The Beat of Safiri Bay (22 page)

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Authors: Emmse Burger

BOOK: The Beat of Safiri Bay
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“Then what?” Alex says from behind us. Matthew ignores him and grabs his facecloth, rinses it under the cold water and presses it lightly to my skin. I wince and Alex steps forward. “Fuck off,” Matthew says and pushes Alex away. “Matt,”

“No Lane, it’s okay, he needs to take out his anger on someone,” Alex says without taking offense to Matt’s swearing. “Yeah, I need to take it out on you, you idiot. How could you hurt her like this?” he says and rinses the cloth again under the cold water. “Please Matt, don’t do this, I could have stopped him at anytime,”

“And you should have,” he says angrily. “Look at this, its fucking bleeding,” he says and dabs my chin with the cloth.

“Enough with the swearing,” Alex says not impressed by Matt’s sudden limited vocabulary. “Why? Don’t you ever get angry? Huh? Come on Alex; try it, think of something that makes you so angry you want to hit the wall,” Alex smiles but for all the wrong reasons.

“Come on Alex, say it,” Matt pushes him.

“Just try it, it makes you feel better,” Matt says and dabs my chin a bit too hard by accident. “Ouch,” I cry out.

“Maybe I should take over now,” Alex says and reaches for the cloth.

“Not until you say it,”

“Why do you want him to swear?” I ask Matt confused by what he is trying to accomplish. “Because he never does anything wrong. He doesn’t even swear. He is too good. But not good enough when it comes to you because look at you, you have a bruised lip and bleeding chin,”

“Matthew, give me the cloth,” Alex says a bit more anxiously now but he holds it to my now light purple lip. “No,” he says and presses too hard to my already raw chin. “Matthew just give him the cloth,” I say and try to push his hand away but he doesn’t let go. “You know what to do,” Matt sings.

“I am not going to swear and give you that satisfaction,” Alex says and steps even closer to take the cloth. “Did you forget how?” Matthew teases. “I will remind you,” he says and rinses the cloth again holding on to my arm. As he is about to touch it to my lip I pull my head away, “You’re hurting me Matt,” I say but he pulls on my arm and grabs my face in between his hands then softly starts pressing the cold cloth to my skin again. “That’s enough,” Alex says and grabs Matt from behind pulling him away from me and tripping him. Then he holds his arm firmly behind his back and lowers him to the floor slowly. “I said that’s enough,” Alex’s voice matches his firm hold. Matthew gives in and sits up with his back against the wall and head in his hands and starts sobbing. I look at Alex and he points to Matt with his eyes. “I’ll go get him something, you stay with him,” and he walks out the door.

Once in his bed he seems to have calmed down. Alex gave him something to help him sleep and left. He doesn’t want to stay if Matt doesn’t want him around. I said I’ll wait till he sleeps. He stares at the ceiling then turns and looks at me. “Will you stay till I’m sleeping?” he asks. “Yes off course,” I say and move to sit with my back against the head board. “Will you play for me?” he asks and I smile.

“I’ll be right back,” I fetch my Gibson and return to his room. I wonder where Alex is because I didn’t hear him or see him anywhere. I sit down again next to where Matt is lying and start playing softly. “Matt,” I say carefully.


“Since you are a bit drugged and almost asleep is it okay if I sing you something?” He gives me a full blown but sleepy Matt smile and moves his head on to my legs. “Sing away Lany,” I want to sing him the song I thought out the other night. I have had some time to put some music to it and I start playing. He lies very still and listens. “So what do you think?” I say when I am done.

“Is this your song?” I am blushing and I am glad that he can’t see me right now because it is way too embarrassing. “Yes,” I whisper.

“Baby, it’s beautiful,” and I sigh with relief. “I would change the E minor to E seventh but if you don’t want to,” I laugh. Trust him to make changes to my music. “I trust you Matt; we can work on it this weekend okay? Go to sleep now.” He whispers something and then he is gone. I lean over the bed and put my guitar down on the floor. I slowly move his head off my legs and push him to lie more comfortably. He curls up and throws his arm around my body. I could swear he did that on purpose but with him being so drugged I feel sorry for him and sit there with him sleeping on my lap. I trace his eyebrows like my dad use to do to me and then my fingers just slide down his face and down his shoulders to his back where I can see the dragonfly tattoo clearly now. I trace over the fine lines of this magnificent piece of art. I wonder why they both have the exact same tattoo in almost the exact same place if they didn’t grow up together. Neither of them has ever been very talkative about it. I will ask Alex some time. The door opens slowly and Alex walks in. I smile at him and he comes to sit by my feet. “Never a dull moment with this one,” he says and shakes his head. “He has been to hell and back with that horrible woman and now this. I hate to see him suffer like this.”

“At least he has you, if it weren’t for that, I would be very worried about him.” I trace another line of his tattoo.

“Why do you both have these?” I ask and when I look up at him I see that I will not get that answer tonight. “It’s not up to me alone to tell you Lane, he has to be willing to do so too.”

