The Billionaire's Call Girl: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (4 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Call Girl: A BWWM Billionaire Romance
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She nodded at Ms. Halstead. "I will accept the position." She said. "When would I start?"


Ms. Halstead pushed a stack of forms on the desk towards her. "If you sign these now, we will get your portfolio and photos done right after that, and you could start dating as soon as tonight if someone chooses you."


Felicia looked at the papers before her, took a deep breath and signed them. "Alright." she said. "Let's do it."


She was taken into a back area of the offices that was brighter than the reception area and Ms. Halstead's office. The rooms were well lit and looked more contemporary. She was dressed in gowns and form fitting dresses and went through a photo shoot that was a lot of fun for her. She liked the photographer and the style team who did her hair and makeup.

She felt like the images were doing her more justice than she deserved when she saw them. She worried slightly that the men who were looking for dates might have a different idea about how she looked because of her photos.


Her whole team hushed her and told her that she looked more beautiful in person than the images showed. She sat with a writer who worked through her portfolio with her, writing down all of her accomplishments and personality traits, filled out an interview with her about her interests and hobbies, and then promised to put it all together.


She finished with the writer and was taken with Ms. Halstead into another waiting room where they sat together and had coffee as they waited for the team to finish preparing her profile and upload it to their website.


While they were waiting, Ms. Halstead handed Felicia a small envelope with a silver credit card inside of it.


"What's this for?" Felicia asked, looking at it. She was surprised to see that it had her name on it.


"I had that made up for you after you left my office this morning. It just arrived." Ms. Halstead leaned forward in her chair and lowered her voice slightly.


"Sometimes our clients like to give gifts to the escorts that they see; sometimes it's a monetary gift that goes through the agency. Sometimes they are going to an event that requires a certain dress style or may be in a place that requires you to travel a little way; they fund your card anytime their needs might cause you expense.


That way, they are paying for all of it. The agency puts five hundred dollars on your card as a use for emergencies. For example if you felt uncomfortable on a date or something happened and you needed to leave, you would have money for any form of transportation that you needed to get you home, at the expense of the agency.


This card is to be used for work related expenses only, and please save all of your receipts for me. At the end of the month, whatever monetary balance the card has above five hundred dollars is given to you as a bonus on your salary."


She smiled at Felicia and Felicia nodded and tucked the card into her wallet.


Felicia wasn't even down to the bottom of her coffee cup when Ms. Halstead answered her phone, nodding and smiling at Felicia. When she hung up, she looked at Felicia and said, "Your profile is ready! Let's have a look at it. You are able to make any changes to it that you want to, but no one ever does."


The room they were in darkened and a screen slid down from a hidden spot on the ceiling. A moment later, Felicia saw her face on the screen and as the images of her came up, a sultry voice that was not hers began talking about her, saying the things she had disclosed about herself in her interview with the writer. She was amazed at how polished and beautiful the portfolio was. It looked incredible to her.


"Well, Ms. Halstead, that's really something else! I am so impressed with what I saw! Is that what the clients here will see?" she asked curiously.


Ms. Halstead nodded. "That's exactly what they'll see. Do you think we represented you well?"


Felicia nodded adamantly. "Very well. Thank you so much!"


Ms. Halstead smiled and stood up. "Of course! Now I will let you know as soon as we get a request for you to go out with one of our clients. In the meantime, I do want to remind you to be aware that we run a highly confidential business here. We do not, under any circumstances, discuss our clients or our business with anyone we are not working with. The secrecy and confidence of our clients is of the utmost importance to us. You understand, yes?" she asked.


Felicia nodded. Date rich men, get paid for it, don't talk about it to anyone, ever. She reached for Ms. Halstead's hand. "No problem. I understand. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity!"


Ms. Halstead nodded. "Of course, Felicia, and I wish you the best of luck. I am always around here, so please call me if anything comes up or if I can help you in any way."










Felicia went to school and let her surreal day go; making the last two classes of her day and then getting on the train to head home. She was part way home when her phone went off and she answered it.


"Hello?" she said, uncertain at the unfamiliar number.


"Felicia? This is Ms. Halstead," a  smooth voice answered.


Felicia blinked in surprise. She had just left the agency earlier that day. She thought perhaps she had forgotten something.


"Hello, what can I do for you?" she asked.


Ms. Halstead sounded like she was smiling. "Are you free tonight? There's a gentleman who would like you to accompany him to a party."


Now Felicia was extremely surprised. She hadn't expected such a fast turn around and wasn't sure how to take it. "I - yes, I'm available. What kind of party is it?" she wondered.


