The Billionaire Next Door (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Collection) (18 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire Next Door (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Collection)
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“Have some money?  You’re a friggin’ billionaire.”

“And so what?  What the hell’s the difference?  I can’t
be with you because I’ve got money?”  Realizing he was raising his voice,
Ransom shut up.  He drew in his breath then let it out slowly, trying to calm
his nerves.  The evening was not going as he’d planned.  “Listen,” he said,
forcing himself to stay calm, “can we just forget about all that and focus on
us?”  He reached out to take her hand again.  “Only on us.  Okay?”

For just a second Solie hesitated but then the tension
in her shoulders relaxed and the worry on her face gave way to a half smile. 
“I still don’t know if I should believe you.  You and Kyra probably linked up
to prank me, but if what you’re saying has an ounce of truth to it, you know
what the worst part is?”

Relieved she was smiling again, Ransom smiled back and
shrugged.  “What?”

“I’ve got to pay Kyra a hundred dollars.”  And with
that, Solie gave a dramatic groan.

Ransom could only laugh.  Thank God she had a sense of

His fingers tightened around hers.  “Now that we’ve put
that behind us I’d like to get back to my question.”

“Oh, yeah.  Right.  I cut you off, didn’t I?”  She gave
him an apologetic smile.  “Sorry.  What did you want to ask me?”

Ransom wanted to do this right.  He was even contemplating
going down on one knee but after the near-disaster that had just been averted
the sensible plan of action might be to just get it out.  

“Solie,” he said,  “I want you to look me in the eyes.” 
When he was satisfied he had one hundred percent of her attention he began.  “I
think you know how important you are to me.”

“I do?”  Her eyes widened, full of wonder, as she spoke
in a breathless whisper.

Ransom frowned.  “You should.  How many times have I
said…”  He paused, his voice trailing off into nothingness.  Dammit.  He’d
never said it.  He’d been loving this woman all this time and never once had he
come out and said so.

Time to get his act together.  He’d messed up and now he
had to make good.  Real good.

Ransom got up and walked around the table to take Solie
by the hands.  Still looking bemused she got up and stood before him, her
fingers trembling as she held his hand.

Ransom gave her a reassuring smile but when he spoke his
voice was solemn.  “Solie, I want you to know that I love you, more than you
could ever know.  I don’t want to live a day without you in my life.”  He
folded her hands in his and pressed their clasped hands to his heart.  “Soledad
Felix, will you be my wife?”

Solie gasped and when her eyes met his they were wide
and shimmering.  “I’m sorry,” she said on a hiccup.  “Did you…just ask me to
marry you?”

Ransom released her but only to cup her face in his
hands.  “I did, my sweetheart.  I know this is sudden but I want you to be with
me forever.  I can’t be happy until I know you’re mine.  I love you, Solie. 
Will you accept me as your husband?” 

Solie bit her lip.  She shook her head.  She sniffed
then grimaced then her lips began to tremble.  And then, looking like the words
were trapped in her throat, she nodded.  “Yes,” she croaked.  “I’ll marry you. 
I love you, Ransom Kent.”

“My darling.”  Ransom drew her into his arms and then he
kissed her and with his kiss he told her all that he hadn’t said before.  He
loved her with all of his heart and from here on she would have no doubt about
that.  When Ransom finally withdrew he found he had to turn away for a quick
second.  There was a sudden pricking in the corner of his left eye, forcing him
to blink. 

Solie took his arm, pulling on it till he turned back to
face her.  Her brows were knitted but there was a huge grin on her face.  “Are
you crying?”

“Who, me?  Naah.  Men aren’t sappy like that.”  But then
he spoiled it when he sniffed.

Accepting defeat, he reached for her and pulled her back
into his arms.  “You got me, kid.  I’m going soft, but only for you.”

He was hugging her close when he felt the vibration in
his trouser pocket.  "Shoot.  I thought I turned that off.”

