The Art of Submission (18 page)

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Authors: Ella Dominguez

Tags: #Love, #spanking adult sexual, #Romance, #Passion, #bared to you, #dommewhipping bdsm sex erotica, #domination and bondage, #erotika, #domination and submission erotica fantasy, #domination spanking, #50 shades of grey, #domination submission, #love romance, #gabriels inferno, #domme, #bondage, #passion and lust, #oral, #angst, #Bdsm, #Beautiful Disaster, #passion sexual desire hurt rage

BOOK: The Art of Submission
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Finally we get to the airfield and my plane
is ready and waiting. It’s a small but comfortable jet. Hopefully
she’ll be relaxed enough to enjoy the quick flight over.

When she sees how small it is she looks at me
nervously. I tell her it’s a Cessna and that it’s top of the line
in business travel, and give her a bunch of other statistics. Her
nerves seem to ease a bit after that.

I meet my driver and he gives me a satchel
with a change of clothing. When he hands them to me, I look over at
Isabel and give her a sly smile. Just as I predicted, she
immediately starts fidgeting with her hair.

I briefly talk to the pilot, Brody, and we
board the jet. She settles in, keeping her eyes on me the whole
time. She looks so lovely in that dress. It really does suit

“You look lovely, Isabel. I really like that
color on you. It brings out your eyes.” I don’t know why I said it
all sticky sweet like that. I really don’t know what’s gotten into
me. I just get the impression that she doesn’t get many
compliments. I must be right in my assumption because she blushes
from head to toe and thanks me.

Once the jet gets fired up, it’s loud and she
immediately starts to panic. I reassure everything is fine. She’s
adorable in panic mode. Her eyes are practically bugging out of her
head; she’s looking around frantically and damn near coming out of
her seat. I give her my hand for security and she nearly cuts off
the circulation. The memory of her gripping my cock as she mouth
fucked me comes to mind… and that grip on the way over… that’s
quite some grip, indeed. She looks at me and catches me daydreaming
and I feel myself smile at the memory.

“What are you smiling about? It’s not funny
that I’m afraid to fly, Dylan.” She looks sternly at me.

Oh poor little Isabel. She always
thinks I’m laughing at her. “I’m not laughing at you, Isabel. I was
just thinking about…
.” I give her a wink and I think she gets
the idea.

“Oh. Which part?”

“All of it, sweetheart.”

She smiles back at me and my cock jumps
to attention. I uncomfortably shift in my seat and grip myself to
readjust. She looks down at me and sees my awkward state. Her smile
widens and she gets a gleam in her eyes.
know what she wants.
She reaches over to me and starts
rubbing me through my pants.

Shit. We really shouldn’t be doing any of
this before we discuss our agreement more and we need to get
everything in writing and make out our contract, but Isabel doesn’t
know anything about that and I don’t want to get ahead of myself.
Besides, this feels so fucking good right now and how can I deny
her when she looks at me like that?

I yell over at Brody to close the partition
to the cabin and I reach over to Isabel’s seatbelt and unbuckle it
for her. I grab a pillow and set it on the floor between my feet.
She kneels in front of me, on the pillow.

“You’re so thoughtful, Dylan.”

It’s silky and seductive. She proceeds to
unbutton my pants, rubbing me, squeezing me.
Fuck - that feels so good
. She pulls me free and
starts her slow magic. I put my hands on the back of her neck and
run my fingers down her spine. She’s licking, sucking, wet and
Don’t look at her mouth.
I don’t want to cum yet. How the hell can she go so
…. She looks up at
me, our eyes meeting, while she continues to lick.
Don’t look at her mouth
…. She runs
her mouth the length of me while squeezing with her hand.
Don’t look at her mouth
… Then she
puts both hands around my cock and starts giving me the most
amazing hand job, her hands twisting around me in opposite
direction while she licks the head. Shit –
I looked at her mouth
. I can’t take it anymore
and this time I’m polite enough to give her warning.

