The Beat of Safiri Bay (23 page)

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Authors: Emmse Burger

BOOK: The Beat of Safiri Bay
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“That bad huh?” Alex says, “So are you going to tell me what happened?” he asks.

“There is no way,” I say and Matthew laughs.

“I have no reason to keep it to myself,” he says. I break free from Alex’s arms and swim over to Matthew. I grab his mouth while he is starting to tell the story but luckily Alex can’t hear anything because I have my hand covering his mouth, sort off. Alex joins us then and holds my legs while Matthew turns me around so I face Alex and holds my arms to my side. “He is going to hear this some time in anyway Lany, stop fighting it,” I stop struggling and hang in their arms waiting to relive my horrible eighteenth-birthday-too-much-champagne night. “Actually, I might keep this bit of information as some form of insurance,” Matt says gloating with the idea of having something on me. “I’ll find out sooner or later,” Alex says and tickles my feet. They let me go and I swim into Alex’s arms. He hugs me tightly to him and kisses me on the lips softly. “Really you two,” Matt says and splashes us. Alex splashes him right back and there they go again wrestling and playing like little boys. I sneak out of the pool quietly and dry myself with the towel Thandi has set out. A low rumble in the direction of the sea makes the hair on my arms stand up. They both look at me very aware of the fear I have of storms and join me right away at the towels. After our last little incident I seem to have become even more afraid of storms but at least this time I am in my own house and not in a car. We dry off quickly, Alex dries Rocky and then we all head for the house. “I’m taking a shower before this storm gets out of hand,” I say and disappear into my room. I go through my usual washing routine a bit faster than what I would normally. The rumbling has changed and I can hear individual cracks of thunder. I can’t believe there is a thunder storm this time of the year. I thought they were exclusive to summer months. I rub in my body with moisturiser and get dressed quickly. My hair is wet but I am scared to use my hairdryer so I just leave it hanging over my shoulders. I put on my rubber flip flops and go look for the cousins. Matt is in the kitchen busy with switching on the kettle to make some coffee. Thandi prepared some delicious sandwiches for dinner tonight. I help Matt set out mugs for us and Alex joins us. “Do you need some help with that?” he asks Matt.

“Just because you make nice coffee doesn’t mean I can’t,” Matt teases. “Anyway, I know how Lany likes her coffee, decaf with lots of milk,” he says and smiles at me. A loud crack makes me jump a little and Alex comes to me. “You okay?” he asks and I nod but I am sure he can sense my fear. “Come sit with me,” he says and he shows me to my chair by the kitchen table. Matt finishes making the coffee and we start eating. Another loud one and the electricity goes off. “Does this happen often?” Alex asks about the very weak power system of Safiri. “Yeah, all the time,” Matt answers. It is not completely dark yet but I get the candle and matches we keep for these emergencies. Alex takes it from me and sets it up in the middle of the table. “So romantic,” Matt teases and makes little pouty lips to Alex. Alex kicks him under the table and he swears. “Honestly, you two are like little boys when you are together,” I say and shake my head at them.

“So what are we going to do for the rest of the evening if we have no power?” Matt asks and looks at us.

“We could just start the generator we have for exactly these kinds of evenings,” I say and they both look at me like they can’t believe I haven’t told them this before. “So where do we switch on this generator?” Matt asks.

“Let’s just finish our candle light dinner please,” I say and they both sigh at my lack of being practical. “Fine,” Matthew says and sips his coffee. As soon as we are done I get up and Alex follows me to the power distribution box. I quickly make the switch to generator and start it with the green button on the wall. The house’s lights and electrical equipment comes to life. The storm hasn’t stopped but it is not at all comparable with the storms of Paulsburg. The only thing that is worse is the amount of rain coming down. It is pouring and we are quite happy to be inside. Rocky rolls over in his basket and continues to snore. “It’s still early, should we have a movie night?” Matt suggests. “Sounds like fun,” I say. “Did you bring something for us to watch?”

“Off course Lany, you know me,”

“Well as long as it is not scary I will watch,” I say and get us some bowls for ice cream. “Why don’t you open the sleeper couch for us so we can really relax?” I say and Alex gives me a ‘good idea’ look.

