The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1) (56 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1)
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Craig had read over the transcript of those texts frequently enough in the last three years that he had them memorized. Lucy had been his fiancé, and he didn't know who took her death worse - him or Hawk.

I need to talk to you in person, can you come out here?

What's up Sis I'm pretty busy

Please! I need help Creepy cop threatened me cuz I found something

What? What creepy cop? Threatened you why?

Just come out here please and help me come home. Scared

OK, sit tight, I will call you

No, he's listening

Ok, I'll be there in four hours. Where are you?

At my apartment

Stay there. Don't go anywhere text me every ten minutes. Don't go to sleep


But Hawk never got another text from her. He broke every speed limit possible from Santa Bella to Westwood Harbor and made it there in under three hours. He didn't call the cops until he hadn't heard from her in forty-five minutes, and he had to make up a story to get them to check out her house, but they found nothing once they got there. No forced entry, no Lucy, no nothing.

The next week, her car was found in the Pacific Ocean by some snorkelers. The story was it had gone over a guard rail on a mountain road outside of Westwood Harbor. No body was found.

Craig had picked apart what they knew and didn't know so many times he could do it in his sleep. But he was going to do it again. One - They did not know who the creepy cop was. Two - They - his cell phone rang, interrupting his thoughts.


"Craig, it's Emma, I need help, can you come get me at the Coronado?" She sounded breathless, scared.

Craig stood up and gathered his keys before her sentence was finished.

"Yes, are you in the lobby?"

"No, the restaurant."

He ran to the door quickly and yelled to Hawk, "Going to the Coronado, not sure why, possibly Norman related, don't think I need backup, will call when I can!" and ran down the hallway, shouldering open the big outside door and climbing into his truck. He reached under his seat to the gun safe strapped to the floor and took out his sig 239, strapping it quickly to his boot holster. He would have like to have it around his waist, but he had no other holster on him and shoving it in his waistband wasn't safe.

He wasn't going to fail this woman like he failed Lucy.

Chapter 15



Craig was at the Coronado within five minutes. He double parked outside and ran in to get her.

He entered the restaurant cautiously, watching all corners of the lobby and noting all the exits. Emma was standing at the counter on the phone. The host was giving her dirty looks. She had no shoes on and looked scared, but otherwise ok. "Emma."

She saw him, hung up the phone, and ran to him. He pulled her into his arms. She fit like she belonged there.

"My truck is out front. Let's go."

She leaned against him and let him walk her there. Only when they got in the truck and locked the doors did he relax a little.

"Where to?"

"My house."

She looked barely in control, and totally miserable. He wanted to push her for details but knew that she would share when she was ready. She didn't seem to be hurt, so he was content to wait.

Emma didn't have her keys, so she walked around to the back and used the key hidden in a fake rock by the sliding door. Just before she opened it she stopped, turning to Craig.

"Can-can we check the house for bugs again?" she whispered in his ear.

He raised an eyebrow but thought it was probably a good idea.

"Come with me to get the detector."

He led her outside and got it, then back in, and they swept the house in silence. Finding nothing, he poured her some water and led her to the couch.

"Now tell me what happened Emma, why are you so scared?"

The dam broke. She burst into tears. She cried and cried for what seemed like hours, but was probably only five minutes. Craig's heart physically hurt at the sound and he wished for something to hit. Instead, he gathered her close, smoothed her hair, and whispered sweet things in her ear.

She sat up and wiped her face, making an effort to get herself under control. He waited.

"I was on a date."

A date? What the hell? So there is another man.
The thought tore at his insides like brambles.

"He tried to rape me."

Craig's fists clenched. His jaw clamped. He bit down on his tongue to keep some control over himself. Now he really wanted to hit something. Specifically, he wanted to pound this asshole into a pulp.

Emma watched his face closely, fear in her eyes.

"Craig, I'm sorry, it's just this doctor that I've been seeing even before you asked me out."

"It's OK Emma, we were never exclusive," he forced out through gritted teeth. "Here, I am going to call the police."

"The police?" she asked, unsure.

"Yes, you need to make a report if some guy tried to rape you."

"But, he didn't. He didn't rape me. What if, you know, what if?"

"What if Norman comes? Norman won't come. They will send a patrol officer over. Norman is the Captain of Vice. They don't handle rape cases."

She looked a little reassured but not convinced.

"Did he hurt you?"

Her hands went to her throat. "He choked me." Her eyes dropped to her lap, embarrassed.

"Sweetheart," he lifted her chin, "you have nothing to be embarrassed or worried about. If a man touches you in any way, uninvited, he is wrong, and you didn't do anything to cause it."

She started crying again. "He said that someone told him I wanted it that way. He said someone told him I liked to play r-r-rough."

"Who told him that?"

She didn't answer for a minute. Just crying. "He said Jerry did, but I know Jerry didn't. Jerry wouldn't!"

Craig thought for a minute. Jerry certainly didn't seem the type to do something like that. And Jerry genuinely seemed to care for Emma as a good friend. Jerry doing it seemed unlikely. "Did he say he talked to Jerry in person?"

Emma wiped her face again and considered the question. "I don't know. I don't think so."

"Because if someone told him this on the phone, it could have been anyone, just saying he was Jerry. Does he know Jerry well?"

"No, he only met him once as far as I know. Jerry doesn't like him."

"Ok, and no matter who told him what, he still can't use that as an excuse for rape. We need to call the police Emma."


