The Alphabet Wedding (Alpha #1.5)

BOOK: The Alphabet Wedding (Alpha #1.5)
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A is for aaarrrrrggghhh

B is for Bridesmaid

C is for Car

D is for Dress

E is for Entertainment




F is for Father of the Bride

G is for Guests

H is for Hen Night

I is for invitations

J is for jewellery

K is for knackered




L is for Lingerie

M is for Mother

N is for Nausea

O is for On a Roll

P is for Photographer

Q is for Quickie

R is for Rehearsal




S is for snow and sick

T is for The Wedding (part one)

U is for Un(wed)

V is for venue (new one)

W is for Wedding (part two)

X is for X-rated

Y is for You were saying?

Z is for Zander























This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


Copyright (c) 2015 by Andrea Long

All rights reserved.

Cover photo from One Dollar Photo. Cover design by Annmarie Bradley.









This novella is dedicated to the Indie Erogenous Zone who keep me sane.

I love you ladies.


Jen Andrews

Victoria L. Brock

A.D. Ellis

Maryann Jordan

Sandra Love

Andrea Michelle

MJ Nightingale

EJ Shortall

ML Steinbrunn








On this occasion I'd like to take the opportunity to say a huge thank you to the readers of the series. I've now had the privilege of meeting some of you in 'real life' at book signings. When I receive a message or read a review saying how much you like my books, well, I really can't put into words how that feels.

This novella was never meant to happen. It did, for two reasons. For the first blame the sister. She asked me to write a little Christmas story from Gabe's point of view. That awoke the (sexy) beast. Secondly, while writing Ronnie's story I came to the 'Gabe organise the wedding scene'. His voice was in my head again so I broke off to write it. I love it and I hope you do too.

Thanks again to Ruth for the Alpha reading. Special thanks to Alison Jill Gaskell and Susan King-Bagshaw for Beta reading this novella.

Also a huge thank you to Terrie Arasin for Beta reading with a special eye on Americanisms.

To Annmarie Bradley. Thank you for once again taking my chosen photo and making it into a kick ass cover.

I cannot believe I am about to release my fifth book!



April 2015.











A is for aaarrrrrggghhh


What the hell was I thinking?

Why was there no-one there to stop me?

A period of possession.

Men never learn.

Imagine this. I'm in a room and standing close to three women. There's my gorgeous doe-eyed fiancee Stella. Yeah, that's maybe the problem right there. I'm pussy whipped. She's with my mother Maddie and her best friend Ronnie.

What chance did I have?

Like going up against The Witches of Eastwick. That's it. I'm Jack Nicholson. Bewitched.

Who can disappoint their own mother?

Who survives a Ronnie coercion tactic? That woman was born trouble. She probably winked at the Obstetrician as she was delivered.

This is my excuse as to why, as they discussed Stella's complete lack of interest in organising a wedding, I walked past and said I'd do it. This is the exact moment. It's etched into my mind now, like a scene of impending doom from a horror flick.


Flashback: Sat 3 May 2014


'I've heard my name. What are you ladies up to?'

Ronnie looks at me. 'Hear me out. Stella wants to marry you, but she hates all the wedding organising. She's busy with Athena and it's just not her thing. I'm suggesting you do it. Your Mother and I can help you.'

'A wedding planner could just ask her what she wants.'

'I'm really not interested in the ceremony itself Gabe. Can we not just go to City Hall for a civil ceremony?' says Stella.

'Oh please don't. I want my friends and family to see my eldest son get wed. A wedding is a big event in my circles.' begs Maddie.

I sit laughing at them both. My mother who wants a big occasion and Stella who doesn't give a crap. I shake my head at the pair of them. 'It can't be that hard to make a few decisions. Christ, I'll do it. When you're walking down the aisle in just a sexy basque because I forgot to order the dress that will be your own fault.' I tell Stella.

'I don't care.' She responds. 'Please organise it. Save me.'

'Hey you could somehow connect it to the Alphabet,' adds Ronnie. Sometimes I could happily strangle her.

'Why would they want to do that?' says my mother, who of course has no idea that we had truckloads of sex around twenty-six letters. Thank fuck, Ronnie realises her error for once, rather than steamrolling on.

'Ah, just for a bit of fun? There's usually a theme on the programme.' She's been citing
Don't Tell the Bride

'Do it.' says Stella, clapping her hands together.

If she thinks I miss that triumphant little smirk on her face. The one that indicates she knows she's playing me, she's wrong. I got it loud and clear.

'You're on.' I say. 'Mother, you'd better be free to help.'

'I bookmarked a few ideas. We could go into your office and I'll show you my thoughts?'

