The Billion-Dollar Marriage Contract (16 page)

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Nikos finally understood.

He was right. It was Hector Petrides she was having an affair with. No wonder they kissed like lovers during the auction. This was also the reason she was asking him for a
. She said she wanted to move on with her life but the truth was she wanted to settle down with Nikos’ greatest competition.

He snorted when he thought that Hector was still his competition even when it came to his own
. He hated the fact that he was there through the years with her and he was not. He should have been the one with her during her life’s greatest achievements and not Hector.

But you never cared, Nikos.

He brushed her off ten years ago and was even happy when she left Greece to go and live her life somewhere else. He didn’t even inquire as to what happened to her. He just continued on sending her the money she wanted. He was happy that he still got to continue the playboy lifestyle he loved so much.

Without another thought about her, he had carried on with his life.

So this train of thought about being there during the greatest accomplishments in her life was a big fat nonsense. Maybe he was just feeling a bit possessive of her because technically she was
his wife. Nikos shook his head to clear his thoughts and then flipped through some more photos.


“She’s in danger from this drug syndicate, Nikos. Good thing she’s known as Cassia Adrasteia, the famous designer. That will make it a little harder to find her. But when they learn of her, they will get her so that they could lure Hector in. I don’t know anything about your marriage but I assumed you wanted to know this information.”

“I do. Thank you, Alex.”

“What are friends for?” Alex laughed.

“What do you plan on doing about Hector Petrides?”

“Believe it or not, I’m hired by the government for this particular mission. It’s about the drugs. I have to find their location, how the shipment goes and all those details. For this, I need Hector Petrides. Once I have everything, all his deeds would be exposed and he’d be imprisoned.”

“I see.”

“Do you think your wife knows about all of this?”

“I don’t know.”

“But do you intend to tell her?”

“Of course. She’s convinced herself that she wants a divorce from me. Now I know that it is so she could go with Hector. Can I keep these other pictures for evidence?” Nikos asked.

He picked up the folder that contained pictures of Hector and the drug syndicate. He also took the picture that showed Hector with his back towards probably millions of dollars worth of drugs.

“Sure. What do you intend to do now?” Alex asked.

“There’ll be no divorce. I’ll keep her safe.”

“If you need any help with your security detail, let me know. I know the perfect men for the job,” Alex offered.

“Once again, thank you for this Alex. One more thing though, I have to ask...have you heard anything about the ones who kidnapped me?”

Alex bowed his head.

"I’m sorry, my friend. Not as of yet. I have tried and tried to find information about them but they cover their tracks well. I have followed everything that Antonio’s wife told me but I always hit a dead-end.”

“I understand. It’s all right, Alex. I know that you are doing your best.”

There was a knock on the door and the waiters came in and brought their food. The conversation was much lighter this time. They talked about each other’s work and compared the differences. They also reminisced about their past and how they always got into trouble as teenagers.

As their lunch progressed, Nikos started thinking of the ways that he could use this information over Cassia. Now, he could force her to go with him and insist that it was for her safety.

And if she didn’t know anything about Hector Petrides’ activities yet, then surely she was in for a huge shock.




“There’s been a change of events. The higher-ups would spare all of us if we pay the amount of what was lost.”

A chorus of murmurs went around Sebastian’s men at this spark of hope. The drug cartel never gave second chances but it seemed as though fate was throwing them a bone.

“But how can we pay millions of dollars?! The latest drug shipment was a big one and it was worth too much!” one of his men cried.

“The men in charge of the shipment disappeared off the face of the earth,” one of Sebastian’s men reported. They’d searched for weeks but to no avail.

“We are still the head of this territory and the blame will fall on our shoulders for this slip-up,” another interjected.

“Unless we find a way, we’re all dead men.”

Suddenly, Sebastian had an excellent idea. His men looked at him as though they thought he finally lost all his screws when he smiled and then laughed.

This was a perfect opportunity. He could get money and have his revenge at the same time. The timing couldn’t be any more perfect. Besides, he’d waited too long already...

“I have a plan. Exhaust whatever resources would be needed. I expect you to succeed or we are all dead men.”

“What do you want us to do, boss?”

“Get me Nikos Demakis.”


November 18, 2013 (The Next Day)
Fifth Avenue, New York City


“What do you mean you won’t be able to make it?” Cassia breathed into the phone.

“I’m sorry, princess. There are so many things I have to do right now. I won’t be able to make it to our dinner later and I also won’t be able to go back the rest of the week. I’m not sure when I’ll go home but something’s come up. I’ll call you and keep you informed, I promise,” Hector explained. His voice sounded strained and he spoke too fast.

