The Art of Submission (19 page)

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Authors: Ella Dominguez

Tags: #Love, #spanking adult sexual, #Romance, #Passion, #bared to you, #dommewhipping bdsm sex erotica, #domination and bondage, #erotika, #domination and submission erotica fantasy, #domination spanking, #50 shades of grey, #domination submission, #love romance, #gabriels inferno, #domme, #bondage, #passion and lust, #oral, #angst, #Bdsm, #Beautiful Disaster, #passion sexual desire hurt rage

BOOK: The Art of Submission
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Before we head to the plane, we meet his
driver and he gives Dylan a change of clothes. When the driver
hands them to him, he gives me the slyest smile ever and I know
what he’s thinking about. Yes Dylan, I know why you need a clean
shirt; you don’t need to remind me.

We board the plan after he talks to the
pilot briefly and to my delight, it’s quite nice inside. It’s all
plush leather interior and comfortably seats 4 people. The cockpit
is open and I can see all the fancy gauges and dials. As the pilot
gets into the plane after us, I glance over at him and he smiles at

As we get seated, Dylan surprises me with a
compliment. “You look lovely, Isabel. I really like that color on
you. It brings out your eyes.”

Wow. That came out of nowhere. I thank
him for the compliment not knowing what else to say. It was

When the jet starts up, it’s loud and
hissing and scares the living daylights out of me. I need to get
the hell off this thing –
. It’s going to explode, I just know it. Why
does it sound like that? I’m frantically looking around, trying to
find the closest exit. I’m in anxiety overload when Dylan gently
places his hand in mine. It’s a welcome gesture and I squeeze,
transferring all my anxiety into that one small area of my body.
When I look over at him, he’s smiling at me. What’s so funny about
this situation? How unsympathetic.

I’m not laughing at you, Isabel. I was
just thinking about…
.” He says as he raises an eyebrow and
winks salaciously at me.

Oh. Which part, I wonder.

“All of it, sweetheart.”

… my insides melt when he calls me that - and
that smile.
Someone please tell me what did I do
to deserve that smile. I know I have the most inane grin on my face
right now and I don’t give a damn.

I see him uncomfortably move in his
seat and then he does the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen – he grips
himself and adjusts.
Oh dear.
He’s hard again.
I want it… I want
what he’s holding
. I reach over and start to rub him
and he gets this far off look in his eyes and he moans ever so

He startles me a little when he yells over to
the pilot to close the partition, but then he does something even
sexier than before – he reaches over and unbuckles my seatbelt and
proceeds to grab a pillow and put it on the floor between his feet
for me. That was thoughtful of him and I tell him so. He hasn’t
even said a word to me and I know what he wants. He just smiles his
sexy sly smile and his blue eyes are gleaming with wayward

I kneel in front of him and immediately get
to the task of pleasuring this fine specimen. I start unbuttoning
his pants and this time I manage to do it without looking like a
complete klutz. I rub him and feel the warmth of the friction on my
hand, then I squeeze him firmly, and when I’m not able to contain
my anticipation anymore, I pull him free of his pants. There it is…
that big beautiful fuckable piece of inspiration.

I slowly start licking and sucking and
I can tell he’s quite enjoying himself by his ragged breathing and
soft moans. He puts his hand on the back of my neck and runs his
fingertips down my spine.
Holy pins and
- that feels so good. His touch sends shivers
down every square inch of me and I can feel them deep inside me,
too, making me ache to have him inside me. I start to imagine what
it will feel like when he’s in me, hard and deep… I keep up the
pace, quicker and quicker. I look up at him to see the look on his
face and it’s a look of pure lust. He keeps closing his eyes and
licking his lips…
I want to lick those
lips, too.
I relax and go all the way to back of my
throat like before. It feels so good knowing that I’m getting him
off. Our eyes meet and I wrap both hands around him, trying to
remember how I saw a hand job done on a porn movie I once saw. Yes,
like this, both hands, twisting my hands up and down, gripping him
tightly. The look on his face right now is

I’m going to cum, Isabel.” He says
with quick breaths.

