The Blank Canvas (Apartment #2) (14 page)

BOOK: The Blank Canvas (Apartment #2)
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“Can I help you, sir?” she asked in an irritated tone, never once looking up from her game of solitaire.

“I’m waiting for someone. I was wondering if you might know how long she’ll be.”

“What’s her name and appointment time?” she huffed loudly.

“No, she works here. Her name is Lily Blake.”

That got her attention, causing the girl’s eyes to practically bug out of her head when she finally looked up at him. “Oh my God,

“Uh… yeah?” Apparently his face was less vague to her.

“It’s me, Kim!” she smiled excitedly. He was willing to bet this was the most animated she’d been about anything all day.


“Sanders, silly! We went to high school together. I sat near you in English senior year.”

“Oh… yeah, okay. How have you been?” He really couldn’t have cared less, but he didn’t want to be impolite to one of Lily’s coworkers. He
remember her once she said her name—and his memories of her made him cringe inside.

She used to strut around the school like she was hot shit, hanging on the arm of any guy she thought might be worth something to her. All she would have to do was shove her big tits in their faces and giggle like the airhead she was, and they gladly ate it up. She’d even tried batting her overly-mascaraed lashes at him a few times, but he had no interest in pretending to care about her vapid conversation.

“Oh, I’m good.
good,” she purred. From the looks of her now, she had put on a good sixty pounds and hated her job. He could also tell from her bare ring finger and the way she was batting her lashes again that she was still sitting around on her widening ass, waiting for Prince Charming to appear and fix all of her problems.

It wasn’t that Ethan cared what a woman weighed; he appreciated curves in all the right places and always had. He’d painted countless women through the years with many different body types and had always found the beauty he was looking for. There was just something depressing about an aging prom queen living in denial.

“So… Lily?” he asked, trying to make her focus on the here and now. “Any idea how soon she’ll be ready for lunch?”

“Oh,” she pouted, her face falling visibly when she finally realized that he had no desire to reminisce about the good old days. “Let me look.” She clicked a few buttons on her keyboard, her eyes looking up at him every few seconds. “So, you and Lily, huh?” she probed nosily as she searched the screen. “When did that happen?”

“Recently,” was the only answer he gave.

“Alright,” Kim sighed when he refused to say any more. “Well, it looks like she already took back her last patient for the morning. I’ll leave her a message that you’re here. She should be done soon if you want to have a seat.”

“Thank you,” he nodded curtly, walking over to the only section of empty chairs and sitting down, rifling through the maternity magazines as he glanced at his watch. He could feel the stares of the other women in the room burning holes into his flesh, giving a new meaning to the phrase no man’s land. He felt like the enemy, and before even two minutes had passed he was ready to apologize to them for every man in the world who’d ever gotten a woman pregnant. After five minutes, he was ready to apologize for even having a penis. When Lily finally found him a few minutes later, the sigh of relief he gave as he stood up could be heard throughout the room.

“Thank God!” he gasped the moment they had stepped outside toward his car.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, barely containing a giggle.

“That was the most awkward I’ve felt in years. I swear they were just about to attack me when you came out.”


“Those women!”

She couldn’t hold it any longer after that, openly laughing at the expression of horror on his face. “What on Earth are you talking about?”

“It felt like every pair of eyes in that room was on me, like I wasn’t supposed to be there,” he tried to explain as he opened the passenger door for her.

“Ethan, there were a few other men there. They were all sitting with their wives, didn’t you see them?”

“No, all I saw were pregnant women everywhere.
pregnant women, looking for justice.” He closed the door on her laughter, still able to hear it through the windows as he walked around to get in the other side.

“That’s ridiculous!” she choked out through her giggling fit once he was seated next to her.

“Then why did I feel like everyone was staring at me?”

After she wiped a tear from her eye, she took a deep breath and looked at him. “Baby, they were probably just wondering why you were there alone.
where you’d been all their lives.”

“Oh, stop it,” he said, throwing the car in reverse and backing out of his parking space.

