Read The Best Thing Yet Online
Authors: McKenna Jeffries and Aliyah Burke
“Why aren’t you still in the hospital?” he asked sharply.
“I’m fine,” Tarak snapped.
“You’re not. It’s only been a month since—”
“Leave it.” Tarak’s tone held a clear warning.
Deiter frowned but said nothing else.
“We’ve got to go. Already informed the ship’s captain,” Tarak said.
“I’ve already told
I’ve done my last job for the military. My things are already on the way to my new home.” Deiter shook his head.
“They know, that’s why they sent me,” Tarak replied.
Deiter scowled. They knew him too well. Sending Tarak for him might make him more prone to agree to go wherever they wanted him too. Tarak’s expression was impeccable.
“We need to go.” Tarak said.
“Fuck,” Deiter cursed and went to pack.
After emptying his drawers into his duffle, Deiter grabbed the boxed cupcake. He went to the door. Tarak stepped back then swore softly, leaning on his cane heavily. Deiter knew better than to offer to help. He closed his cabin and walked, matching Tarak’s stride. He knew Tarak wouldn’t tell him what the job was, so instead he asked, “I thought you had decided to leave the Navy?”
“I am. But they asked me to come get you so I did. Once we’re done that’s it for me.”
“You could still serve.”
“I’m a SEAL. That’s all I ever wanted to be. Can’t do that anymore with my lungs and bad leg.” His tone was matter-of-fact.
Deiter knew how hard it was for him, although he acted like it wasn’t. Even before Tarak’s injury, Deiter had decided to not work with the military anymore. He was tired of the travelling and them calling on him whenever they wanted.
“Are you ready to go home? See your family?”
“They were glad that I didn’t plan on moving back home and bought my own house.” Again, he was matter-of-fact.
Deiter stifled a rude sound. Tarak’s relationship with his family was complicated.
“I have other’s there that are more family to me than my own. In addition, I’ll have you as part of my family too,” he said softly.
“You know it, buddy. I’m there for you. I’m glad I took the job in your hometown. You talked about your hometown so often. At least you’ll get to show me it yourself,” Deiter agreed.
They were silent as they made their way to the waiting chopper. Once on board, Deiter strapped in, donning his headset. As the helicopter rose off the deck, he looked at the ship. A beautiful face flashed across his mind.
“Shit,” Deiter hissed.
“What’s wrong?” Tarak’s voice came through the headset.
“I need to get word to someone on the ship,” Deiter said.
“You know that’s not possible until after the mission is done.”
Deiter clenched his fist. That was the other thing he hated. Not being able to tell those who he cared about, that he was leaving for an unknown about of time. As the ship faded, he hoped Arissa would understand that he had left without telling her.
At least I have her information so I can contact her.
An uneasiness filled him. Deiter picked up his duffel and searched inside. Not finding the card, he leant back against the seat.
“Damn it!”
“I’ve never heard you swear so much.” Tarak sounded amused.
“I left something important on the ship,” Deiter replied.
“What?” Tarak asked.
Deiter didn’t reply. He’d contact the ship as soon as he got back and find out her info. Then beg her to forgive him for leaving. He glanced at the seat beside him at the container with the gift she had given him.
I’ll be seeing you soon, Arissa Wright.
Chapter Five
Arissa paced in front of where the Samba class was getting ready to start. She paused, peering down the hall. Still no Deiter. She tapped her foot then started to pace again.
She turned to the sound of Tim’s voice. He was hurrying towards her, then paused in front of her.
“Has the class started already?”
“No. They will any moment,” Arissa said. She glanced behind him searching for Deiter.
“Aren’t you going in?” Tim asked.
“I’m waiting for Deiter.”
“He can join us when he gets here. Shall we, my fair lady?” Tim said.
She looked at him and saw he was holding out his elbow. Arissa checked back down the gangway then put her hand on him and let him lead her inside.
“Only until Deiter comes.”
“Of course.” Tim smiled devilishly.
Arissa laughed at his expression. “You are a troublemaker.”
?” He batted his eyes.
“You’re a strange man.” Arissa chuckled.
“I am. Now let’s Samba.” Tim struck a pose.
Arissa laughed while keeping an eye out for Deiter. As the class progressed she got caught up in it but at the back of her mind she wondered where Deiter was.
