The Billionaire's Pledge (12 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Pledge
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He lay next to her, working on his laptop. She finished her meal and set the plate aside. 

She sat up on her elbows. “Lie down,” she said, taking the laptop and closing it. “On your back.” 








Zac thought:
The vow is broken! I can do whatever I want!

He looked over at Savannah with a mixture of surprise and happy anticipation. Yes, the vow was broken. He’d touched a woman sexually. They hadn’t had intercourse—not yet—but he knew that was going to happen soon. He felt amazingly powerful, being able to give Savannah a climax like that. It was a wonderful feeling. To have her body bend to his will, to lift up her skirt and tease her until she dripped her cream, then to pull off her panties and take her with his mouth.

He licked his lips. Now something else was going to happen. But what? This was a side of Savannah he’d had a little taste of two weeks earlier in his kitchen when she’d ravished him. When he’d had to reject her. He’d felt so horrible that night, it had almost driven him crazy. He still felt guilty about it.

But this moment was all that mattered now. He loved this take-charge side of Savannah, so unlike her usual demure exterior. He slid down the bed until he was lying flat on his back, acutely aware of the huge erection filling his boxers. He’d been thinking about what might come next for the last little while.

He needed release. Needed it bad. It had been several days since he’d pleasured himself. He’d purposefully waited, allowing his need to build up and become urgent, knowing that this day was coming.

“Do you have something in mind? I love your body,” he said as he turned a little and slipped his hand up under her skirt again, running his fingers lightly over her clit and mound. “You’re so responsive. I’ve never seen a woman have a climax like the one you had earlier.”

She giggled and kissed him. It was true—Savannah was unlike the women back in California. He wondered why. Was it because they were only after his money? Was it the strange artificiality of those one-night-stand relationships, the temporary grasping at pleasure? Could his feelings for Savannah, and hers for him, really intensify things so much during their lovemaking? 

He kissed her, probing with his tongue, his senses lit up like a stage under spotlights. He closed his finger and thumb on one of her nipples, savoring the way it felt, firm but soft. He couldn’t resist, even though he knew he shouldn’t—he pinched it. Just a little.

Savannah flinched and pulled away. “That hurt,” she said. But then she smiled broadly. “But I liked it, bad boy.”

He rolled and lay on his back, still fully clothed. She looked down at the bulge of his cock and raised her eyebrows. 

“Looks like somebody’s got a big hard one,” she said, a little bit of teasing tone in her voice, reaching out and stroking him lightly through the wool of his slacks. “Oh, yeah. Very big, very hard, very ready.” She continued to stroke him. It felt unreal. “Do you like hand-jobs?”

His head was spinning. It had been so long since a woman had touched him. Even the suggestion of a hand-job filled his mind with urgent lust. His cock strained harder against his clothes.

He managed to nod.

She positioned herself next to him, kneeling, and unbuttoned his $1,500 custom-tailored pants. She slid the zipper down and he felt some of the pressure release. But his shaft was still as hard as it had ever been. She spread his open fly and he looked down to see the top two inches of his manhood peering out from inside his maroon boxers.

She reached down and stroked him, just below the glans. Her hand was warm and dry, and slid smoothly across his skin. It felt like heaven. He sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. This was going to be good; he knew it.

Savannah used finger and thumb to stroke just the visible area of his cock, up and down. Very gently. 

Damn, that feels incredible!

“I want to come so bad,” he said, almost under his breath.

“Oh, I know you do,” she said. “Poor baby.” She leaned down and licked the tip of his meat. “Mmmmm.”

He pushed up, hoping she would take him into her mouth, but she didn’t. Instead, she just licked him a few more times, then sat up and pulled his boxers down a few inches. His cock sprang out as she tucked his waistband underneath his balls. It provided a nice tight pressure down there.

Pressure. That’s what it felt like now. Like pressure building up, water behind a great dam, pushing so hard that something had to give. 

“You need to come, don’t you, Zachary Cushman?”

He nodded and groaned a little. He felt too dizzy to speak.

She closed one fist tightly around him and started stroking up and down, pulling the skin taught with every downstroke. He was circumcised, and as the skin pushed back up on the upstroke, it rubbed his glans, only to be pulled back down again. The alternating pressures drove him wild.

She did it over and over. Her hand was still dry, and she was grasping him hard, not letting her fingers slide along but instead pulling the skin of his cock. She knew what she was doing. It felt incredible. A few more strokes and he might be close to the edge…

She stopped, then bent down again and placed her open mouth over the tip of his cock, taking in the first few inches. He kept his hands at his sides, giving himself to her, making no effort to control her movements.

She sucked hard, and he gasped and pushed a little, wanting more. She sank down his shaft, wetting him all the way down. Then she pulled back off with tight, sucking lips, popping from the tip of his cock in a way that sent a shiver through his entire body. 

He watched her. She brought one hand and then the other to her mouth, licking each one several times, covering them with her saliva. Now her dripping-wet hands descended to him and started jacking him off for real, pumping his already-wet cock, slicking up and down every inch of him.

She turned and watched his expression, and he looked into her eyes. He saw desire there, and pleasure, and the thrill of controlling him. 

Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. The rhythm was everything. And with each stroke, she brought him closer and closer to the point of no return. 

Now he watched her hands. As her fingers slipped off the top of his glans, they paused, then moved back down—
—simulating the sensation of penetrating her passage.

Holy fucking Jesus Christ almighty!

Her hands were intense, squeezing tightly and releasing at the exact right moments. Then she took one hand and clamped it around the base of his cock, squeezing there, pushing more blood into the length of him.

“You’re going to feel an orgasm in a few seconds,” she said. 

