The Alexandra Series (67 page)

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Authors: Lizbeth Dusseau

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Alexandra Series
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Once they were in their own world it really didn’t matter if it was the spa or a dive motel, something teeming in the atmosphere around them, something sensuous they created with their blending female bodies enveloped them in each other’s eyes and sensitive touch and the cushiony softness of delicate places that still felt as tender as newborn skin.

It surprised Jocelyn that she orgasmed first, when she expected an edgier Alex to be hornier, just on general principles, considering that it had been days without any lover but herself. Alex, however, had something else in mind.

“Spank me, Jocelyn,” the blonde murmured, as she crawled on hands and knees, and waved her ass as if it were their first night at the spa. Jocelyn couldn’t resist.

“You don’t want it sweet and pretty, do you?” the redhead observed, as she gave her waving behind a firm smack.

“Not today,” the blonde purred as he eyes started to glaze over. “More, please…”

More she got. Not as brisk or savage a spanking as Will and Reggie might deliver, but that didn’t matter. It was the sensation she was after; and the sensation of the spanking swelled within her, until with just a little probing from Jocelyn, Alex cried out joyously before she fell against the bed relieved.

“You need more than this,” the redhead said as she snuggled into Alex’s warm body.

“I need Will, though I’m very glad I have you now.”

“And you need it rough, don’t you?” Jocelyn mused aloud.

“It’s hard to admit, but yes. Something isn’t satisfied in me without it.”

Jocelyn thought of herself as wholly different from Alex. Even though they participated in some of the same sex games, they came from different points of view, and yet there were times when Jocelyn envied Alex’s single-minded submissive lust. It seemed much less complicated that her own mysterious sexual psyche. She sighed deeply, letting that worry fall away. “I wonder how long we can go on doing this without them knowing.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that too much,” Alex replied. “I have it figured this way, it’s either right what we’re doing or our guilt will get us caught.”

“That’s rather philosophical.”

“Sometimes it’s easier than worrying about the consequences. Handle the consequences when you get to them. Better than worry about something that might never happen.”

The two friends lay side by side naked and content to remain that way, affectionately fondle one another until it was time to return to work.

Chapter Seven

“Jocelyn!” Reggie’s voice rang with an annoying sharpness.

“You got a problem?” Jocelyn stood at the bathroom door, still dripping wet from her shower.

“Your ditzy maid is up to old tricks.”

“Ooo, I guess I have to offer my bottom to you.”

“Frankly, I’d rather you fixed the problem,” he replied.

“What’s it this time?” she asked.

“She must have done something in the dryer.” He held up a silk shirt which was now just an indistinguishable mangled mess.

“Oh god, this is a mess. I’ll talk to her—and buy you a new shirt, my dime.”

“Damn right, your dime. Better yet, fix the problem! Maybe use a little of your management genius on this one.”

“If she worked at the office, I’d probably fire her,” Jocelyn said.

“See, that’s my point. This obviously isn’t her calling in life.”

“But she may not have a life if we fire her. Her immigration status depends on this job, or some job.”

“Does it have to be this job?”

“I’d feel as guilty as hell if we fire her and she gets sent back. Her home country is not a pretty place these days.”

“Then consult with yourself for an answer,” Reggie replied giving her a good whack on the rear.

She started to go back to the bathroom then turned around.

“You know there may be a solution right under our noses,” she said.

“What’s that?”

“Spanking her?”

“Spank her?”

“It’s not like you haven’t done it to naughty asses before. You certainly aren’t out of practice,” she said, rubbing her still stinging rear.

“Despite what you think of me, Jocelyn, I don’t just punish whoever pisses me off. The practice requires the right woman. And if you remember, I swore off other submissives, except in the case of you, and maybe Alexandra when she starts acting like a whining brat.”

“I know your vow. But this is your house, and she knows what a lusty life you lead. Besides, I think the idea of getting disciplined appeals to her.”

“Why would you think that?”

“Why do you suppose she can’t stay out of the library, even when you’ve ordered her to? I’ve seen her toying with your cabinet of horrors.”

“Oh?” He looked more interested.

“Quite fondly, I might add.”

He looked at her strangely, seeing her eyes glimmer nastily in a way he’d never quite seen before. She often teased him, but there was something darker about her tease this time, and little devious. He rather liked the look even if it puzzled him.

“Is there something about my punishing Helena that arouses you?” he asked.

“Why would you say that?”

“You’re awfully encouraging. It doesn’t quite sound like you.”

“She’s an alluring young woman. Something about her that just cries out for a good strapping, don’t you think?”

“I’m the one who’d think that, but you? Are you trying to tell me that in addition to all your other sexual fascinations, you’re turned on by women, too?”

The question startled her, as much as she’d been thinking of making love to Alex again. “I’m telling you nothing of the sort,” she replied. “But after Helena’s repeated errors and now this, I’m beginning to wonder if it’s deliberate. I’d like nothing better than to watch you work over her bouncing bottom. Nice round cheeks, a blush that won’t stop, her whimpering cries…”

“You amaze me,” he said. “I suppose that’s one of the reasons I find being married to you so fascinating.”

“You find it fascinating? You’ve never said that, at least not in so many words.”

“Marrying you should have been enough to tell you volumes full, enough volumes to keep you reading for years.”

“Women like to hear it daily, darling.”

“But you survive without it,” he said, proud of himself for topping her last comment as he walked out the door.

“How about Helena?” she called to him before he got too far.