“We keep the extra pillows and duvets in your room Matt,”

“No problem’” he says and hurries off to get the movie from his room. Alex leaves to prepare our movie couch and I dish up our ice cream, peppermint, my favourite. “All set,” Alex says. We eat our ice cream in the kitchen and Matt gives me the dvd’s he brought and asks me choose one. I have never been big on the movie department and leave it up to the men to decide. They decide on an action film about a guy who needs to find the man who killed his brother and I just shrug. “As long as you don’t expect me to watch the bloody parts,” I say and quickly rinse our ice cream dishes. The entertainment room is ready for our movie night and I climb onto the couch while Alex and Matt switches on the surround sound system and start the movie. Alex climbs on the couch next to me and Matt grabs the remote and walks over to the couch. “Make some space,” he says and climbs on next to me on the other side. I was not planning on having him next to me as well but I guess I should have known he would do that. We all watch the first half an hour in silence and then I need to wee so I ask Matt to pause it. The rain has cooled down the air and when I climb back on the couch I lift the covers and lie down under it, they both get under the covers as well. Our heads are propped up against the big pillows and Matt plays the movie. I don’t know whether it was a good idea having them choose this movie because it is becoming quite scary and my heart beats faster every time the man is about to shoot another bad guy, at least having Alex lying so close to me is a comfort. Alex moves a bit closer to me and slowly takes my hand under the cover. I enjoy the gentle and rhythmic stroke of his thumb on my hand and it makes me relax. I turn my hand over and he tickles the inside of my hand. I close my eyes and before I know it I am fast asleep.

A flash of light wakes me up and I battle to get my brains to work. Where am I? Oh yes, on the sleeper couch. I turn to Alex and throw my arm around him. He is lying with his back to me. I cuddle closer and burry my nose in between his shoulder blades. That must have woken him and he holds on to my arm gently with his strong hand. “The lightning woke me up,” I whisper so I won’t wake Matt who is sleeping like a baby on my other side. “Hmm,” he hums and plays with my fingers again. “Would you like a midnight snack?” I whisper and he turns around, “Sure baby,”

“WHAT THE... Matt what are you doing?” I ask and try to get my arm free of his grip. “Why are you lying on this side of the couch?” I ask annoyed. It’s very dark and I can’t see his face clearly but I am sure he is smiling a humungous smile. “I don’t know baby, when I got back from the toilet Alex was on the other side,”

“And you didn’t think it was good idea to maybe just go to your own bed then?” I ask and Alex stirs.

“Kitchen now,” he whispers and we sneak out to the kitchen quietly. “Why would I want to sleep in a cold bed all alone when we are having such a nice threesome here?” he says and I smack him on the arm. “That wasn’t the idea, all of us sleeping there,” I say and point in the direction of the entertainment room. “Well you fell asleep first and after the movie Alex fell asleep so I watched some TV and then voila, I was gone.” I walk over to the power distribution box and switch off the generator. We are left instantly in darkness. “Oh crap, I should have switched back before I switched off,” I say and he leans in closer to see if he can figure it out. Another flash of light accompanied by n loud crack rips through the kitchen. I jump right into his arms and he holds me tightly. “Geez Lane, it’s just a bit of lightning,” he says while my breathing comes hard and fast. I am numb from fear and he sounds a bit worried. I step out of his arms and try to focus on getting our lights back on. He flips a switch and everything buzzes to life. “I’m going back to bed, couch, you know what I mean,” I say and walk back to the couch. He follows me and waits for me to climb in first. “Seriously, are you going to sleep with us the whole night?” I whisper. He pulls up his shoulders and lies down on his back. I turn my back on him and snuggle up to Alex, the real Alex. Lying awake knowing that my best friend who has also become way too handsome in just two weeks is lying awake only a few centimetres from me makes falling asleep a little more difficult than what it should be. I decide to throw my arm around Alex and he immediately takes my hand. Was he awake this whole time? No matter, at least he will keep his cousin in his place.


Light coming in from the window wakes me and I slowly open my eyes. Both men are still asleep and the clock on the wall says it is five thirty. I still have my arm thrown over Alex and I am not surprised at all to see an arm holding on to me from behind. I can just imagine what this must look like. Thank goodness Thandi only comes in at six thirty. I lie awake for half an hour with Matt’s arm around me and my arm in Alex’s grip. The alarm on Matt’s phone goes off and he throws an arm off the bed to get it. Alex turns around then and hugs me to him tightly. “Good morning Lay,” he says sleepily. I smile at him because words have failed me. “Matt lies down again and throws his legs over me playfully. “Get off me,” I say loudly and he laughs. “No worries, I need to get ready for school, just checking if you’re awake this time,” he smirks.