He nodded and tried to say, “Uh-huh,” but the sound that came out was just an animal groan. He couldn’t think straight. His brain was filling with pleasure chemicals. It was like being on cocaine, except this was more real and pure than any drug trip.

“But I’m not going to let you ejaculate.”

He couldn’t understand what she was saying. He just wanted sweet release.

She said, “And then I’m going to give you another orgasm. It’s something I know how to do.”

She was jacking him faster and faster now. He was going to come.








Savannah marveled at Zachary Cushman’s manhood. It was massive. Certainly the biggest she’d seen, although that wasn’t saying much—she hadn’t been with that many guys. In her hands, it felt like iron, but somehow soft and responsive.

She knew exactly what she was doing, and she knew exactly how Zac would respond. As she closed her right hand as tightly as she possibly could around the base of him, she knew the exact reason for the move.

It was Charles—the things he’d taught her were finally proving useful! Her relationship with that maniac hadn’t been a total waste of time after all. He’d made her practice this technique on him over and over, sometimes for hours, forcing her to bring him to climax while holding back his come, again and again.

She pulled herself away from these thoughts, and focused back on Zachary and his beautiful, sexy body. His flesh was showing all the signs of readiness: straining upward slightly, stiffening even further, balls tightening up. All that plus the expression on Zac’s face and the way he moved his body told her all she needed to know.

“You’re going to come in a few seconds,” she said in a low voice, looking not at his face but at the slick, pink organ in her hands. She licked her hand again, then returned it to his shaft. She squeezed him tight at the base and slid her left hand up and down on the first few inches of him. She didn’t go all the way down. She knew that holding the base was making it grow fuller and harder, while also intensifying his pleasure.

She also knew that when he was about to come, she could squeeze and push just above his orbs, right at the base of him, underneath, to keep the cream inside. To give him the sensation of multiple climaxes.

Without actually letting him

This was her plan for Zac. She would drive him crazy, then when she was ready she would use her silken sheath to bring him to full release.

“I love your cock,” she said. “It’s big. Really big. And really hard. Are you going to come for me?” She found herself talking differently, it was like another side of her personality.

She slowed down her movements, focusing on the tip and the area just below it, on the underside. 

“Yes,” he said.

“Gooooood. I like that. I want you to come. Come for me.”

She massaged the top two inches of him, rhythmically squeezing her hand up and down.

He started to twitch.

“Come for me!”

His cock was throbbing and twitching.

“Good, Zac. Let it out.”

He tightened and she knew his body was ready to release its beautiful load. But she didn’t let it. Instead, she clamped and pushed on the base of him, taking her other hand away from his member entirely.

He gasped—

He took a few short, panting breaths, straining for air. His whole body stiffened. He squeezed the sheets and blankets.

His cock shook and trembled in her hand, but nothing came out. The tip was completely dry.

“Oh—oh!” he cried out. “Oh fuck! FUCK! UH-UH-UH!”

She smiled, watching his face contort in a look of pleasure so intense that it appeared he was suffering pain.

His cock twitched once more and was still. Her hands remained dry—no cream had come out.

, she thought.
It’s working

She licked her left hand again several times, getting it good and wet, then closed it on his shaft once more, this time moving all the way up and down.

“How did that feel?” she asked.

He had to catch his breath. “Damn fucking awesome.”

“Want another?”

He nodded.

She accelerated her hand until she was stroking him as fast as she could. For a second she released her right hand and used both hands on him. Then she clamped him again and squeezed as he went into spasm for the second time.

Again he started making grunts and groans. “Oh—uh—oh God—uh UH

His cock shivered and twitched once more as she took her left hand away. His body was trying to shoot out his load, but she wouldn’t let it.

When this one was over, she unclasped her right hand from him and reached down between her own legs, slipping her middle finger into her own pussy. She was ready. Wet, fully aroused, but still tight. She pulled the finger out and spread some of the copious juices all over her own asshole. It was so sensitive. She hoped he would play with her there.

Zac lay panting, moaning a little, watching her with a look of shock on his face. She wondered if any of his previous partners back in San Francisco had ever done anything like that to him. She didn’t think so. They might be young, but she had the benefit of experience and a toned, muscular physique.

She was ready. Ready to have herself filled. Her whole body wanted it. It had been hours since her orgasm, and she was dying for another one.

She grabbed his pants and boxers and pulled them down as he lifted his hips. He kicked them off and she heard them hit the floor with a thump. She peeled his shirt up and off, exposing his muscled chest and dark brown nipples. She leaned down and sucked the right one, hard, then bit it a little, giving him a taste of his own medicine.

At the same moment, she brought her right leg over his body and straddled him, her sweet wanting lips touching his cock. It was still massively hard because—she reminded herself—he hadn’t really come yet. Until his cream actually passed into the shaft of his cock and up and out, he wasn’t finished and could continue to be rock hard.

She leaned down, grabbing his arms, and held them against the bed. She brought her mouth to his, kissing him hard, pushing her tongue into his mouth even as she started to slide her pussy onto his cock.

Oh. My. Christ.

She couldn’t believe what it felt like, it was so long and thick. Could she take it in? For a moment, she wasn’t sure. He pushed up against her, letting out a gasp of pleasure, and she pushed down against him, feeling him move up and into her.

She was on. He was deep inside. The skin of his cock slid smoothly against the sensitive inside walls of her channel, and her clit touched the firm area just above his cock.

“I’m on the pill,” she whispered. “You can fuck me. You can come in me. I want you to.”

She began to grind against him, not allowing his cock to move much, building him up again and making sure he didn’t come too quickly. She knew he was close, having just experienced two dry orgasms. He would crave full release.

Slowly, slowly, she started to undulate on him, clutching with her tightness. She pulled off farther and farther with each gyration, sliding back down all the way to his base. 

BOOK: The Billionaire's Pledge
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