And for
his politeness in warning me, I will reward him… I put my mouth
over him and swallow everything he has to offer. It’s not my
favorite thing to do, but I know he’ll appreciate it and hopefully
reciprocate later. He groans loudly, thrusts into my mouth deeper,
and then it’s over.
That was
I love doing that to him. I can’t resist
myself and I bite him hard on his inner thigh. He jumps a little
and he looks dazed, but he’s smiling ever so slightly.

Once we’ve finished, I get up and sit back
down. Now my self-deprecation begins. Why do I do this to myself?
This is twice in one day, ONE DAY, that I’ve done this to this man;
this man whom I hardly know. What’s that saying about buying the
cow when the milk is free? I need to set him straight. I need him
to know that this is not my usual mode of operation.

I just want him to know that I’ve only
done this sort of thing with one other man. I’m not… you
. I can’t even
bring myself to look at him when I say it, which probably makes it
an unconvincing statement.

He turns my face to look at him.
think you’re easy,

Exceptional oral skills? Did he really just
say that? He looks intense and I feel relieved. But my reverie is
broken by his next statement.

As a matter of fact, I think you’re
quite difficult. But that’s something I plan on changing very

? He thinks so, huh?

“Who? Me? Never…” I say in my most playful
voice and batting my eyelashes furiously at him. For my
playfulness, I’m rewarded with his ear to ear smile.

The flight has gone by much quicker than I
had imagined. Thankfully. This is a very nice plane, and overall
it’s much smoother than most plane rides. Still, I really just hate
being suspended in mid air like this, millions of feet above the
ground. I tell Dylan I’m glad it was a quick flight.

“Yes, having my own jet does have its
advantages.” He says all cockily.

Oh brother. He’s just a little full of
himself, isn’t he? With all his hard work, I suppose he’s earned
the right to be as cocky as he wants.

After we land and get off the plane,
there’s a car waiting for us. Who got that for us? It must’ve been
his driver, what was his name? Raul? It’s another
over-the-top-sports car. Doesn’t he drive anything else? At least
it’s not bright spanking red.
… there’s that word again. Funny how my
mind keeps going back to that.

Once we get inside the hangar, Dylan
disappears. I think he went to change his clothes. I’m pacing back
and forth, waiting for him when his pilot approaches me.
What does he want?
He introduces
himself and starts trying to make friendly conversation, but he’s
nervously looking around for Dylan. If he’s nervous about Dylan
seeing him talk to me, then maybe he shouldn’t be doing it,
it doesn’t stop him. I’m not saying much, just yes
and no to his statements. He casually tries to put his hand on my
shoulder but I back away quickly.
. I know this look in his eyes.

What’s with men lately? I never get this much
attention. Am I putting off some kind of fuck-me pheromone? Is it
the dress? I look down quickly at myself to make sure everything is
tucked in and where it’s supposed to be. Then he pauses and just
when I think he’s finished talking, he surprises me with a

“So, just how serious are you and Mr. Young?”
He asks as he licks his lips.

I can’t
believe he just asked me that. He works for Dylan for heaven’s
sake. I don’t even know how serious we are, but I know I’m not
interested in
guy. So I
lie and tell him we’re very serious. I’m hoping that will shut him
up, but it doesn’t and he floors me with his reaction. His eyebrows
are raised ironically as if to say ‘sure you are.’ Then I remember
the long string of girlfriends and/or partners he’s had. I guess
Dylan is never that serious about anyone. To my dismay, the pilot
just keeps babbling on. I smile and nod politely, just wanting to
get the hell away from him. Just then I see Dylan out of the corner
of my eye.

Thank heavens.
I quickly walk over to him. “There you are. What took so
long?” I can’t help but sound fretful.

He’s eyes me distrustfully. “Why does it
matter? You seemed to be quite entertained.”