“ promised that you would try. You said that you would try and be here more often.”

“I am trying, princess. But I can’t escape this. I have to tell you something and you must listen to me carefully...”

Cassia stopped trying to take inventory of the shelves in her store and focused more on her phone conversation. Hector’s hurried rate of speech and his serious tone gave her the impression that this was really important. 

“You know you can tell me anything, Hector.”

“There are some things I have done that I know you won’t be able to forgive, Cassia. But know this, no matter what happens...I love you. I truly do. You are the only thing in my life worth fighting for,” he said.

“Now you’re scaring me,” she replied. There was a wobble in her voice and Hector sighed when he heard it.

“I’ve done things...”

“What things?”

“I can’t tell you about them, Cassia. Knowing more would just place you in greater danger. I’m trying to protect you as best as I can. I am hiding now. I involved myself in something big and now that I don’t want to continue anymore, they won’t allow me to leave. They are forcing me to their will. These are the only things I can tell you.”

As dread filled her, Cassia replied, “What did you do Hector? What is this error you are talking about? Is this about money? You know you only have to ask.”

“No... Cass,” Hector sighed with frustration. “This is bigger than you or me. Just know that I am doing everything I can to fix this. Soon, I’ll go home and we can spend all the time we want together. For now, please understand,” he pleaded.

“As if I have any choice.”

“Cass, there’s one more thing I have to tell you. You have to leave your apartment. Take a vacation for about a week or two. Go to some beach and stay there.”

“What? I just can’t take off like that! My work depends on me and I have a lot of commitments for the next few weeks!”

“This is for your own safety. Please, Cassia, just follow me this once without question. Do this for me. Those who are after me might know of my connection to you and they may hurt you to get to me. Please just pack up and leave. Make as many phone calls as you want and take your laptop so that your work won’t suffer! All I ask is that you leave the city and spend some time in a faraway place.”


“Cassia, please,” Hector begged.

Something in his tone said he was desperate. For now, Cassia decided to believe him.

“Fine. But you will have to meet me wherever I choose to go. We’ll hide together,” she bargained.

There was a long pause on the other line wherein she only heard Hector’s rough breathing then he said, “I’ll try, Cassia. I’ll try and finish everything right away so that I can be with you as soon as I can. Please understand...”

“Hector, whatever it is that you’ve done, you know I’ll always be here, right? You can tell me and I won’t judge you.”

“I know. But I’m not ready to tell you now. Give me some more time,” he sighed. “I don’t deserve you, princess. You will forever be my greatest treasure.”

Cassia’s eyes misted with tears and she found it difficult to swallow through the sobs that welled in her throat.

“I love you, Hector.”

“Not as much as I love you, princess.”


Silence descended over them. She would hold Hector to his promise that he would fix everything and that they’d soon be together.

“Cassia, I have to go. I’ll call you as soon as I can. But I’ll be using another number so that they will not be able to track me,” Hector told her.

“I understand. Bye, Hector. Keep yourself safe and return to me as soon as you can,” she urged.

“I will. And I will be counting down the hours until we are together again.”


Cassia stared at her phone for a couple more minutes as she replayed her conversation with Hector over and over again. She tried searching for clues as to what predicament he was in but everything was so vague.

She sighed and went to the computer to straighten things out. It was a good thing that it was still early and there were no customers yet. She could still do whatever work she could and at the same time make plans for her impromptu vacation.

She sat and began answering her numerous emails. Afterwards, she sketched some changes to her designs and made a note to start searching for the perfect fabric to create them with. Then, she took out her planner and pondered which meetings she would have to cancel or postpone for another time. When she was sure that her schedule was cleared, she searched for vacation packages to the places that she wanted to go to.

After careful consideration, she decided to settle on going to Hawaii.

Then she made a list of everything she would need on that vacation.


Nikos stretched his legs out in front of him.

Then he stretched his hands in the air, arched his back, popped his neck and yawned widely. He had been awake all night as he finalized some papers about the
Higeshima Deal
he was working on.

Higeshima Corporation is a shipping company in Japan. Due to bad management, the once prestigious company became bankrupt. But Nikos saw its potential so he wanted to buy the company and take over. If all goes well, the
Higeshima Corporation
will now be under the
Andrade-Demakis Corporation
and this will expand the company’s reach in Asia. Soon, they will also conquer the Asian market and this was Nikos’ goal for the next five years.

But before that happens, there was still so much work to be done. 

Nikos stretched his arms again and leaned back. Now, the sun was nearly in the middle of the sky and he’s just finished.