“I understand,” I say and move Matt’s head off my lap. “I think he is out,” I say and slowly get up from the bed. I pick up my guitar and Alex follows me out the room. I walk into my room but Alex stops at the door. “You know you can come in anytime, I am okay with you in here,” I say and walk over to my closet to put away my guitar. He follows me into the closet and checks out my guitars. “That is quite a collection,” he says appreciatively.

“My dad is the one who always spoils me with these extravagant gifts. I am nervous about what he will get me for this birthday,”

“Oh I wouldn’t be nervous about it; it is quite extravagant but nothing to worry about,”

“You know what I am getting? Oh come on, tell me, you have to tell me please,”

“And die a very slow painful death at the hands of Matthew and your father, I don’t think so my love.” I pout and beg but he doesn’t even give me a hint. “It’s very late Lany, and if I recall correctly you have to teach music in the morning. How either one of you two will be able to get up at all tomorrow morning goes beyond me. You need to get some sleep now,” I sigh and walk to my bathroom to brush my teeth. “Please don’t go yet,” I beg and he smiles.

“I’m going to go brush my teeth and then I’ll be back.” I finish flossing and brushing and climb into my soft bed. A soft knock at the door makes me look up and Alex walks in. “May I?” he asks and I open the other side of the covers for him. He climbs into bed next to me and lay down with his head on the pillow. I do as he does and look into his eyes. “I can’t believe we have shared a bed just two nights ago. So much has happened in just a few days and I feel like I haven’t caught up with it all yet. I don’t think I have had this much action in all my almost nineteen years. And it all started when I met you.”

“We could slow it down, no, we must slow it down.” He says and very softly touches my lip with his finger. “I hurt you today and I’m sorry about that,” he plays with my hair and looks away from my eyes. “Well you shouldn’t be. I wanted it, and I didn’t feel any pain, at the time.”

“Because we don’t feel pain when adrenaline pumps through our veins it only comes afterwards.” It doesn’t matter what he says. I still had the time of my life kissing him. “Go to sleep now,” he whispers and kisses my hair. “Only if you stay,” I say sleepily and close my eyes. “Always,” he whispers.


























Chapter 12


This morning’s music lesson was the most difficult one of my life. I could barely keep my eyes open. Matt didn’t even come out of his office once. I left as quickly as I could. Went straight to bed and slept for three hours. Lin was not happy about that. She says I will age early if I don’t get enough sleep at night. It makes sense to me but how can I get enough sleep with everything going on every day. I need to get back to my old routine. It makes me feel safe and in control. All these new arrangements have really confused my system and it is taking its toll on my already messed up life. When I got up at one o’clock, I felt much better. Alex hasn’t returned yet. He said this morning that he had an appointment but he didn’t say with whom. Thandi hasn’t let me out of her sight since I got up. She is in mother- drive and keeps asking me if I want something to eat. Never mind that I just gobbled up a big dish of chicken a la king for lunch. My dad also phoned and I am worried about him. He didn’t sound so good. I think he is coming down with the flu or something. He said he will try to be back on Tuesday. It is now Thursday, so I have five more nights with the cousins in the house. I don’t mind, I will just have to rethink this thing with Alex sleeping in my bed. I know it is what I asked him to do but sleeping with him so close to me is too nice and it doesn’t help my current state of sleeplessness.

I hear a car and peep out the window. Alex comes walking up the steps to the back door with a huge smile on his face. He comes inside and when he sees me the huge smile becomes a little one so quickly and I know he is up to something. I wonder what it is. Thandi dishes up for him and he goes to wash his hands. Then Matt pulls up in the drive way and I peep out the window again. Thandi shakes her head. “What is wrong Thandi?” I ask.

“Lane, these boys. They love you too much. I see how they confuse you.”

“It’s okay Thandi, I think I will survive.” She dishes up for Matt as he comes in. He looks like the dog’s breakfast. “Lany, I’m sorry I didn’t see you at school. I had such a headache. I think I am going to go lie down for a while.” Before he leaves Thandi shakes her finger at him. “No Matty, you must eat first,” she says and he smiles at her.

“I will be rolling home once Peter is back,” he says and she pushes her chest out proudly. I already had my lunch but I sit down with them in anyway. Thandi gives me a bowl of homemade custard and I happily spoon it up. “I don’t think I will be training today,” I say to Alex. “I know my body and when it is this tired it easily gets sick. I just want to take it easy till after the weekend to make sure.”

“And you are still recovering from that concussion so it is probably a very good decision,” Alex says satisfied with this news. Matt doesn’t seem to care too much about anything. He eats quietly and looks at me every now and then. “What about a slow walk to the beach?” Alex asks and I agree to it immediately. It sounds perfect. “No you two go along, I think I will go sleep for a while.” Matt thanks Thandi for the food and disappears. I am worried about him so I decide to check up on him quick. Alex doesn’t mind anymore. Since I told him exactly what I thought of his unnecessary jealousy. I knock on the door and wait. “What?” Matt shouts from inside. I open the door and walk in, he is only wearing his boxers and I quickly look away. “I said what not come in.”

