The Baddest Biker Bar In Town: Hidden By The Night (5 page)

BOOK: The Baddest Biker Bar In Town: Hidden By The Night
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“I have a condom,” he says as he pulls out and reaches in his pocket. He puts the condom on as Katie admires their naked bodies. He turns her over on her knees and touches her while he slowly makes love to her. They both suddenly climax together. “What a great fucking first day,” Drew whispers in her ear. “Literally,” Katie says as they fall asleep in eachother’s arms.











Chapter 2: The Guy Next Door

As Katie stirs awake, Drew reaches for his pants, gives her a kiss on the cheek and says, “I’ve gotta get to class.” Katie nods her head and looks over to Shila’s bed. It’s empty. Katie reaches for her binder that has her class schedule to see when her first class is. Her head is pounding from the mixture of liquor and beer the night before. She pops an advil and eats a breakfast bar her mom packed for her.


She looks at her phone and sees a text from her best friend. “How was the first day? You didn’t fuck anyone did you?” Katie scoffs,
how does she know me so well?
Katie realizes she has an hour before her first class and quickly showers and goes to the cafeteria. She shoots a text message to Shila to remind her to get up and go to class.


At the cafeteria, the friendly smells of eggs, bacon and waffles help her forget that she literally knows no one. It’s strange that she lives here now and these people do too. She sees a group of hipster guys at one table and there’s just something that catches her eye. One guy in particular is looking at her as if he knows what she just did! She feels like he’s looking right into her soul. He has long hair pulled back neatly with a sweater over a plaid shirt. He’s sipping on some coffee with a simple bowl of granola.


She thinks to herself. She suddenly gets a little self conscious and wonders if she looks like a train wreck. The students around her mostly look hungover so she puts her mind at ease and stops her critical thinking. She steals another glance at the earthy guy in the corner who isn’t watching her but looks up right as she glances at him. They catch eyes and he gives her a look that says a thousand words. She suddenly feels like he just knows stuff and that he’s asking her to own up to her actions and be more smart.


Katie suddenly feels a swarm of guilt for her late night escapade with Drew.
Oh fuck! I just solidified my reputation on the first day as easy! Well it’s not too late to change it. One fuck up doesn’t define my identity.
She thinks as she drinks her coffee alone at the table. Lost in thought. She thinks back to what her mom said at her birthday party this summer, “Honey you are a diamond, don’t let anyone treat you like anything less.”


Katie shakes off the negative feeling brewing in her head and suddenly feels excited about the first day of classes. She puts her tray in the dish washing window and heads for the building her class is held in.
Anthropology 101
she reads from her paper,
this doesn’t sound that bad but what the fuck is an anthropology?
She sits down in the front row as is her style and gets out a fresh notebook to take notes. As she writes down the date and name of the class someone takes the seat next to her but she doesn’t look up.


Suddenly a hand reaches in front of her vision with a bag of dried chile mangos. “Want some?” She looks up and to her right is the hipster looking guy from the cafeteria. Katie responds, “is that a hangover cure? If so, then yes!” The guy shrugs and lets her take some. “You know you don’t have to party just because you’re in college. It’s kind of the weak people that fall into that social trap.” Katie looks at him in bewilderment, “yeah I guess that could be true. Ummm thanks.”


He reaches out his hand and says, “Alfred. Nice to meet you.” Katie shakes his hand. “Nice to meet you too. Oh I’m Katie.” He replies, “I thought you were hungover? Ok I’ll call you Katie if you insist.” He smiles. “Actually this might help you,” he says as he pulls a coconut water from his bag. “You probably need it more than I do. I was in bed at nine last night.” Katie smiles and opens the coconut water, grateful for her stroke of luck.


He’s probably just trying to get into my pants,
she thinks as the teacher walks in and starts talking about the syllabus. Katie looks at the hands of this Alfred guy as she’s taking notes. They look really…..healthy. She looks at her hands and her cuticles are dried and peeling back and her hand is shaking from the hangover. She feels a magnetism towards this guy and tries to focus on what the teacher is saying.


At the end of class as she’s putting her books away, Alfred says, “hey we are getting a group together to hike to eagle rock and go camping this weekend. You can come if you like camping.” Katie looks at him and says, “oh cool, um how can I find out where to meet everyone? I think I brought a sleeping bag.” He takes out his phone and asks for her number. Katie gives him her number and suddenly realizes she needs to rush across campus to get to her next class on time.


