The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four (6 page)

Read The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four Online

Authors: Jeannette Winters

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four
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Drew needed this walk as much as the dog. He’d had every intention of leaving in the middle of the night after Katherine had fallen asleep. Though he urged his body to get up, get dressed, he hadn’t. Even now the opportunity to slip away without any goodbyes was still there. Instead, he found himself walking her dog.
Didn’t see this coming.

It had been a long time since something or someone had thrown him off kilter. The last time left scars that still hadn’t healed. The harsh reality was that what you think you know about a person may only be a camouflage for the bitter truth of who they really are. Though he still loved his parents, they were two people who could never be in the same room with each other without sparks flying. The saying that money can change a person was proven accurate the day his parents won the single largest lottery payout ever of four hundred eighty million dollars. What he thought was a happy family—living with his mom and dad in a two-bedroom home in the suburbs—all changed instantly. They moved into a mansion, had servants do everything, and family dinners no longer existed. Every night his dad came home later and later, and his mom could be heard yelling and throwing things. Home became a place he tried to avoid. When his parents approached him about doing his senior year at a boarding school, he’d jumped at the opportunity to get out and didn’t go back except to visit. Every time they called, he expected to hear they were getting a divorce, but those words were never said. Instead, they’ve continued to live in the same house with totally separate lives. When he asked them about it, they said they didn’t want him to come from a broken home. Drew couldn’t make them understand that their home couldn’t get much more broken than it was already. Sadly he knew exactly why they stayed together. Neither was willing to part with the money, so instead they both spent their lives in misery. He wished he could say he was different from them, that money didn’t matter, but he knew by his lifestyle that it wasn’t true. Trying to cover it up wasn’t going to change the fact. The only thing he could do was not bring another person into his world, or he might find himself following in his father’s footsteps.
And definitely not someone as amazing as Katherine.

His mind was made up. He would walk the dog, go back to the house, and leave without seeing her. It was the only thing he could do. Anything other than that would only risk her being hurt, and that was the last thing he wanted to do.

As they continued their walk through the neighborhood, he was glad for the distraction of local children who had been playing outside running over to hug and pet Blossom. He watched her soak up all the attention.
You don’t miss a trick do you, girl?
She turned up to him with what almost looked like a grin, as though she had read his mind and waited for him to hug and kiss her too.
Never going to happen.

Continuing on their way, they came across one boy in his mid-teens who stood in their pathway, arms crossed as though to intimidate him. His eyes squinting, he leaned back as though he was sizing Drew up. The young boy’s tone said he wanted to be taken seriously. “KJ know you have Blossom?”

His eyebrows shot up in surprise as he held back his laughter. The kid probably was counting the days when he would finally be able to shave, yet he was trying to stare him down like a man twice his age and size.
Kid’s got guts.
“Yes. She does.”

He didn’t move from his spot. “Are you a friend of hers or something?”

He wasn’t sure if the boy was concerned or jealous. Either way, it was nice to know that not only did she have Blossom to protect her, but the neighbors seemed to as well. “We’re friends. I’m Drew. What’s your name?”

“Clint. I’ve never seen anyone walk Blossom but KJ. Is she sick, or something?”

Drew wasn’t fond of getting questioned by a kid or anyone else for that matter. Why he was walking the dog and where she was wasn’t anyone’s business. Somehow he could picture this kid calling 911 if he didn’t give some sort of acceptable answer. “Katherine is fine and as you can see, Blossom has no problem with me walking her either.” He heard a heavy sigh come from her as though telling him, “Don’t push it, buddy.”

Clint looked at him then at the dog. Drew’s answer must have satisfied him because Clint stepped out of his way, letting them pass.
God, don’t tell me I was arrogant like that.
Shaking his head he knew the answer.
Damn, I still am
. He laughed softly as they walked away.

Besides the short interruption, it was good. Normally he would have gone for an early jog. Blossom was a lot of things, but he didn’t think she was a fan of running. She had one pace—her own. Slow. What he thought would have been a brief adventure turned into thirty minutes of stopping to sniff every tree or bush they passed. What he thought would be an annoying task, he now found walking the amazingly relaxing. Gave him time to think a few things through.
Like why am I still here?
He’d had his fun, so it was time to go. Staying longer would only send the wrong message.

No matter how he sorted through it, there was no reason he stayed except the one he didn’t want to face.
Because I want to be with her.
That wasn’t part of his plan. Not at all. He had even told his pilot to stay on standby because he wasn’t staying long. It was a cold-ass thing to do, but that had never stopped him before. It was all planned out so well.
Too well.

Who was he trying to fool? There wasn’t going to be anything simple when dealing with someone like Katherine.
Beautiful, intelligent, strong-minded, and sexy as hell.
He told himself it was purely a physical attraction, but she had the whole package.

He hadn’t stopped thinking about her since the first moment he’d laid eyes on her at the fundraiser. His smile deepened into a burst of laughter.
Jill Aragao, I think I underestimated you.
Jill sending him at the last minute to invite Katherine to join them was really smooth. He should have seen that coming. The last thing he wanted was his friends playing matchmaker for him. He was content in his single lifestyle.
No one to answer to but myself.
Drew wasn’t looking for any major changes in his life right now, no matter how much he wanted her.
That’s all it is, a want.

Blossom picked up the pace on the last leg of their walk; they were quickly approaching Katherine’s house.
If you’re still sleeping, I know how I’m going to wake you up.