“Well, if you can’t handle it, I suppose I can,” he called back to her. “Have her in the library after dinner tonight. But you,” he turned to point a finger at her. “You’re still not off the hook in this, and I’m not sure you’re even going to get the pleasure of watching.”

“Please,” she pleaded.

He didn’t answer.

Walking out, Reggie knew there was something else behind this turn of events, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.


Jocelyn sat in one of Reggie’s leather chairs in front of his desk, watching intently as the exchange between her husband and Helena commenced. She might as well have not been in the room for the way the two were so keenly focused on each other; it was just like her most intense moments with Reg. Except for one brisk punishment of Alex the first night she met the Kozaks, Jocelyn had never seen Reggie’s severe command from an observer’s point of view. It was enough to make her shiver, all that cold poured out on one poor girl. It was enough to make her reconsider encouraging this solution. Better perhaps she’d just paddled the girl’s bottom herself, and hope the simpler treatment would do some good. But now it was too late to stop this confrontation, and all she could do was passively watch.

“Do you know how close you are to losing your job?” Reggie spoke to the trembling young woman directly. He was sitting at his desk, she was standing before him, mesmerized by the sight of his harsh but handsome face.

“No, sir,” she replied.

“If it weren’t for the good will of my wife, you’d have been gone that godawful week she was on vacation.”

“I’m so sorry,” Helena said. “I just seem to keep messing up.”

“Is it messing up or is it deliberate?” Reggie asked.

“Oh, sir, please, it’s not deliberate.”

“I wonder,” he said. He rose from his seat and strode toward the cabinet on the far side of the room. Opening the doors, straps, paddle, whips and canes rattled against the mahogany door.

Jocelyn watched the girl shudder; it matched her own response to the implements dangling ominously inside the interior of the ancient cabinet.

“Is it a fascination, Helena?” he asked.


“Does this intrigue you?”

“Oh my, sir.” A blush crept up her neck to her cheeks.

“You come across as a whining, sniveling child, but I suspect there’s much more vamp in you than you let on. Perhaps a conniving one at that.”

“Sir, please,” she tried a touch of protest in her reply.

“You know what intrigues
, Helena?”

“What is that, Mr. Harold?”


The young woman bit her lip, which just added to the pitiful expression that she performed so well.

“You’ve been playing with my private things, these implements in the cabinet.”

“I…” she was fumbling for the right words.

“I know the truth, Helena, I want you to tell me in your own words.”

She gulped, waiting a long time to speak. “Yes, sir, I have,” she finally admitted.

“And what do you do with these things when you draw them out?” He pulled out a short leather whip and fondled it in his hand, the foot long lengths of cord moving ever so slowly against the palm of his hand.

Unable to take her eyes off the whips, she blushed once more, her clear olive complexion flushed with a red hue that announced her embarrassment clearly.

“The truth, Helena.” Reggie spoke coldly, with every ounce of firm conviction of a prosecuting attorney grilling a guilty defendant.

The young maid could fall down in a heap of tears or answer honestly, there were no other choices—especially since her fear froze her in her place. Running off was not an option when her feet could never carry her.

“I like to touch them,” she said timidly.

“And what else?”

Her lips trembled as if each word was painful to speak.

“I can stay here all day, if you like,” Reggie filled the silent void. “I’m a very patient man. Now tell me, what else do you do with these when you take them from my cabinet?”

“I pretend.”

“Pretend? Go on.”

“Sir, I can’t say these things.” Tears streamed down her cheeks. “Please. Just spank me and be over with it.”

Reggie smirked. “The spanking would be easier, wouldn’t it?”

She nodded.

“Don’t fear, Helena, there’ll be that too, but I want your admissions on the record. No one’s going to harm you, in fact, you might get exactly what you want.” There was just a trace of affection in his voice, but it did nothing to ease the woman’s misery, especially when the sentiment was fleeting and Reggie turned cold and dictatorial seconds later.

Helena looked longingly at Jocelyn, as if the mistress of the house might have some compassion that her husband didn’t.

Jocelyn felt the woman’s agony herself, the gnawing pain in her excruciating. She was on the verge of pleading with Reggie to get on with the task, but there was that other more devious side of her that found the young maid’s travail as fascinating as it was tortuous to witness. She wanted to see the outcome, the whole thing, as Reggie played out the scene with his impeccable theatrical timing.

Why had a hundred women fallen in love with him? She could see clearly now, when her own lust might have blinded her before. It was elemental, something that she’d wanted to deny in herself, but couldn’t. He knew the powerful female need to be dominated that resided deep in women like Helena. And if Jocelyn was correct, this maid would be falling in love with him, too. Her husband was a quite master of this game.

“Helena,” he spoke sharply. “Mrs. Harold is not going to rescue you. In fact, punishing you like this was her idea.” He looked at his wife, as if to say,
‘you really had no idea I could be this cruel, did you, darling?’

“I don’t know what to say,” the girl replied.

“My dear, the simple facts are always easiest, just tell me what you mean by ‘pretend’.”

Helena closed her eyes as she prepared to speak, too much for her to talk and look into Reggie’s eyes at the same time. He forgave her for that and didn’t demand she open them. “I’ve taken the leather things,” she said in a breathless whisper, “the whips and paddles, and used them on myself.”

“How? Tell me exactly.”

“I-uh..I lift my skirt or take down my pants and turn about so that I can spank my bottom.”

“You like the way they feel?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And what goes through your head when you’re spanking yourself?”

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