He released Solie then dug the phone out of his pocket
and glanced at the screen.  An unknown number.  Never one to ignore a call just
in case of emergency, Ransom tapped the answer button and put the phone to his
ear.  “Ransom here.”

“This is Raul.  Let me speak to Soledad.”  It was the
harsh, thickly accented voice of a man.

Shocked, Ransom didn’t even challenge the request.  He
handed the phone to Soledad.  “It’s for you,” he said.  "Raul.”

Solie gasped and her eyes grew huge in her face.  Her
hand that was holding the phone began to tremble.  She stared at the device
like it was a live grenade.

What the devil was going on?




“H…hello?”  Solie’s voice shook as she spoke into the
phone, her face flushed and her chest heaving in her agitation.  “Raul?”

She listened for a few seconds and then her face grew an
even deeper shade of red.  “No, I can’t do that,” she said.  “I-”  She stopped
abruptly like the man had cut her off.

Something was definitely wrong.  Ransom put out his
hand.  “Give me the phone,” he said.  “Let me talk to this guy.  Is he
harassing you?”

“No, I…” Solie looked distressed but she shook her head
and actually moved away, far enough where he couldn’t hear.  Her back turned to
him, he could see her shake her head again and her shoulders went rigid but she
obviously didn’t want him to be a part of her conversation. 

A minute later she hung up then turned to him, a look of
regret in her eyes.  And there was something else.  Was it fear?

She came back to stand in front of him.  Looking nervous
she lifted the phone in her hand.  “I’m sorry,” she said softly then waited for
him to take the phone.

Ransom stared at her for a few seconds longer before he
lifted the phone from her palm.  He looked at the offending device in his hand
then slowly slid it back into his pocket.

When he looked back at her he was frowning.  “What was
that all about?” he asked.  “And who the blazes is Raul?”

“He’s…um…someone I knew back in Panama.”

Solie was stuttering.  He could see she was lying
through her teeth.  She was looking him right in the face and telling him a
friggin’ lie.

Ransom felt the bile rise in his throat.  What the hell
was she hiding?  “How did he get my number?  Did you give it to him?”

“I…I don’t know how he got it.  I never gave him your
phone number.  I never gave anyone-”

“Then who is Raul?  Tell me, dammit.”

“I’ll tell you, Ransom.  I will.  But…not now.”

There was that fear in her eyes again and Ransom would
do anything to find out what had put it there.

“It’s nothing, okay?  Just trust me.”

Ransom almost laughed.  How could he trust Solie when
she’d been so quick to lie to his face?  And this was the woman he’d just ask
to marry him.

“Can you take me home, please?  I’m tired.  I just need
to go to bed.”  Shoulders sagging, she reached for her purse.

Ransom’s lips tightened but he nodded.  All of a sudden
he didn’t mind this early end to the night.

Right now he could do with some alone time.  He had a
lot to think about. 




When Ransom dropped Solie at home she couldn’t get
inside the house fast enough.  She had to get away, to be alone for a while so
she could think.

She said her goodbye and although she noticed he didn’t
even try to kiss her she didn’t dwell on it.  After what had happened tonight
who could blame him?

When she closed the door behind her she leaned her back
against it, needing to catch her breath.  Finally, when her heart slowed to a
manageable pace she pushed away from the door and headed for her bedroom.

After a quick shower Solie climbed into bed but only to
toss and turn as she thought about what Raul had said.  Months ago she'd
threatened him and when he disappeared she’d thought she’d rid herself of him
for good.  But not anymore.  Raul had gone into hibernation but now he was back
with a vengeance.  He wanted her back.

The ringing phone startled Solie out of her rumination. 
She grabbed it up quickly.  Maybe Ransom was calling to check on her.  But when
she saw it was an unknown number her heart went still.  She didn’t need to
answer the phone to know it was Raul.

For a second she contemplated not answering but she knew
she couldn’t avoid it.  How else would she find out what he was up to?