She feels a twinge of guilt like she’s cheating on her neighbor just by giving this guy her number.
Get it together Katie, don’t be boy crazy. You’re here to focus on school, not hot guys.
She get’s to class just in time and is already thinking about napping afterwards to nurse her throbbing head.


When the class is done she quickly walks back to the dorm and finds her roommate doing headstands in the center of the room. “Hippy,” Katie says with a laugh. Shila smiles and says, “I can’t believe I made out with our neighbor! I slept in his bed and made him sleep on the couch.” Kate feels another pang of guilt for going all the way with Drew. Shila says, “he’s not my type anyway.” Katie quickly changes the subject before Shila can ask what happened between her and Drew. “How were your classes?” Shila laughs, “we painted in grey tones today. It was so hard, like you know deciding which shade of grey to use?” Katie laughs, “yeah that sounds rough.”


Katie goes to the mirror and looks at the puffiness under her eyes. “I look like hell.” Shila says, “hell is pretty hot.” Katie laughs and says, “some guy in my class said there’s a camping trip this weekend. Want to go?” Shila replies, “hell yeah!” Just then there’s a single knock on the door. Katie opens it to see two goofy guys (Drew and Don) standing there in full suits with white towels over their arms and two bottles of wine. Shila and Katie start laughing at the sight before them. The guys crack up too. Katie appreciates their playfulness but can’t even think about drinking as her head is pounding. Shila looks at Katie as if asking,
do we go down this road?


Katie finds some sort of will power as a flash of the guy in the plaid shirt comes into her mind. “You know, I’m not going to make drinking a regular habit here. I’m really here to focus on learning and I can’t be distracted by cute men in suits. Shila you’re welcome to entertain these gentlemen but I have a book on monarchies to peruse. Shila clears her throat, “gentleman, we wish to decline your kind gesture of drunken debauchery to work on our lexicons and ummm, vernacular that we may become studious individuals that contribute to society rather than...umm something else.” Katie says, “yes thank you kind sirs.”


“As you wish madams,” the boys bow in unison and turn around and knock on the door behind them. Katie whispers to Shila, “children.” Shila whispers, “did you fuck him?” Katie gives her the look that says,
The boys are now in the room across the hall and can’t hear them. Katie says, “I feel like a pumpkin-headed-ninny-muggins.” Shila’s face get’s very serious, “Katie, you are,” (she lowers her voice and looks around as if someone is watching and might over hear them), “not a pumpkin-headed-ninny-muggins.” Her face cracks and she bursts out laughing. “I thought I was the only one that quotes Elf all the time.”


Katie is crying she is laughing so hard and then admits, “Seriously though, I feel so dumb. I know it was a mistake, obviously he’s just a party guy. He hit on me the first second we met.” Shila responds, “well you’re really hot. I’m sure he was conflicted.” Katie laughs, “I mean I’m generally a relationship person and I think it’s important to get to know people. I also don’t want to get a bad reputation you know?”


Shila says, “ok let’s make a pact that from now on, we get to know people first and run them by each other to get a second read. That way we will look out for each other and hopefully not have too many oops moments. Cool?” Katie responds, “that sounds like a really sound plan.” Shila adds, “I think we can still have fun, just not in a way that will make us feel bad about ourselves right?” Katie nods her head.


They put on the Lord of the Rings movie they hadn’t finished and work on some homework. Both of them are pretty tired so they get to bed early and feel good about being at their new school, even if they screwed up the first part a little bit.

Chapter 3: The Frat Party

The next morning Shila brews coffee in the room and adds some agave nectar and cashew milk. The aroma wakes Katie. “It’s Friday!” She says as she hands Katie a steaming mug. Katie smiles as Fridays always have a bit of a buzz to them. People are always wondering, especially in a college setting, what is going to happen that night. Shila is wearing a short loose blue dress with a bandana tied around her head. Her gold nose ring, rough diamond necklace and Birkenstocks complete her hippy ensemble.


