The Angels of Destiny (30 page)

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Authors: Haydn Jones

Tags: #Sci-Fi & Fantasy

BOOK: The Angels of Destiny
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The White House, Washington DC


There were many smiling faces around the table when the President walked into the room; especially Mark Quail, Defense Secretary. He'd been in conversation with the exuberant team in Pakistan that released the information that undoubtedly would now avert a nuclear war. The press office had already released a statement to the media and the details of it were already the top news story on every news channel around the world

details that deliberately excluded any mention of the cost to North Korea. The US wanted to tread carefully. Especially as no comment had yet come out of Pyongyang.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I must say it's nice to see so many smiling faces today. Is there any particular reason for it?" The President asked jokingly, to loud laughter.

Good news like this is, unfortunately, a rare event and we have to make sure we capitalize on it. They call it making the most of your assets, ladies and gentlemen." There were nods of approval all around the table. "I intend to invite the President of Pakistan to the US and welcome him as a hero. It will be in recognition of his country

s efforts to fight the common enemy. An enemy that given the opportunity would destroy everything we hold so precious... freedom and democracy. Today a major threat has been averted thanks to our allies in Pakistan. A threat so serious that if implemented, would have brought the human race to the point of possible annihilation. Let

s rejoice and thank the Lord because that threat has now been removed. The United States of America and the world is a safer place for our children to grow up in. Let

s wrap this whole thing up guys so we can get on with running our country." The President stood up, followed by the rest of the attendees.

Mark, I need to see you in my office after lunch please."

"Yes, sir, Mister President," was the military style reply from Quail, as the President left the room.


Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Wisconsin Avenue, Washington DC.


Vicki was sitting next to her son looking at him as he slept on the bed. He was breathing erratically and his complexion was sallow. She held his hand and prayed that he would be okay.

Mrs. McPherson?"

"Yes," Vicki said, surprised by the unexpected disturbance.

"Good afternoon, I'm Doctor Walter Fritz," said the tall man in a white coat as he entered the room offering Vicki his hand.

She shook it. "Pleased to meet you, Doctor."

Likewise... I have the results of the medical examination here and we need to sit down and discuss it if that's convenient."

Vicki felt nervous. A sense of foreboding engulfed her. Oh God it's bad news. I wish you were here Rob. Please come home, we need you.

"We have looked carefully at the scans and Daniel

s DNA results and the diagnosis is not good I'm afraid."

Vicki froze. I can

t take much more. Her eyes filled with tears. "Is it his heart?"

"Yes, I'm afraid it is as we suspected." Vicki stared at the Doctor and sobbed. He was clearly upset too. He ran his hand through his blonde hair and took a deep breath. His fair hair and strong jaw continuing the bloodline of his Germanic ancestors.

This is not going to be easy. He thought. "All the evidence point to the fact that Daniel is suffering from a degenerative heart condition."

"Oh God.

Vicki slumped, drained of any energy that remained in her body.

Doctor Fritz sensed her grief and held her hand to comfort her. He felt frustrated knowing Daniel's condition was very serious.

"Is he going to die?"

"Daniel has a condition known as Atrioventricular Septal Defect or AVSD. Put simply Daniel's heart did not form properly in the embryo. It is quite a common defect in children and Daniel has a form called complete AVSD and elevated pulmonary vascular resistance."

"He's going to die, isn't he?"

"Daniel needs surgery, Mrs McPherson, and he needs it soon. In my opinion we can save him because he's young. He has a good chance of survival and we will do all that we can to help him.

Vicki looked at Dr Walters as he talked, but she wasn't listening to him. I'm so sorry Daniel. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry Rob, it's all my fault.






The White House Press Briefing Room, Washington DC.


The world

s press were eagerly gathered for an announcement by the President as he entered the room, smiling broadly.

"Please be upstanding for the President of the United States of America."

In Karachi, Pakistan, Ahmed Shah was sitting quietly watching the broadcast on TV. He quietly stroked his black beard with his hand.

The President took his place at the podium and gathered his thoughts. The mass of cameras focused on him in anticipation. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming today. As you know the last few weeks have been a very worrying time for people all over the world. People naturally concerned about the threat to world peace. Recent events including the bombing of the US Embassy in Karachi, where tragically, so many innocent people died, have now been linked to a radical Islamic group from Afghanistan. Working out of Pakistan this group has been identified as the catalyst for the recent tensions between the US and North Korea.

Shah lit a cigarette and smiled contentedly at the broadcast, watching with interest, the man he planned to exterminate.

It gives me great pleasure to announce that after recent tripartite negotiations involving the United Nations Secretary General, Joseph Turay, North Korea has today publicly acknowledged that the United States of America does not have nuclear weapons on Israeli soil. They have also announced the immediate cessation of hostilities towards the Unites States of America." The President waited and sipped a glass of water while a plethora of camera clicks filled the room. He continued. "All of this has been made possible by the hard work of the Pakistani and US Special Security Forces, who have identified and neutralized this Islamic group

s evil plot.

