The Best Kind of Trouble (3 page)

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Authors: Courtney B. Jones

BOOK: The Best Kind of Trouble
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Chapter 3



Four days later and I was starting to regret not giving Nathan my number.  Even though I was sure that would be setting myself up for heartbreak. 


Thinking about Nathan—his sweet playful attitude, dark messy hair, his piercing, mesmerizing, blue eyes, and all his delicious muscles—I knew I could fall for him fast. 


Too fast.


I was attempting to study in the library on campus, when my phone buzzed across the table interrupting my thoughts.  An unknown number flashed on the screen.  I scooped it up and answered quickly.




“Hey Face, what are you doing Thursday night?”


“Nathan?” I asked, confused. 


My heart was in my throat. Even his little nickname for me caused giant butterflies to flap wildly in my gut.


He chuckled, “She does remember me!”


Katie looked up from her books across the table from me, her eyebrows raised, a ghost of a smile on her face.


“How did you get my number?” I asked.


I shot Katie a dirty look.  She raised her hands in mock surrender.


“A mutual friend,” he said mysteriously.  “You didn’t answer my question, sweetheart.”


“Um…” I racked my brain trying to think of an excuse. 


He was asking me out?
  I really wanted to go.  My insides had already turned to mush, giant butterflies the size of bats fluttered in my stomach. 


All this spelled trouble.  Nathan would only break my heart.  Just like every other guy I’d dated. Maybe worse.


Before I could answer, Nathan rushed on.  “Let’s go to dinner.  Katie and Drew can come too.”


“I can’t,” I answered lamely.


He didn’t give up.  Or even sound frustrated.  “Sure you can.  No pressure, I won’t even try to kiss you again.”


The butterflies in my stomach unleashed an assault. 




“Ashley,” he said, he voice turned low and serious.  It did delicious things to my insides.  “It’s just dinner.  With our mutual friends.  If you don’t say yes, I’ll just keep bugging you.”


He laughed, deep and throaty and so masculine that my resistance dissolved and my heart went all fluttery. 


“Okay,” I agreed softly. “Dinner.  Thursday.  What time are you picking me up?”


“Seven.  See ya then.”


“Nathan?” I asked before he could hang up.  “Are you really not going to kiss me?”


Oh god.  Word vomit.


He chuckled.  “See you Thursday, doll face.”




On Thursday, I was just finishing my make-up when Nathan showed up.  I could hear Katie greeting him and Drew, his deep rumbling voice drifting down the hallway.


I started to smear some lip gloss on my lips but when I looked up into the mirror, I saw Nathan behind me, leaning against the door jamb.  My insides instantly melted.
he looked perfect. Rugged. Male.


And then he smiled, his plump lips pulled up on one side and a dimple sunk into his cheek.


He looked like every kind of trouble a girl like me should know to stay away from.


I pressed my lips together and placed the lip gloss back in my make-up bag.  Nervous anticipation made me tremble.


“You look—” he swallowed hard, the thick knot of his Adam’s apple strained against the skin of his throat. 


I looked down at myself.  I was just wearing jeans and a low-cut tee shirt.  Admittedly, very tight jeans that Katie said made my butt look awesome.  And the low cut shirt and push up bra
showed off my cleavage. 


I turned to face him. A reckless energy buzzed in my veins. I really
wanted him to kiss me. 


Even though I knew it was a bad idea.


“Beautiful. Perfect,” he whispered.


Nathan didn’t give me a chance to protest or over-think.  He snaked a muscled arm around my waist and hauled me against him.  Leaning in, he slanted his lips across mine. 


This time my whole body became liquid fire.  Warm full lips moved expertly against mine. He flicked his tongue along the seam of my mouth and I opened, letting him deepen the kiss, melding our mouths and tongues together.


I pressed myself against him. Nathan groaned and tightened his grip on my hip. White-hot lust threatened to consume me.


When he released me, and stepped back, I was breathless and all amped up.  My lips were swollen and my face flushed. 


Nathan touched his lips and raised his eyebrows. Then he smirked at me.


“Does that mean you like my outfit?”


His lips curved up even more.  “Definitely.”


“Let’s go!  Stop making out!” Katie called out, giggling.  I suppressed a smile.