“Just go you moron,” I scold and he cringes,

“I love it when you call me names,” he mocks and leaves the room laughing. “You shouldn’t let him get to you,” Alex says and pulls me closer to him. “I don’t I just hate the way he thinks he can get away with everything. Do you know what happened last night?” I ask and he laughs. “Yes, you thought he was me by mistake,”

“You think it is funny that I was cuddling with him,” I say confused.

“But you didn’t know it was him, so I am actually very flattered that you thought of cuddling with me,”

“But it wasn’t you that is the point,” I say almost annoyed now.

“Well, we can always have a cuddle night when he is
present,” he says and laughs at my red face. “You are very cute when you blush for little things like that,” he says and strokes my red cheek.

“I am glad you think it is something little, last time I checked having someone in my room was a big thing to me, sharing a bed with two people was not on my list of things to do, ever, in my life,” he laughs out loud. “You are making excellent progress my love,” and I just roll my eyes at him. Seriously, I don’t think this can be called making progress. Every time I mess it up or rather when Matthew does, I feel like I am slipping away again. I don’t want to lose this sudden freedom I have acquired from my own imprisoned body. I don’t completely understand it and I can feel all the fears still there just under my skin but somehow somehow it stays there. My reaction to last night’s lightning scare in the kitchen was normal, I think, and I have been really very good with all the touching going on with Alex. I think I might outgrow the horrible fears that kept me from being really alive all this time. We get up and I fold up the bedding while Alex puts the couch back into an upright position and in no time at all the entertainment room looks like it should, no traces of the night’s escapades. We decide to go for a short run and Alex goes to get ready in his room and before I do the same I carry the bedding back to Matt’s. The door is open but I don’t know where he is. I walk in and pack away the bedding. When I close the cupboard door he is standing on the other side with his hand on his hip leaning against the wall. I gasp and he smiles. “You gave me a fright,” I say and he smiles.

“You are taking a fat chance walking into my room when I didn’t say you can enter.”

“I couldn’t see you anywhere and in anyway, it’s not like you care whether I see you with undies or without,” he lifts an eyebrow and I feel the heat of another blush creeping up from my neck. “If that is what you want...” he says carelessly.

“When are you going to stop this? Really, since when do you tease me like this? I have known you for years and you never treated me like this before.” I look at him seeking answers I am sure he won’t give me. “You are imagining things,” he says, “I haven’t changed a bit, you are the one who have changed, not that I am complaining, I rather like the new you. Lane Rose new and improved,” he says while pretending to read it off a banner. “What are you talking about Matthew?” A knock at the door make me jump.

“Come in,” Matt says without taking his eyes off me. Alex comes in and looks at me worriedly. “Everything okay?” he asks and gives me the ‘what is going on’ look. “Yes, everything is just fine,” I say and squeeze past Matthew and out the door. Alex says something to Matt but I didn’t hear what it was. I go to my room and slam the door, something I remembered Sarah did when she was annoyed with her mother. I walk over to the ever staring face of my mother in the big wooden frame. I pick it up and then I can’t keep my emotions to myself anymore. I cry and cry and hold the frame to me as if I could get a bit of warmth from her from that side of the glass. If I just had someone I could talk to. If my best friend would just stop treating me like, I don’t even know what I can call it. A very heavy feeling wash over me and I sink to the floor crying my heart out over the mother I have lost and the friends I never made. I sit there and cry for what feels like forever. “You can talk to me Lane,” Alex’s soothing voice makes me cry even harder. He sits down behind me and hugs me to his chest. “I am here, I will listen.” I cry and swallow and sob and my body shakes from my broken heart. He holds me tightly stroking my hair until I stop crying. “I don’t think I know what it is that makes me so sad,” I say and hold on to his shirt like a child. “I am so happy and sad and just messed up and I don’t know what to think of you and me and then there’s Matthew who has changed even though he says he didn’t that I did and he is treating me weirdly and... Alex, what is wrong with me?” I cry some more and wipe my nose with the back of my hand. “I think I know what it is Lany,” he says and helps me to my feet. “Why don’t you go take your shower and then we can talk about my suspicions when you are calmer.” It sounds like a good idea to me and he leaves so I can finish my morning routine. The hot water of the shower does help me to relax a little and I wonder what it is that Alex thinks is wrong with me. I am very nervous about what he might say. The last thing I need is another medical explanation on some or other treat or untreatable condition. I dress in running gear and tie up my hair.

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