She puts her mouth over me and sucks me
completely dry and the feeling is
. She gives me one last bite on my
inner thigh - actually leaving her teeth marks on me and making me
jump from the sting. What the fuck was that about?
Whatever it was, I liked it.

She quickly gets up, wipes her mouth with the
back of her hand and sits back down. I get myself put back
together, liking the fact that there’s nothing to clean up. She’s
looking out the window, not saying anything. I wonder what’s going
on in that gorgeous head of hers. She answers my unspoken

“Dylan. I just want you to know that
I’ve only done this sort of thing with one other man. I’m not… you
.” She’s not
looking at me, but I immediately pull her face into my

think your easy, Isabel. I think you have
exceptional oral skills, but I don’t at all think you’re

She’s watching my mouth when I speak to her,
and then she looks into my eyes. She looks relieved and smiles a

“As a matter of fact, I think you’re quite
difficult. But that’s something I plan on changing very soon.”

Her eyes light up with interest. “Who? Me?
Never…” She says exaggeratingly batting her eyelashes at me.

She’s so fucking cute.

The flight to Chicago is over quickly
and Isabel looks surprised at just how quickly we get there. Yes,
having my own jet does have its advantages I tell her and she just
rolls her eyes at me. I can’t help but laugh out loud. Most women
would be impressed with me,
, but this one – no – she’s not easily impressed.
I’m going to have to work a little harder at it then.

Once we’re on the ground, my driver has
arranged for transportation for us in Chicago. He’s always ahead of
the game, that’s what I like about him.

I go inside the hangar and quickly get
changed. When I come back out, Isabel is being chatted up by Brody.
I just stand and watch them, wondering what the fuck is so
important he needs to be talking to her about. I see him gesturing
something with his hands and she nervously smiles at him, nodding.
I’m feeling heated. Why the fuck is she smiling at him? So help me
Moses if she starts fidgeting with her hair I’ll go ape shit. Just
then she sees me and quickly walks over to where I’m standing.

“There you are. What took so long?” Her voice
is high-pitched and worried.

Why is she nervous? I’m filled with suspicion
and what? What is this feeling? Jealousy? Is that what this is?
“Why does it matter? You seemed to be quite entertained.”

She looks perplexed by my reaction. I’m
perplexed myself.

“I just… I was uncomfortable talking to your
pilot, that’s all.” She immediately looks down at the ground and
starts twirling her hair.

I swear to everything Holy, this woman
is in my fucking head. How does she know the exact right thing to
say to me? I lift her face to mine and apologize for taking to so
I’ll deal with Brody

Once in the rented car, I feel the need to
mark my territory and I reach over and plant a big wet kiss on
Isabel. I take her by surprise and her cheeks flush a wonderful
shade of pink. I can hardly wait to see the shade of pink her ass
will turn when I take my switch to it. I grin from ear to ear with
the thought. She just smiles in return, not knowing my dirty

Before we get to the club, I decide to stop
off at Zed451 for something to eat. We immediately get seated in a
private dining room and Isabel doesn’t miss a beat. She’s scanning
everything from the floor to the ceiling to the fireplace to the
art hanging on the wall. I wonder what inspiration she’s gleaning
from all this.

“Tell me something, Isabel, what inspires
your artwork?” I just have to know. I reach over across the table
and grab her hands. I’m studying them, front and back, caressing
them; these wonderful little hands that create such beauty. I look
up at her, waiting for an answer. She just sits quietly watching

“You do.” She says quietly.

Her voice is shy but there’s a hint of
fear in it. Fear of what? What I’ll say?
. What do I say to that? How can I inspire
her? She doesn’t even know me or the wicked things that I’ve done
to women. The thought makes me uncomfortable.

Just then the waiter arrives and breaks
our moment of awkward solitude. She asks me to order for
I like that
. I pick out
something moderate for the both of us since we didn’t actually eat
lunch today. Well, we did eat…. but not food. I need to stop
thinking about that because I can feel myself getting stiff again.
I order myself a beer and she says she’ll have the same.

Dinner goes by quickly and she finishes all
of her food and beer. I’m so happy to finally be with a woman who’s
not afraid to eat in front of me. I really detest taking a woman to
a nice restaurant only to have her order a mother fucking salad and
a glass of wine. How cliché.