“You’re so cute,” Katie says. “Let’s take our coffee out on the lawn?” Shila asks. Katie throws on a flowy brown mumu and Shila puts her elbow out for Katie to take. They walk arm in arm outside to a beautiful sunny day. As if out of a movie, there are butterflies in the bushes, a rabbit sitting on the lawn which is perfectly groomed and birds chirping in the background. The clouds look almost fake. The girls sit on the grass as they sip their morning coffee.


“This is so peaceful isn’t it?” Shila says. Katie replies, “mmmhmm. You’re coffee is delicious by the way.” Katie is sitting with her legs stretched out in front of her and Shila rests her head on Katie’s leg as she lays on the grass. For a moment, they let the sun hit their face and say absolutely nothing. They get up and go back inside to get ready for class and as they are walking back in a girl with a short tank top and little skirt is walking out of Drew’s suite. Katie get’s a sinking feeling that she was with Drew just as he pops his head out to give her a kiss.


Drew, oblivious to everything, leaves his door open and sits on his couch talking abnormally loud to Don. “God she’s so fucking hot!” He says loud enough for the whole hallway to hear. Katie and Shila look at each other as if to say,
what a douchebag.
The girls go their separate ways to class giggling as they part about Drew’s obnoxious behaviour.


Katie sits down in her anthropology class again, somewhat hoping that Alfred will sit down next to her. The teacher starts and the seat next to her is suddenly taken by a large African American girl. Suddenly a tap on her shoulder gets her attention. She turns around to see Alfred holding a cup of tea with her name on it and a heart. “I got this for you.” She smiles and whispers, “thanks!” She takes the tea and turns around before the professor notices.


Katie feels a buzz in her pocket and carefully reaches into her bag as the professor is writing on the chalkboard to check her text message. It’s from Shila. The text says, “frat party tonight, let’s go see what we are not missing out on?” The text ends with a smiley face and a middle finger emoticon. Katie likes Shila’s sense of humor. She decides to wait until after class to respond so she can stay on the teacher’s good side.


As the class concludes, Katie sends off a quick text to Shila. “If you’re asking me to be your wingwoman so you can pick up some frat boy, shame on you. But I can’t really think of anything better to do tonight.” She ends her text with a winking smiley face. She turns to Alfred who’s patiently waiting for her to finish her text message. He says, “So I’ll text you about where we are all meeting and I have an extra tent if you need one.” Katie replies, “awesome, is it ok if I bring my roommate?” Alfred smiles, “yeah as long as she’s not a sloppy drunk.” Katie shakes her head. Alfred says, “ok we are really looking forward to it and we have all the equipment covered.” Katie says, “is there anything I can bring?” He thinks for a second, “any extra blankets, matches if you have them and any kindling wood you have stored under your bed would be great.” Katie laughs, “ok I’ll see what I can do. See you tomorrow.” Alfred looks into her eyes for a moment without saying anything. Katie feels that same feeling where he can see her thoughts and feels a strange ineffable connection. She smiles and walks away.


After her last class it’s about 3:00 pm and she walks back to the dorm room and hears some trippy trance music before she opens the door. The room is filled with incense smoke and Shila is playing a drum. “Hippy,” Katie says and laughs. “I know you were just watching desperate housewives before I got here. This is all a show, you’re not really a hippy.”


Shila smiles genuinely. “What are you wearing tonight?” Shila asks. Katie stands up and walks over to the closet. She finds a snug brown cotton top and skinny jeans and puts them on. Shila laughs, “you literally look good in everything.” Katie adds two braids to her hair as Shila makes them another tequila sunrise. They sit in front of their beds facing each other as they drink their warm cocktails. “Ice would be nice, sorry.” Shila says. Katie shrugs, “this must be the part of college that puts hair on your chest. Imagine telling our future children how hard our lives were. We didn’t even have ice for our cocktails!” Shila laughs, “ok well I guess that puts it in perspective.”


The girls start talking, laughing and lose track of all time relaxed on their soft carpet. Katie looks at her drink which is empty and as if Shila read her mind she pulls out more tequila and orange juice from under her bed. They share another drink and keep laughing and talking. They decide to do each other’s hair and makeup and have fun adding accessories to their outfits. “Now we are rockstars.” Shila smiles at their co-created looks.


