The Amateur (32 page)

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Authors: Edward Klein

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McKinnon, Mark
Men’s Vogue
Mendell, David
Merrion, Paul
Mezvinsky, Marc
MF Global
Middle East
Barack Obama and
Israel and
linkage doctrine and
peace in
midterm elections, 2010
Mikva, Abner
Milbank, Dana
Miss Manners
Mitchell, George
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh
Mondale, Walter
Morris, Dick
Morrison, Toni
Moss, Otis
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Mussolini, Benito
Muwakkil, Salim
NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner
National Black Chamber of Commerce
National Economic Council
National Press Club
National Security Council
NBC News
Netanyahu, Benjamin (“Bibi”)
New Deal
New School for Social Research
New York City Board of Education
Nixon, Richard
comparisons with Barack Obama
foreign policy and
Northern Trust Company
Norton, Eleanor Holmes
Novak, Edward
O, The Oprah Magazine
Obama Doctrine
principles of
“Obama Kool-Aid,”
Obama, Barack
autobiography of
blackness of
bowing to foreign dignitaries
as campaigner
as charismatic figure
as Christian
as communicator
economy and
environmental regulation and
foreign policy of
friends of
hope and change and
illegal immigration and
as Illinois state senator
Islam and
and Jews
learning from mistakes and
as leftist
legacy of
“Live Baby Bill” and
marriage of
as messiah
Obama 2.0
Occupy Wall Street and
political ineptitude of
as politician
popularity of
as professor
reelection campaign of
Republicans and
Tea Party and
temperament of
as transformative president
Trinity United Church of Christ and
wealth of
Obama, Malia
Obama, Michelle
as angry black woman
blackness of
Caroline Kennedy and
childhood obesity and
’ list of the World’s Most Powerful Women
image of
influence of
Mayor Daley and
Oprah and
personnel decisions and
politics and
relationship with Barack
Trinity United Church of Christ and
Valerie Jarrett and
wrath of
Obama, Sasha
Obama’s Wars
Obamas, The
Occupy Wall Street movement
Office of Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights
Onassis, Jackie Kennedy
Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN)
Oren, Michael
Overseas Writers Club
Palestinian National Authority
Palestinian state
Palm Beach County Republican Party
partial birth abortion
Pelosi, Nancy
People United to Save Humanity (PUSH)
Persistence of the Color Line, The
Peter D. Hart Research Associates
Pew Research Center
Pfleger, Michael
Physicians for a National Health Program
Pipes, Daniel
Plato’s cave
Plouffe, David
“Politics of 1948, The,”
Power, Samantha
“Conventional Washington versus the Change We Need,”
Presidential Courage: Brave Leaders and How They Changed America
, 1789–1989
Pritzker, Penny
Problem from Hell, A
Promise: President Obama, Year One, The
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald as “Great Communicator,”
suitability for presidency
“recovery summer” of 2010,
Red Gate Farm
Redpoint Ventures
Reggie, Victoria
Reid, Harry
Responsibility to Protect (R2P)
Reynolds, Jim
Rezko, Tony
Rice, Condoleezza
Rice, Susan
Robert Taylor Homes
Robinson, Craig
Robinson, Eugene
Robinson, Fraser
Robinson, Marian
Rogers, Desirée
Rogers, Steven
Rolling Stone
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rosenberg, Lee
Ross, Brian
Ross, Dennis
Rouse, Pete
Rove, Karl
Rush, Bobby
Saban, Haim
Sackariason, Carolyn
Sacred Heart Hospital
Safire, William
Safire’s Political Dictionary
Saint Sabina’s Roman Catholic Church
Saltzman, Betty Lu
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Schakowsky, Jan
Scheiner, David
Schenkel, Chris
Schmidt, Steve
Schultz, Eric
Schumer, Chuck
Schwartz, Tony
Sebelius, Kathleen
September 11 terrorist attacks
September 11th Victim Compensation Fund
Service Employees International Union
Shapiro, Daniel
Sherrod, Charles
Sherrod, Shirley
Shlaes, Amity
Sigma Pi Phi
Slobbering Love Affair: The True (and Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media, A
Smiley, Tavis
Soetoro, Lolo
Sorenson, Theodore
Soros, George
Sorrentino, Paul
Sotomayor, Sonia
Souter, David
Stanek, Jill
State of the Union address,
Steele, Shelby
Steinberg, James
Stephens, Bret
Stephens, Jeff
Stern, Andy
Stewart, David O.
stimulus bill
Stockton, Paul
Strahler, Steven R.
Summer Olympics, 2016
Summers, Lawrence (“Larry”)
Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction
Tantaros, Andrea
Tarnoff, Peter
Tarnoff Doctrine
Tauzin, Billy
Taylor, John B.
Taylor, Maxwell
Taylor, Miles E.
Tea Party
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Ted Kennedy: The Dream That Never Died

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