The Beast and the Homecoming Queen (5 page)

BOOK: The Beast and the Homecoming Queen
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Quinn can tell he isn’t telling her everything. “What are you not telling me?”

Kaden moves away from her. “Sweetheart I can't tell you.”

She narrows her eyes. “Can't or won't?”

Kaden's lips twitch. “A little of both.” His smile falls, and he looks sad. “But we can't do this again.”

For the first time since her father died, she was truly happy. Quinn didn’t have any nightmares, and she didn’t see her father's lifeless body, and his dark red blood. Kaden's face was the one that fill her mind and her dreams.

“Kaden, I want to be with you. I feel something that I have never felt
and I want to keep feeling it. You made my shattered heart mend together again. I don’t want to be alone anymore.” A few of her tears break free, and she can feel them running down her cheeks.

“This is why I shouldn’t have kissed you. You aren’t mine, but I don’t think you should be with Justin either.” Kaden walks back to her and takes her face in his hands. He gently wipes away a few of her traitorous tears. “You are so damn beautiful it, and that isn’t the best part about you. You are smart, and you truly care about people.”

Quinn stares into his dark blue eyes, and it isn’t long before her lips are back on his. At first he doesn’t do anything but stand there. She throws her arms around his neck and he wraps her in his arms and pulls him closer to her. He groans, and slowly wraps her into his arms. He places his hands on the small of her back and presses her to him; he deepens their kiss.

The kiss doesn’t last as
long as Quinn wants; he is the one that pulls slowly away.

She opens her eyes and sees purple eyes staring at her
, and she gasps. “We can never do that again.” He says as he closes his eyes, and tries to get his breathing back to normal. “I need to go.” He walks pass her, and she turns to watch him walk out.

He stops at the doorway, Quinn watches his head fall forward. “Good bye Quinn.” Kaden says and walks out of her room, and she feels lonely again.

Quinn feels her cheeks wet from more of her tears, and walks to the bathroom to get ready for school.

After her shower, and when she
is getting ready she can’t stop thinking about Kaden. How perfect his lips felt on her, how he held her all night and how he chased away her nightmares. Now she is sitting in her car staring at her school. Quinn wishes she knew why her and Kaden can't be together, she knows he feels what she feels.

A tap at her window makes her jump
and pulls her mind away from Kaden; she turns to look and sees Justin. He looks worried, and she smiles. He opens the door, and puts his hand out. Quinn looks at his wrist; he has many black and tan bracelets and a single silver ring with a symbol on it. She looks at it and sees a little wolf and crown in the center.

Quinn looks up as she places her hand in his, and Justin smiles. “Are you okay?” He intertwines their fingers.

Her mind takes her back to what Kaden said, “There is something dark about him.” Looking at him she can't see it, yes she doesn’t feel connected to him. Not like she does with Kaden, but she likes him.

“I'm fine, just thinking.” She smiles at him, and he squeezes his hand.

“It looked like intense thinking.” Justin smiles, and winks. “You know we can skip today, I know a perfect place we can go.”

Quinn looks back at him, and shakes her head. “I can't skip on the second day of school.”

Justin smile widens, and he brings her hand to his lips. He gently kisses her hand, and that spark she has been waiting for still doesn’t happen. “Fine but know that this offer stands forever. If you ever want to disappear I want you to do it with me.”

Quinn looks down, he is being really nice. “Thank you.”

“Hey.” He puts his finger under her chin and raises it up. “You don’t need to thank me. I like you a lot, and I want to be the one to make your beautiful smile return.” His gray eyes with the yellow ring soften. He places his forehead on hers, and it makes her think of Kaden. He stares into her eyes, like he is searching for something.

“Eww, get a room!” That is all it takes to make Quinn move away from Justin. She looks over to see a g
roup of freshmen girls giggling and pointing at her and Justin.

Quinn opens her back door to give her backpack
, and turns to find Kaden watching her from his motorcycle. He is glaring at her and Justin.

