The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four (8 page)

Read The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four Online

Authors: Jeannette Winters

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four
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“You’ve been through a lot.” He yearned to reach out to her, hold her, make her forget all of it, but this wasn’t the time for that.

Shockingly, Katherine continued with a giggle. “Can you picture this? Me lying on the ground oblivious to anything happening around me, when I feel something heavy pressing down on the back of my legs. I almost jumped out of my skin; rolling over quickly I was ready to confront whoever was about to attack me. And that is where it all began.” Katherine tapped her thigh twice firmly, and Blossom left her prime spot at the window and lay on the seat, placing her head on Katherine’s lap. “The handler came running over to me and this sweet girl here. For the first time, Blossom wouldn’t obey her. She called her, then tried to pull her by her collar, but Blossom wouldn’t budge.” Scratching her behind her ear she added, “Ursula, the handler, apologized, then explained what she did, that she rescued dogs who were on a list to be euthanized and trained them to be therapy dogs. Ursula had been working closely with the military for soldiers who suffered from PTSD for several years. Even though I didn’t suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, my time serving as an active duty trauma nurse overseas for all those years qualified me. As you might guess, this sweet pooch adopted me, and we have been together since.”

Not what I expected.
His guess would have been she was walking through a pet store just for fun, then came across the puppies, only to fall in love with a cute and cuddly eight-week-old, not even knowing what a giant she would one day grow into.
I wish I had been right.
Since he hadn’t guessed her secret, he was confident no one else had either.
Apparently you’re not as easy to read as others
. Katherine carried herself with the confidence one expects from a Marine, yet in brief moments he saw something else, a sign that she was fragile. Had she intentionally let him in to see that side of her? And if so, why?
Maybe she’s going through this alone.
That thought felt like a punch in the gut.
No one, especially someone so . . . sweet should be alone.
She needed someone to be there for her, someone besides her dog. He could provide her a temporary distraction, but that was all.
What was I thinking bringing her here?
First sleeping with her then inviting her to spend two weeks at his place, both poor choices with the information he just learned. The time would allow him to get to know her better, but what comes after that? He didn’t do relationships.
Nothing even close to anything that resembles one
. These next few weeks he would need to be very cautious not to cause her pain, at least not more than she already carried.

Even though she didn’t have PTSD, she had demons that haunted her. Drew knew at that moment he would do anything within his power to ease that pain. But grief wasn’t something that could be cured with money. This was about to take him to a place he thought he never would go, deeply and personally involved.

“You should consider it.” Was all he heard her say.

“Consider what?” He didn’t want to admit he had only been only half-listening since she’d dropped that news on him, and he’d begun his plan of action for the next few weeks.

By the shaking of her head, it was evident he hadn’t fooled her one bit. “A dog. I know it wouldn’t be the same, but you would be surprised what great company they are. You won’t be so lonely.”

Lonely? Me?
That’s funny. He was far from lonely. Any time of day or night he could pick up the phone and call the endless list of women waiting to be with him.
I am not lonely.
“I don’t think a dog would fit into my lifestyle right now.”
Very tactful, Drew.

“A little late since you said she could come along.”

“I wouldn’t have said she could come if I didn’t want her here.”
I already figured you were a package deal. This is so not me. Why am I being so accommodating? She needs a different man, not me.

Puzzled she said, “I thought the lifestyle you were talking about was your home. That dogs might not be welcome.”

It was the first time he actually thought about his penthouse. It was not child—or dog—proof. One nice thing about a bachelor pad was you can fill it with whatever you want and don’t have to worry about someone else knocking it to the floor. Lately, he had been collecting ancient Chinese artifacts excavated from the Three Gorges Dam, which were thousands of years old and deemed priceless. It’s questionable if he actually should be in possession of these items, but that had never stopped him. In the past, he had never had anyone except his closest friends over, and they were not about to broadcast it to anyone.
Can’t put them up in a hotel now without sounding like a total jerk.
He loved to take a risk, but leaving that collection out with Blossom running around was a loss he wasn’t willing to take. Not much time, but he could manipulate time.

“It has been a long flight. Why don’t we take her for a walk around Central Park?” Drew asked while texting his maid what items to pack away pronto.
Better safe than sorry.

“That sounds wonderful. I have always wanted to see it. Believe it or not, this is my first trip to New York.” Katherine smiled. “I think that is a perfect way to start this adventure.”

His last-minute change in plans seemed to kill two birds with one stone.
Just the way I like it.

She was exhausted.
When Drew suggested a walk in the park, she’d thought maybe five or ten minutes. More than an hour later they arrived back at the limo. KJ could picture herself on a morning sunrise run there. She loved to walk and run, but right now her feet were killing her and all she wanted was to soak them in a hot bubble bath for hours.
Next time wear flats.
She had tried to drop subtle hints, but Drew never picked up on them.
Guess he’s not that observant.

The doors finally opened to his penthouse, and rude or not, the first thing she did was kick off her heels and let out a sigh of relief.

Drew appeared to be searching the room for something before turning back to her. “Why don’t you make yourself at home in here while I get us something cold to drink? What would you like?”

“A bowl and a glass of water,” KJ said. He arched a brow, and she continued with a smile, “The bowl for Blossom, the glass for me.”

The sound of the bowl on the tile in the other room brought Blossom to attention. “Okay, girl.” She bolted from KJ’s side and headed for the kitchen. Now left alone in the living room, there was only one thing she wanted to do. Walking over to the white leather couch, she collapsed into it. Closing her eyes, she regrouped. The last few days had been emotionally strapping.
Please let coming here be a wise decision.


