The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four (18 page)

Read The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four Online

Authors: Jeannette Winters

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four
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KJ was thrilled to check into their suite. Time was what she needed right now. The problem was, it was going to be short-lived as the rehearsal dinner was within the hour. She was happy for Lizette, who was as giddy as could be. Who could blame her? She was marrying her Prince Charming. It was time for Lizette to savor each moment, as they would one day be treasured memories. But KJ wasn’t living that dream right now. This weekend couldn’t be over fast enough for her. The longer she spent time with them, the higher the risk she might say or do something to cause questions.
Keep it together, girl. This weekend is all about Lizette. That is where everyone’s focus will be. Should be.

When she entered the bedroom, she lay on the bed, closed her eyes, and regrouped. Normally when she was stressed she could count on Blossom’s comfort. Not today. This was the first time she’d left her under someone else’s care for a weekend. A month ago she wouldn’t have been able to be without her overnight. Though she was still concerned about the nightmares, and how she would cope without her therapy dog, she somehow knew she wouldn’t face the monsters alone. Drew had been there for her; he had proven he wasn’t going to abandon her under any circumstance.

“How are you holding up?” Drew asked from the doorway.

Smiling, she answered, “Ready, willing, and hopefully able.”

Laughing he said, “Don’t do that to a guy. The first two got my hopes up.”

Shaking a finger at him she said teasingly, “Oh no, you don’t. I don’t want to do the walk of shame when we show up late for the rehearsal.”

“Can’t blame a man for trying.”

Try any harder and I will give in.
To what she wasn’t exactly sure. So much was going through her mind, and it was going to take all her strength to stay focused.
Some call it shutting down, I call it staying in control.
“So, here’s my theory.” She had piqued his interest. “The faster we get there, the earlier we get back to the hotel tonight.” Playfully she arched her eyebrows up and down.

Drew pointed at her. “Keep it up, woman, and you won’t make it off that bed.”

KJ was so tempted to push it a bit further. Another time she would have taken his challenge willingly. Instead, she reluctantly dragged herself from the bed. Her need for him had been building, and as long as he looked at her as though he were undressing her, she wouldn’t risk giving in.
Luckily I like you, Lizette.

Brushing past him, she left the room and softly said, “We’ll finish this conversation later.”

Drew reached out, giving her a smack on her bottom. “I’m counting on it.”

Before long they arrived at the restaurant where the reception would be taking place. It wasn’t at all what she’d expected. KJ had pictured one like she had seen posted all over social media. But the restaurant was simple, yet classy. The wedding was going to take place in an outside gazebo with the reception inside the Main Coach Lodge. The sun had already begun to set, yet still glistened off the tree tops. This spot was perfect. It was going to be an evening wedding, and she could only imagine what this place looked like all lit up.
One thing at a time.
She needed to concentrate on the details she was responsible for.
At least I’m only a bridesmaid.

The need to rehearse something so simple was beyond her. Like anyone was going to forget how to walk or stand. She had watched enough love stories on television to be able to do it in her sleep. It seemed to be more of an emotional preparation for the parents of the bride, as Lizette’s mother became weepy, and her father hugged her like he never wanted to let his baby girl go.
So sweet.
It was moments like these where KJ missed her parents the most. Her father would never walk her down the aisle, never hold her close again. Her mother wouldn’t weep in joy for her daughter’s dreams coming true.
My sister will never stand by my side as my maid-of-honor.
No family to celebrate with.

The rehearsal dinner was a casual affair, held at Lizette’s parent home. There were also cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. No one sat; they mingled. It was relaxing at first.

Was it her imagination or did Ross keep looking in her direction? The first few times she thought she was being paranoid, but as the night continued it became more obvious. He seemed to be studying her. The question was, why?

KJ spent the next hour trying to avoid eye contact with Ross as much as possible. However, she made the mistake of stepping outside by herself to enjoy the cool night air.
Ah, the sound of crickets. Lovely.
She was missing home, and until that moment, she hadn’t realized how much. What was she doing, falling in love with a man who lives in the city? It was the last place she wanted to be. For many, endless things to do lured them. Not her. There was a reason she had a hammock in her backyard. It wasn’t for show. Each night she would pick up her Kindle and escape reality, traveling the world through someone else’s words. Drew might have a rooftop paradise, but it was never silent, and no matter how late, you couldn’t see the stars. There was always a taller building than yours brightly lit. New York was a wonderful place to visit, but she had no intention of living there.

What if Drew was set on staying there for the rest of his life? Would she be able to leave everything she loved for him? Looking at the full moon, she closed her eyes. Although she was alone, she could feel his strong arms wrapped around her and knew her answer.
I’ll follow you wherever you go, as long as we are together.

KJ was in deep thought and never heard Ross approach from behind. “You’re her, aren’t you?” In all her years in the Marines, she had learned not to show her true reactions. His sudden appearance had rattled her though, but she attempted a calm façade. Had Ross intentionally followed her outside? Was he waiting for the right time, and what was the meaning behind his words? Normally she would ask, but somehow she knew she didn’t want the answer.
He can’t know about Brad, can he?

She tried brushing past him to head back toward the house when Ross spoke again. “KJ, I know you’re the one.”

Holding her breath, she looked around to see if anyone else had followed him. When she was confident they were indeed alone, she walked over to him and asked the dreaded questions. “And who is that?”
Please don’t say it.

“The one in Brad’s journal.”

