The Billion-Dollar Marriage Contract (13 page)

BOOK: The Billion-Dollar Marriage Contract
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One hour later...
The MGM Grand Hotel
Las Vegas, Nevada


Nikos Demakis sat in the front row of the catwalk as various skinny models in lingerie paraded before him.

He smiled with satisfaction as he realized he had dated some of them. Some looked at him with flirtatious expressions while some looked at him with anger. Those were the ones who wanted more and were bitter when he ended the relationship because he couldn’t give them the
they were searching for.

Aside from eyeing the models, he also took in the details of the designs. Actually, he was a connoisseur of beautiful things and this set of designs really caught his eye. He often bought his mistresses expensive clothing to placate them and to not have things so complicated when he broke things off. Those were nothing compared to this.

Now, he made a mental note to ask his personal assistant to buy the clothing he sent out as gifts in this shop instead.

The parade went on and on and he grabbed his pen and noted the designs he wanted to buy later. Earlier, it was explained that the proceeds would go to the numerous orphanages that the owner of the shop sponsored.

Then, he focused back on the show. Overall, it was very organized and he found himself enjoying his night, something he hadn’t really done for a long time. He made another mental note to meet the designer and congratulate him or her on a very successful event.

He loved everything about it.

He loved how the ambiance and the music complemented the theme of the show. He loved the designs, the models chosen and the way they were asked to parade the clothing. He also loved the fact that this show was for a good cause.

But all good things come to an end.

Time flew so fast that Nikos was surprised when they announced that the show was already over. For the last part, all the models came out wearing evening gowns with their masks on. All their evening gowns were designed by the owner of the fashion line and he concluded that this was what all of them would be wearing for the after party.


Finally, the designer exited the stage and everyone stood up and clapped. He also clapped and he was even more amazed when he saw that it was a woman. His heart skipped inside his chest and for some reason, he felt as if he knew her.

He studied her and looked at her from head to toe. She had gorgeous brown hair that fell down her back in a mass of beautiful curls. Her skin looked so soft and it was a bit toned as if she spent some time under the sun. But what he noticed most about her was that she had curves that could make any man’s mouth water. He couldn’t see her eyes through the mask but he could see her lips which made him want to kiss them all night long.

All those were just physical characteristics.

He also counted in the fact that she had a brilliant mind for her designs were absolutely exquisite. Her gaze fell towards him for a moment, and he saw her stop. The instant their eyes connected, he felt a jolt of electricity go through his entire body. Again, he couldn’t help but feel that tingle of recognition.

Her lips parted and he knew she must’ve felt the same way too...or maybe it was just his imagination for she quickly looked away.

Her reaction to him made him all the more certain;
he just had to meet her.




“Hi! Are you enjoying your night?” Cassia asked her guests. All of them nodded and began to chat with her enthusiastically about her designs.  They also told her that they were sure that they were going to bid for a lot of her designs tonight.

Cassia smiled and marveled at her success. Overall, this night was perfect! It was everything she envisioned it to be. The show and her designs were a success! She was sure she would gather a lot of profit for her numerous charities later tonight.

There were just two things that dampened her spirits: the first one was that Nikos Demakis was here.

When her eyes connected with his, she felt as if she was back in Greece. For a moment there, she was taken back to the time when she was still a naive girl who blindly followed her grandfather’s wishes. She was also reminded of the fact that she was so infatuated with Nikos Demakis at one point in time

Then he looked at her with desire in his eyes. During that moment, memories of their wedding night arose. He had looked at her that way as he kissed her and mastered her body. But that desire was worth nothing. The next morning, he came straight to his mistress’ bed and chose her over his own wife. Then came all the humiliation.

She steeled her resolve and looked away. She wore a mask and he’d never recognize her anyway. She would just have to avoid him for the rest of the night. He wouldn’t recognize her for they hadn’t seen each other for a couple of years. Several things had changed. One of them was that she wasn’t blonde anymore. Her hair color was back to its natural brown. Also, she wasn’t fat. It all melted away in college when she had to work and study at the same time.


As for the second reason she was not a hundred percent happy:
Hector wasn’t here

He promised her he wouldn’t miss this fashion show for the world. But he did. He said something came up in his work again and that caused him to miss his flight to Las Vegas. And then he was also running late due to traffic.

Cassia shook her head and sighed. Well, it seemed as if she had her answer: she would always come second in his life. His business would always take first place and the most room in his heart.

