The Baddest Biker Bar In Town: Hidden By The Night (4 page)

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Check Out Other Books by Natalia Napoli
The Billionaire's Younger Lover: Meeting The Philanthropist (Book 1)
Check It Out Here:

The Billionaire's Younger Lover: Snowed In With A Millionaire (Book 2)
Check It Out Here:

The Billionaire's Younger Lover: Love Or Lust (Book 3)
Check It Out Here:

Dorm Escapades: College Adventures
Check It Out Here:

Under The Moonlight: An Unexpected Werewolf Paranormal Romance
Check It Out Here:

The Billionaire's Estate: Secret Gardens of Ecstasy
Check It Out Here:

Fiery Passion: A Dragon Paranormal Romance
Check It Out Here:


About The Author


Natalia Napoli:
A bestselling author, Natalia Napoli loves to write all types of romance, especially the bad boy, billionaire kind!

Natalia strives to be as comprehensive and fun with the sexual imagination as possible by writing these short stories that are entertaining, full of fantastic characters, and containing a lot of steamy scenes!

She hopes you enjoy her work so she can keep writing about what you love to read!



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*Bonus Collection*

Below, find three free books to accompany your purchase of this book.
Similarly, by looking out for readers that prefer reading in other languages, we have added Spanish and French translations for the three bonus books, which you can find below. Many of you requested these, so we are delivering on those requests, here!
We hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1: The First Day of College

Tires crunch over gravel as the Volkswagen GTI pulls to an abrupt halt in front of a sign that says ‘registrar temporary parking only’. Katie let’s out a sigh of relief as she turns off the car. She looks around at the young people carrying dry erase boards, cleaning supplies, trash cans and rolling suitcases, looking somewhat awkward and nervous. She immediately senses that some of the people are more confident in this new jungle of college than others. She takes in a deep breath and closes her eyes,
you got this!
She tells herself.


After driving 14 hours to get to Raleigh Durham from Washington D.C., she’s stiff and in a daze. Just then a tall guy wearing a tank top and sporting some very defined biceps, walks in front of her car and snaps her back to reality. The University of North Carolina is known for having top athletes and suddenly a rush of excitement shoots through her spine.
Well this could be fun.
She thinks to herself. She opens the door and the smell of brake dust wafts into the car, the sign of a long car ride. She knows she’s far away from home, far away from rules and for the first time, she can do whatever she wants. The freedom is intoxicating.


Katie looks into the mirror to see if she looks disheveled. Her two blonde braids are slightly messy and her baby blue string tank top shows off her belly and her summer tan against her stylish high waisted white shorts. She looks elegant and cute.
Good choice on the outfit,
she thinks to herself. Being a dancer, she has a thin build and great muscle tone. She looks sweet but also her build let’s people know she’s powerful and has it together.


As she goes into the hatchback to get her backpack, she realizes she doesn’t even know what building she’s looking for. She laughs as this is all so new and exciting. Suddenly a football flies over her head and two big linebackers start talking smack to each other in the parking lot in a playful way. There is a lightness to the air and these athletes seem to be in no short supply. The taller of the two guys looks at her and winks. Katie looks him right in the eye and gives him a smirk.


Katie thinks to herself,
I need a smart guy, not a jock.
She swings her backpack over her shoulders and pulls up the welcome letter on her iphone to see where she’s supposed to check in.


Katie finds her way to the correct dormitory and is impressed by how clean and new the campus is. She envisioned old buildings like something she had seen on a movie but this campus is very modern and well kept. She feels a sense of pride that she was able to get into such a tough school. Arriving at her dormitory, she checks in and gets her welcome packet. As she slips her key into her door, a voice behind her says, “hey, welcome to UNC.” We are having a kickoff party at Mutt’s tonight at 7, it would be a shame if you miss it. It’s a great place to meet new people that are cool and normal.” He laughs as he tosses her a water bottle. “And here, you’ll need this to get you through the day.”


She catches it clumsily and says, “uh thanks.” He looks her up and down and says, “I’m Drew by the way. See you later.” With that he turns and walks down the hall and yells, “Steve get your bitch ass up we gotta go get the keg you loser.”
Katie thinks to herself and shakes her head in condemnation of the guy next door.
He is pretty cute though.
Drew’s hazel green eyes and smooth caramel skin make him look like the cover of some yoga magazine cover. Katie considers going to the party that night but hates the idea of showing up somewhere alone.


