The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four (22 page)

Read The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four Online

Authors: Jeannette Winters

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four
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“It was Brad.”

Drew felt like someone sucker-punched him with a right hook.
Brad? Our Brad?
There was no way. Impossible. It had to be someone else. Brad never mentioned her to them. Pushing his chair from the table, he went to lean against the counter. He needed a bit of space, a bit of distance. There was no way he had heard her correctly. If they had been that closely involved, why wasn’t she at his funeral? He would have remembered her. He thought he didn’t want details before; he was ready to demand them now. “How?” He was still so shocked he fought to control his voice. What would have come out of his mouth shouldn’t be uttered, especially to Katherine, and definitely not at this time. Drew needed to confirm they were speaking about the same guy; he couldn’t imagine where their paths might have crossed.

“It was over eight years ago when he was volunteering after a natural disaster in Haiti. The Marines were also sent to assist in search and recovery. There had been an earthquake, and Brad had been assisting in the setup of tents for survivors. My team was triaging the injured.”

Her eyes turned grey, and he could tell she was reliving a painful time. He had remembered seeing pictures on the news. There had been a large loss of life, and the city looked like it had been bombed. Drew couldn’t imagine what it had been like for her. Even though it was years ago, he still wanted to hold her and help her forget. But instead, he was asking her to relive it so he could figure out what really happened between her and Brad. If he didn’t, it was going to hang over them, causing a wedge that might not be able to be fixed. It wasn’t nice, but it was the only way. “Is that when you hooked up with my friend?”

Katherine raised her hand in defense. “Excuse me? I thought I made myself perfectly clear earlier. We may have dated briefly, but I dearly loved him only as a friend. There was no hookup.”

That partially eased his mind, but she never said how far they went. He always had sex with his dates unless there was something so annoying he couldn’t stand the thought of touching her. Brad had been popular with the ladies. There was no way Brad wouldn’t have made a move on Katherine. She was exquisite, and Brad was far from blind. “So you two didn’t sleep together?”

“Drew, that really is none of your business,” she huffed.

His fist clenched by his side. “Normally I would agree with you. Any other guy and I wouldn’t care what the answer was. Katherine, Brad was my friend. I need to know.”

Her lips pursed in a thin line and her eyes peered at him with resentment, being put in a corner. “We did not have sex. Are you happy now?”

Damn straight I am.
“You don’t understand, do you?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m trying to. Trust me, I didn’t want to tell you about this at all.”

“I wish you would have told me when we first met. Why wait until I fell in love with you?”

Katherine raised a hand to her mouth in disbelief. “You think I knew who he was, who you were all this time?”

Drew didn’t answer. He wasn’t sure what he believed anymore.

“I had no idea. He talked about his friends and his family, but he never mentioned any names. You have to believe me. I only found out when I saw the picture on Lizette’s mantle.”

He remembered the look on her face and how she went running from the room in tears. “Is that why you broke down crying? Because you made the connection?” It had been an extreme reaction if that was the case.

Her face looked drawn. “That was one piece, I have to admit. Not seeing him for eight years and then seeing him standing there with the man I love wasn’t something I was prepared for. But that wasn’t why I was crying.”

“Why then?”

“Because you had just informed me one of my closest friends had died.” Her voice cracked with pain.

Drew searched her eyes, which now glistened with tears. How could she not have known if they were that close? It had been almost six years since Brad’s accident. It was on the news, in the papers; how could she have missed that? There was something he was missing, something she wasn’t telling him. “How is that possible?”

“His last communication to me said he wished I would find as much happiness in my life as he had in his.” A single tear broke free, rolling down her cheek. “When he never wrote to me again after that, I thought that meant he was in love and . . . happy. I never thought he had died. He’d been one of my few true friends, Drew.” A second tear followed by a third. There was no stopping the floodgates once they opened. He watched as she buried her face in her hands.

This wasn’t what he wanted. Answers yes, but not for her to suffer. Drew had had years to come to terms with the passing of his friend; she’d had only days. And with the amount of loss she had suffered over the years, he wasn’t sure how she could even bear it.

Walking to the table, he took her by her elbows, lifted her upright, pulled her into his arms, and held her while she sobbed. There was a big piece of him that wasn’t ready to deal with the relationship Brad and Katherine had shared, but he also wasn’t willing to allow her to go through this alone. He had more questions, and she had more to tell him, but for now, there was only one thing he could do.
Love her.

KJ knew the
discussion with Drew wasn’t going to be easy. She pictured going through it in chronological order and explaining at once. Instead, she seemed to be bouncing around and never discussed the emails he had sent. The ones where Brad talked about his dream, his vision.

She was crying in Drew’s arms for about the millionth time in a month. No matter how much she willed herself to stop, she couldn’t. There might be a few tears flowing for her dear friend, but the majority of them were due to the rift it had put between her and Drew.
God, I can’t lose him over this.
Her arms wrapped around his back, holding him tightly to her.
Please let him understand.

When the tears ended she still held him. This was where she wanted to be, not reliving a past that still haunted her dreams. Brad was a part of it but only a small part compared to the rest of her experiences, and nothing compared to Drew. If she lost Drew, her heart would stop for sure.