He called 911 and told the dispatcher to send an officer. He texted Hawk and told him everything was OK. He considered getting Emma a beer or some wine, but no, that should wait until after the police came and took her report.

A young officer that he didn't recognize came to take the report. Officer Brooks. He quietly filled his notebook with details as Emma spilled them.

When Emma stoically recounted the part on the bed where she almost passed out, Craig had to get up and walk around. He wanted to stay on the couch to comfort Emma but he felt about to bite his tongue clean through with rage. He got up and paced. This Reece guy needed a lesson in how to treat women.

"Ma'am you don't seem to have any bruises on your neck."

Emma's fingers fluttered to her throat and felt there. Craig walked over and looked too, turning on a lamp. He didn't see bruises either, but he did see some redness and blotchiness.

"She will probably have bruises in the morning, but regardless, what does that matter?" Craig asked the officer.

"I'm just pointing it out. I'll need to take pictures of any injuries, but I don't really see anything to take a picture of."

The officer got up and went to his patrol car to call in the information. Craig had Emma come into the bathroom and turned on the lights. He definitely saw redness in here. "Don't worry Emma, you don't have to have injuries in order to report an attempted rape."

She just looked at him. Her demeanor worried him. She seemed defeated.

The officer came back in and asked for Jerry's number and address. Emma gave them to him but admonished him again that Jerry wasn't the one who told Reece that, it must have been someone else. "I know ma'am, but we still need to talk to him."

The officer took his pictures and had Emma fill out some paperwork. His dispatcher called him on the radio so he went out to his car again. ten minutes later he came back in with a different attitude.

"Ma'am, a unit went out to talk to Reece Mishra, and he says that you told him you like it rough, and you told him you wanted him to pretend like he was going to rape you."

Emma's mouth dropped open. "What, what he didn't I didn't" she sputtered.

Craig put an arm around her shoulders. "He's making that up," Craig told the officer.

"Were you there Sir?"

"No, I wasn't there, but if that's all a man has to say in this town to get out of rape charges then we must be living in the 1950s back when men could hit their wives and the police would look the other way!" Craig felt his blood boiling.

"It turns out that Mr. Mishra has two black eyes and a broken nose. He is calling for Ms. Hill to be arrested for assault on him."

Emma pressed into Craig, her body shaking. Craig couldn't believe his ears.

"You aren't going to arrest her for defending herself are you?" he demanded of the officer.

"Look, I tell you what, why don't you just admit you might have overreacted a bit," the officer addressed Emma, "and I'll see if I can get Mr. Mishra to admit the same thing. Just let this whole thing blow over."

Craig was at a loss. He didn't know what to say or do. He'd never had this result with law enforcement before. He usually was the law enforcement, or one of his buddies was, and they always tried to err on the side of justice. That didn't seem to be what was going on here.

Emma spoke up, defeat in her voice. "He has my bag with my keys and wallet. And my shoes. I just want them back."

The officer smiled. "I'll have the officer bring them over here Ms. Hill."


After the police left and Emma had her belongings back, Craig brought her that wine finally. "Look Emma, I have a buddy who is in the FBI. We need to report this failure of the Westwood Harbor police department to protect you. He can take your rape case, and he can straighten this mess out."

Emma shook her head again. "No Craig, I just want to sleep. Thank you for caring, but this is nothing new. I'm actually not surprised this happened."

"Look, let me just call him. He can come over and tell you what your options are."

He knew she didn't want to, but he also knew if he let this go by overnight, she would never report it to anyone.

"Ok, but don't bug him, it's late already. If he's busy, he's busy."

"Ok" Craig got up and paced and texted Hawk. "Send Rollins over here. Tell him he's FBI. Emma almost raped. Police won't take case because asshole wants to press charges too. Need a report made."

"Roger," came the reply.

Thirty minutes later, Deniz "Dennis" Rollins knocked on the door. He was a tall, dark, half Turkish and half Caucasian, and one of Craig's best friends. He cut an imposing figure in the blue suit he was wearing. Craig wasn't sure what he had pulled Dennis away from, but he hoped it hadn't been anything he was really going to miss. "Sorry man, thanks for coming," he told him at the door.

"Anytime Craig, I got your back." He turned to Emma.

"Miss Hill, I am so sorry for this predicament you are in. I would like to write up a report on your case and send it to my boss. It's a big no-no for local departments to downplay violence of any sort, but especially violence against women and children. Westwood Harbor PD is notorious for this, and they are being investigated for other cases. I would like to add yours to them."

Emma studied him strangely, and didn't talk for the longest time. Dennis waited calmly. "Can the FBI prosecute Reece?" she finally asked.

"The FBI will not prosecute a local case, but we can do the report and send it to the prosecuting attorney. If he wants to pursue a conviction the local police will be nothing more than investigative officers at that point. They will do any further investigating that needs to be done but they won't be making any decisions about it."

Emma sat, thinking this over, her eyes crawling over Dennis' face. She seemed distracted. Not there. Craig wondered if shock was setting in.

Emma tore her gaze from Dennis, with what looked like great difficulty. Craig watched her turn her head to him, but her eyes stayed on Dennis. Finally, she looked straight at Craig, eyes too. He smiled encouragingly. She gave a weak smile back and turned back to Dennis, saying, "Ok, what's the next step?"

Craig sat patiently while Emma and Dennis did paperwork. He listened to the story again and his blood boiled again. This
really needed a lesson in manners. Craig was itching to be the one who gave it to him.

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