As she unpacks her stuff and takes a few trips to and from her car, she starts to get hungry. She goes back to her new dorm room and sits on her seriously small twin size bed. She looks at the campus map she received at check-in to see where the cafeteria is. The door bursts open. Enter, Shila. Shila smells of geranium and palo santo and has one long feather earring. She has a canvas bag, a sheepskin and a leather pouch around her neck. She puts her hands together in front of her chest and says, “blessings dear one.”


Katie smiles at the entrance Shila just made and since she had previously connected with her on Facebook, she expected her to be somewhat of a character. Katie get’s up and gives her a hug and notices half of Shila’s head is shaved like a warrior princess. She has a nose ring and a sleeve of tattoos with some indecipherable hieroglyphics and weird creatures. She’s like a walking piece of art with one dreadlock wrapped around her bun. Katie’s simple look is almost funny compared to this bohemian. Katie, being the friendly, down to earth person she is, looks past their different styles and invites her to the cafeteria with her.


As the odd couple walks into the mess hall, Drew is in the corner with a few just as hot dudes. They already have their food and Drew motions to Katie to sit with them once they get their food. Katie feels a twinge of attraction toward Drew or some sort of familiar comfortability because of his openness. Shila whispers,
“who are they? They’re hot!”
Katie responds, “Well one of them lives next to us. He invited me to some house later if you want to go.”


The girls grab some food and sit down next to the guys. Drew introduces his friends, “these are my roommates Don and Jared.” Katie says, “this is Shila. We have our own room. Do you guys have a suite?” Drew replies, “yup, which is why we are pregaming at our place tonight and you guys should come at 5.” Shila chews on her carrot nonchalantly staring at Don who has a hipster vibe with his sweater and skinny jeans. There is palpable tension at the table and everyone is secretly looking forward to the evening.


Jared chimes in, “do you guys know your class schedule?” Shila responds, “I’m taking all electives this semester. I’m an art major so I’m basically going to be finger painting for 4 years.” Jared says, “oh that sounds a lot more fun than economics. Shit maybe I should change majors.” Katie laughs as she steals a glance at Drew. They lock eyes for a moment and he smiles.


The girls return to the dormitory and finish setting up their new little home away from home. They try on different outfits to get ready for the night. Shila pulls out a little flask of tequila and a single serving bottle of orange juice. “Tequila sunrise?” She offers. Katie laughs as they pour two cocktails and have some roommate bonding time, finally relaxing after a day of heavy lifting. A knock on the door alerts them and Katie says, “come in.” Drew opens the door with a shit eating grin wearing pajama pants and a beaded necklace with a blinking sign that says, ‘stud.’


Katie laughs and says, “nice necklace.” He says, “oh this old thing? It’s practically a family heirloom. I just wanted to tell you we will be ready in three and a half minutes so don’t forget to come over.” He salutes and turns on his heel as he exits.


The girls laugh and finish their cocktail. The pregame party at the dorm is packed and the boys make it a point to make sure everyone has a drink in a red cup. There’s a buzz in the air and Katie is very aware of Drew at all times. As Katie and Shila mingle with the other people in the suite, Drew sneaks up behind Katie and brings his arm around her holding a shot. “To new beginnings,” he says as he feeds the shot to Katie.
He’s certainly not shy,
Katie thinks to herself.


The group readies themselves and heads towards the so called ‘Mutt’s’ who turns out to be a grad student with his own place and he likes to throw parties. As Katie shows up she sees a lot of upperclassmen who already know each other and she’s glad she has her hippy roommate as a wingwoman.  Drew shows them where the keg is and pours them each a beer. “So what are you two brainiacs here studying? Molecular biology?” Katie smiles, “journalism. I want to expose the schmucks and offer justice to the good people in the world. No big deal.”


Drew straightens up a little bit. “Woah, you’ve got it all, the looks, the brains and the compassionate side, I like that. A woman after my own heart!” Katie blushes. Just then Shila comes up and says she stepped on broken glass and her foot is bleeding pretty bad. Katie thinks about how much they’ve had to drink and realizes neither of them should be driving nor can they walk home with glass in her foot. Drew quickly analyzes the situation and announces, “I already called an Uber for you.” Katie looks at him in relief, “thank you, that’s really nice of you.”