“All right, then. Please enjoy the rest of the night,” she told her guests and then moved away to entertain other guests.

She was stopped on her way when a man walked towards her. Her breath caught in her throat when she realized it was none other than Nikos Demakis.


“Hi.” Nikos drawled.

“Hello,” Cassia replied.

Her heart started beating a furious rhythm inside her chest but she willed herself to be calm. She would not show Nikos any fear. If possible, she’d never reveal her identity. But he would know about this sooner or later. Well then, she’d just remove her mask when the perfect opportunity came.

“I just wanted to commend you on your designs. They are excellent. Far more superior to any other I’ve ever seen. They are very unique and creative.”

“Thank you,” Cassia replied and then she tilted her head up. “I think you are a man who doesn’t give compliments easily. So your words must be true,” she added in a flat tone.

“That is true,” Nikos laughed.

He grabbed two flutes of champagne from a passing waiter and passed one to her. She took it and thanked him with a nod.

“So...what brings you here to my show, Mr. Demakis? You didn’t strike me as the man with a taste for fashion.”

“How’d you know my name?

veryone knows Mr. Nikos Demakis.”

The corner of his lips turned up in an arrogant smile. “
Well, I was just in town. And this was a great event. I thought I’d go. This is for charity too which just makes it all the more interesting.”

“I hope you bid for some pieces later tonight for charity.”

“I’d bid for it because it’s an excellent design. It, being for charity, is just a huge bonus,” Nikos replied.

Cassia smiled and marveled at how sweet Nikos’ tongue was when it wasn’t lashing out cruel words for her. He was just like this because he didn’t even recognize her plus the fact that he was
with her.

“I am a direct man, Ms. I’ll just say this straight away. Would you like to have dinner with me some time?”

Cassia laughed. Nikos truly did not recognize her.
And now, what?
He was planning to make her one of his conquests? One more to add to his list of successful women he dated? Another notch in his bedpost?

Well, been there, done that.

“Unfortunately, no.”

“So quick to say no? Can’t you think about it?” Without another word, Nikos grabbed her hand and inspected it.

“No rings,” Nikos pointed out.

Cassia laughed once more and snatched her hand back. She extended it in front of her face and made a point to look as curious as she could be as she studied it.

“’re right. But there
to be. No matter, we’ll get divorced soon,” she pointed out.

Nikos couldn’t help but feel satisfaction as she said that she was getting divorced soon. He badly wanted her

“ you are getting divorced, then? Come to dinner with me. I think your husband won’t mind that now, will he?”

Cassia knew that it was the perfect opportunity to reveal herself. No other moment could be as perfect as this one.

She removed her mask and waited for comprehension to dawn on Nikos face
. But it didn’t.
Instead, his eyes grew heavy-lidded with desire and mild curiosity.

“You tell me if you would mind, Nikos. You
, after all,” Cassia said.

She watched as his jaw dropped and recognition and shock crossed his beautiful green eyes. The two expressions warred and she saw a muscle throb in his jaw.

Before he could say another word, she laughed and then turned around and walked away from him.





Later that night...
The MGM Grand Hotel
Las Vegas, Nevada


Was it true or was it all a figment of his imagination?

Nikos watched Cassia walk away with all his muscles locked in place. His jaw would have dropped had he not controlled himself.

When she laughed it was like a punch to his gut. The first thought that popped into his mind was that it was not really her. But upon looking more closely, indeed it was her. Now he knew why he thought he recognized her the first time he saw her on stage.

She had the same beautiful brown eyes and the same facial features. But now, all the fat in her body melted into perfect curves; the kind that made a man want to hold on forever.

Another thing that changed was that she was no longer blonde. Instead, she was now a brunette. And it looked even better! Nikos’ stomach clenched and so did the hand holding the champagne glass. He shook his head and turned around to lean against one of the marble pillars.

He could not believe that he had just been flirting with his own wife!

He definitely needed a stronger drink.

He walked towards the bar and sat on one of the stools.

“Give me your best scotch,” he told the bartender who quickly went to work on his drink. While he was waiting, his eyes roamed the room.

Now that his shock has faded, his logic was back.

For the first time tonight, he realized that the famous designer that owned the fashion line
was none other than his
. He took one more look around the room and noted the success of the event. If she organized this herself, then he had to admit that she was good. If not, then she had a good set of staff to do this for her.

