The Blinding Knife (106 page)

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Authors: Brent Weeks

Tags: #Epic Fantasy

BOOK: The Blinding Knife
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Holvar, Jin:
  A woman who entered the Blackguard the same year as Karris, though she is a few years younger.

  A Blackguard scrub.

  Cruxer’s mother, and a Blackguard. Widow of Holdfast, a Blackguard.

  One of Lady Aglaia Crassos’s room slaves.

Ironfist, Harrdun:
  Commander of the Blackguard, thirty-eight years old, a blue drafter.

Isabel (Isa):
  A pretty young girl in Rekton.

Izem Blue:
  A legendary drafter and a defender of Garriston under Gavin Guile.

Izem Red:
  A defender of Garriston under Gavin Guile. He fought for Gavin during the False Prism’s War. A Parian drafter of red with incredible speed, he wears his ghotra in the shape of a cobra’s hood.

  A Parian storekeeper who sells kopi.

Jevaros, Lord:
  A young idiot who could become the next Blackguard commander and Andross Guile’s tool.

Jorvis, Ana:
  A superviolet/blue bichrome, student at the Chromeria, one of the women Andross Guile would allow Gavin to marry.

Jorvis, Demnos:
  Ana Jorvis’s father, and Arys Greenveil’s brother-in-law, married to Ela Jorvis.

Jorvis, Ela:
  Sister of Arys Greenveil, wife of Demnos Jorvis, Blood Forester, mother to Ana Jorvis.

Jumber, Norl:
  A Blackguard.

  A Blackguard scrub. Partners with Ular during a scrubs test to get across town with money.

  A magister at the Chromeria; a green drafter who teaches drafting basics.

  A Blackguard.

  Teia’s father. He ran the silk route as a trader before losing everything due to his wife’s lavish lifestyle.

Keftar, Graystone:
  A green drafter and Blackguard scrub. He’s an athletic, dark-skinned son of a rich family that paid for him to be trained before he came to the Chromeria.

Klytos Blue:
  The Blue on the Spectrum. He represents Ilyta, though he is a Ruthgari through and through. A coward and Andross’s tool.

  A Blackguard who drafts red, present at the Battle of Garriston.

Lem (Will):
  A Blackguard, either simple or crazy, a blue drafter with incredible will.

  A Blackguard scrub, hugely muscular.

Lightbringer, the:
  A controversial figure in prophecy and mythology. Attributes that most agree on are that he is male, will slay or has slain gods and kings, is of mysterious birth, is a genius of magic, a warrior who will sweep, or has swept, all before him, a champion of the poor and downtrodden, great from his youth, He Who Shatters. That most of the prophecies were in Old Parian and the meanings have changed in ways that are difficult to trace hasn’t helped. There are three basic camps: that the Lightbringer has yet to come; that the Lightbringer has already come and was Lucidonius (a view the Chromeria now holds, though it didn’t always); and, among some academics, that the Lightbringer is a metaphor for what is best in all of us.

Little Piper:
  An orange/yellow bichrome Blackguard.

  A Blackguard scrub. She is the prettiest girl in the class and is Cruxer’s partner. They have a close friendship.

  The legendary founder of the Seven Satrapies and the Chromeria, the first Prism. He was married to Karris Shadowblinder and founded the Blackguards.

Lunna Green:
  The Green on the Spectrum. She is Ruthgari, a cousin of Jia Tolver. Her brothers killed Arys Greenveil’s parents during the war.

  A Blackguard, a lanky Ilytian eunuch.

Malargos, Aristocles:
  Uncle of Eirene and Tisis Malargos; didn’t come back from the wars.

Malargos, Dervani:
  A Ruthgari nobleman, Tisis Malargos’s father, a friend and supporter of Dazen during the False Prism’s War. He is a green drafter who was lost in the wilds of Tyrea for years. When he tried to return home, Felia Guile hired pirates to kill him so that he wouldn’t reveal Gavin’s secrets.

Malargos, Eirene (Prism):
  A matriarch, the Prism before Alexander Spreading Oak (who preceded Gavin Guile). She lasted fourteen years, though Gavin has only the barest memory of her from Sun Day rituals in his youth.

Malargos, Eirene (the Younger):
  The older sister of Tisis Malargos. She took over the family’s financial affairs when her father and uncle didn’t come back from the war.

Malargos, Tisis:
  A stunningly beautiful Ruthgari green drafter. Her father and uncle fought for Dazen. Her older sister is Eirene Malargos, from whom she will likely inherit the wealth of a great trading empire.