Katie and Shila go back to the dormitory and play doctor on her gnarly wound. They retrieve the shard of glass and then locate some butterfly bandages to wrap it up. “Well I guess there’s only one thing left to do, Lord of the Rings Movie Marathon!” Katie jumps up, “wait you like Lord of the Rings?! That’s my favorite.” Shila replies, “yup and I have the whole series right here on bluray!” They pop in the movie and lose track of time.


Katie suddenly feels her phone vibrate on her bed and she looks at the time, 2:03 am. The text reads, “hey neighbor, we are bringing home pizza, bring yourself and the injured one over because I just can’t bear the thought of you going to sleep hungry on the first day of college. Sincere Regards, Drew.” Katie looks at Shila who is intently watching the movie and says, “hungry? I guess they are bringing home pizza.”


The girls wait a few minutes and wander over to the room next door. The boys are quite intoxicated and singing their favorite 90’s songs along with YouTube. They are a sight for sore eyes. The boys are sitting on the floor in a circle like a tribe of men but the fire in the center is just a mac laptop. “Women!” He exclaims, “join us as we celebrate our lives, we are so blessed to be at this wonderful school, and I’m so grateful to have met all of you. I know we will be lifelong friends and from this moment forth, wait sorry I might cry, ok no, I’m good, from this moment forth, we will support each other, in sickness and in health, in homework and in poverty until graduation do us part. Amen.” He hiccups. Everyone laughs.


Drew reaches up for Katie’s hand and sits her in his lap. “You are just the most adorable little thing I’ve ever seen. I hope you take care of me when I’m sick, because I’m don’t really know how to do that. In exchange, I can help you with your math homework, I’m really good at calculations. For example, I did the math earlier. You plus me, carry the two is one awesome time with a remainder of fun.” Drew says with a few drunken slurs. “Fuck yeah! You cheesy bastard Drew. Chicks can tell when you’re laying it on thick. And remember I told you not to use the nerd lines. You’re going to make her think you have a small cock,” his roommate says.


Katie replies, “actually I can tell from where I’m sitting right now that that is not true.” Everyone laughs again. Katie catches a glimpse of Shila in the kitchen making out with one of the other roommates Don. She motions for Drew to look. They all giggle and Drew says, “I wonder which one of them will remember that in the morning.” The couple sways back and forth in a drunken stupor as they are lost in their passion.


Drew suddenly perks up and says, “hey Don, want to switch roommates tonight?” Katie turns to look at Drew and he lands a quick kiss on her cheek. Don gives a “mmmhmmm” from the kitchen. Katie and Drew get up and holding hands, go back to Katie’s room. The alcohol is definitely coursing through their blood and all that matters right now is….right now. Drew stops at the door, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful woman than you. Literally, I feel like we met for a reason. You’re perfect. You’re beautiful and smart and how am I so lucky to live right next to you?”


Katie is feeling good as she’s kind of a light weight and because she’s so thin, alcohol really affects her. She laughs and puts on a very serious face. “I want to see your family and best friends on Facebook. I feel like I’ve known you for ever.” They cozy up on her bed and start browsing Facebook together. Drew slips his hand around her lower back and moves his thumb under her shirt and slowly strokes her skin. Katie could care less that she barely knows this guy, she is totally enjoying herself.


Drew grabs the back of her neck softly as if questioning the kiss, the first kiss, which always has so much electricity. Drew pushes the computer away as he rolls on top of Katie, his strong body taking charge. He puts his hand over her shorts and starts to massage between her legs. He grabs her breast and then pulls her shirt down and sucks on her nipple. Katie touches between his legs outside of his pants. Suddenly all she can think of is this gorgeous strong body taking her, all of her and she wants him inside of her.


There’s nothing stopping her. He unbuttons her shorts and kisses her stomach. He licks his way down between her legs and starts to massage her clit with his tongue. Then he takes off his pants and he is fully erect and has a huge cock. Katie is already really wet and when he touches his penis to her clit, she already feels like she might orgasm. He plays with the tip of his cock between her legs. Starting to put it in but pulling it out, waiting for her to want him so bad that she pulls him close. Katie grabs his hips and pulls him towards her and his cock slides into her. The ecstasy is so divine and they kiss as he touches her clit while he moves in and out of her.

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