He was at the penthouse suite of his hotel but instead of relaxing, he finished a mountain of work. He decided he’d take some brunch, drink his sleeping pills and go straight to bed while wishing for a dreamless sleep.

Suddenly, his phone rang. It was not a registered number so he hesitated in picking it up.

“Nikos Demakis, speaking,” he drawled in a bored tone as he stifled yet another yawn.

“Nikos! It’s me Alex. Thank God you answered!”

“Alex? Why? What’s wrong?”

He heard the note of distress in his usually calm and unshakeable friend.

“Just got intel that says they already know of her. Hector called her earlier this morning and they traced the call. The person I’ve assigned to guard her just reported there are several suspicious men outside her shop. I’m on my way,” Alex explained hurriedly.

Nikos heard the screeching of tires in the background and he knew that this was a dire situation indeed. His heart started beating faster as adrenaline flooded his system. He tucked the phone between his shoulder and ear and ran towards the table where he hastily retrieved his keys and wallet.

He ran towards the elevator as he continued speaking to Alex.

“Where is she?”

Fifth Avenue,” Alex replied and the line went dead.

Nikos pocketed his phone and cursed the elevator for going so slowly. His mind emptied of any other thoughts except for the desperation to get to Cassia. He didn’t even have time to think why he was acting and feeling this way about his wife who was practically a stranger.

The moment the doors opened, he bolted across the lobby and towards his car. He painted the road black as he burned tires in his haste.

However, one look at the traffic and he knew he wasn’t going to make it as fast as he wanted to. He banged his palms on the steering wheel and cursed the city to hell for its heavy traffic. At the same time, he sent a prayer for Cassia’s safety to whoever might be listening.

Then, he pulled out his phone and decided to warn her.



Cassia’s phone rang again for what must have been the twentieth time already. She glanced at the screen and saw that it was Nikos. For the last fifteen minutes, she pressed the Ignore button repeatedly. She even considered switching it off for the frantic ringing was driving her crazy.

“What?!” she hissed.

“Thank the gods you finally picked up! Listen to me. Go to the back of your store and stay there. You’re not safe. Do not open the doors for anyone!” Nikos barked.

“What?  That’s absurd! I cannot close my shop! It just opened and there are customers already! If this is a prank or a drunken call, then let me tell you, Nikos, it isn’t funny.”

Cassia hung up but before she could place her phone down, it rang again.

“Leave me alone!” she shouted.

“Cassia. Please. Listen to me. You are in danger. Just go to the back of your shop and wait for me there. I’ll explain everything later.”

She laughed and moved away from her register. She went closer to the glass that contained the mannequins dressed with her most beautiful designs.

“Are aliens coming to get me, Nikos?” she asked sarcastically as she looked at the skies. “I’m staring outside and the heavens look clear to me. No sign of
flying saucers or something,” she teased.

Cassia didn’t disregard Nikos’ warning fully, however
. She also scanned her surroundings while taking cover by the pillar near the glass. Nothing was out of the ordinary. She shook her head and berated herself for taking Nikos’ word seriously at all.



“Cassia, this isn’t a joke!” Nikos shouted. He considered throwing his phone because of his frustration but what good would that do?

He heard Cassia laugh and his anger and desperation just spiked up another notch.

“There are men out there who are out to get you.
Get away from the glass, lock your shop and hide!!!” Nikos roared.

Cassia’s laughter was cut short and Nikos heard her gasp. It was followed by the sound of glass breaking and falling. There was a muffled thud like a body hitting the wooden floor.

“Cassia!” Nikos shouted.

There was no sarcastic reply this time, only a groan of pain.

His entire body tightened with fear. He stepped harder on the accelerator. He weaved through traffic and thanked the gods that his hobby was racing. He certainly put it to good use now.

By the time he made the turn towards Fifth Avenue, his heart was beating so fast that he half expected to have a heart attack.

He jumped out of his car and ran towards Cassia’s shop. However, he was stopped short when he heard the sound of gunfire and the window of the taxi beside him shattered. He ducked then hid behind one of the nearby cars and used his arms and legs to crawl nearer.

He lifted his head for a second to survey his surroundings and saw the front of Cassia’s shop. Broken glass and bullet shells were everywhere. The mannequins lay on the ground and some had several large bullet holes.

His wife was on the floor and his heart squeezed inside his chest. He saw red and all thoughts fled except the need to get to her. Without thinking, he leapt over the car and ran to her.

“Get down, you fool!” He was yanked hard mid-jump and forced down to the ground by Alex.

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