The Blinding Knife (105 page)

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Authors: Brent Weeks

Tags: #Epic Fantasy

BOOK: The Blinding Knife
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  A servant/bodyguard to the Third Eye.

  A servant/bodyguard to the Third Eye.

Companions’ Mother:
  Head of the Omnichrome’s army’s prostitute guild.

Coran, Adraea:
  Blessed. Said “war is a horror.”

  A willowy female Blackguard.

Corfu, Ramia:
  A powerful young blue drafter. He is one of the Color Prince’s favorites.

Corzin, Eleph:
  An Abornean blue drafter, a defender of Garriston.

Counselor, the:
  A legendary figure. Author of
The Counselor to Kings
, which advised such cruel methods of government that not even he followed them when he ruled.

Crassos, Aglaia:
  A young noblewoman and drafter at the Chromeria. She is the youngest daughter of an important Ruthgari family, a sadist who enjoys the pain she inflicts on her slaves.

Crassos, Governor:
  Elder brother of Aglaia Crassos; the last governor of Garriston.

  A Blackguard scrub. He’s the third generation to enter the ranks; his parents are Inana and Holdfast.

  A Blackguard scrub.

Dagnar Zelan:
  One of the original Blackguards. He served Lucidonius after converting to his cause.

Danavis, Aliviana (Liv):
  Daughter of Corvan Danavis. She is a yellow and superviolet bichrome drafter from Tyrea. Her contract is owned by the Ruthgari, and she is supervised by Aglaia Crassos.

Danavis, Corvan:
  A red drafter. A scion of one of the great Ruthgari families, he was also the most brilliant general of the age and the primary reason for Dazen’s success in battle.

Danavis, Ell:
  The second wife of Corvan Danavis. She was murdered by an assassin three years after their marriage.

Danavis, Erethanna:
  A green drafter serving Count Nassos in western Ruthgar; Liv Danavis’s cousin.

Danavis, Qora:
  A Tyrean noblewoman; first wife of Corvan Danavis, mother of Aliviana Danavis.

Delara, Naftalie:
  A woman Andross was going to “let” Gavin marry.

Delara Orange:
  The Atashian member of the Spectrum. She represents Orange and is a forty-year-old orange/red bichrome nearing the end of her life. Her predecessor in the seat was her mother, who devised the rotating scheme for Garriston.

  A family in Rekton.

Delauria, Katalina:
  Kip’s mother. She is of Parian or Ilytian extraction and is a haze addict.

Delclara, Micael:
  A quarryman and a Rekton villager.

Delclara, Miss:
  The matriarch of the Delclara family in Rekton. She had six sons who are quarrymen.

Delclara, Zalo:
  A quarryman, one of the Delclara sons.

Delelo, Galan:
  A master sergeant in the Omnichrome’s army. He escorts Liv to the gates of Garriston.

Delmarta, Gad:
  A young general of Dazen’s army who took the city of Ru and publicly massacred the royal family and their retainers.

Delucia, Neta:
  A member of the ruling council of Idoss (i.e., a city mother).

  Along with Ahhanen, he is on duty as a Blackguard when Karris and Gavin leave the refugee ship.

  One of Gunner’s shipmates.

  A Blackguard.

  A bully in Kip’s barracks. Kip breaks his arm.

Elos, Gaspar:
  A green color wight.

  A Blackguard scrub who has it in for Kip.

  A Blackguard woman who broke the fingers of an Atashian nobleman when he began to take liberties.

  A friend of Teia’s who was a slave. Her owners lost everything in a drought and rented her to the Laurion silver mine brothels for five months. She never recovered.

Falling Leaf, Deedee:
  A green drafter. Her failing health inspired a number of veteran drafters to take the Freeing at Garriston.

Farjad, Farid:
  A nobleman and ally of Dazen’s once Dazen promised him the Atashian throne during the False Prism’s War.

Farseer, Horas:
  Another ally of Dazen’s, the bandit king of the Blue-Eyed Demons. Gavin Guile killed him after the False Prism’s War.

  A female Blackguard, the smallest in the force, she excels at acrobatic moves.

  A Blackguard scrub, a blue/green bichrome who excels at grappling.

  A Blackguard seen in one of the cards.

Fisk, Trainer:
  He trains the scrubs with drills and conditioning. He just barely beat Karris during their own test to enter the Blackguards.

  An Ilytian drafter and defender of Garriston.