Shah laughed out loud, his hands in a praying pose. Say the words I want to hear, infidel.

The President was clearly relaxed as he spoke. "Today I would like to extend the hand of friendship to the President of Pakistan and to invite him to Washington DC, as an act of gratitude for what Pakistan has done in averting a major international incident."

"Yes, infidel, you have just signed your own death sentence." Shah raised his hands to the heavens. "Praise be to Allah.


In Washington the President concluded his speech. "It is crucial that all civilized nations work together against this evil. An evil, ladies and gentlemen, that threatens the lives of innocent people...Innocent men, woman and children. I look forward to the discussions with President Gandapur and the continued cooperation between our nations in the battle against terrorism. Thank you."


The Pentagon, Washington DC.


Hunter was sitting at his desk listening intently to Vicki McPherson, sitting in front of him. She wiped tears from her eyes with a tissue as she explained the situation that was becoming more intolerable to her by the hour.


m struggling to cope without Robert by my side. He needs to be here sir, his son is very ill.

Is Robert aware of the situation, Vicki?


ve just come from the hospital.

Vicki said, sobbing. She knew telling Rob the truth was not going to be easy. Daniel

s illness was genetic, passed on by her. How would Rob react? Guilt was beginning to consume her.

I haven

t spoken to him yet.

Okay, I agree, we need to get him back home.

Hunter sounded focused.

I need him here sir.

I understand, Vicki. I

ll arrange to get him home as soon as possible. Leave everything to me and go to the hospital. Be with Daniel. He needs you there.

Thank you, sir, I appreciate your help.


Meanwhile in the President

s office at the White House


For the first time in what seemed like an eternity the President felt in control again and he felt and looked noticeably calmer. His briefing to the press went well and he took a number of questions from the floor which he felt he handled well, and his press secretary agreed.


d given Mark Quail a very hard time at their meeting but it was necessary. The public would see the Pakistani affair in a positive light, the press office would see to that, but the reality was something very different. Pakistan was allowing terrorists to move in and out of their country at will. Crossing the border from Afghanistan was clearly too easy for this extremist organization and Quail had to close that door. McPherson needed to break their communications codes so that the intelligence services could root these rats out and exterminate them.


His secretary's voice on the desk intercom broke his thoughts.

Sir, I have the President of Pakistan on the line for you.

Thank you, Susan, put him through please...President Gandapur, thank you for calling.

It is my pleasure, President Wilson. I want to thank you for the invitation to meet with you in your fine country.

So, do you accept my invitation?

It will depend of course on what you want to achieve from the meeting.

I see this situation as a golden opportunity for our great nations to work more closely and I

m sure you have no objection to that?

It is my wish that this should happen.


s voice was crystal clear. The satellite link was a good one.

I have no doubt that there are great opportunities for both our countries to benefit from improved trade relations.

I am sure you are right and I welcome the opportunity to explore the possibilities.

It will undoubtedly be worth millions to your countries economy and at a time of global recession that must be a real incentive to you? But, we can leave all of that stuff to the people who do it best. Please accept my invitation to join my wife and I at my Camp David retreat and enjoy yourselves for a well deserved break.

It has to be done but it will be hard work.

We have the details of your private bank account in London. We will make sure that funds are transferred immediately.

You are most generous.

Not at all, we will also arrange the air travel for you and your wives.

Thank you, but that will definitely not be necessary. I have my own plane and I prefer to use that, it is my second office, but I appreciate your kind offer.

I understand completely. Shall we start the arrangements for your visit President Gandapur? I think it is crucial that we strike while the iron is hot, so to speak.

I agree. My wives are desperate to spend my money so let

s do it.

Gandapur enthused.

Excellent. The US awaits you,

replied the President. Today is a good day.






Somewhere in Karachi, Pakistan.


Our work here is done brother. We must leave for our homeland and watch as our dream unfolds into glorious reality.

Shah said, looking at Raman-Ali.

Raman-Ali smiled.

I will arrange the transport today for us.

Good. Has everyone been paid as agreed?

Everyone, and they are more than grateful. You were too generous my brother.

Raman-Ali shook a finger at his leader in mock chastisement.

Abu Kalizad is staying until the Presidential plane takes off and then he leaves too. His work will be complete. He plans to close the airport during the time around the Presidential flight with a bomb threat from someone protesting against the visit of Gandapur to the US. It will keep the authorities busy and away from the plane. He tells me that the flight is planned for this evening and the plane has already been fueled.


s a good plan to close the airport. He will be rewarded handsomely for what he has done for us and Allah.

I have also arranged for the feast when we return to the mountains. We will be celebrating in style.

You are my right arm, my brother. What would I do without you?

Raman-Ali was pleased with the compliment and he embraced his leader.


The Sheridan Hotel, Karachi.


