertwined legs with Alex’s arm still resting on her thigh.

“That’s better,” he said. “I must say you two look stunning. And not at all like this is the first time you’ve been together.”

“Let me explain,” Jocelyn jumped in anxiously. Sitting up on the bed, she grabbed for the covers again.

“Don’t worry, you will,” he said. “Alexandra,” he addressed the nearly hidden blonde.

She turned over, not attempting to cover anything, including the look of lust in her eyes and the desire on her moist lips. She looked as if she were inviting him to join them.

“Looks like you’ve already had the punishment before the crime,” Reggie remarked on the state of Alex’s streaked bottom.

“Yes, well, that was another matter,” she tried to dismiss the remark.

“Looking for spanking doms, again?” he mused.

“No!” she came back sharply, “not the case at all.”

He smirked. “So what treacherous villainy of yours caused your lasting lines, I’d say last night?”

“You might say it was part of a welcome home,” she answered. “And you know you might have the good grace to back off and let us get out of bed.”

“And not watch you two squirm?” he said. “This is too good for that.”

“You are a wicked bastard.”

“So, I am,” he mocked. “And does Will know about you two?”

“No, I haven’t told him,” Alex replied.

Reggie smiled broadly. “Ah, but you will tonight.”

“But…” she started to whine.

“Don’t but me,” he shot back. “You tell him or I will. I’m sure he’ll like your version better. Now if you don’t mind, I’d appreciate you letting me have my wife to myself.”

There wasn’t a clue what he was thinking, all locked behind doors in his brain; he concealed his thoughts and feelings so well, it made both women wonder if he’d suddenly burst out laughing or tie them up and flog them. Alex wasn’t about to test the waters any more than she had, and seeing that Reggie was not going to move from the doorway, she finally bolted from the bed. Gathering her clothes in her arms, she exited the room briskly slipping past the man.

Reggie remained where he stood and watched as his wife stood up and grabbed for her robe. “You going to let me out?” Jocelyn asked when she moved toward the door.

“Why would I do that?” he asked.

“I should see Alex to the door.”

“Alex can see herself to the door,” Reggie answered. He still didn’t sound mad, the only feeling she was getting from him was mildly amused. “Get dressed, Jocelyn, riding clothes. I’ll meet you at the barn.” He turned in the doorway and stalked off without another word.


The evening sunlight cast deep shadows in the landscape, and lent an almost ethereal glow to the hour. This was always Reggie’s favorite time to ride, so it wasn’t surprising that he suggested they exercise their horses. On this occasion, however, the unspoken chasm between them made Jocelyn’s trek to the barn a bit frightening. The things he could do to her there were exhilarating—and painful. The one time he’d treated to her his rougher side all around the barn in a dozen inventive positions was one of the most memorable erotic adventures of their young marriage. But now the ominous tenor of his peculiar mood, and the great unknown before her, made her heart pound nervously. She’d never lied to him, never withheld the truth.

Entering the barn, she saw Gus and Reggie conferring; sidelong glances from each man made her wary. The stableman’s grim expression was the only one he ever wore. Perhaps it was her imagination, but this time, she thought she saw signs of his savage lust in his somber glance. She shivered thinking of Alex’s tales of Gus and the fierce sexual demands he’d made on her at Reggie’s instigation. Then of course, there was the vile strapping that had punished Alex’s ultimate betrayal of Reg. Recalling her friend’s amazing recounting of those incidents, Jocelyn wondered if the two men were planning something for her now.

Once she approached them, however, the two backed away, Gus moving to the far side of the stable while Reggie continued to saddle the horses, Brutus and Blue.

“You still haven’t told me why you came home early?” she asked as she reached her husband’s side.

“Obviously to catch you in the act,” he replied evenly. He mounted his horse and motioned her to Blue.

“You expected me to be in bed with Alex?”

“How on earth could I expect that?” he said. “My dinner meeting was canceled and I was looking forward to a ride.”

“We are riding?” she asked surprised.

“What, do you expect me to beat your ass?” Before she could answer, he was out the stable door, down the trail, and looking back over his shoulder waiting for her to join him.

They rode far on country trails for nearly an hour, exploring their way into places she hadn’t been and wasn’t sure of. Finally circling back, they cantered toward the estate perimeter with Reggie taking the fence with a gentle jump that made Jocelyn shiver. Brutus was too old to jump, so she thought, but he did it anyway, likely another scare tactic. Jocelyn guided the gentle Blue around the fence and caught up with her husband who’d finally slowed his pace.

Even the twilight was fading now, the light dwindling away around them, though there seemed ample light in the Western sky. Reggie at last pulled up his horse and moved toward the stream, still some distance from the house. When they were on the ground, watering the animals, he sat down on a river rock and leaned forward gazing at the gently meandering stream.

Jocelyn sat near, thankful that there was no place to sit next to him. A good five feet felt safer.

“You enjoy her company?” he finally asked.

“I do.”

“And how old is this affair?”

“Just since the vacation.”

He nodded, many things clear to him with that remark.

Still, there was no indication of his feelings, just the well-guarded cool, and not even an unhappy one at that. Jocelyn stared at him waiting for him to say more. She wouldn’t be surprised if he’d said nothing or let the matter rest, never to be spoken of again. Neither would she have been surprised if he’d gone into a tirade. Her only choice was to stay cool and wait for him.

“There’s one thing I’d counted on from you, Jocelyn,” he finally breached the quiet.

“What’s that?”


“You mean about Alex?”

“I mean about everything, though your secret fling with Alex comes readily to mind.”

“You think I’ve lied about other things?” she asked.

“Are there?”

“No. But if there were?” she wondered.

“Then we’d deal with them.”

“You’re sounding very civil.”

“I’m a master of that, or have you forgotten?”

“How could I forget?” she said.

“It’s what may be underneath that you should worry about,” he snickered briefly. “Now tell me why?”

“Why I made love to Alex?”

“Yes. You acting dense for a reason?”

“Why not make love to her. She’s breathtaking. Not to mention, she has the most inviting body I know—except for yours of course.”

“That sounds very nice. Now tell me the truth,” he said, sounding just a little stern.

“I am telling you the truth.”

“All of it?”

She fumed for a moment, wishing that she could say something to soothe him over. “Dammit, I hate it when you’re being so evasive.”

“I don’t think I’m the one being evasive. The truth is you hate the fact that I can see beyond that lame explanation you gave me.”

“Dammit,” she seethed under her breath.

He replied with a cold smirk.

“Half of my motivation was certainly lust, and you will not take that away from the situation. This wasn’t an easy thing for me to begin, but it was an honest one, a natural one, and I know damned well you don’t care if I have sex with Alex. You’re not like that.”

“So what’s the other half of your explanation?”

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