“Okay. That is it for now. Next class is tomorrow at the same time. Good job everyone,” the dance instructor said.
“You want to go dancing tonight?” Tim asked.
She walked with him as they left. Once they were away from the others she replied gently, “Tim. You’re a good guy but I’m with Deiter.”
“I figured from the looks he was giving me. Bring Deiter. Just dancing as friends.” Tim shrugged.
“Okay. Where?”
“The upper deck. I heard they have some great Latin music. Say eight o’clock?”
“We’ll be there. Later.” She hurried away.
She knocked at Deiter’s cabin. Not getting an answer she tried the door. Surprisingly, it opened. Entering, Arissa frowned at the empty cabin. Unsure what was going on, she left and went to find someone to ask. Turning the corner, she bumped into someone.
“Dr Wright, are you okay?” Captain Finch asked.
“I’m fine. Just not watching where I’m going,” Arissa said.
“In a rush for something?”
“Not really…” Arissa thought about it then said, “I was in Deiter’s cabin. And he wasn’t there.”
“He is no longer on the ship,” the Capitan said.
Arissa frowned. “I’m referring to Deiter Schneider the man who was with me at dinner with you the other night.”
“I know who he is, Dr Wright. He’s no longer on the ship,” the captain said again.
“Where is he?”
“I can’t say. Have a good afternoon, Dr Wright,” the captain said walking away.
Watching him leave, Arissa wondered what the hell was going on.
“Did he leave anything for me?” Arissa blurted out.
The captain stopped looking back at her “Not that I am aware. Was he supposed too?”
“I guess not.” Arissa continued on her way.
“Dr Wright. Check with the steward, maybe he has something,” the captain called.
“Thanks, I will.” Arissa went to find the steward.
She found the steward, and was told he had nothing for her. She returned to her cabin and flopped on her bed, frowning as she wondered what had happened. Deiter leaving and saying nothing seemed weird. She sat up and lifted the yellow cupcake box he had sent to her room earlier. His messy cupcake was inside. Picking up the picture of them, Arissa stared at them together.
“There has to be some reasonable explanation for this.”
Arissa put them down. If there was, she had no idea what it was but would wait to hear from Deiter. It was a good thing she had given him her contact info. She went to the bathroom to take a shower.
* * * *
“It’s good to be back home.”
Arissa glanced at Tim sitting beside her as the plane taxied down the runway to the terminal. He had switched his seat so they could sit together. Tim had turned out to be lots of fun after Deiter left. He’d refused to let her wallow over Deiter being gone. Tim and she had become inseparable—he was a good friend.
“It is. Don’t forget you’re coming over next weekend to meet Jackson and to watch the game. You have my info right.”
“Yep. Programmed into my Blackberry.” He patted his suit pocket.
“I’ve got yours in my iPhone,” she replied.
They were silent as the plane finished docking at the gate. Once done, they got up and joined those departing the plane. After retrieving their luggage they headed to the exit.
“You want to share a cab?” Arissa asked.
“I’ve got a car picking me up. I’ll give you a ride,” Tim said.
“I’m at the terminal,” Tim said into his phone.
She glanced at Tim. He put away his phone.
“He’ll be here in a sec.”
Arissa waited beside him silently. A black limo glided in front of them then a driver got out and came to meet them. Arissa blinked at his attire. His coat was opened to show a blue, yellow, orange and green Hawaiian shirt. Yellow slacks complimented the shirt.
“Tim, it is good to have you back,” the older man said.
Arissa was surprised at the crisp British accent.
“Jorge. It was a fabulous cruise,” Tim replied.
“At least you got to relax, I hope,” the man said fondly.
“I did. Seeing as someone stole my Blackberry.” Tim laughed.
“And you got another one. What am I going to do with you?” He rolled his eyes.
“Put up with me,” Tim teased then turned to her. “Jorge, I want you to meet a very special lady, Arissa Wright. She made my cruise enjoyable.”
“Nice to meet you, miss,” Jorge said. He smiled at Tim slyly. “Did you find a girlfriend finally?”
“Jorge. She’s a friend. Just a friend,” Tim said in warning.
“Boy, what have I told you about lost opportunities. Letting this one be only a friend,” Jorge said, winking at her.