The bartender slid his drink towards him and he took a long swig.

She was his wife yet why did he not know about this? Is this where all the money that he gave her every year as her allowance went? Were the houses she bought with his money the locations where she built her shops?

With this train of thought, he took another hefty swig of his drink. It burned a path down his throat but he welcomed it for he now knew that this was reality and he was definitely not dreaming.


Antonio had raised some valid points and he tried to tell him about Cassia’s life now but he did not let his friend talk. Why?
It was because he did not care.
He did not want anything to do with her because to him, she would forever be the woman who stole his freedom and built a web of lies around their marriage.

Over the years he reasoned that, because of her, he could not find the woman for him. She took his choice away and now he was stuck with her. Especially since his family prided itself on never having any divorce. Once they married, it was for life and divorce was certainly out of the equation.

But then again, Antonio argued that Cassia was not in his life for ten years and that they only saw each other once in a while. Cassia basically had no influence on his life and he was free to do whatever he pleased and date whoever he wanted; which was what he did.

But over the course of ten years, he never even had a serious relationship. He never found a woman he could give his heart to; never found one he wanted to marry. Because of that, he carried on with his life and still searched. Then there came a point that he simply gave up. Maybe he was not suited for a family life and maybe he was just incapable of feeling an emotion as deep as love.

Nikos ordered himself another drink before he went back to his thoughts.

He stared at the ice cubes in his scotch as he pondered the recent events of the night.

In two days, it would be his and Cassia’s
wedding anniversary. Ten years of marriage and they were no closer to each other than the day they were wed. He loathed her and she loathed him. He decided that he would take Antonio’s advice and to try and make Cassia agree that it was time they both settled down.

Why the change of heart when just a few days ago he was convinced that he would never want her?

Well, it was due to the fact that he thought he would never find the woman for him anyway. Time was running out. He refused to wait some more for someone that may never come. Plus, he had a duty to his family. He had to have an heir with Cassia or everything he and his ancestors worked hard for would all go to waste.

Demakis International
had been with his family for generations and he refused to let it end with him. No matter what, it must stay in his family and the only way to do that was to pass it on to a child that was from both Cassia and him as stipulated by their contract.

And since he gave up the notion of falling in love, he might as well do his duty. He may not love his wife but he sure as hell would love his son or daughter. Maybe when he was holding his own child in his arms, he’d stop being so
jealous of Antonio and his perfect family life. For a long time, he felt as though there was this huge void in his life and maybe, just
, it was what he needed to fill it.

He needed an end to this kind of playboy life and he was finally ready to settle down. He was willing to sacrifice it all again just so he could have that. He was even willing to make peace with his
. Maybe they could even have a civilized relationship once they got past all the hate.

With that thought in mind, he flew to Vegas from Greece two days early with the intent of scheduling a dinner with Cassia on their wedding anniversary which was on November 15
, two days from now. During that dinner, he planned on discussing his plans with her. He believed that she would agree quickly. If not, he’d apologize for his behavior ten years ago and ask for a chance.

But why would she not agree? She was the one who wanted him in the first place. Maybe the idea of them living together and her having his child would even make her faint with joy.

“One Gin and Tonic please.”

A man slid into the stool beside Nikos thereby pulling him out of his thoughts. He looked to his left and then his whole body clenched and he frowned.

“Petrides,” he hissed.

Nikos looked at Hector Petrides from head to foot and noted the expensively tailored Italian suit, the gold Rolex watch studded with diamonds and his shiny leather shoes. Every inch of him screamed wealth and Nikos could not believe that the man started out as a waiter somewhere in Greece, according to reports.

The man’s brown head whipped towards him and surprise registered in his eyes.

“Demakis,” the man replied in an equally nasty tone. “What a pleasant surprise! Didn’t think you liked these kinds of things.”

Nikos shrugged at his best competition in the hotel and restaurant industry.

“I know the host,” he replied. “And you? Didn’t think this was your kind of thing either.”

“Well, I know the designer,” Hector replied as he grabbed his drink from the bar.

He slid off his stool and winked at Nikos. Then, he walked away without another word.

His brows furrowed in confusion as he watched Hector disappear in the crowd. He couldn’t help but be suspicious about Hector’s last statement.


“Good evening everybody!” Marietta greeted.

Immediately, the people started to go to their tables to be seated since the auction was about to start. Nikos slid off his stool and went towards his table near the front of the stage.