'Okay, but I'm going to show you I can do this on my own. Piece of cake.' I stare Stella down. She obviously doesn't believe I can do it by myself.

'Is that right? We'll see if you feel the same after the ceremony.' says Stella.


So there you have it. The conversation that has left me in the eternal fires of damnation.

God damn it to hell.

I'm a twenty eight year old man. Not so much a cuckold as in a cockhold. One wink of a brown eye and I'm done for.

Which other mans to-do list has on it to purchase some pretty dresses? I'll see if they can store my balls for me in the shop until after Christmas.

That's right Christmas.

Wedding date Twenty-fourth of December, Two thousand and Fourteen.

Jingle bollocks.


'You don't have to organise a wedding Gabe. Just let your mother and the planner arrange it all.' Stella places her book down on her lap and looks up at me.

'Are you saying I can't do it?'

Stella puts a hand up. 'Whoa there tiger. Testosterone alert flashing. What I'm saying is that I'd be happy with a quickie in City Hall. It's your mother who wants all the fuss and palaver. Let her do it.'

'Not a chance.'

Stella sighs.'Well at least you'll have the Planner.'

I stand tall. 'I'm not using the Wedding Planner.'

'Be serious Gabe. You can't arrange a wedding by yourself.'

I feel my shoulders tighten. 'Yes I can and I will. You just watch me.'

'No thank you. I find it all rather tedious. You just let me know where to turn up and what to wear and I shall look forward to becoming Mrs Gabriel Gregory.' She picks her book back up.

'I suggest you put your bookmark in that thing if you want to know what page you were on.' I begin to peel off my shirt.

'What's got into you?'

'You talking about being Mrs Gabriel Gregory. It's made my cock hard.' I place my hand on the front of my pants and stroke the material, feeling my erection.

Stella wets her lip with her tongue.'My bookmark's in.'

'Good job babe as my fuckmark is coming.'

I dive onto the bed at the side of her.

'Actually.' Stella turns to me. 'I've decided to save myself until my wedding night.'

'I'm arranging this wedding, so my rules.' I reach over, grab the book from her hand and throw it on the floor.

Stella giggles as my hand delves under the duvet. I slide it across the smooth peaks of her body. She's toasty warm. I discard the rest of my clothes and join her under the duvet.

'Oh my God, you're freezing.' Stella shrieks and tries to move away.

I love the complete over-exaggeration you get from a Brit girl. Freezing. In a bedroom where she sets the heat level at a constant twenty five degrees. I pull her closer.

'Warm me up.'

Her tongue seeks entrance into my mouth as my cock seeks entrance between her thighs. I'm glad to find her wet and wanting because I'm randy as hell. I nuzzle into her neck. She smells of rose and mandarin, the lingering scents from the namesake perfume I bought her for her birthday. She relaxes in my arms as I nip her neck at the spot that always causes her to lose control. She lowers her shoulder with a loud escaping sigh, giving me more access to that sweet spot.

'More. Please?'

It's not often Stella begs for anything, but bite her neck and you could negotiate the earth. My mouth kisses there again as I push into her pussy. As I thrust, I nip her neck with my teeth.

'Oh yes.'

My hand runs down her arm, feeling the goosebumps under her skin. I keep a steady rhythm, pushing into Stella's wetness. She tightens herself around my cock. God that feels good.


My name. The indication that she's close. I increase my thrusts. As she goes over and takes me with her, I grab the back of her neck with my hand, pull her towards me and give her one last neck nip. She shivers beneath my lips. I collapse on top of her body and pull the duvet up around us.

She pushes it back off. 'I'm roasting.'

The woman's impossible, but she's mine.

As she recovers from her climax she complains, `The other side of my neck feels neglected.'

'Well we can't have that can we?' I growl, then descend on her for round two.


B is for Bridesmaid


Might as well get this out of the way.

Riiiiiing. Riiiiiiing.


'Ronnie, it's Gabe.'

Move phone well away from ear.

'Gaaaaaaaabbbbbbeee. How are you? Is Stella okay? Why are you ringing? You've fucked up again haven't you? Now what have you done?'


She sighs, `Go on.'

'I've not fucked up. I've phoned to ask you a question.'


'Will you be a bridesmaid at our -'

Too late. Before I get the phone away from my ear on time the screech hits.

'Yeeeeess. Oh my God. Of course I will. I'd be delighted. Will I need to come over for fittings? What are we wearing? How many bridesmaids are there? Is there just me? Am I the Chief Bridesmaid? Do I have to take charge of some wedding stuff? I bet I have to sort out the wedding night don't I?'

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