Arissa laughed. “I can see where Tim gets his incorrigible behaviour.”
“Pash. I’ve been trying to teach him to misbehave but failed miserably. Let me get your bags.” Jorge took her bags before she could protest.
“Have a seat in the car.” Tim opened the door for her.
Arissa did as he’d bid and slid into the spacious back seat. Tim moved away. She listened absently as he and Jorge talked.
“Give me my Blackberry,” Tim said.
“Fine. Here. You know you’re still on vacation for a few days,” Jorge said.
“I know but I can at least check email,” Tim replied.
“If you do, you’re going to get back to work,” Jorge said.
“I won’t.”
“I’ve heard that before.”
“Don’t make me fire you,” Tim said.
“As if you would. No one would put up with you. Now get in the car and let’s get the lovely lady home.”
Moments later, Tim joined her. Jorge got behind the wheel and had them on their way.
“Do you want something to drink?”
“Nah, I’m good.” Arissa watched Tim curiously.
“Go ahead and say it,” Tim said.
“You’re an architect?” Arissa asked.
“I am. I’ve done okay for myself.” Tim shrugged.
Jorge snorted.
“Nothing from the peanut gallery,” Tim said.
Arissa interjected. “This looks more than well for yourself.”
“Is it a problem that I have some money?” Tim studied her with his piercing blue gaze.
“Please, like I give a crap,” Arissa said.
“I like her. Can we keep her, Tim?” Jorge said as he drove.
“For Christ’s Sake she’s not a pet, Jorge,” Tim said in exasperation.
“I know that but she could be your girlfriend and maybe become you wife. Then we can keep her.”
“She’s a friend. Why are you trying to marry me off all of a sudden?” Tim demanded.
“I’m not getting any younger. My biological clock is ticking. I want some of your kids to spoil.”
“Humph. Probably so they could torment me.”
“Exactly. Tick tock, Tim. We need a woman for you. Are you sure, miss, that you won’t take him off my hands?” Jorge gave her a puppy dog look in the rear-view mirror.
Arissa laughed. “I’m sure. We’re just friends. But I’ll keep you as one too, if you like.”
“See she wants to keep me. Do you need an all-around guy Friday? I’m a hell of a cook and organisational guru. And a great driver.” Jorge was playful.
“But then what would Tim do without you?” Arissa asked in the same tone.
“Work himself to death. The boy needs a keeper or jailer.” Jorge gave Tim an evil look.
“One of these days I’m going to fire you,” Tim warned.
“Yeah, whatever. I’m so afraid,” Jorge said cheerfully.
“Behave so Arissa doesn’t think we’re lunatics,” Tim said.
“If she spent the cruise with you then she already knows you’re crazy.” Jorge shot back.
“I do.” Arissa laughed and Jorge joined in.
“Now the two of you are picking on me.” Tim sounded affronted.
“Poor baby.” Jorge mocked.
Arissa listened as they baited each other back and forth, laughing. Before she knew it they were at her apartment. Tim escorted her to her door.
“I’m sure Deiter will call now you are home,” Tim said gently.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“You’re such a liar. It does and he will.” Tim squeezed her shoulder.
“Thanks for hanging with me on the cruise.” Arissa stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.
“Please, you kept me from jumping ship and swimming back to the mainland to work.” Tim grinned.
“From now on, we both have to promise to take some time just for fun. Okay,” Arissa said.
“Okay.” Tim hugged her.
“Arissa.” She glanced at Jackson as he strode off the elevator towards them.
“Hey, Jackie. Jackson Carlyle. This is Timothy Vastin. We met on the cruise.”
A rolling, drumming sound interrupted them.
Tim winced and said, “Excuse me a moment.” He walked away a few steps. “Jorge, I’ve told you about messing with the ringtone on my phone.” His voice faded as he walked farther down the hall.
“Only you would go on a cruise and come back with Timothy Vastin,” Jackson said.
“What does that mean?” Arissa frowned.
“You don’t know who he is?” Jackson looked at her in disbelief.
She shook her head and he chuckled. Arissa slugged him in the shoulder. She pushed open her door and went inside. Jackson followed. She put down her bag and turned to face her.
“So who is he?”
“He designed this building and all the brownstones on the block. Not to mention a few other notable structures. And has won a boatload of awards,” Jackson said.