. Where
did that come from? He sounds…
. Surely not. We’re not an item. His
reaction makes me uneasy and I explain that I was uncomfortable
talking to his pilot, which is an understatement, but I don’t want
to be overly dramatic. I’m looking at the ground waiting for the
other shoe to drop when he lifts my face to meet his.

“I’m sorry sweetheart; I was just changing my
clothes. I didn’t mean to take so long.” He says sweetly.

I’ll never get used to that. As we walk back towards the car,
I see him give the pilot a cold stare.

As soon as we get into the car, and after he
so politely opened the door for me again, he lays the biggest
wettest kiss on me. It actually takes me by surprise. Then he just
smiles the most tantalizing smile at me. He’s such a naughty boy. I
really do need to spank him. I just smile back at him, keeping my
tawdry little thoughts to myself.

I’m happy to see that we’re stopping to eat
some dinner, since we didn’t actually eat lunch today. Instead we
just argued, I pouted, slapped him, bojo’d him, and then I came
like a freight train. I’ve had a very busy day. I didn’t eat
breakfast either and I’m feeling a bit lightheaded.

We end up at a very nice restaurant that has
private seating. It’s quite lovely here. Nicely finished wood
floors, soft modern lighting, some lovely artwork, a fireplace.
It’s all so enchanting.

“Tell me something, Isabel, what inspires
your artwork?”

Not with this again. His blue eyes are
blazing and I know he’s itching for information. Before I can
answer his question, he takes my hands into his. His hands are so
strong and rough. He’s looking at my hands, the front and then the
back; like he’s really studying them. He runs his thumbs along my
palms and I feel that electricity again. I feel my belly start to
quiver. He wants to know what inspires me? He
wants to know? Okay. You do Dylan. You
inspire me. You and all of your sexiness. What do say you to

He just sits there with his eyes wide,
staring at me. He wanted to know so I told him and now he’s
speechless. I guess he shouldn’t have asked. Or maybe I should’ve
just kept my big mouth shut.

As we sit uncomfortably, the waiter arrives.
I ask him to order for me because right now I just want to eat and
I don’t care what it is.

Dinner doesn’t go by quick enough. It’s
painfully silent and I keep waiting and hoping he’ll say something,
but he doesn’t. I guess I should explain myself a little better to

I didn’t mean to freak him out. He does
inspire me, but there are many things that inspire me. I mean, good
Lord, I hardly know him, so he’ll just have to understand if I
don’t feel like telling him my deepest darkest secrets just

He’s contemplating something, exactly what,
I’m not sure. Finally he smiles a nervous crooked smile at me. I
wish I could get into this man’s head for just one minute.

On the way to the club, I’m starting to feel
alarmed. What kind of things am I going to see? Is he going to
expect me to participate in anything this soon? What’s if it’s
horrible and disgusting? He reaches over and squeezes my thigh and
his touch calms me a little.

As we get closer, I wonder how long
it’s been since he was last at this club and who he used to bring
here. No doubt she was tall, skinny and beautifully brunette. I’m
curious what it is about this lifestyle that he likes so much. I
remember our first conversation and he said he ‘used to be’ a
dominant and that was no longer into this lifestyle so I wonder
what made him stop. But it was me…
, who made him want it again. How can I deny

Too soon, we arrive at the club. We park and
then walk towards the entrance. When we get to the doors, we both
just stand there. I can tell he’s just as nervous as I am – well,
maybe not quite as nervous. He’s looking at me apprehensively.

This is it. It’s fight or flight time and
just when I’m ready to take flight; he grabs my hand and leads me

Chapter 12


As I grab Isabel’s hand, I feel her resist,
but I keep moving forward anyway. She’s not getting out of it that
easy. When we get inside, I immediately get asked for my membership
and Isabel is carded for ID. Isabel is looking at me with her wide
eyes gleaming with fear and curiosity. She’s standing right next to
me, holding onto my upper arm for dear life. I can sense that she’s
afraid and I smile down at her and try to bolster her with my
words. I wrap my arm around her waist and we head inside to the
social area.

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