Nathan grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together and led me out of the apartment.  Katie and Drew climbed into the front of Drew’s SUV, while Nathan and I slid into the back.  He wrapped a big muscled arm around my shoulders and I leaned into his side.


Looking up, I grinned at him.  “I thought you weren’t going to kiss me.”


Nathan’s lips curved up and he winked, “Couldn’t resist.”


Butterflies assaulted my insides.  This was too much. I knew I could easily fall for Nathan. And much too fast.  I knew he had to power to hurt me, because I wasn’t sure if I’d ever felt a connection like this with someone so fast.  I pulled back to put some distance between us.


With a saucy smile, I said, “I bet you say that to all the girls.”


Nathan leaned into me again, his cinnamon scented breath washed over me.  “What girls?”


He kissed me once again, just a subtle brush of his lips over mine.


“Alright guys, don’t start making out back there, I might throw up,” Drew teased as he pulled into Zack’s, a local college hangout.  It boasted two stories, the best burgers and appetizers in our small town, pool tables upstairs, a fully stocked bar and even a dance floor in the back with either a DJ or a live band on Friday and Saturday nights.


“So, Ashley,” Nathan said after the four of us had slid into a booth and ordered our drinks.  “Where’re you from?”


“Dallas,” I answered, taking a small sip of my soda.


“So, you’re a Cowboys fan then?”


I lifted an eyebrow at him in surprise. “Of course.”


He laughed.  “You say that like everyone in Texas is a Cowboy’s fan.”


I shrugged.  “Not just Texas. It’s America’s team.”


Nathan howled with laughter.  I frowned in confusion. 


When his laughter died down I asked, “So I take it you’re not a Cowboy’s fan then?”


“Hell no!  I’m from Houston, I like the Texans.”


I snorted.  “But they suck!”


“Hey now, sweetheart.  That’s my hometown team.  And I’m loyal.”


“But they suck!  They haven’t ever even been to a championship game.”


He chuckled, amusement shone brightly in his blue-gray eyes.  “And when was the last time the Cowboys went past the first round of the playoffs?”


My brow furrowed.  “Okay, okay.  I’ll give you that.”


A few minutes later, we ordered and by the time our food arrived the boys were enthralled by the baseball game on the flat screen televisions scattered throughout the restaurant. 


Katie leaned across the table, her mouth curved up in a smug grin.  “I think someone likes someone, little missy.”


I bit my lip.  I didn’t want to admit it.  I did like Nathan.  He was funny and playful, but with an intensity that boiled just below that surface. He was easy to talk to, to be around.  I didn’t feel self-conscious or the need to fill in the silences.  The whole meal, his large warm hand had been firmly placed on my thigh. He was so affectionate.


Why was I noticing that? Had I been so starved for it before?


My stomach cramped.
Was that all this was?


I looked over at Nathan again and he smiled at me, and I couldn’t help but smile back regardless of my inner turmoil. His smile was infectious.  And his eyes were really beautiful.  And his kiss—


Oh hell.
  I really liked him!  This wasn’t good.  I knew exactly how this would go.  I’d fall for him much too fast.  He’d be all sweet and perfect and make me believe he felt the same.


And then—BAM! It’d all fall apart, come crashing down around my ears.  And my heart, my self-esteem, my whole world would be in shambles. Again.


I looked at Nathan again.  When he felt my eyes on him, he turned his head and looked down at me.  Whatever expression he saw, made him clench his jaw and his brow puckered.  With our eyes locked, I suddenly felt naked.




Like he could read every thought and knew every emotion inside me.


I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and chewed nervously.  Nathan cupped my cheek in his hand.  I tensed at the contact even as every single cell inside my body craved it like it was some sort of special rare jewel.


 Nathan ran his thumb along my lower lip, releasing it from my teeth.


“Stop over-thinking,” he whispered.  Before I could respond, he placed one lingering closed-mouth kiss on my lips. 


Then, he tugged on my hand and stood up. “Come on, let’s play a game of pool.”


I followed him upstairs, trying to figure out how the hell I was going to fix this situation.


Maybe we could just be friends.  Maybe I could just have fun tonight with him and tomorrow I could forget all about Nathan Williams.  I’m sure he’d forget about me in no time.




An hour later, he’d beaten me in three games of pool.  I leaned against my pool stick and frowned as he lined up another shot.

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