She glares back, he said they can't be together, and he won't tell her
why. “Walk me to my locker?” Quinn looks at Justin, he nods but looks to where she knows Kaden is.

“Of course.” He places his hand on her lower back and walks with her.

Quinn puts her bag into her locker, and Breanna is waiting for her. But Justin wanted to talk to her first. “At lunch I would like it if you sat with me again. I will even bring you some Taco Bell, I am a TA before lunch so I can leave.” She grins, she loves Taco Bell.

Quinn looks at Justin, he is trying really hard for her to like him. “Okay.”

He smiles. “Good I’ll see you then.” Justin doesn’t try to kiss her again, he winks and walks away.

Breanna walks up to he
r and grins. “So you and Justin?” She giggles, and Quinn smiles.

“I don’t know,
” Quinn says as she watches Justin disappear in the crowd of her classmates.

Breanna shakes her head. “You should know, Quinny he likes you. I can see it, and I know you can.” Quinn hears a girl giggle, and she knows that giggle. She looks over and sees Kaden talking to Jenna. “Please tell me you aren’t second guessing Justin because of him.”

Quinn looks back at her best friend. “I just don’t want to get hurt, and it doesn’t have to do with Kaden.” Quinn feels bad, she hasn’t lied to her best friend and she just did.

“Good.” Breanna says and smiles. She links her arms with Quinn's and they start walking. “So I was asked to homecoming.” Quinn stops and arches her eyebrow and smiles at Breanna. “Mark asked me last night.”

“That is awesome.” Quinn hugs Breanna.

Breanna pulls away smiling. “Are you still going with Justin?” Quinn was planning on tell Justin she didn’t want to go, but she couldn’t tell him. After seeing him she didn’t want to crush him. Plus she kind of has to be there.

Quinn looks over her shoulder to Kaden and he is laughing at something Jenna said. “Yes.” She looks back at Breanna, and remembers that Justin wanted her to go to his practice. “Do you have plans tonight?”

“Well Mark asked me to watch the open practice, so I was going to do that.” Breanna blushes and Quinn laughs. She can feel her eyes watering from her laughter, something she really hasn’t done is so long. “Quinny are you high or something. If you are that is cool, but you should share.”

Quinn shakes her head, and wipes her eyes. “No dork, I’m not high. I was going to ask you to go the Justin's open practice. Plus I haven’t seen you blush over a guy before. It's kind of cute!”

Breanna hits Quinn's shoulder, and that makes her laugh again. “Shut up! I don’t blush.” Breanna glares at Quinn, and she reaches in her back pocket for her phone.

Quinn puts it up and takes a picture, and grins when she sees the picture. “See you are blushing!”

She turns the screen around so Breanna can see, and she rolls her eyes.

“You suck,” she says but smiles. “You know you are lucky I love you, or I would have tossed your phone into the drinking fountain.” Breanna winks her blue eye at Quinn. “Now let’s get to class, we both have a sexy date for lunch!”

Quinn shakes her head, and walks to class with her best friend. Out of the corner of her eye she sees Kaden, and he is alone. He is staring at her, and his eyes are a mixture of sad and happy. Quinn decides to not pay attention to him, Kaden had his chance and he told her they couldn’t be together.

The first haft of the day goes by pretty fast, and before Quinn knows it she is walking into the lunchroom. She looks up and sees Justin smiling and walking towards her.

“That is my queue to leave,
” Breanna whispers, and Quinn looks at her. “I see Mark anyways.” Quinn looks at where Breanna is looking and the only one she notices is Kaden.

Quinn looks back at
Justin; he is almost to her now. “Have fun.”

Breanna laughs. “Oh I will, just do me one thing. Give Justin a chance, he seems nice and he is really cute.”

Quinn smiles, because Justin is nice and cute. She just wants to feel something with him like what she feels with Kaden. Breanna winks and walks away right before Justin stops in front of her. He is holds a bag from Taco Bell.