  Gavin’s room slave. A red-haired Blood Forester who was captured by the Ruthgari during Dazen’s war, she has been with Gavin for ten years, since she was eighteen.

Marta, Adan:
  An inhabitant of Rekton.

Martaens, Marta:
  A magister at the Chromeria. She is one of only a handful of living paryl drafters, and she instructs Teia.

  A soldier in the Omnichrome’s army.

  The conn of a village on the Blood Forest coast near Ruic Bay.

  Satrapah of Atash. She was murdered by General Gad Delmarta during the False Prism’s War.

  A Ruthgari count in western Ruthgar. Liv Danavis’s cousin serves him.

Navid, Payam:
  A good-looking magister at the Chromeria; Phips Navid is his cousin.

Navid, Phips:
  Cousin to Payam Navid. He grew up in Ru, and later joined the Omnichrome’s army. His father and older brothers were all hanged after the False Prism’s War when he was just twelve years old. He wants vengeance on Lord Aravind.

  A Blackguard who designs great explosive disks for sinking ships.

Niel, Baya:
  A green drafter and Blackguard.

Nuqaba, the:
  Keeper of the oral histories of Parians, a figure of tremendous power. She resides in Azûlay.

Oakenshield, Zee:
  Andross Guile’s great-great-grandmother, a green drafter. She was the founder of Guile house, despite the name coming from another side of the family.

Omnichrome, Lord (the Color Prince):
  The leader of a rebellion against the rule of the Chromeria. His true identity is known by few, as he has re-formed almost his entire body with luxin. A full-spectrum polychrome, he posits a faith in freedom and power, rather than in Lucidonius and Orholam. Also known as the Color Prince, the Crystal Prophet, the Polychrome Master, the Eldritch Enlightened, and the Lord Rainbow. He was formerly Koios White Oak, one of Karris White Oak’s brothers. He was horribly burned in the fire that triggered the False Prism’s War.

  A mercenary with the Cloven Shield company.

Onesto, Prestor:
  An Ilytian banker at Varig and Green.

  The deity of the monotheistic Seven Satrapies, also known as the Father of All and the Lord of Light. His worship was spread throughout the Seven Satrapies by Lucidonius, four hundred years before the reign of Prism Gavin Guile.

Orlos, Maros:
  A very religious Ruthgari drafter. He fought in both the False Prism’s War and as a defender of Garriston.

  One of the original Blackguards who served Lucidonius.

Oros brothers, the:
  Two Blackguard scrubs.

Payam, Parshan:
  A young drafter at the Chromeria who attempts to seduce Liv Danavis as part of a bet. He fails in spectacular fashion.

  He proved the world was round two hundred years before Gavin Guile, and he was later lynched for positing that light was the absence of darkness.

Philosopher, the:
  A foundational figure in both moral and natural philosophy.

  A member of the Omnichrome’s army. He is seven feet tall and fights with two axes.

  A Blackguard scrub.

  A Blackguard.

  A Blackguard.

  Satrapah of Ruthgar.

Pullawr, Orea:
  See White, the.

Rados, Blessed Satrap:
  A Ruthgari satrap who fought the Blood Foresters although he was outnumbered two to one. He was famous for burning the Rozanos Bridge behind his army to keep it from retreating.

Ramir (Ram):
  A Rekton villager.

Rassad, Master Shayam:
  Completely blind in the visible spectrum, he allegedly could navigate with sub-red and paryl; taught Marta Martaens’s teacher in paryl.

Rathcore, Ulbear:
  The late husband of the White, he has been dead for twenty years. An adroit player of Nine Kings.

  A Blackguard legacy. He is a red/orange bichrome.

  A Blackguard scrub. He is a squat coastal Parian who wears the ghotra.

Running Wolf:
  A general for Gavin during the False Prism’s war. He was thrice bested by smaller forces commanded by Corvan Danavis.

Sadah Superviolet:
  The Parian representative, a superviolet drafter, often the swing vote on the Spectrum.

  One of Karris’s best friends. She is a Blackguard and a bodyguard for Kip, and one of the strongest female Blackguards.

  A village boy from Rekton.

Satrap of Atash:
  See Aravind, Lord.

Sayeh, Meena:
  Cousin to Samila Sayeh. She was just seven years old when she was killed in Gad Delmarta’s purge of the royal family at Ru.

Sayeh, Samila:
  A blue drafter for Gavin’s army. She fought in the defense of Garriston under Gavin Guile.

Selene, Lady:
  A Tyrean blue/green bichrome. She is in charge of the greens in Garriston so that they can dredge the key irrigation canals.

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