Rob McPherson was sitting on the bed in his hotel room holding the crystal. It somehow helped him to cope with the strain he was under. Minutes earlier he had put down the phone having listened to the bad news from Vicki. Daniel was very ill and Vicki was clearly distraught. He needed to get back. My son needs me. My son needs the crystal.

Rob looked at the phone for a moment. I need to speak to Hunter he thought. With that the phone rang and he picked it up.

Rob McPherson.

Rob, it

s Hunter here.

What a coincidence, sir, I was just about to call you.

Yes, I

m sure you were, Rob. I

ve had a long chat with Vicki and she

s made me aware of the problems facing Daniel. I promised her that I

d get you back home as soon as possible. You need to be on the next available flight my friend.

Thank you, Colin, I appreciate that.


s checking the flight schedules now and she

ll get you on the next available flight home from Karachi. Pack your bags and I

ll see you soon buddy. Wait by the phone and Linda will call you, okay? Have a safe flight.

Thanks, I

ll see you soon.

Rob, please don

t worry, this problem will be resolved. I know Daniel needs surgery but he will get better.

I hope so.


ll keep Vicki informed of the travel arrangements. She

ll be delighted to know you

re on your way home.


m looking forward to seeing her again.

Hunter sensed McPherson was becoming emotional.

I can understand that, Rob. Hold on, you

ll be home soon.

Rob replaced the receiver and lay on the bed. His mind was spinning from the turmoil. Again the phone rang.

Hi, Linda.

Rob, it

s Beth here.

Sorry, Beth, I was expecting a call from Linda Washington, Hunter

s secretary.


s heart was racing


s okay... Rob


ve been given two tickets for the opera tonight. Do you like Vivaldi?

Beth, that

s very kind of you, but I

m flying home. My son is very ill.


m sorry to hear that, Rob. Do you plan to come back?

I don

t know, it depends on my son. He has to have an operation.

Did you say you

re flying tonight?

Yes, from the airport.

I don

t think so, Rob. Jinnah Airport is closed. There

s a bomb scare and there

s police everywhere. They say it might be closed for some time.

Rob could hardly believe the news.

I can

t believe this is happening.

Apparently it

s in protest against Gandapur

s visit to see President Wilson. He

s upset the anti capitalists again.

It might be fate. I don

t want you to go. I

m falling in love with you. Beth held her breath waiting for Rob to respond to the news of the closure.

I need to make a call, Beth, I

ve got to get home somehow. I

ll speak to you later.

Rob replaced the receiver and put his hands on his head in despair.

Checking his contacts on his iPhone he picked up the receiver and dialed the US. He needed to get home, somehow.

Linda picked up the phone when the call came through to her office.

Linda Washington speaking.

Linda, it

s wonderful to hear your voice.

She recognized Rob immediately.

Hello sexy, how are you this fine morning? Or is it evening with you?

Linda, I need to get home.


m on the case, don

t worry. Hunter has explained everything to me. don

t understand, there

s a problem. The airport

s shut because of a bomb scare and it could be closed for some time.

Oh dear. That could be a problem. Let me speak to Hunter and I

ll get straight back to you. He

s on the phone to the President at the moment so I don

t know how long he

ll be. You know what it

s like when they

re in conversation.

Go and tell him Linda, this is urgent. My son is very ill and I need to get home.

Linda hesitated for a moment. It wasn

t something you did. It was the President Hunter was speaking to.

Linda, do you hear me? Go and tell him.

Yes, I hear you, Rob. I

ll have to call you back though.

Get me out of here Linda. Please.

McPherson sounded desperate.


ll wait, put me hold.


Yes, that

s correct, sir. His son

s health is deteriorating by the day.

Hunter explained to the President over the phone.

The guy needs to come back to be with his family because it doesn

t sound too good. The doctors have told Vicki some of the story but not all of it. They want McPherson back before they drop the bombshell on them.

The door to Hunters office opened and Linda Washington entered the room looking somewhat tentative.

Hunter acknowledged her by raising his eyebrows.

Sir, I

ve got Rob on the phone and he sounds very unhappy.

Mister President, can I put you on hold for a few seconds please...Thank you sir. I

m talking to the President about him now. Can it wait please, Linda?

Sir he

s mad because the airport is shut and he can

t get out.

Why is it shut?

Bomb threat in the main terminal I think.

Leave him on hold, I

ll get back to him in a while.

Yes, sir, I

ll tell him.

Linda left the room and walked back to her office somewhat relieved.

Sorry about that, sir, it was McPherson calling. He

s not happy at all. Apparently Jinnah airport is closed and he can

t get a flight home.

Hunter flicked the speaker switch on his computer screen and the President

s voice was redirected to his hidden desk speakers.

I know all about that Rob. It

s in protest at Gandapur

s visit. He

s leaving there in under an hour to visit me here in Washington.

I thought the airport was closed?

Hunter asked inquisitively.

Not to him, Colin, he

s the President for Christ

s sake.

Hell if only we could get Rob on that flight.

There was a pause on the line.

I think I can arrange that... Gandapur owes me one.

The President said confidently.



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