KJ was startled by the sound of his voice behind her. Normally she was more alert to her surrounding, yet she hadn’t heard him return.
When did I get so jumpy?
It wasn’t fear she felt, but when he was close by her senses were heightened. “I think I have jet lag.”

Rubbing her shoulders while standing behind the couch, he said, “Why don’t I show you to the bedroom and you can rest for a while. I have some work I need to get done anyway.”

A short nap sounded heavenly right now. “I would appreciate that.”

He led her to what was obviously the master bedroom. Her luggage had already arrived and was waiting for her. KJ was tempted to ask if there was a guest room, but she wasn’t a child. She knew the score when she’d accepted his offer. No man invites you to stay with him for a few weeks in the spare room.
I would be disappointed if he had.
If Drew hadn’t just told her he had work to do, she would have invited him to join her on the bed. Unfortunately, it looked like she was on her own.

“I’ll be in the living room with Blossom if you need anything.” Kissing her on the forehead, he added, “Now sleep. We have the entire night ahead of us.”

Hmm, that sounds promising.
She watched Blossom follow Drew out of the bedroom before he closed the door.
Since when did she start listening to anyone but me?
KJ knew her dog was a great judge of character. With her accepting Drew, KJ relaxed even more. Pulling back the comforter she lay on the bed.
Oh God, this is soft.
What had she expected, a mattress from the bargain basement? Even the sheets were satiny smooth. She wasn’t sure if it was how tired she was, or the bed itself, but within minutes her eyelids closed and she was fast asleep.

Chapter Eight

J found sleeping
a challenge since returning to the States. Either she couldn’t go to sleep or she would wake every hour in a cold sweat not knowing why. She didn’t know how long she had slept, but when she woke she felt rested and refreshed, two things that had become almost unfamiliar to her. Overseas, she had learned to sleep through the sound of gunfire and shelling. Once home, the lack of noise left her with only one thing: her own thoughts. KJ told herself it was only a matter of time before she would be back to normal.
Normal can change with the effects of time and events. Two years. Two years without my sister, my best friend. How can she be gone?

Until meeting Drew, she had begun to think the empty shell of a person she was would be there to stay. Somehow he’d been able to break through her barrier, and when she was with him she was someone totally different, someone able to laugh and smile without it being forced.
Guess being with Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky rubs off on a person.
If only it were so easy. If only it would last. Her time here was short, two brief weeks then back to Napa, back to the way things were before. A chill ran through her; she never wanted to be back in that emotional place again. No, she was here now and was going to make the most of it. When or if she returned, she wasn’t going to be the same person.
Not if I can help it. Time to move forward, KJ.

The curtains in his bedroom were still open and the bright lights from the city below lit the room as though it were daylight. She could hear horns honking on the street far below. Why had she thought this place quiet?
Was I that tired or had I been that comfortable?
Either way, she wasn’t being a very nice guest, taking up his bed and leaving him to watch her dog. Rolling over onto her side, she breathed in the sweet musky scent of him that still lingered on the cool pillowcase next to her.
Closing her eyes again, she could almost feel him curled up behind her, his warm breath against her ear. Her thoughts brushed away any exhaustion and were quickly replaced with a growing desire to be held by him again.

She was tempted to stay in bed, wait for him to come looking for her, and get what she longed for.
Hot, wild sex.
She felt a twitch of yearning between her legs. There was no denying it: she missed and needed his touch. It had been less than twenty-four hours, yet her body was already yearning for more. She never let physical needs control her actions, yet here she was on the East Coast in Drew’s bed. The last few days proved one thing—she couldn’t resist him.
Not that I have tried.
Throwing the comforter to one side, she reluctantly pulled herself away and off the bed.

For the first time, she looked around the room. It was very masculine, filled with a large bed, a television, and a lounge chair. No clutter of any kind.
The man knows how to keep a room; I like that.
Then she remembered who she was dealing with.
Probably a maid.

Standing there wasn’t going to do any good, so she opened the door and headed to the living room. Fully expecting to see Drew, she was surprised to find it vacant.
Where could those two be?
Drew hadn’t provided a tour of his home, and she wasn’t one to snoop. Sitting and waiting for his return appeared to be her only option. Earlier she hadn’t taken the time to take in her surroundings, this time was different. Large, masculine furniture filled the room, but it was more what was missing that caught her eye. Not a picture of a friend or family anywhere. Not on a wall or a table. There didn’t appear to be anything personal at all. It looked more like a showroom than a living room. If she had to describe it, she’d say it was cold.

Interestingly, that hadn’t been a word she would have ever associated with Drew. He may be many things—funny, relaxed, and sexy as hell—but cold? Never.
Maybe he’d just moved in and hadn’t unpacked?
Shaking her head in disbelief, she leaned back on the couch, making herself comfortable, ready to wait until they decided to return. It didn’t take long before she began to fidget. She was used to being on the move all the time; sitting in absolute quiet wasn’t her cup of tea. Scanning the room again, she hoped to find a book but would settle for a magazine.
My barracks had more clutter.

As KJ tried to nestle in the welcoming couch again, she remembered leaving her cell phone on the coffee table when they first arrived.
Thank God, because I stink at sitting still.
Eagerly, she hopped off the couch and walked over to where she remembered leaving it.
How had I missed seeing it before?
She started to scroll for Drew’s number when she heard a familiar sound coming from the far side of the room. Looking around she saw nothing.
I may be distracted enough to miss my phone, but not Blossom.
Listening intently, she was disappointed as all she could hear was car horns from the street below. A clock on the mantle chimed.
Two a.m.? Where could they be?

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