The girls are very giggly and they grab their purses and walk towards the frat house. Katie is wearing a light lipstick which gives her a fairy appeal with her blonde hair while Shila is her dark counterpart with a burgundy lipstick and smokey eye makeup. They look absolutely stunning and radiant and are aware of their sexual power. Shila says, “Katie you could have any guy you want. The challenge is to wait for the right one that treats you good.” Katie puts her head on Shila’s shoulder as they walk holding hands like excited young teenagers. “Thanks for saying that, I really appreciate you.”


As they approach the party, the music is audible outside and it looks packed with people spilling out onto the yard. “I guess this is a typical frat party huh?” Shila says. There are boys showing off and doing stupid things like jumping off the porch and having chugging contests. There are people in the corners who are already starting to couple up for the night. It’s an alive atmosphere topped off with Christmas lights strung from the ceiling to light the place just enough.


Katie and Shila head for the couch where they sit and continue their conversation about past relationships. As they sit on the couch, they see the girls around them start to get more and more drunk and start yelling for no reason, crying for no reason and tripping on things. They laugh at the craziness that is occurring around them. Shila pulls out a flask from her purse, “here want some?” Katie laughs and says, “are you trying to take me home tonight?” Shila says, “you know I heard when you make a joke you’re 60% serious.”


Shila and Katie are the hottest girls at the party by far. They are also not concerned with mingling too much as they are perfectly content just hanging out. A guy that’s eyeing Shila asks if he can join them on the couch and they girls move closer together to make room for him. He’s quite intoxicated and not thinking about what he’s saying, “I was standing over there on the other side of the room and saw you two and thought, wow! That would be a hot lesbian couple! So I just wanted to tell you that. You would make a hot lesbian couple.” The girls look at him like he’s an idiot.


He can tell his line didn’t go over well so he tries to dig himself out of the hole, “can I get you anything to drink?” They both decline. Accepting a drink from an intoxicated frat boy is essentially inviting him to bother you for the rest of the night. Downtrodden, he hangs his head and then like a squirrel sees his friend and yells, “Bodhi!” With that he springs up and is gone. The girls sit now surrounded by people dancing and pushing past each other. They are both pretty drunk and start admiring each other after the drunk guy’s comments.


Shila says confidently, “well if I were gay, you would be my first pick.” Katie laughs, “thanks?” The party is getting pretty out of hand and the girls decide to go home. They are both pretty drunk but don’t have far to walk back to their dormitory. Everything they see is funny and they decide to eat when they get back to try to sober up. Katie admits, “ I may have had too much to drink.” She is sitting on her bed trying to unbutton her pants.


Shila replies, “well you’re a cute drunk. Most people either cry or get angry, at least you’re manageable.” Katie blurts out, “ I wish someone would come manage me right now, I’m disorganized.” Shila walks over to her and says, “don’t worry, you’re fine, we’re home.” Katie asks, “is it weird if we stay in the same bed? Sometimes I wonder why people are so separate all the time you know? Why can’t we just love each other and not be on separate islands?” Shila responds, “I’m not weird about people being in my personal space. In fact, I think it’s healthier for us to be close to people.” The girls lay down with a movie on and cuddle.


Shila’s arm is wrapped around Katie and their fingers are lightly touching. Slowly their fingers start to intertwine and before long they are interlaced. Shila rubs her thumb back and forth on Katie’s hand as if enticing something. Shila gently lets go of her hand and places it on Katie’s hip. Katie then puts her hand on top of Shila’s and moves her hand lower, closer to her vagina.


Shila presses a little harder with her hand just to see how Katie will respond and Katie presses her hand onto Shila’s to say she wants to go a little bit further. Shila puts her lips on Katie’s neck and gently kisses her. Katie puts Shila’s hand down her pants and Shila slips her fingers into Katie. Shila’s arms are wrapped around Katie and she whispers, “want to sixty nine?” Katie responds, “mmmhmm.” The girls take off their clothes and lay head to toe facing each other. They start to eat each other out and feel totally blissed out.


They finger each other while they pleasure each other with their tongues. They both start feeling really good and start to quiver, close to climax. They both orgasm together and it’s one of the best orgasms they both have ever had. It lasts a while and then they gently get up without speaking and head into the shower down the hall. They giggle in the shower. Katie says, “we are so funny.” Shila responds, “it’s harmless. What are two cute single girls to do?” They smile as the soap runs off their wet breasts. They are both breathing heavily. Shila stands still for a moment in deep thought, “so this is what it’s like to be a woman…”

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