"It's a cocktail party for stock investors. It's at a ballroom at the Plaza hotel. He has left a generous amount for you on your card for you to go to a higher end store and purchase a new cocktail dress for tonight. He is sending a car around to your house to pick you up at six. His name is Rutherford Murdock. In your email, you will find his profile and picture, so that you will know who you are looking for. Alright?" she asked lightly.


Felicia's mind raced. She would have time to get home and shower, as well as to go shopping for a dress if she hurried, but she didn't know what she was going to say to her parents about a car pulling up to the house to pick her up. Panic raced through her.


"Ms. Halstead, could you have the car pick me up at Saks at six, please?" she waited anxiously, biting at her lower lip.


"Yes of course. No problem. Have fun tonight, and let me know if you have any questions or need anything. I'm always here to help," she sounded professional, but not quite friendly.


Felicia's nerves were electric with uncertainty. "Alright, thank you so much." She ended the call and took a deep breath. This was it. Her first date. She would soon find out what she had gotten herself into.


After a quick shower at home and a kiss on her mother's cheek telling her that she had plans with a friend that night, she quickly ate some dinner and then hurried off to Saks to find a dress. She found a little black dress that reached to just above her knee and scooped a bit lower in the back than she would have liked it to, but it fit her like a glove and she looked good in it. She pulled her hair up in a twist at the back of her head and pushed a few pins in to hold it there, then she touched up her makeup and walked to the main door of Saks to wait.


At six on the button, her phone rang and she answered it to hear a man’s voice greeting her and letting her know that her car was outside of Saks waiting for her. She drew a deep breath, walked out of the doors and tried not to stare at the stretch limo that was parked there, a chauffeur holding the door open and waiting for her.


She climbed into the car and looked around at the posh interior, wondering at the fact that she was being paid for doing this.


The car zipped through the city and pulled up to the Plaza, and the chauffeur opened the door and helped her out. She looked around and then her gaze turned toward the front door of the hotel. A man was walking toward her. He was just a little shorter than she was, he was older and graying, his skin was pasty and pale, and he was dressed in the nicest suit she had ever seen. Clenched between his teeth was a fat cigar smoking away.  He looked at her with glittering eyes.


"Well, hello there, Miss Felicia, aren't you a pretty thing! I like the dress you picked out, but next time, get one with half as much material, right?" he winked at her and laughed as if he had said something funny and she ought to like it. She smiled at him and extended her hand.


"Hello Mr. Murdock, it's nice to meet you. Thank you for having me out with you tonight," she said politely.


His eyes grew wide and he pulled the cigar from his mouth, clamping it in his fingers and pointing toward her. "You better call me Rutherford, baby doll, so everybody knows that you're mine tonight. Right?" he asked again, laughing as if he had said something hilarious.


She smiled and nodded. "Of course." she said quietly.


He slid his hand around her back and guided her toward the hotel. "This is us, baby," he said through his teeth as they gritted his cigar. They walked through the door and the manager of the hotel appeared out of nowhere and bowed slightly to him.


"May I take your cigar for you, Mr. Murdock?" he asked with a pseudo smile.


Rutherford groaned and pulled the cigar from his mouth, grumbling as he handed it to the manager, and they walked on toward the ballroom. The ballroom was decked out in lights and gauzy material, it looked elegant and refined, but still ready for a party, as long as it was a proper party and nothing wild. People were seated at tables all over the room, and Rutherford walked her almost to the front of the room and then sat her down with him at the head table.


There were eight other people at their table, and a gorgeous centerpiece in the middle of it. Felicia had never seen so many glasses and so much flatware in her life. She had no idea how to use all of it, and, as the meal began and courses were set before her, she watched the other people eating and drinking and followed their lead.   She wasn't feeling completely comfortable, but she looked around the room and listened to the conversations around her and thought that it wasn't such a bad job.


Rutherford kept ordering scotch and talking to everyone around her, occasionally saying things to her that he thought she should find funny, and she smiled and nodded at him.


When the dessert came, she had coffee and was just thinking that the night might end

simply when there was a little break in the conversation at the table because most of the people there got up to go talk to people at other tables, to mingle and to socialize.


Rutherford turned in his chair and looked at Felicia, smiling at her widely.


"Have you had a good time, baby?" he asked, obviously expecting her to say yes.


She nodded and smiled. "Yes, it was a wonderful dinner. Thank you!" she answered him.


He leaned closer to her and she could smell the whiskey on his breath. "How about the dessert, that was pretty good too, wasn't it?" he winked at her.


She nodded again. He moved his hand to her knee and slid it up her dress, squeezing the inside of her thigh. "Would you like some more sugar, baby? We could go up and get a room."


Felicia's heart almost leapt from her chest as panic flash flooded through her. She hadn't expected the old man to do anything of the sort with her. She reached down and wrapped her hand around his wrist, looking him right in the eyes.