He smiled and nodded politely to the people seated at the same table. He also listened to their polite conversation and answered some of their questions. Then, the auction went on and Nikos bought most of the things at an outrageously high price just so he could please Cassia.

Marietta beamed at him all the while for she thought it was for

Nikos noticed it and made a mental note to sever all ties with her before he would go and talk to Cassia. Since he had known Marietta for a long time now, he couldn’t help thinking that the French supermodel-turned-actress believed that she was going to be a permanent fixture in his life someday.

But that was never going to happen.

He had to get things straight.

Nikos lifted his head and watched as several jewelry pieces were paraded for the auction. This time, he let the men who came here with their wives win the bidding. He thought that it will be more appreciated by the wives of his colleagues as a sweet gesture rather than let those beautiful gems just sit in his vault.

Nikos eyes darted towards the side of the stage and he saw Cassia smiling with tears in her eyes. Earlier that night, the charities where the proceeds of this auction would go to were introduced. An amount was set as a target. But because of the generosity of the men here, his own high bids and
Cassia’s excellent designs, the target amount was met and even tripled.

The sight of the smile on her face moved something inside him but he quickly shook the feeling away.


“Thank you everyone for your generosity! Our target of five hundred thousand dollars has now been achieved! What’s more is that we now have one million and five hundred eighty thousand dollars! Now, can’t we close this at one million six hundred thousand dollars?” Marietta’s voice rang clear across the room. “How about a kiss from our beloved designer, Miss Cassiopeia for that twenty thousand dollars?” she suggested.

The guests chuckled and so did the designer herself. She threw her head back, exposing the long column of her neck, and then laughed.

The sound was like a soothing balm to his fractured spirit.

He was about to raise his hand and bid for that kiss when a voice beat him to it.

“I’ll take that kiss!”

Nikos’ turned towards the sound of the voice and he saw Hector Petrides with his hand raised in the air.

Rage blazed inside of him along with a surge of possessiveness. His earlier suspicion was pretty much confirmed: Hector and Cassia had some kind of relationship. His vision turned red and his hands clenched at his side. All his self-control went towards stopping himself from standing up and hitting the bastard in the face.

That was
his wife
Petrides is bidding
a kiss

Nikos raised his hand.
“One hundred thousand dollars.”

Marietta laughed and so did the entire crowd. They thought it was a joke and that he was simply being very charitable. It was true. But behind that reason, he did not want anyone else kissing Cassia. They may not have the perfect marriage but she was still his wife.

Besides, he hated Hector Petrides and didn’t want him to win.


Hector turned towards him and one corner of his lips turned upwards in a smile.

“One hundred and fifty thousand dollars.”

Hector just sealed his fate even further. There’d be no mercy for him now. Nikos would make sure his business went down.

“Three hundred,” Nikos retorted

“Wow. This is some sizzling competition. But I understand for Miss Cassiopeia is truly stunning in her gown. I thank her for also designing the gown that I am wearing. And to Mr. Demakis and Mr.Petrides, thank you so much for your kindness. That’s one hell of an expensive kiss, huh?” Marietta quipped.

She also winked at Nikos and he just ignored her.

People laughed some more but Nikos did not care. He’d even give a hundred million dollars just so that Hector could not kiss Cassia.

“Four hundred,” Hector said quickly.

Nikos decided to bid double.

“Eight hundred thousand dollars.”

Nikos noticed that Petrides looked uncomfortable now. He sat back in his chair and just smiled around at the people and even for the media who leapt into action and took several pictures.

He knew the headline for tomorrow’s gossip columns would be that he was interested in the famous designer of Cassiopeia. But what they did not know was that she was already his wife. A fact he also did not know when this night started.


“Mr. Demakis, a moment please?” one of the reporters approached him.

“Sure,” he replied with a smile. He darted one glance towards Cassia and Hector but Hector hadn’t bid yet. Maybe the bastard was still checking how much money he still had in his bank account.

“Rumors say that you are going to be racing at the
Monte Carlo Grand Prix
again this year after so many years of being out of the racing circuit. Is this true?”

Nikos smiled and the reporters waited with bated breaths.

“What can I say? Racing is my hobby and it shall forever be in my blood,” he replied with a smile.

At that answer, the reporters went wild and started throwing more questions left and right.
Because of the noise they made, he did not hear Hector’s last bid. Because of his preoccupation, he forgot that he was bidding for a kiss from his

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