  One of Lady Aglaia’s slaves.

  Karris White Oak’s maid, and betrayer.

Galden, Jens:
  A magister at the Chromeria, a red drafter.

  A polychrome at the Chromeria.

  A stableman at Garriston.

Garadul, Perses:
  Appointed satrap of Tyrea after Ruy Gonzalo was defeated by the Prism’s forces in the False Prism’s War. Perses was the father of Rask Garadul. He worked to eradicate the bandits plaguing Tyrea after the war.

Garadul, Rask:
  A satrap who declared himself king of Tyrea; his father was Perses Garadul.

Gazzin, Griv:
  A green drafter who fought with Zee Oakenshield.

  An old man in Garriston who exhorted people to join King Garadul.

  A student at the Chromeria.

  A poet (long deceased).

Golden Briar, Eva:
  A woman Andross was going to let Gavin choose to marry.

Goldeneyes, Tawenza:
  A yellow drafter. She teaches only the three most talented yellows each year at the Chromeria.

  A magister at the Chromeria. Barely three years older than her disciples, she teaches the superviolet class.

Gonzalo, Ruy:
  A Tyrean satrap who sided with Dazen during the False Prism’s War.

  A Parian Blackguard scrub, one of the best fighters.

  A mountain Parian scrub. She’s taller than most of the boys.

Grass, Evi:
  A drafter and defender of Garriston. She is a green/yellow bichrome from Blood Forest, and is a superchromat.

  A Blackguard scrub. Kip breaks his will in a bout.

Green, Jerrosh:
  Along with Dervani Malargos, he is one of the best green drafters in the Omnichrome’s army, and a Blood Robe.

Greenveil, Arys:
  The Sub-red on the Spectrum. A Blood Forester, she is a cousin of Jia Tolver, and her sister is Ana Jorvis’s mother, Ela. Her parents were killed in the war by Lunna Green’s brothers. She has twelve children by twelve different men.

Greyling, Gavin:
  A new Blackguard. He is brother to Gill Greyling, named after Gavin Guile. He is the handsomer of the two brothers.

Greyling, Gill:
  A new Blackguard. He is elder brother to Gavin Greyling, and he is the more intelligent of the two.

  Andross Guile’s chief slave and right hand. He is barely a drafter, but Andross pulled strings to get him into training for the Blackguard, where he made friends and learned secrets. He made it all the way through Blackguard training, and on oath day decided to sign with Lord Guile instead, a betrayal the Blackguards remember.

Guile, Andross:
  Father of Gavin, Dazen, and Sevastian Guile. He drafts yellow through sub-red, although he is primarily known for drafting red, as that is his position on the Spectrum. He took a place on the Spectrum despite being from Blood Forest, which already had a representative, by claiming that his few lands in Ruthgar qualified him for the seat.

Guile, Darien:
  Andross Guile’s great-grandfather. He was married to Zee Oakenshield’s daughter as a resolution to their war.

Guile, Dazen:
  Younger brother of Gavin. He fell in love with Karris White Oak and triggered the False Prism’s War when “he” burned down her family compound, killing everyone within.

Guile, Draccos:
  Andross Guile’s father.

Guile, Felia:
  Married to Andross Guile. The mother of Gavin and Dazen, a cousin of the Atashian royal family, she is an orange drafter. Her mother was courted by Ulbear Rathcore before he met Orea Pullawr.

Guile, Gavin:
  The Prism. Two years older than Dazen, he was appointed at age thirteen.

Guile, Kip:
  The illegitimate Tyrean son of Gavin Guile and Katalina Delauria. He is a superchromat and a full-spectrum polychrome.

Guile, Sevastian:
  The youngest Guile brother. He was murdered by a blue wight when Gavin was thirteen and Dazen was eleven.

  An Ilytian pirate. His first underdeck command was as cannoneer on the
Aved Barayah
. He later became a captain.

Ham-haldita, Kata:
  Corregidor of Idoss, the Atashian satrap’s son.

Harl, Pan:
  A Blackguard scrub. His ancestors were slaves for the last eight of ten generations.

Helel, Mistress:
  She masqueraded as a teacher in the Chromeria and tried to murder Kip.

  A magister at the Chromeria who teaches a class on luxin construction.

  A Blackguard whose mother commanded a pirate hunter in the Narrows. He can shoot cannons fairly accurately.

  A deceased Blackguard. His son is Cruxer and his widow is Inana, another Blackguard.

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