The Billionaire's Call Girl: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (6 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Call Girl: A BWWM Billionaire Romance
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He was so much better looking in person that she could have guessed, and he was extremely well mannered and polite. She was astounded at the irony that all of the single men she had been dating had been so disgusting and were available and the sweet, gorgeous guy that she actually liked was married.


Jake nodded and took a long drink from his glass. "That is something that we need to talk about. I do want to ask you, however, to keep what I will tell you to yourself. It isn't for public consumption."

She nodded. "Alright. I can promise you that," she said quietly, watching him. He leaned forward and put his forearms on the table, focusing his green eyes on her intently.


"I am indeed married, of course, and that's public knowledge. What no one really knows is that my wife and I haven't had a real marriage in a very long time. There is no physical love between us; we are just friends. I want someone who can be a companion to me without hassle or fuss, without it going public, without any of the complications of a serious relationship.


I would just like someone to spend some time with, someone whose company I could enjoy, and someone who would enjoy my company. I'm a very busy man, and even though I'm oftentimes surrounded by others, I find that I am missing something in my life; I'm missing affection and companionship, because those things are not part of my marriage and I have them with no one else."


He smiled at her and tipped his head toward her "I was thinking that it would be nice to have them with someone, and it would be nice if that someone was you." He leaned back a little, looking at the lines of her face and her soft full lips. Curiosity about kissing those lips was tugging at him. "It has to be right for you too, though. This can't be one-sided.”


Felicia listened to him and processed all that he had told her. She couldn't get over the fact that while she was looking at him and listening to him speak, she saw something in his eyes that she had recognized in herself from other times in her life.
. This man may seem to have it all, and he may show the world a side of himself that indicated that he had it all, but her eyes were not deceiving her, then what she knew without a doubt was that this man was lonely, and she was sure that she wasn't misreading him.


She took a breath and realized that she had been holding her breath within her. "Let's talk some more and find out." She answered him with a smile. It came easily to her and she felt comfort washing over her as he nodded and agreed with her. He wasn't in a rush to have someone; he was looking for the right someone to keep him company. She was beginning to think that she might be able to do that.


Dinner was served by room service, but presented by the chef who had created a meal more sumptuous than any she’d ever had, and considering the company she had kept since she had started at the agency, that was saying something.


Jake watched her during their meal and found himself smiling at her charm and brilliance. Her laughter was light and sweet; refreshing like a spring rain that dropped tiny little kisses all over him. He was enchanted by her.


"How did you start at the agency and what made you want to be there?" He asked her curiously, wondering how such a beautiful and intelligent woman hadn't been snapped up by anyone yet. He was amazed that she was single.


Felicia explained to him about her night out with Mary and how Ms. Halstead had approached her in the club. She told him about how she had turned her down at first, but then when she realized how much she needed the money for an important responsibility she had, she thought she would try out the job.


Jake absorbed every word she said, loving the sound of her voice, the way she spoke, her gestures and expressions, and, more than all of that, he found that he was truly fascinated with her vibrant spirit.


He was curious about the  “'important responsibility” that she alluded to, but he didn't want to pry just yet. They hadn't agreed on anything going past dinner that night.


"How have your dates gone?" he asked, finding himself disliking the idea of her dating other men.


She bit her lower lip and smiled, an act that focused his attention on her sensual mouth, distracting him for a long moment.


"I can't really talk about those with anyone, but I will say this; I was really interested in the possibility of just having a single client; either that or quitting,” she admitted, looking up at him through her thick eyelashes.


He was surprised at her. "Quitting?"


She shrugged. "Well, actually, I went into the agency this morning to quit, but they wanted me to try one last client, and that client is you." she smiled at him.


Jake raised his eyebrows in relief and flashed her a wide smile. "I'm glad I got in touch with them when I did! Just think: I might have missed out on this time with you!"


She liked the way that he listened to her and responded to the things she said. She liked that he was engaging her in conversation rather than ignoring her or just focusing on impressing her so that he could try to come on to her later. Talking with him felt to her like talking with a good friend.


"Your turn!" she winked at him. "How did you wind up at the agency? You're a handsome and successful man. Why did you think you'd need a place like that to help you find a lady friend?" She sipped her champagne and reminded herself to keep the bubbles to a minimum so that she didn't get too tipsy.


He tipped his head to the side. "It's not easy in the dating world for people who are able to live a life unexamined by the public, but especially for me; in my position, it is extraordinarily difficult to find a woman who could be with me in a clandestine way and who could be a good match for me. I'm not able to go to places where I could meet many women and perhaps draw them into my life if I were interested in them. My lifestyle in and of itself creates a logistical nightmare for things like that."

Jake lifted his glass of champagne in the air, "Luckily, Ms. Halstead runs a top notch agency and I was able to see about finding someone who would fit into my life just right. I have a feeling that you would be a very good fit for me, Felicia."


