The Art of Acquiring: A Portrait of Etta and Claribel Cone

BOOK: The Art of Acquiring: A Portrait of Etta and Claribel Cone
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The Art of Acquiring
A Portrait of Etta and Claribel Cone


©2002 by Mary Gabriel

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any
electronic means, including information storage and retrieval
systems, without permission in writing from the publisher,
except by a reviewer, who may quote passages in a review.

All works and photographs reproduced herein are done so with
permission, gratefully acknowledged, of the Baltimore Museum of
Art, and are in the Cone Collection of the Baltimore Museum of Art,
formed by Dr. Claribel Cone and Miss Etta Cone of Baltimore.

Published by Bancroft Press

“books that enlighten.”

PO Box 65360, Baltimore, MD 21209


ISBN 1-890862-06-1

Library of Congress Card Number: 2002109262

Printed in the United States of America

First Edition

Cover design, insert design, and author photo:

Steven Parke, What?design (
[email protected]

Interior design:
Theresa Williams (
[email protected]

Table of Contents



Two Sisters

Baltimore, 1872
Baltimore, 1892
Florence, 1901


Paris, 1905
Paris, 1906
Blowing Rock, 1908


Frankfurt, 1910
Munich, 1914
Munich, 1918

Abroad Together

Paris, 1922, Part One
Paris, 1922, Part Two
Paris, 1923-1924
Lausanne, 1926-1929

Etta, Alone

Baltimore, 1929
Nice, 1933
Baltimore, 1934
Paris, 1938
Blowing Rock, 1949
Chapter Notes
About the Author

s an undergraduate at the Maryland Institute College of Art, I first encountered the Cone collection in its natural habitat—the stark white walls of the Baltimore Museum of Art. Absorbed by the art in brilliant display—the Matisses, Picassos, and magnificent Gauguin,
Vahine no te Vi
(Woman With Mango)—I wouldn't have given even a moment's thought to the collectors, Etta and Claribel Cone, if the museum had not recreated, albeit behind glass, a small sliver of one of the rooms in one of the private Baltimore apartments where the Cone sisters had originally housed all their illustrious holdings.

This BMA recreation was no bigger than a large closet, but it glowed with warmth, and it beckoned with a sensuality precisely mirroring the Matisse paintings that I, the aspiring student of painting, had just been examining and dissecting. At that moment, I was struck by the fact that the Cone sisters not only bought paintings to live with, but had stepped through the canvases to live in the paintings they bought.

I was both amazed and curious. For me, the essential question was: why did two seemingly severe, upright women, both born around the time of the U.S. Civil War, both clinging to the cloak of Victorianism in their dress and attitude, surround
themselves with such avant-garde and erotic art? Etta and Claribel Cone were paying tens of thousands of dollars for art pieces that were as scandalous in their day as Robert Mapplethorpe's or Damien Hirst's are in ours.

In my search for an answer, I found only more questions, so I began to read. The ample literature narrating the events of 1905 Paris, when Leo Stein discovered Picasso and Matisse, frequently mentions the two Cone sisters, I discovered. But Etta and Claribel Cone are most often referred to peripherally as Baltimore acquaintances of Leo Stein and his sister, Gertrude, who had decided to be a writer. Sometimes Etta and Claribel are described as the Steins’ distant relations. And just as often, they are dismissed as wealthy spinsters convinced by Gertrude Stein to spend some of their fortune on artists they neither understood nor appreciated. They are depicted as decidedly lesser lights in the luminous Paris of the early twentieth century.

In those rare instances where the two sisters gain even a modicum of credit for courageously collecting works by artists the world ridiculed, Dr. Claribel Cone is identified as the more important and visionary of the two sisters.

From this early research, I reached one preliminary conclusion that I believe still to be correct. Had they been men, annually purchasing works by Cézanne, Matisse, and Picasso, the two sisters would have immediately been accorded the status and stature of accomplished art collectors. Because they were women, however, and women from Baltimore, no less, they were dismissed as indiscriminating “shoppers”—and not just for art, but for many other collectibles as well.

History, I later concluded, was content to ignore or misrepresent the Cones. I came increasingly to blame their plight on Gertrude Stein. In her famous book,
The Autobiography oj Alice B. Toklas,
Gertrude dismissed the sisters of the world's greatest artists to survive and thrive—and contemporary audiences to appreciate them first-hand. But for the collectors, art history might well have taken an entirely different shape and direction.

During their lifetimes, the Cone sisters allowed selected visitors to view their collection, and lent pieces to specific exhibitions, but the entire Cone Collection was not available for public view until after Etta's death in 1949, when it was bequeathed to the Baltimore Museum of Art. In January 1957, the BMA opened the Cone Wing, and the works went on permanent exhibition, finally allowing the public to see exactly what those two “crazy” sisters had been hiding in their Baltimore apartments—what exactly had kept them so busy for so many decades.

They roamed the galleries of Europe like addicts, for 45 years that spanned two world wars, and built and donated one of the most important art collections in the world. Yet the story of Etta and Claribel Cone has been the subject of only a handful of publications. In her latter years, Etta Cone herself worked furiously on, and spared no expense for, a catalogue setting forth all the elements of the collection. But when the catalogue became popular, she decided not to reprint it or to widen its distribution.

The Baltimore Museum of Art, which houses the collection, has published several Cone catalogues linked to exhibitions or anniversaries, the most recent being Jack Flam's
Matisse in the Cone Collection: The Poetics of Vision
(its 2001 publication coincided with the April 2001 opening of the renovated Cone Wing); and Brenda Richardson's
Dr. Claribel & Miss Etta
—first published in 1985, and reprinted in 1992, it apparently went out of print in 2000.

In addition, Barbara Pollock, for Bobbs-Merrill, authored a biography of the sisters in 1962,
The Collectors: Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta Cone
, which is out-of-print as I write this prologue, and has been for some time.

Finally, various members of the Cone family have added their writings on the sisters over the years.

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