” Justin says, and grins at her. Quinn can't help herself, she grins back, and when he offers his hand to her she takes it. His hand is warm, and fits her perfectly. “So I wasn’t sure what you wanted so I got mostly everything.”

Quinn smiles, and looks down as they walk. She looks up when Justin sets down the food, he is handsome, and she wants to feel something. He turns his head and catches her staring. Justin winks and offers her a seat.

When Quinn sits down, Justin hands her a taco. “So are you going to come tonight?” Quinn takes a bite and smiles.

She looks up and nods. “Yeah Breanna is going to watch Mark, so I was planning on going.”

Justin's smile lights up his face. “Maybe the four of us can go to dinner afterward.” Quinn nods, she knows Breanna will say yes. “I have to ask you something.” She looks up at him, and notices that he hasn’t eaten anything.

Quinn wonders if he knows about Kaden staying with her last night. “Sure what?”

She watches him take a deep breath. “Is there something going on with you and Kaden?” His gray-yellow search hers for an answer, and she doesn’t want to lie to him. She can feel her heart beating faster.

“No.” S
he knows he doesn’t believe her. “But I like him, there is something I can't explain about him.”

Quinn watches his face turn sad. “I see.” He looks down at his food, and she feels so bad for hurting him.

“Justin?” He doesn’t look up just arches an eyebrow. Now it's her turn to take a deep breath, she is going to do something that she has wanted to do since the first time she saw him and prays for a spark or anything between them.

“Kiss me,
” she says and bites her bottom lip.

Justin's head pops up, and he looks confused. “What?”

Quinn smiles, and moves closer to him. “I want to know if I feel something when you kiss me.”

He furrows his eyebrows together.
“But I tried yesterday, and you turned away.”

Quinn shrugs, and puts her hand on top of his. “I know, but I want you to kiss me now.”
A sexy smile appears on his heart shape face, and his gray-yellow eyes narrow on her lips. He moves his lips closer to hers, and keeps his eyes on hers. Quinn's heart is racing and when his lips touch her, she feels the spark she has been waiting for.

Their kiss is short, but she wraps her arms around his neck and he frames her face with his hands. She has always thought about what his lips would feel like on hers, and now she wants everything he is offering her.

Quinn is breathless when Justin pulls away, and he smiles down at her. “Even better than I imagined,” he says.

Quinn touches her fingers to her lips, and she nods. She looks pass Justin and sees Kaden. He is
frowning at her and Justin.

“Quinn, I need to tell you something.” She looks back at Justin, and he is still smiling. “Not here, not now. But I don’t want to keep it from you much longer.” He takes her hand, and squeezes it. “After the homecoming game.” Justin brings her hand to his sweet lips, and gently kiss
es it.

“Okay.” Quinn says, two
more days until she will know, and her life will never be the same.


Justin walks into his class; he can still feel Quinn sweet lips on his. She fits him perfectly; there is just one problem, Kaden. When Quinn got to school today she had Kaden's scent all over her.

“You know
it’s gross that you kissed Quinn. I think you should bleach your mouth.” Jenna says as she sits next to him. There was a time he would have done almost anything for her.

Slowly he turns his head to look at his ex-girlfriend. “You don’t have to be so mean. You knew from the start that Quinn and I would be together.” Justin says, he was always open about that.

Jenna rolls her eyes. “Whatever, you are way too good for her. She is a nobody, and you are the future leader. You should have someone by your side that can rule, and that is me. Everyone knows it; your dad even likes me better.” A slow smile pulls at her lips. “Justin we had fun together, a lot of fun together. We can again.”

Justin broke up with Jenna before he left for the summer. “Jenna you need to stop, you are an omega and I am an alpha. Quinn is an alpha.”

A low growl comes from Jenna's throat. “She is nothing, she hasn’t even changed. I love you Justin, and I know somewhere inside you, you love me too.”

Justin shakes his head, he never loved Jenna. They have been off and on since he moved here
four years ago. She does have something right, when they weren’t fighting they had fun, but he never loved her. “I don’t love you.”

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