“I’m serious. Do you have any idea how horny some pregnant women get? Having you dangled in front of their eyes for that long is actually pretty cruel. I’m not surprised you felt their eyes all over you.”

“Oh man, that’s even worse! Now I can never visit you there again. I’ll always have to worry about mother-to-be gang rape!”

“Would you stop being so silly?” Placing her hand on his arm as he was getting ready to turn out of the lot, she waited until he was looking at her before she continued. “You’re just feeling awkward visiting me at work.” Lily could sympathize. The entire office was peeking through the door to the waiting area to get a glimpse of the new man in her life. “For what it’s worth, seeing you there waiting for me has been the best part of my day. Now, can I have a kiss?”

Shoving his hands through his hair quickly, Ethan exhaled loudly before finally laughing with her. “You’re right, I’m being an idiot.” He leaned over and kissed her gently, smiling against her lips when she tugged him closer, refusing to let him back away without deepening the kiss. “Mmm… hello there.”

“Now that’s the hello I was looking for,” she smiled. “Can we go eat now?”

“Oh, I suppose. How long do you have? Should we grab something quick or sit down?”

“I’ve got about an hour. Something quicker might be a better idea. I think the diner gets pretty packed this time of day, and something sit down takes too long.”

“How about a burger at Tastee-Freez?”

“Perfect! We can eat in the car if we want to.”

“Oh really?” he smirked, turning onto 3rd Street. “Have something in mind, do you?”

“Well, no,” she blushed. “I just thought it might be nice to eat and talk wherever we wanted since it’s such a pretty day, that’s all.

“Sounds good to me.”

He pulled into a spot at the old ice cream stand and they went up to the window, ordering two burgers and fries and two shakes, all to go. Lily rolled her eyes as the young girl behind the register giggled and flirted shamelessly with Ethan, reminding herself that it was simply something she was going to have to get used to if she wanted to continue dating someone so gorgeous. She knew the important thing was that he never flirted back—even if she did want to dump her chocolate shake over the dimwit girl’s head.

“My God,” Ethan moaned to himself behind her as they walked back to the car.

“What?” she very nearly snapped as she turned around, defensive about her newfound jealousy issues and fully expecting him to tease her about it again.

“I just… forgot how fucking sexy you look in your scrubs, that’s all.” He ducked his head as his cheeks tinted pink. When he looked back up and their eyes locked again, Lily almost forgot how to breathe. They both knew without saying that they were each remembering a heated sponge bath between a nurse and her very dirty patient.

Trying to ignore the sudden rush of heat through her body, Lily grabbed his shake and turned back toward the car. “Uh… let’s get going before these melt.”

“Any particular place you’d like to park?” The heavy-lidded gaze he gave her as he climbed into the car was enough to make her need to wipe her chin.

“Somewhere… private?” was all she could squeak out.

He said nothing in return, only inhaling sharply once before tearing off in the direction of the woods. They reached their special clearing in record time and ate their lunch even faster, although it was rather distracting for both of them. They tried to talk about their day as they ate, but Ethan found himself staring as she dunked her fries in her shake and brought them to her mouth, moaning softly as she chewed and licked her lips, and Lily couldn’t keep her eyes off of his Adam’s apple as it bobbed up and down when he swallowed.

“Okay, I’m just going to say it,” she finally declared after a few more longing glances at each other. “This is really…” She tried to think of a word that wasn’t
. “Difficult.”

“I know,” he sighed, nodding his head in agreement. “It’s taking all I’ve got to keep myself from attacking you right now.”

“May I ask why you brought me all the way out here when you don’t want us to do anything yet?”

“Well, you said you wanted privacy. This was the first place that popped into my head. Besides, I never said we couldn’t do
.” He waggled his eyebrows at her playfully, which only caused her to moan louder. “What’s wrong?”

“Would you please stop making such adorable faces?” Lily whined.


“Because the cuter your face gets, the more I want to sit on it!”

!” he hissed through his teeth, lunging across the console at her and sending their bag of trash flying in the process.

His lips crashed into hers with an almost painful force, his tongue probing her mouth hungrily as he pulled her to him. Once Lily realized what was happening she responded eagerly, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and sliding her hands up the back of his neck until she was anchoring his head against her, kissing him with everything she had.