“I’m sorry,” I say and start to leave his room.

“Oh please Lane, it’s just undies.” He seems to like catching me off guard like this. I turn around and concentrate to focus on his face. “I am just checking up on you,” I say and he rolls his eyes and flops down on the bed. “I am just tired, we had a late night. Anyway I am not about to crack or anything. I am done wasting time on something I should never have started in the first place.”

“Okay well I am glad to hear that,” I say and turn to leave.

“Hey Lany,” I look around again and he gives me half a smile, “Thanks for caring.” He closes his eyes and I leave the room. Off course I care, that is what friends do don’t they?

Alex is waiting outside with Rocky on his leash. “Rocky says he wants to go with us,” he says and pats the dog’s head.

“Well off course. We will need protection from the zebras and giraffe,”

“Don’t forget the hippo,” he says all seriously and I laugh at him. That is not something I would like to see again so close up.

He wasn’t joking when he said we should take a slow walk. Rocky sniff’s everything along the road and we stop every few metres for him to mark his territory. I fear that he might dehydrate if he keeps this up but Alex reassures me he won’t. It is a beautiful afternoon and the heat we experienced this summer is definitely not as intense anymore. A late blooming bush’s fragrance overpowers the salty air. A few clouds hang around in the sky but what worries me is the darkness on the horizon over the ocean. Rocky stops to bump around a dung-beetle but we don’t mind. We chat about things we still want to do and places we still want to see. Alex wants to do a trip up into Africa and I want to see places like Italy and France. My dad promised that I could accompany him on his next trip to America and I am looking forward to it. We let Rocky drink some water at the tap at the beach and then walk over to the flat dune where we sit down a bit. Alex releases Rocky’s leash and he runs up and down the beach chasing crabs. This feels so normal, almost too normal. Like we are just two people hanging out at the beach with a dog playing in the sand. I mean that is really what we are but there is so much to sort out still. With poor Matt receiving the news he did last night I am sure he will need some time to lick his wounds. And then there is me, the confused OCD girl who has just fallen in love with an ex doctor on trial for rape but who suddenly gets a knot in her stomach when her friend of the last few years takes off his shirt. How did I become so aware of myself and others in such a short time? I push my thoughts to the back of my head and decide to enjoy this wonderful afternoon with Alex instead. Alex calls Rocky and puts his leash back on and we slowly make our way home again. As we start climbing the hill to the estate David comes driving past us and Emma waves obviously happy to see us and be home again for another weekend. I wonder what she will be doing all weekend. Sarah was booked into a rehab. She was worse off than what any of us were aware of. Bessie went to stay with her sister who lives close to the rehabilitation centre. David was home alone this week and with my dad not being here he has to work harder than ever before. I am glad that my dad knows what he has in David. No one else would care so much for my dad’s mill and my dad pays him a handsome salary so everyone is happy. Matt is in the pool when we get home. He looks much better and I am so relieved to see that. Rocky doesn’t wait for an invitation and gets into the pool on the steps. Alex laughs and Matt tries to get him to swim to him but Rocky is not going any deeper than where his paws can touch. He jumps out and shakes his body dry. Alex tries to get away from him but he is too slow and gets dirty doggie water all over himself. He takes off his shirt and shoes and dives into the pool. Watching the two of them together like that is what I imagine heaven to be like. I take off my shoes and sit on the side of the pool with my feet on the steps and watch them race each other up and down the length of the pool. They stop at the shallow side by my feet both out of breath, laughing and splashing each other. My heart feels as if it might explode with the love I have for these men. Who would have known that my best friend and my boyfriend would be related and living together? This was definitely not in my five year plan but it is better than anything I could ever have dreamt of. Matt gives me a splash, “Don’t look so serious,” he says and I am happy to hear that he is his old joking self again. I kick water at him and he splashes me even harder. I yell and as I am about to get up to leave he jumps up and holds me. “What do you think Alex?” he says and Alex pulls up his shoulders. I laugh and fight but he doesn’t let go. He picks me up and walks right into the cool water. Then he dumps me right in front of Alex. My little summers dress balloons up around me and I struggle to keep it down. “Oh just take it off,” Matt says and I give him a look that tells him exactly what I think of that idea. “Lany baby,” he shouts from the other side of the pool, “no one is looking, and it’s nothing I’ve never seen before,” seriously, does he enjoy making me blush. Alex raises an eyebrow and I blush even more. “What do you mean nothing you’ve never seen before?” he asks over my head. Matt laughs and seems to enjoy every second of torturing me. “Are you going to tell him Lany or must I?” I fold my dress around me and sink away into the water. Alex picks me up out of the water but I struggle, “Please just let me drown now,” I say and they both laugh.

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