She smiled back at him and their conversation wandered to talk about their families and experiences. They shared several stories and experiences, finding much more common ground through their perspectives than she would have thought possible. When dinner was finished, he walked with her closer to the balcony and they leaned against it, talking a little less as the space between them narrowed and they admired the view.


Felicia turned to him as the evening grew late; something that she wished wasn't happening; she was enjoying her time with him so much, she didn't really want it to end.


"So what exactly would you want from your companion?" she asked him boldly, turning to look up at him.


He was quiet a moment, watching her with his sparkling green eyes. He drew closer to her. "I want someone I can talk with, someone I can spend time with, and someone I can spoil. I want someone who is... affectionate... toward me, someone who will care about me a bit and have some fun with me. All of that needs to be wrapped up in someone who will not share it with the world. It would need to be a... private affair." he reached his finger up to her face and traced the line of her jaw, barely touching her.


"Someone I have some chemistry with." he said softly. "Nothing makes the soul feel as incredible as chemistry with another person."


Felicia had to agree as she stood there before him and the touch of his finger moving over her skin made her breath catch and sent little electric waves through her.


"I feel like there is good chemistry between us." He looked into her dark brown eyes, almost feeling like he could lose himself in their depths. His voice lowered to almost a whisper. "May I please kiss you and find out?" he asked her.


It had been her rule that there was no physical affection with any of her clients, but it was clear that he wanted a lover and a friend, and from what she could already tell, there was good chemistry between them. She was just as curious as he was to find out if there was more than met the eye.


She gave him a small smile and leaned in toward him. He moved his hand so that it cupped her face as his other hand curved around the back of her neck and lifted his chin and brushed his mouth against hers softly at first; with the barest of touches. She let her herself be drawn into him as he touched her lips again, kissing her gently, slowly, learning the feel of her, and she began to feel as if she were floating off of the ground.


His kiss deepened and he opened her mouth with his slightly, tasting her just a little before a soft moan escaped him and his grip around her tightened as he opened her mouth further, sliding his tongue over hers and sending her senses reeling. She reached up, almost as a natural reflex, and wrapped her arms around his back, kissing him ardently in return and losing every thought she had.


The electricity that shot through her at his first touch felt as if it were going wild and unchecked throughout her body now, and the feel of being held against him, being wrapped in his arms, gave her the sensation that she was falling upward through the heavens.


He let her go slowly, drawing back from her a bit at a time, his breath shallow and his heart pounding. He worked to focus his gaze on her eyes and steady himself into some semblance of normalcy.


"Well..." he breathed out in a whisper, "there's definitely chemistry...." he smiled at her and laughed a little, and she breathed out and laughed back softly.


"Lots of it," she answered him, the corner of her mouth turned up playfully.


Jake took her hands in his and led her to a cushioned bench nearby. "What do you say? Would you like to be my secret lady?" he asked hopefully.


Felicia didn't like the fact that he was married, but she knew that he had spoken the truth when he told her that he was living in a loveless marriage and that he was hungry for someone to have an intimate relationship with.


She had never felt such an intense reaction to any man before, and she wanted nothing more than to feel it again with him. She decided that he was worth the risk.


"I would love that," she answered him.


He nodded and let out a big breath in relief. "That's wonderful! I'm so glad that you want to." He looked up at her and touched her face lightly for a moment, almost in an act of gratitude and thanks to her.


"The situation would be significantly different than the life you are living right now. I would want you available as often as possible. I understand you have school, and I don't want to get in the way of that, but several other things would change." His voice took on a serious tone.


"What would change?" she asked.


He tilted his head and looked back over his shoulder at the penthouse behind him. "Well, to begin with, you would be living here."


Felicia's mouth fell open and he chuckled a little.


"My schedule is very busy, and it changes from day to day, so you would have to be available and accessible at a wide range of times. The easiest way to do that is to have you here where I can come to you when it works for me."


Living in the penthouse she was visiting that night was a turn she had not anticipated, and it felt like a surreal dream as he continued to speak.


"You would have a limousine at your disposal, ready to take you anywhere you wanted to go at any time. You would have a generous bank account for your use, anything you needed or wanted, and really, there is no limit to it.


I would want you to travel with me around the world to different locations fairly often, and I would want to have an active affair with you. I think over time, we will get used to each other and there may be slight modifications to our arrangement, but that's the gist of it. Be here for me.


Spend time with me, wherever I am, and make love with me when I want you. In addition to the bank account that you'll have for spending money, the agency will still be paying you quite a considerable sum of money, and I will be granting you a monetary gift for accepting my proposal. That gift will be five hundred thousand." He paused then, and looked at her. Waiting for a response.


She stared at him. She couldn't think of a way to express the myriad of thoughts that were going through her mind. It was almost chaotic to her, as if her whole life had suddenly been put in a spin cycle and nothing made sense at all. This was a surreal dream that she had found herself in with every possibility except reason.

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