Chapter Six

lossom was pulling
so hard he could hardly hold her back as he tried to open the door. “Easy, girl,” he said trying to calm her. She wasn’t having it. Once the door was open, she broke free from his grip and headed to the living room.
Why me?
His attempt to grab the leash again failed as he turned the corner of the hall.

Drew entered the front hall and closed the front door behind him. That was when he heard what was causing Blossom to go crazy. Crying.
Had she thought he’d taken off without even saying goodbye?
Not possible since I had Blossom with me.

Drew followed the sound and found Katherine sitting on the floor holding what appeared to be frame close to her chest as tears poured down her cheeks. Blossom was already laying down right beside her, her large doggy head on her lap.

He wasn’t sure what had happened, but this was not the same carefree woman he had left a short time ago. “Katherine, what’s the matter? What happened?” Drew approached her from the opposite side, keeping his distance from Blossom. Though he didn’t have a dog, he knew they were attuned to emotions and didn’t want to startle either of them at the moment.

Sniffing Katherine said, “You should go. Drew. I can’t . . . I mean . . . I don’t want you to . . .” She fumbled with the words as more tears flowed.

See you like this?
That he understood. She was an amazingly strong woman, and seeing her like this was more a shock than just a surprise. Drew didn’t know why, but he couldn’t bring himself to do as she asked, not this time. Her words told him to leave, but her eyes, though tear-filled, begged him to stay. Sitting on the floor beside her, he put an arm around her, coaxing her to him. She instinctively turned and buried her face in his chest and sobbed even harder.

“It’s okay.” He could feel the tension within her as she shook in his arms.
You’re okay, I’m here.
Gently he stroked her hair and back until the sobbing ceased. Only when she lifted her face did he break the silence.

Normally he wouldn’t have even entered the room, knowing a woman was crying. Katherine wasn’t just any woman, and he not only willingly entered the room, but he truly wanted to console her, take her pain away.
When did I start to care?
Drew wasn’t able to pinpoint the exact moment, but something about her made him forget all his rules of engagement.
He was about to become personally involved. Something he had been able to avoid most of his adult life.
Is that why my dad had pulled away? So he didn’t have to deal with anything real?

The first thing he needed to do was gather the required information, from there he was confident he would be able to provide a simple solution, and they could move on.
Please don’t be crying because of something I said or did.
Nothing came immediately to mind, but that didn’t mean anything. He wasn’t known for being the most sensitive guy.
Maybe she got a call while I was out?
It was possible she had received some devastating news.
Was not knowing better than knowing?
Whatever it was, he was certain she shouldn’t have to go through it alone. Opening this door was as good as saying he was going to be there for her.
I hope I don’t regret this.

“Tell me what happened? Why were you crying?”

She pulled her T-shirt up to wipe her tear-streaked face. With a heavy sigh she replied, “Drew, you didn’t come all the way to California to hear my problems.”

You’re right about that.
“Does it matter why I came? I am here now and willing to listen.” He wanted to shut his mouth, but the words flowed out anyway. And the worst part? He meant them.

Katherine lifted a framed picture so he could see what she’d been clutching. He took it from her and looked more closely, noticing it was her in her Marine dress uniform. Drew had never found a woman in uniform sexy, but this was his one and only exception. There was another woman in the picture in civilian clothes who appeared slightly younger.

“This was taken when I received my nursing degree. That was my younger sister.”

He could only assume she had died, but looking at the picture again, the girl couldn’t be more than twenty-five. She offered him the opportunity to leave earlier. Was it too late to take her up on her offer?. Everything in Drew demanded him to focus. Think. This conversation was about to turn heavy.
Get up, get out, and run like hell, Drew.
“Tell me about her.” He wondered when his brain disengaged from his mouth. It seemed when he was with Katherine the words flowed without a filter. He was going to need to work on fixing that issue.

Katherine, staring off into the distance, let out a heavy sigh. Was he wrong for asking? It really wasn’t his business. Obviously it was extremely personal, and he knew he didn’t appreciate people asking him personal questions. Her expression wasn’t one of anger, more of utter sadness. If he was right in his assumption, and he normally was, there was good reason for her to feel this way. All he could do was be there for her now, not rush her.
And then I’ll leave.

Drew recalled the time after his friend Brad’s death five years ago that, no matter what else was going on around him, he’d felt as though he’d been in a vacant space—just him and his loss. Though Brad and he were as close as brothers, they were only friends. To lose a sibling, especially one so young, probably left a void no one could fill.

When she finally spoke, her voice was nothing but a whisper. “She was so full of life. If we went anywhere, she was the first one people noticed. Her smile brightened every room she entered.”

Quietly, he sat by her listening. He had so many questions, but this time was hers, time to remember the good and the bad. No words would change what she felt deep within. There are some things you have to go through alone. This was one of them. All he could offer her was some TLC while she relived it.

“Do you know who she reminds me of?”

Drew shook his head. Since he hadn’t met her it was difficult to compare her to anyone. He chose not to make his normal sarcastic remarks.
Not now. Not today.

Katherine continued. “Jill. That’s who.” A small smile crossed her face ever so briefly then disappeared just as quickly. “I guess that’s why I am struggling with all these emotions again right now. With Jill spending the night here last weekend it . . .well, it reminded me . . .” After a long pause she said, “It reminded me of how things were before my sister got sick.”

Reaching out, he took her right hand in his, stroking it gently. “I’m sorry, Katherine.” The words seemed too simple, but they were all he had to offer.

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