We hardly say anything during our entire
meal. I just don’t know what to say to her after her last admission
to me. She keeps looking up at me, expectantly, but I have nothing.
I just need time to absorb what she said. She puts her fork down,
takes a deep breath and says her peace.

“Dylan, I didn’t mean to freak you out. When
I said you inspire me, it’s true, but there are many things that
inspire me; you’re just one of them. I hardly know you, so you’ll
just have to understand if I don’t feel like divulging my deepest
darkest secrets to you just yet.”

Again – she’s in my head. How does she
fucking do that? What deep dark secrets does she have? She said
‘yet’ so does that mean that someday she will divulge them? I can
only hope so.

I smile sheepishly at her - not quite knowing
how to respond to her calling me out like that. I’ve never actually
been speechless. It’s a strange feeling.

On the way to the club, I can sense Isabel’s
anxiety level rising. I reach over and squeeze her thigh, trying to
reassure her. She looks sideways at me and smiles a little.

I haven’t been to this particular club
in years and it’s a good thing that I kept my membership active.
They’re not usually open on Sundays and we got totally lucky that
today was a special occasion. We get the car parked and walk
towards the entrance slowly. I can feel her nervousness. Once we
get to the doors, we both just stand there tensely looking at each
other. What the hell are we waiting for?
This is it
. Either she’s going to love it or
hate it. Or maybe something in between?

I finally make the first move. I grab her
hand, open the door, and lead her in.



Now that our little spat is over, we both
just sit quietly on the drive to the airfield. I really went over
the line. What is it about this man? He drives me completely
insane. I’ve never acted like this with a man before. I usually
just let them step all over me, treat me badly and break my heart.
Maybe I’ve just had enough. Maybe I have anger management issues?
With my past, it wouldn’t surprise me. But my past has never reared
its ugly head quite like this before. Oh hell, I don’t know what it
is. Maybe it’s just pure unadulterated lust and lack of good

I can’t believe I jumped him like that.
That was completely unlike me to do something like that. What the
heck was I thinking? Well, I know what I was thinking, I was
thinking that I wanted to jump his bones, or boner, and I did. And
it was ooh so nice, too.
Stop it,
Again, I chalk it up to lust and lack of good
sex. If he wasn’t so damned frustrating, and delicious, this would
be a nonissue.

So what was this about me needing to
be spanked?”

Oh shit. I was hoping he had forgotten that.
I really need to learn to reign in my temper when I’m around him.
Though, actually, he does need a good spanking. He’s far too
over-confident, arrogant, and often times condescending. So, no, I
will not retract that statement.

“Well, umm… you do.”

He looks taken aback by my response.
Ha! Take that you arrogant hottie. He thinks he knows everything
and maybe he does, I know he knows more than me, but that’s no
great feat. He thinks he knows women, but he doesn’t know me and I
will not be categorized into the same file as his other women or
his ex-subs.
I will not allow

He reaches over and squeezes my knee.
I’m not sure why, trying to play nice I guess. That’s all well and
fine, but I know that he’s not interested in any kind of
‘conventional relationship’ as he called it and I’m still pouting
about that. I just reassure myself that I’m going to be with him to
try this submissive thing not just because I want to be with him,
but also because I’m honestly curious about it. So, it will be
of our

We pull into the airfield and to my horror I
see a small jet waiting for us. A jet? He thinks I’m going on that
death trap with wings? Is he out of his gorgeous head? I can’t do
this… no… no…

He must sense my apprehension because he
starts babbling on and on about what kind of plane it is, a Cessna
Mustang something or other, how safe it is, statistics and blah,
blah, blah. I stopped listening long ago and I’m just trying to
gain some composure. He looks so damned cute right now, trying to
reassure me. He’s actually being very nice about it all. He even
puts his hand on my shoulder and bends down slightly so that we’re
eye to eye. Okay, okay. I’ll get on it. But if we crash, so help me
Johnny Cash, I’ll kill him.

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