She put the phone to her ear.  “Yes.”  Her voice cold,
she held her breath as she waited for her tormentor to speak.

mi amor,
is that the way you greet your
long lost love?  You’ve been missing me, no?”

Solie’s nostrils flared as she sucked in her breath. 
“Why are you calling me, Raul?  And how did you get Ransom’s number?”

“Aah, you finally tell me his name.”  The man chuckled
in amusement.  “You didn’t think I would find out, did you,

“How did you get his number?”  Solie sat upright in the
bed, her voice rising with each word.  “Tell me.”

“And spoil the mystery?  That would spoil the fun,
His chuckle turned into an outright laugh.  “Oh, it was so good to break into
your little tête-à-tête.  You looked so starry-eyed.  What did he do?  Ask you
to marry him?”

Solie gasped and almost leaped out of the bed.  “What do
you know about that?  Where were you?  Were you watching us?”

Again, he tsked at her.  “That’s for me to know and you
to find out, sweetheart.  Now listen.”  Raul’s voice suddenly turned cold. 
“Like I told you earlier, I don’t want you seeing that guy anymore.  If you
don’t want him to get hurt you stay the hell away from him.  You’re mine, do
you hear me?”

Solie didn’t answer.  Each time he said the words,
threatening to hurt the man she loved, it was like her blood froze in her
veins.  She didn’t know what she’d do if Ransom came to any harm.

Raul’s voice broke into her thoughts.  “There’s
something very important I have to tell you.  Something to do with that little
friend of yours.”

“Ransom?  What do you have to tell me about him?”

Raul laughed and it was a harsh and unforgiving sound. 
“If you want to find out there’s only one thing you can do.  Tomorrow night
you’re going out on a date with me.”




Solie sat in front of the mirror, her face a study in
worry.  Within an hour she was supposed to be meeting with Raul at Timpano and
she didn’t know what to do.

She hated the idea of coming anywhere near the man, and
having to sit at a table across from him?  The thought made her shudder.

But what else could she do?  She had to know what was up
his sleeve.  He’d said he had important information, something to do with
Ransom.  No matter if she was putting herself at risk she had to find out what
it was.

She’d contemplated taking another recording device but
this time, she was sure, he would check her when she got to the restaurant. 
Still, if she could manage it without tipping him off, she would use her cell

That plan turned out to be fruitless.  As soon as she
sat down at the table Raul reached over and picked up her purse then, to her
annoyance, he emptied its contents right there on the table.  Covering the cell
phone with his hand he drew it to him.  “I’ll hold on to this,” he said.  “You
can have it back after dinner.”

Solie glared at him but he smiled back, unfazed.  With a
hiss of annoyance she gathered up her lip-gloss, tissues, keys and pen and
stuffed them back into the purse.  “What did you have to say to me?” she
snarled.  “Get on with it so I can leave.”

“My darling, I’m hurt.”  He gave her a mocking grin. 
“You’re not looking forward to spending the evening with me?”  Then he shook
his head.  “We aren't going to talk about it until we have dinner.  Just relax
and enjoy your meal.  We’ll talk business later.”

The next hour was sheer torture for Solie.  In between
bits of food Raul spent the time engaging in idle chit-chat, which nearly drove
her up the wall.  She felt like wrapping her fingers around his neck and
squeezing till he begged for mercy.  Instead, she gritted her teeth and gave
angry mumbles in response to his attempts at conversation, her feet tapping
impatiently on the floor as she waited for him to divulge the secret he’d used
to lure her out on this date.  

When the server finally cleared the dessert things Solie
looked at Raul expectantly.  When he ignored her she cleared her throat. 

He raised his eyebrows then, in no hurry at all, he took
a sip of his coffee.  “Well what?”

Solie could have slapped the smugness right off his
face.  “You told me we’d talk business after dinner.  It’s now after dinner, so

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