"Mr. Murdock," she said, using his last name to amplify the business arrangement between them, "I am not here to sleep with you. I am a platonic date only," she said firmly.


He raised his eyebrows at her and grinned. "Oh! You're a feisty girl. I like that. He moved his hand up a little further and squeezed her thigh a bit harder. "I'll pay you for it. You're a very beautiful woman, and I like beautiful young women."


He leaned closer to her and whispered almost against her skin. "You are so damn hot, baby, and I will bet that you are worth every penny; you name your price and come upstairs with me. You come up and let me play with you a while. Come on. How much will it be, baby?"


He tried to lean in and kiss her but she turned away from him and stood up out of her chair. "I'm not for sale, Mr. Murdock. Kindly keep your hands to yourself. I'll be going now." She turned to leave but he stood up and grasped her elbow. She turned to him with a glare and he pouted.


"Alright, no hanky panky tonight, but don't go out mad. Let me at least get you home safe. That's part of the arrangement. Don't be mad now, Felicia; you can't blame an old guy for trying. Right?" he asked, laughing again as if he had said something funny once more.


Felicia frowned at him. "Alright, but I'm ready to go now." she stated flatly.


He narrowed his gaze at her and lowered his voice. "I bought you, baby, you leave when I say the date is over, and not before. We're almost done here, so don't be in a rush to go. We'll be finished up soon."


He turned and walked away from the table, pulling her along behind him as he headed over to talk to people he hadn't spoken with yet.


It was two in the morning when Felicia finally got home; climbing out of the car two blocks from her house so no one would see her, thanking the chauffeur  \\and turning to walk away.


Rutherford leaned out of the door with his scotch in his hand and his cigar held tight in his teeth and said, "I'm going to hire you again, baby. I'm going to keep at you, missy. One of these nights you'll change your mind about it and play with me, and then we'll have a good time!" he whooped and the chauffeur closed the door.


Felicia groaned and rolled her eyes. The car peeled away into the night and she stood on the sidewalk, tired and fed up. She pulled her shoes off and held them in her hands as she walked slowly and quietly to the house. She slipped in the front door and headed up to her room, thankful that everyone was asleep. She laid down in her bed, thinking how relieved she was that the night was over.


Rutherford hadn't made any further passes at her, but he had made it clear that he wanted to sleep with her, and he wasn't going to stop bugging her about it until she gave in to him. Luckily, she thought, she got to choose the clients that she saw, and she was never going to say yes to Rutherford Murdock again.


All the same, she mused as she fell off to sleep, if he was the worst of it, it wouldn't be too bad, and it was easy money to be had. Good easy money. Plus she had a gorgeous new dress. She drifted off to sleep much more at ease than she had the night before, hoping that the money she would earn would help her parents and her family to keep their house and pay their bills.


When she awoke the next morning, the night before didn't seem as difficult as it had when she was going through it. It seemed faded, like a physical discomfort that had gone away. She showered and wrapped her new dress in a plastic bag to keep the cigar smoke on it from making anything else in her room smell until she could get it to a dry cleaners.


Then she went down to breakfast. Her mother handed her a plate of food and smiled at her with an expression of concern.


"It was a late night last night, wasn't it?" she asked off-handedly, being indirect about it.


Felicia shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, we got to studying and talking and the next thing you know, it's late. I'm sorry about that."


Her mother waved it off and kissed her cheek. "You're a good girl. I'm not worried about it."


She felt a wave of guilt wash through her. She never lied to her parents and it wasn't a habit that she wanted to start getting into.


Felicia finished her breakfast and went to school.


In the days and weeks that followed, Felicia got calls for dates with different men almost every day. At first she was surprised, wondering if there was a shortage of girls at the agency, but Ms. Halstead told her that there was a good sized portfolio of women; it just happened that Felicia was one of the most popular women in the agency.


Ms. Halstead said that it was because she was beautiful, intelligent, and had an exotic sort of look about her. When Felicia looked at herself, she didn't notice anything unusual, but then again, she had been staring at her reflection her whole life, so it wasn't anything new to her.


Rutherford Murdock requested her constantly, and she was lucky enough to be booked ahead that she managed to turn him down each time without seeming rude. It wasn't even her who had to turn him down, if she already had a date, the agency would tell him she was busy, and on the few nights she had free and the agency called to offer her a date with him, she would say she was unavailable.


It only made him want her more; like many of the men she dated there. She noticed that they seemed to expect to get their way all the time, perhaps because everyone else gave them their way as a result of their wealth and power. Felicia didn't care about any of that, and she didn't give in to what any of them wanted.

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