“You just… can’t…
shit like that, Lily!” he groaned into her mouth, punctuating his words with flicks of his tongue around hers, sucking her bottom lip between his teeth for emphasis.

“Why?” she gasped, her lips already swollen from his kisses. “It’s the truth.”

“Because my control is so weak right now, it could snap at any second! Here, feel.” He grabbed her hand and ran it down his abdomen, bringing it to rest on the prominent bulge in the front of his jeans. “Feel what you fucking do to me!”

“Oh God,” she moaned, closing her fingers around it, cupping him firmly. “Then do something about it! Fuck me and put us both out of our misery!” She began to tighten her grip, rubbing and squeezing him through his jeans until his eyes were rolling back in his head.

“Lily,” he whimpered, forcing himself to look at her again. “Please… just a little more time.”

“But how
time? That’s what’s killing me! This is just torture!”

“Soon,” he panted, leaning over to place open-mouthed kisses down her neck. Greg had called him that very morning to let him know that he had a meeting scheduled for that afternoon that sounded promising. Ethan had told Greg to inform him the second he had an answer. “I’m supposed to find out today. As soon as I know when, you’ll know when. I swear.” He lapped at a bead of sweat that had collected on her collarbone before shifting and starting back up the other side of her throat. When he reached her earlobe he sucked it between his teeth, nibbling lightly and pulling back to whisper in her ear. “If I have my way, it will be as soon as humanly possible.”

His hand began to wander up her side, stopping to close over her breast, the firm peak of her nipple poking into his palm. She arched into him more fully and cried out, her head reeling from an overload of sensation.

“Ethan… please… I need…”

“What do you need, beautiful girl?” he said in the most delicious, husky whisper against her skin, his tongue and lips making her forget her own name. “Tell me. Let me help you.”

She could barely think, her head was so foggy with lust, so she let her body take over for her. Giving his erection a final squeeze before letting go and loving the hiss it caused him to make against her mouth as they kissed, she slid her hand back between their bodies until she could slip it inside the waistband of her pants, and then down farther, inside her panties. She was met with an embarrassing amount of wetness, her outer lips slick and swollen with desire. Sweeping two fingers across her heated sex, she pulled her fingers back out and held them up in front of his face.

He stopped everything he was doing, transfixed at the sight of her fingers coated and dripping with her moisture. A primal shudder ran through him, making his cock grow impossibly harder. Before he could gather his wits enough to say anything, Lily shoved them between his lips.

At the first taste of her fluids on his tongue, a loud growl ripped loose from his chest and echoed in the car. Ethan began sucking on her fingers furiously, worried that he might pass out from the absolute heaven of finally tasting her again. Only when he had lapped up every drop could he pull away long enough to snarl two words at her.

“Back. Seat.”

She didn’t need to be told twice, scrambling out of the car and running to the back. By the time she had shut the door, he was already next to her, pulling and yanking at her pants and underwear as he kissed her frantically. Once he’d gotten them down over the swell of her hips and toward her knees, he started inhaling in choppy, ragged breaths between his kisses.

… I can fucking smell you already,” he grunted, leaning back on his knees long enough to rip one of her shoes off and toss it in the front. “I need to see you, baby. I missed this delicious, beautiful pussy… so much.”

Lily could hardly speak. She simply tried to keep from hyperventilating as she panted and kicked her legs to help him pull her pants the rest of the way off. By the time they had one leg free, they both decided it was enough without saying a word, letting the rest of the fabric bunch up around the shoe on her other foot as it dangled over the floor mat.

“Oh my God,” he gasped, unable to look her in the eye once his gaze had locked onto her dripping sex. “You’re so fucking wet for me, baby.” He ripped his t-shirt off over his head and pulled up on her hips. “Here, lift up.” When she was up high enough, he slid his shirt underneath her, putting a barrier between her and the upholstery. Slowly he slid his hands between her thighs, pulling her legs wider until her free leg was resting with her foot on the back window ledge.

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