He’d wanted to know the truth, and she’d given it to him. There was only one thing hanging over her head. Should she tell him what the emails contained, show him the plan Brad had mapped out? It was proof Drew’s gut was correct; they weren’t on the path Brad had wanted to go, even though what Takes One was doing was amazing. What if he wanted to read them for himself? There were things in there that were personal between her and Brad. Things they had both witnessed and hadn’t been able to talk about with anyone else. KJ wasn’t even sure she was ready to reread them. Maybe this was enough for him now. There must be another way to lead Drew to Brad’s true vision without having to show him the emails.
Subtle hints would be a longshot for him to pick up on.
This weekend she would need to think hard about what hints would get the result she was looking for.
God, this is going to harder than charades, and I never was good at that.
What she knew about was honor.
I need to honor Brad’s dreams and vision, honor the wonderful man he had been.
For many years the Marine code of honor, courage, and commitment had been her every breath. Courage was the guardian of all other values.
Lead by example.
It wasn’t time to doubt herself any longer.
I have to do this.
It was time to lead Drew to the truth because that would be what Brad would have wanted from her.

Chapter Twenty-Four

ill, I don’t
know what else to do,” KJ said.

Jill gave KJ a supportive hug. “I’m glad I’m not in your shoes. But it sure does explain what is going on. Ross has been absolutely miserable to be around for days.”

“Hey, I haven’t been that bad,” Ross interjected.

Jill turned to him and laughed. “I guess if you like a house filled with silence then everything has been peaches and cream.”

Ross stated firmly, “You ladies need to make up your mind. You’re not happy when we are quiet, and you tell us to tone it down when we’re stomping around the house, pissed off at something. Let me know, do we ever win?”

KJ and Jill looked at each other, turned back to Ross, shook their heads in unison, and said, “Nope.”

Ross threw up his hands in defeat and said as he started to walk out of the living room, “That’s what I thought. You ladies enjoy your coffee.” When he approached the doorway he turned back and looked at KJ. “Our conversation is far from over. I have my own list of questions. They can wait until you finish filling Drew in on everything. Don’t make me wait long.”

When he left the room Jill said, “Don’t let his bark scare you. He really is a great guy, but this is weighing on him heavily. Actually, on all of them really. If you have the answers they are looking for, KJ, I suggest telling them. I’m not sure how, but I know you will find a way.”

Thanks for the vote of confidence.
KJ knew she had to tell Drew; the issue was how to tell him. Since breaking the news to him about Brad two days ago, things had been okay, still not perfect, but they were okay. When they were out for dinner the night before, they had both spoken more about their pasts. She shared some of the funnier stories of living in a community where eighty percent of her neighbors were men. Some of those stories even put his college pranks to shame. It had been good. It was as if he had seen her in a different light, and perhaps . . . respected her more.
He’s seen me at my worst, but the look in his eyes when he learns more of what I had endured as a nurse has been amazing. I feel loved and admired.
It felt like they were heading back to where they were before she dropped the bombshell. The last thing she wanted was to take a step back.

“I wish I knew how to tell him. This morning I printed out the emails between Brad and me that contained everything they would need to know to follow Brad’s wishes. When I went to talk to him about it I found a note that said he had some business to take care of and would be back later tonight.”

“Good. That gives you time to come up with a solid plan to tell him. See how perfectly things work out,” Jill said, grinning ear to ear.

The endless optimist.
How Jill thought a few hours was going to magically deliver the answer she was looking for, was beyond KJ. The only thing she was sure of was before the night was over, she would have told Drew everything.
Please let it go as easily as Jill thinks.

Drew’s day started
poorly and quickly went downhill. There was nothing more he’d wanted to do than get back to the penthouse, take Katherine into his arms, and make love to her all afternoon. Last night had been a welcomed relief from the tension that had existed between them. Often when he looked at the beautiful, gentle woman in front of him, it was easy to forget the years she had served and the difficulties she’d experienced.
My girl is even more impressive than I’d originally thought.

When he’d arrived earlier than expected he’d found she’d gone out as well. His initial disappointment vanished when he realized she was out with her friends. These past few days had been stressful on them both.
She deserved some fun.

Until he saw the emails. That was what made his day worsen. Sitting on the couch, he looked through them a second time. It was like a dream. Or more specifically, a nightmare.
She knew and didn’t tell me.
He threw the papers onto the coffee table.
Why? She knew what this meant to me, to all of us.

He had no answers for her actions.
Not yet at least.
Getting up, he went to the kitchen and grabbed a cold beer out of the refrigerator, downing it before grabbing a second and taking it back to the couch. Blossom would not leave his side; where he went, so did she.
I’m not Katherine, I don’t need you.

Drew didn’t have to wait long. Blossom sensed her mistress’s arrival and for the first time she ran to the elevator.
Tonight we finish this. No matter what.

Katherine greeted Blossom at the door then came over to Drew, smiling, and bent to kiss him.

Drew turned and her lips landed on his cheek only. He didn’t mean to shun her, but he was not willing to allow any distractions tonight, no matter how sweet they were.

Surprised by his action she sat by him, then her eyes widened. “Drew.”

“Yes. I know. Did you leave these emails on the coffee table on purpose, or had you expected to get home before me?” he accused.

Shaking her head she asked, “You read them, all of them? They’re my personal emails. You should’ve waited until I returned.”

“This is still my house. If you didn’t want me to read them, Katherine, then you should have kept them in your luggage.” His words were spoken more harshly than he had intended. He couldn’t sit near her, not right now. He needed his thoughts clear, and the sweet scent of her clouded his mind. She didn’t respond, so he asked again, “Why did you leave these out?”

Katherine didn’t back down from his glaring gaze. “Because it was what I wanted to talk to you about tonight when you got home. I never intended for you to read them alone or even at all. I only printed them out so I could clearly articulate what Brad’s wishes were.”

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