The words weren’t spoken harshly, yet they felt like a slap to her face. What could she say? Truth and honor meant everything to her, and she wasn’t about to lie.
I don’t have anything to be ashamed of.
“I don’t know anything about a journal, but I knew Brad many years ago. We were friends.”

His look was one of doubt. “His words implied more.”

That was something she had feared. KJ had made her feelings for Brad clear, or at least she had hoped so. “I’m not sure what he wrote, but he knew how I felt. He was a very dear friend,” then looking him square in the eyes she added, “and nothing more.”

“Yet, when you heard about him, his death, you weren’t just upset. You completely broke down, KJ. Why is that?”

This wasn’t going to be simple to explain, and why was Ross so determined to know? Was he going to tell this to Drew? If so she might as well cut out the middleman and deal with it before it got out of hand. “Why do you want to know so badly?”

His nostrils flared and he said, “You are special to Drew. More than you may know. I’m not going to sit back and let you play him for a fool if that is what you are doing.”

Who the hell does he think he is, talking to me like that?
She was just about to tell him off and possibly give him a fat lip when Drew came up behind her.

“There you are. What are you guys doing out here? You better not be divulging my naughty secrets from the past, Ross.” Drew laughed.

Neither she nor Ross did. He only responded, “Always got your back, buddy.” His words were directed to Drew, but his eyes never left KJ.

If he thought she was the type of girl who could be intimidated with a look, he was dead wrong.
You don’t make it through boot camp being a crier.
Of course that was years ago, when she’d been young and naïve, thinking she was invincible. Now she was only a rock on the outside. The center was as soft as they came. She wasn’t about to let him know that. “That’s what a good friend does. They know when to have your back and when it’s time to mind their own business,” KJ said, glaring at him and hoping he would get the point. Turning to Drew she added, “Any old stories Drew and I want to share, I’m sure are best shared alone.”

“Hmm, now you’re talking.” Drew was grinning, not aware of the true meaning behind her comment.

Ross didn’t miss it. “I think after the wedding you two might want to spend some time doing exactly that. Now if you two will excuse me, I’m sure Jill is volunteering me for some local benefit while we’re in town, so I better get back in there.”

Drew pulled KJ into his arms and kissed her on the forehead once they were alone. “Okay, Katherine, do you want to spill it now or later?”

Oh God. Did you hear us talking?
“Spill what?” This wasn’t the place she wanted to be when they discussed any details. Truth was, she had been hoping to avoid it all together.

“I have known Ross since I was eighteen, and I know when he is trying to manipulate a situation. Damn, I probably taught him how.”

There really is nothing to tell Drew, but can I trust Ross to leave it up to me?
Smiling she said, “We can talk about it later, but in a nutshell, he was making it clear he doesn’t want me breaking your heart.”

Drew laughed. “I know what will break it.” KJ became serious, waiting for him to continue. She should have known not to expect a real answer from him. Arching her eyebrow in anticipation he finally said, “If we don’t get out of here in the next five minutes, I might have to make love to you in the Burke’s backyard.” He laughed. “I think Lizette will understand if we left early. What do you think?”

He might be laughing, but she could feel the growing bulge in his pants. “Let me get my purse and say goodnight.”

Drew added, “You go ahead. I think I need a few minutes alone in the cool air before I go back in.”

Looking down, she blushed at the sight. “Take all the time you need.” Heading toward the house, she said over her shoulder, “Drew, I thought you might want to know, I’m ready, willing, and oh, so able.” Chuckling, she opened the door and went in before he could take her challenge.
Shouldn’t tempt him too much.
At least not until they were at the hotel.
Then some great lovemaking will be a sweet distraction and will avoid any questions I’m not yet ready to answer.

What the fuck
was that all about?
Whatever he interrupted was not about any good ole stories. At least he didn’t think so. Ross looked like he knew something no one else did. What that could be, he wasn’t sure, but had every intention of finding out before the night was over.

Running his hand through his hair in aggravation, he tried to piece it all together. When did things suddenly change?
Think, damn it.
Was he so blinded by his love for her he was missing something huge? He went down the things Ross might question.
She’s not married. Doesn’t have any children. Doesn’t appear to be after my money.
His hands clenched in a fist at his side.
What the hell else could it be?

He had two options: demand Ross talk to him now or wait until Katherine was ready to tell him on her own.
Patience is not my virtue.

Pulling his phone from his pocket, he started a text. “Talk.” When he went to hit send something inside him held him back.
This isn’t the way.
His parents had gone down that road. Once trust and communication were gone, they were gone for good. Drew wasn’t about to let that happen with Katherine and him.

Clearing the message he put his phone back in his pocket and headed for the house.
She’ll tell me herself when she’s ready.
He entered the room, which was still filled with laughter. This was the last place he wanted to be right now.

He followed Katherine’s lead, quickly said his goodbyes, and made his way to the waiting limo. When she slid in beside him, he took her hand in his, brought it to his lips, and kissed it.
She has to tell me.

Chapter Twenty

he ride back
to the hotel was quiet. Although Drew never let go of her hand, she could feel the tension within him. Over and over again she replayed her options for when to tell him.
What to tell him.
What was she worried about? It wasn’t like she had kept anything from him, no more than he had. What were the odds, that out of all the millions and billions of people in the world, she would’ve dated one of his closest friends?
Could I really call what Brad and I had dating? We were great friends, who understood each other’s dreams and aspirations. We never slept together though, and isn’t that what a guy would most need to know?

When they got to the suite, KJ knew the problem needed to be addressed before heading off to bed. This was weighing her down, and it was time to get it off her chest. “Drew, can we talk?”

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